Import cd into iPhoto?

How to import cd into iphoto?

Presumably a photo CD?
Copt the contents to your desktop and import from there.

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  • HT2488 I imported pictures into iPhoto from my iPhone, when trying to find my pictures by clicking on iPhoto Library it is always empty. I had to create a new folder and copy the same exact pics in the new folder just to be able to access them.. help plea

    I imported photos into iPhoto from my iPhone, however i cannot access them. When clicking on iPhoto Library where they should be stored the folder is blank but if i open up iphoto from the dock menu they appear. I had to create a new folder just to access them. help please, because making a new folder takes up unnecessary space.

    There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto:   You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Command-Click for selecting multiple pics.
    (Note the above illustration is not a Finder Window. It's the dialogue you get when you go File -> Open)
    You can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    There's a similar option in Outlook and many, many other apps.  If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto.
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    If you want to access the files with iPhoto not running:
    For users of 10.6 and later:  You can download a free Services component from MacOSXAutomation  which will give you access to the iPhoto Library from your Services Menu.
    Using the Services Preference Pane you can even create a keyboard shortcut for it.
    For Users of 10.4 and 10.5 Create a Media Browser using Automator (takes about 10 seconds) or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser
    Other options include:
    Drag and Drop: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    File -> Export: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
    Show File:  a. On iPhoto 09 and earlier:  Right- (or Control-) Click on a pic and in the resulting dialogue choose 'Show File'. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.    3.b.
    b: On iPhoto 11 and later: Select one of the affected photos in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Reveal in Finder -> Original. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.

  • I am getting the following error message when I try to import photos into iPhoto from my camera: "/private/var/folders/GB/GBl4wh8-ELqUVMI5dO-ryU   TI/-Tmp-/iPhoto/DSCF2033.JPG".  Have already tried removing and reinstalling iPhoto to no avail.

    I am getting the following error message when I try to import photos into iPhoto from my camera: "/private/var/folders/GB/GBl4wh8-ELqUVMI5dO-ryU   TI/-Tmp-/iPhoto/DSCF2033.JPG".  Have already tried removing and reinstalling iPhoto to no avail.

    Does this happen if you try to Import to Library within iPhoto, or is it when you connect your camera (and which is set to automatically use iPhoto) that this error message occurs?
    If you open Image Capture > Preferences is iPhoto selected as the choice when a camera is connected?

  • I have moved my iPhoto to an external hard drive. so now I have to have the external hard drive connected to my laptop to view the photos.  Now when I want to import photos into iPhoto from my media card, I don't have room to connect both devices.

    I have moved my iPhoto to an external hard drive. so now I have to have the external hard drive connected to my laptop to view the photos.  Now when I want to import photos into iPhoto from my media card, I don't have room to connect both devices at the same time as the usb ports are side by side.  How do I import my photos from the media card to the external hard drive now?

    First transfer the photos to a folder on your MacBook using Image Capture in your Utilities folder. Then move them to iPhoto.
    BTW, you might want to invest in a cheap USB hub.

  • I edit my photos in Photoshop, save as jpeg then import back into iPhoto.  But if I add text to an image in Photoshop can't save as jpeg but as psd. Is there any way I can change to jpeg in iPhoto?

    I edit my RAW photos in Photoschop CS3, save as jpeg then import back into iPhoto 11.  If I add text in Photoshop I can't save as jpeg but as psd.  Is there any way I can change to jpeg in iPhoto?

    Terence Devlin wrote:
    Yes you can. But you need to flatten it as jpeg doesn't support layers.
    While the final JPEG can't have layers, it is not necessary to flatten the original Photoshop file to create a JPEG. There are two ways to make a JPEG while not losing the flexibility of preserving layers, and they both flatten on the fly while saving.
    I just tried this in Photoshop CS3 myself. When I add a text layer, and choose Save, the Save As dialog box comes up and defaults to PSD as was described. But... that is just the default! Go ahead and choose JPEG from the Format pop-up menu down below the file list. JPEG is in there. So what happens to the layers? Notice when you choose JPEG, the Layers box grays out and the "As A Copy" box grays out and is checked (i.e. you cannot uncheck it). What is going on here is Photoshop will gladly make a JPEG of your layered file, but it will force the JPEG to be a copy, so as to not overwrite the original layered file. This is good, because your Photoshop file with its editable text layer is preserved, and you get a JPEG copy to put in iPhoto.
    The second way is, instead of doing Save or Save As, choose File/Save for Web and Devices. This will also give you a JPEG choice, and also create an exported copy. Because this way makes files for the Web, they will be smaller than JPEGs from Save As because they will lack built-in previews (which you don't really need these days) and other extra metadata that take up space.
    Either way you get a JPEG you can toss back into iPhoto.
    Terence Devlin wrote:
    Only by exporting.
    The Export menu in Photoshop CS3 does not have any direct choices for JPEG.

  • Hi, I was importing pictures into iPhoto from my sd card and suddenly iPhoto quit.  Now it just won't open.  When I click on the iphoto icon in the dock, nothing happens!  Does anyone have a solution to this problem please?

    Hi, I was importing pictures into iPhoto from my sd card and suddenly iPhoto quit.  Now it just won't open.  When I click on the iphoto icon in the dock, nothing happens!  Does anyone have a solution to this problem please?

    As a test launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and create a new, test library.  Import some photos and test to see if the same problem persists. Does it?
    If it does then your current library has been damaged and should be repaired: apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Since only one option can be run at a time start
    with Option #4 and then #1 as needed.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments.  However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

  • Can't import photos into iPhoto

    I have a Sony DSC W5 digital camera. For five years I have been able to import photos from the Sony camera into iPhoto. In the last two days I can no longer import photos into iPhoto. I get an "unrecognizable file" prompt. I can drag the photo files onto the Finder and view them there. The photo on the Finder has a .jpg suffix just as all the other photos in iPhoto. Anybody got an idea on how to solve this problem? Thank you.

    get the photos off of the card and reformat the card using the camera format command
    Can you import the photos from disk once you have moved them from the camera to the disk? If not try opening one preview and saving as to create a new file and import that

  • Question about import photos into iphoto/aperture

    I have my own folder of photos in my hard drive. If I want to import them into iphoto/aperture, will all the photos be dupilicated on my hard drive?
    If yes, this will use double of my hard drive space, it's not a good thing, right?

    There are a couple of ways to answer this.
    1. Yes... and no... and no
    By default iPhoto copies the files into the iPhoto Library when importing. This is called a Managed Library  If you work in the default setting then your "own folder of photos" is pointless and you can trash it.
    You can set iPhoto to simply reference the files - that is not copy them. However, I strongly urge you not to do this, especially if you're new to Mac and/or iPhoto. For more on this:
    In the case of Aperture there are less pitfalls running a Referenced Library. You can also run Managed Library with it.
    In any case, with either app, if you go the Managed route then the idea is to trash your own filing system. It becomes pointless.
    More importantly, if you use either iPhoto or Aperture then you never access the files in those folders anyway. Anything and everything you want or need to do via your Photos is done via the Manger - i.e. iPhoto or Aperture. These apps quite replace the Finder for the task.

  • When you import photos into iphoto, is a copy also saved on hard drive?

    I photographed a wedding a couple months ago, and had all my photos edited, just needed to burn them to discs for the couple. Well when I opened up my iphoto (08 version I believe, also I'm running OSX 10.5.8 if it helps.) a few weeks ago to export them to a CD it had dumped all of my photos from the library, I had to search and search to find them on the drive. When I found them and imported them into Iphoto (here lies my big problem) nearly every one of them is thumbnail size. I've tried everything I know of, I tried resizing them and exporting them under a different file name, Nope. The worst part is it has replaced itself on the HD so that now both the iphoto and the HD copy are thumbnail sized. Some of them are still full size, but not all of them. Any ideas on what to do?

    The Original photos would be inside the iPhoto Library in the Originals folder.

  • Import image into iPhoto

    Hi, I'm trying to assign a folder action to a folder I drop random stuff into. I want to sort out images, and import them into iPhoto, then delete the file.
    I'm by no means a good programmer, I've tried to put this together with help from random scripts I've found search for this. I'd like to know if anyone could tell me what's wrong with the script:
    Here it is:
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
    if the name of aFile contains {".jpg"} ¬
    or the name of aFile contains {".gif"} ¬
    or the name of aFile contains {".png"} ¬
    or the name of aFile contains {".pict"} ¬
    or the name of aFile contains {".tiff"} ¬
    or the name of aFile contains {".gif"} ¬
    or the name of aFile contains {".psd"} ¬
    or the name of aFile contains {".bmp"} then
    tell application "iPhoto"
    import from added_items to (the first album whose name is "New images")
    delay 5
    select (the first album whose name is "New images")
    end tell
    tell application "Finder" to delete added_items
    end if
    end adding folder items to

    property tAlbum : "New images" -- Destination 'iPhoto' album.
    property gList : {"bmp", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "pict", "png", "psd", "tif", "tiff"} -- List of graphic file extension. Note: Removed unwanted additions.
    on adding folder items to tFolder after receiving tItems -- Obtain name of folder and items droppped onto folder.
    repeat with i in tItems -- Cycle through the added items.
    try -- Capture, and ignore, any AppleScript error(s).
    -- When individual items' 'name extension' matches an item in 'dList' then import into 'iPhoto'. Into the first 'New images' album.
    if (gList contains (name extension of (info for i))) then
    tell application "iPhoto" to import from i to (first album whose name is tAlbum) -- Import 'i' into 'iPhoto's 'tAlbum'
    delay 2.0 -- Wait two (2) seconds.
    end if
    end try
    end repeat
    try -- Capture, and ignore, any AppleScript error(s).
    tell application "Finder" to delete tItems -- Delete recently dragged items
    end try
    tell application "iPhoto"
    activate -- 'iPhoto' is front most process.
    select (first album whose name is tAlbum) -- Display contents of first 'tAlbum' album.
    end tell
    end adding folder items to

  • Best way to import photos into iPhoto from apeture

    I imported all my photos from iPhoto to apeture a while back, and after using it for a year, have decided its not for me.
    Now I want to import them all back into iPhoto from apeture, with preserved events (projects in apeture), metadata and quality.
    Can anyone provide a step by step guide to do this easily and efficiently?
    Many thanks in advance

    he only communication between the two is as follows:
    Aperture is able to parse the iPhoto Library to allow it to import the contents while stacking the Originals and Modified versions, preserving metadata and so forth.
    Aperture can share its Previews with the iLife apps, including iPhoto.
    That's it.
    So, specifically, what interaction there is between the two is designed to facilitate migration from iPhoto to the more powerful app. After that, iPhoto has exactly the same relationship to the Aperture Library as, say, Pages or iMovie.
    iPhoto has no knowledge of, and knows nothing of how the Aperture Library works. It cannot read the Aperture library.
    1. Export all your Masters
    2. Export all your Versions
    You can write the metadata to the files on export - check out the Export presets. Note that you cannot export Faces. There is no convention for sharing Faces. The best you can do is use Faces as a basis for keywording.
    Import them into iPhoto. Note that there is no way to associate the masters with the versions in iPhoto, so you'll have apparent duplicates.

  • Importing jpg into iPhoto

    I just get my mac mini and have never used mac before. The problem I am having is I transfered all my pictures form my xp box which are in jpg format but I can't import them into iPhoto. It says they are in invalid format or something to that effect. Any ideas Thanks

    --First thing to know and remember is this...Do not drag any images, folder of images into the iPhoto Library in the Finder. Images have to be imported into iPhoto within the application. Do not scan images and save them into the iPhoto Library folder in the Finder. Save them to another location such as the Pictures folder or even the desktop. You can then import them into iPhoto.
    --You have a folder of images on your hard drive and want to import them into iPhoto. Drag the folder of images into an open iPhoto Library window and the folder of photos will be copied into the library, resulting in a new roll with the name of the folder. You now have two copies of those photos, the ones in iPhoto's database and the ones on your desktop. You can keep the ones on your desktop that you just imported as backup or you can delete that folder.
    -- you scan a picture/pictures and save it in a folder. You cannot scan directly into iPhoto or the iPhoto Library folder in the Finder.
    You want all your photos in iPhoto so you import them into iPhoto.
    Now you have two copies of that picture/pictures, so you can delete the originals that were in the scanned folder and keep the one/ones that were imported into iPhoto.
    -- You download pictures from your camera into iPhoto.
    There is now one copy of each of the pictures.
    You want to change something about a picture you imported, such as
    cropping it or changing the size, or changing the orientation.
    Once you do that to a picture, you now have two copies of the picture
    in iPhoto, the original and the edited one. The edited one will be in the library organize view. The original is packed away in an Original folder in your iPhoto Library folder under the date of the roll. You can always revert to the original by control clicking on the photo and choose "revert to orginal" You will not have this choice if you used iPhoto Diet to get rid of the Originals.
    (a quick note on cropping within iPhoto...when you are in edit mode, you automatically will be in the crop mode with cross hairs to highlight the crop area. To finish cropping you must click the crop button and then go back to library view and your cropped picture will be there.
    3.You want to use Photoshop or another graphic program to edit a picture in your iPhoto library.
    You can open up prefs for iPhoto and choose "when double clicking on
    photo" choose "other" and select Photoshop. Now you can edit all
    pictures in your iPhoto library in PhotoShop by double clicking. If you save the photo with the same name and as a flattened file it will be saved right into iPhoto and you will see the changes. If you don't want to save it into iPhoto then do a "save as" and save to the desktop. You will then have the original photo still in iPhoto and your new edited photo on the desktop.
    Or, with iPhoto open, you can drag a picture from the library window
    to your desktop (you see a + sign on the pic you are dragging). You now
    have two of the same picture, one in the iPhoto library and one on your desktop. You can open up the one on your desktop in any graphic program and work on it. The one in iPhoto stays the same. You can also share/export the picture/pictures to your desktop or folder to work on them or do batch processing, etc. You will still have the originals in your iPhoto Library.
    Or, you can open up the ~/Pictures/iPhoto Library/folders and option drag any
    picture out of the folder to your desktop. Notice that you will see a plus sign while dragging the photo. This is copying the file to your desktop
    I would advise anyone not to do this as they might forget to use the option key and drag the photo out. Next time you open iPhoto the photo will be missing.
    Two Apple kbs for you to read
    Don't tamper with files in the iPhoto library folder

  • I took a 15 minute video clip on my phone and now I can't import it into iphoto.  I've been able to import clips to iphoto in the past.  How do I fix this?  How can I get it imported onto my MacBook and ultimately iMovie?

    I took a 15 minute video clip on my phone and now I can't import it into iphoto.  I've been able to import clips to iphoto in the past.  How do I fix this?  How can I get it imported onto my MacBook and ultimately iMovie?

    Maybe try one of the WiFi transfer Apps?  There are several to choose from. I use Photosynch quite often to send photos and videos between my computer(s), my iPhone, and iPad.

  • My MacBook Pro will not allow me to shut down it says it is still importing photos into iPhoto it also will not quit

    My MacBook Pro will not allow me to shut down my computer.  Their seems to be a glitch in the iPhotos.  It says it is still importing photos into iPhoto.  It will not allow me to quit either.

    You could always hold down the power button to force the MacBook to turn off. This is usually a last resort step though, but if nothing else is working and you are sure it isn't importing photos then you might consider it.

  • Importing photos into iPhoto 9 already geotagged in Picasa 3.5

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    The Goetagging in Picasa seems (to me) to be easier to use (close integration with Google Earth, but the look and feel of the iPhoto app, slideshows and printing options are far better in iPhoto. (just my personal opinion - maybe not shared by all!)
    Are the photos tagged by Picasa in such a way that the lat/long info is embedded in the file and readable by iPhoto?

    I have no idea if Picassa "properly" tags the photos or not (i.e. puts the data into the photo's exif). I guess you could simply tag on then add it to iPhoto and see if the location sticks.
    But as an aside, I use Graphic Converter (CG) to, among a number of tasks, Geotag my photos before I add them to iPhoto. GeoTagging can be done with a GPS data log file or you can also Geotag them using Google Earth, which you may prefer. CG definitely tags them correctly and when I later add them to iPhoto the locations are correct.

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    There must be compatible with Quicktime formats:
    Media formats supported by QuickTime Player
    If you can open the movies with Quicktime, save or export within the app to a compatible format. Otherwise you'll have to use another 3r party software to convert those movies, or use another player to view the movies without converting them, but does will not fix your issue with iPhoto.

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