Import from Excel to Database Begin Code, No Error

-- create a new document
app := CLIENT_OLE2.CREATE_OBJ('Word.Application');
docs := CLIENT_OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(app, 'Documents');
doc := CLIENT_OLE2.INVOKE_OBJ(docs, 'add');
selection := CLIENT_OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(app, 'Selection');
-- insert data into new document from long item
-- save document as example.doc
CLIENT_OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 'c:\example.doc');
CLIENT_OLE2.INVOKE(doc, 'SaveAs', args);
-- close example.doc
CLIENT_OLE2.INVOKE(doc, 'Close', args);
-- exit MSWord
I am trying this code, but nothing happened, even not an error raised.
I know webutil is working because we can read data from a text file to database with Text_IO.
I use
Forms [32 Bit] VERSİON (Production)
Oracle 10g database.
I add webutil correctly in forms, I see excel.pll libraries in the forums, do I need to add something like it?
Any tips will be great..

The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" has not been registered.
You have to install the ACE Provider first, it's non of the OS integrated Provider. You can download it here:
Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable
Olaf Helper
[ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]
I had it installed, restarted the machine an used the following code, but getting the same error message
'Excel 14.0 Xml;HDR=YES;Database=C:\testData.xls',
'SELECT * FROM [Emoployees$]');
shouldnt it be Excel 12.0 ?
see posted link
Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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  • Import from Excel to SQL (in code)

    I need to import data from an Excel file (2010) into my SQL database.
    These are my current driver setting
    Microsoft Excel Driver 6.01
    Microsoft Excel Driver 14.00
    Microsoft Excel-Treiber 6.01
    I'm trying to execute the code below, but having no luck in getting it work.
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.6.0',
    'Excel 14.0 Xml;HDR=YES;Database=C:\temp\testData.xlsx',
    'SELECT * FROM [Emoployees$]');
    Msg 7403, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.6.0" has not been registered.

    The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" has not been registered.
    You have to install the ACE Provider first, it's non of the OS integrated Provider. You can download it here:
    Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]
    I had it installed, restarted the machine an used the following code, but getting the same error message
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
    'Excel 14.0 Xml;HDR=YES;Database=C:\testData.xls',
    'SELECT * FROM [Emoployees$]');
    shouldnt it be Excel 12.0 ?
    see posted link
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Upload data from excel into database through pl/sql

    Hi All,
    I have excel which contains data lets say employee details,
    I have one upload button ,which is used to upload excel and then i want to map the cell of excel to the database column and through plsql code i want to upload the excel data into database.
    In short ,i want to upload the data from excel into database using plsql code,
    or suggest me any other way to do this.(except the data load method present in apex)

    if you use APEX 4 you can define you own table
    the code below is for APEX 3
    PROCEDURE pro_carga_planilla_prosp( p_archivo VARCHAR2) IS
    v_blob_data BLOB;
    v_blob_len NUMBER;
    v_position NUMBER;
    v_raw_chunk RAW(10000);
    v_char CHAR(1);
    c_chunk_len number := 1;
    v_line VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
    v_data_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    v_rows number;
    v_sr_no number := 1;
    v_ok boolean := true;
    v_local_ok BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    v_reg_ok NUMBER := 0;
    v_reg_ko NUMBER := 0;
    v_localidad_id NUMBER;
    v_departamento_id NUMBER;
    v_cargo_id NUMBER;
    v_prospecto_id NUMBER;
    v_asesor_id NUMBER;
    V_REG prospectos%rowtype;
    -- Read data from wwv_flow_files</span>
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files
    where name= p_archivo;
    v_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data);
    v_position := 1;
    -- Read and convert binary to char</span>
    WHILE ( v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP
    v_raw_chunk := dbms_lob.substr(v_blob_data,c_chunk_len,v_position);
    v_char := chr(hex_to_decimal(rawtohex(v_raw_chunk)));
    v_line := v_line || v_char;
    -- pro_log('linea '||v_line);
    v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
    -- When a whole line is retrieved </span>
    IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
    -- Convert comma to : to use wwv_flow_utilities </span>
    v_line := replace(REPLACE (v_line, ',', ':'), ';',':');
    v_line := replace(replace(v_line, chr(10)),chr(13));
    if substr(v_line,1,1)= ':' then
    v_line := '0'||v_line;
    end if;
    if instr(v_line,':',1,21) = 0 then
    if instr(v_line,':',1,20) = 0 then
    end if;
    end if;
    -- pro_log(v_line);
    -- Convert each column separated by : into array of data </span>
    v_data_array := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (v_line);
    -- Insert data into target table </span>
    IF v_data_array(1) IS NOT NULL AND
    v_sr_no <> 1 THEN
    V_REG.DIRECCION := v_data_array(4)||' '||v_data_array(5);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1 ' ||v_sr_no);
    v_localidad_id := pack_empresas.get_localidad(v_data_array(6));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.1 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.2 '||v_sr_no);
    V_REG.CODIGO_POSTAL:=LTRIM(RTRIM(v_data_array(7)) );
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.3 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.1 '||v_sr_no);
    v_departamento_id := pack_empresas.get_departamento(v_data_array(8));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.4 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.5 '||v_sr_no);
    --PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.6 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.7 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.8 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.9 '||v_sr_no);
    -- pro_log(v_data_array(1));
    -- pro_log(v_data_array(2));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.10 '||v_sr_no);
    -- pro_log(v_data_array(14));
    --PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.11 '||v_sr_no);
    -- pro_log(V_REG.MAIL);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.12 '||v_sr_no);
    -- v_data_array(20):= replace(replace(v_data_array(20),chr(10)),chr(13));
    if not v_data_array.exists(20) then
    -- pro_log('existe');
    -- pro_log(ltrim(rtrim(replace(replace(v_data_array(20),chr(10)),chr(13)))));
    V_REG.Proveedor:= ltrim(rtrim(replace(replace(v_data_array(20),chr(10)),chr(13))));
    end if;
    -- V_REG.PROVEEDOR:=v_data_array(20);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.13 '||v_sr_no);
    if not v_data_array.exists(21) then
    end if;
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.14 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.2 '||v_sr_no);
    insert into prospectos (nombre,razon_social, direccion,localidad_id,codigo_postal,
    departamento_id, telefono, telefono2, rubro,ruc,cantidad_empleados,
    values (nvl(ltrim(rtrim(v_data_array(2))),v_data_array(3)), v_data_array(3),
    v_data_array(4)||' '||v_data_array(5),
    v_localidad_id, LTRIM(RTRIM(v_data_array(7))),v_departamento_id, v_data_array(9),
    v_data_array(10),v_data_array(11), ltrim(rtrim(v_data_array(12))), RTRIM(LTRIM(v_data_array(13))),
    RTRIM(LTRIM(v_data_array(14))),v_data_array(19),v_data_array(20), v_data_array(21))
    returning prospecto_id INTO v_prospecto_id;
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 2');
    v_cargo_id := pack_empresas.get_cargo(v_data_array(17));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 3');
    insert into prospecto_contactos (prospecto_id,nombre,apellido,cargo_id,
    values (v_prospecto_id, nvl(v_data_array(15),'S/N'), nvl(v_data_array(16),'S/A'),
    v_cargo_id, v_data_array(18), v_data_array(19));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 4');
    v_asesor_id := pack_empresas.get_asesor(v_data_array(1));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 5');
    insert into asignaciones (prospecto_id,asesor_id,fecha_asignacion)
    values (v_prospecto_id, v_asesor_id, trunc(sysdate));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 6');
    END IF;
    -- Clear out
    v_line := NULL;
    v_sr_no := v_sr_no + 1;
    END IF;
    delete wwv_flow_files
    where name= p_archivo;
    END pro_carga_planilla_prosp;
    function hex_to_decimal
    --this function is based on one by Connor McDonald
    ( p_hex_str in varchar2 ) return number
    v_dec number;
    v_hex varchar2(16) := '0123456789ABCDEF';
    v_dec := 0;
    for indx in 1 .. length(p_hex_str)
    v_dec := v_dec * 16 + instr(v_hex,upper(substr(p_hex_str,indx,1)))-1;
    end loop;
    return v_dec;
    end hex_to_decimal;

  • Issues with importing from excel

    I have been running into a several issues with importing from Excel.
    First my configuration
    I am running SQL Developer ver 1.5.5 Build MAIN-5969
    I am on a Windows XP Professional Version 2002 with Service Pack 3
    I am importing into an Oracle 10g database.
    1. SQL Developer doesn't work on Excel 2007, I have to save all my files into Excel 97-2003 format before I can use them.
    2. If I run into an error loading and stop the process, SQL Developer doesn't release the Excel file and I get a sharing violation if I try to save the spreadsheet without closing SQL Developer.
    3. I have found that I have to set print area to the area I want to work with, otherwise the import wizard tries to keep adding rows.
    4. When using the Import wizard, it keeps adding commas on fields with numerics unless I specify the column in excel as text. Currently the column is formatted as General in the spreadsheet or I can change the wizard format to say the column is an integer, but it actually is just a code field with numeric characters so it may have leading zeroes that I need to keep.
    This might be related,
    I have a column in excel defined as text but only contains numerics. It is of length 4, but the wizard sets a precision of 5 with a datatype of VARCHAR2. If I try to change it to 4, I get an error saying the field is not large enough. Yet, when I do a LEN on the column, it only gives me a 4. I have other fields in the same sheet that a 3 position numeric and 2 position numeric and those are fine. I am thinking this is related to the comma being inserted in a numeric field for anything greater than 3 positions.
    5. Importing excel dates to oracle dates doesn't work. I have to convert the excel date column to text then import as a VARCHAR, then convert to Date once in the database.
    6. The default of nullible is not set on any columns and I have to set them before the import. (I would prefer it set to nullible and I have to uncheck the box to make it not nullible. I would prefer to import all of the data and then deal with the nulls after they have been pulled in)
    7. When I select header columns included it uses that as the column names. Is it possible to do the name length check then? It has bit me a few times where I try to import and forget to check the name length and then I get an error when I start running the import.
    8. If one of the columns to import has all nulls, then the precision comes out to 0 and if it isn't changed an error occurs on import. Could this situation default to a precision of 1?
    9. It would be nice if there was a completion message displayed and a cancel option while running.

    On point 3.
    I have a column in excel that consists of numbers. 4 digit numeric codes. Ex, 1111, 2345, etc
    The column's format is general. It displays as just 4 numbers.
    When I start the wizard initially, the column appears with data as 1,111, 2,345, etc, on the Data Preview screen.
    It determines the precision to be 5 on the column definition screen.
    If I change the precision to 4 then continue, that field will error out when I verify with "not big enough to hold the data in source columns"
    If, I change the excel column to a TEXT column.
    Excel still displays as 1111, 2345, etc
    The wizard then displays the same data 1111, 2345 on the Data Previeiw screen
    Yet, when I get to the column definition screen it still sizes it as a 5
    If I change it to a 4, I get the same error when verifying.
    If I leave them alone as 5, then it processes just fine.

  • Error while loading the data from excel to database.

    I am using PL/SQL developer to load the data from excel to database. I will set the data source in the control panel and will proceed through ODBC importer in pl/sql developer to import the data.
    What exactly the error is when i click the filename to view the result preview it shows an error as:
    The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
    Kindly help with solution.
    Sakthivarman J.

    That error message comes from Microsoft, so something in you Excel sheet is the cause.
    Its a pain but I would check properties of each column in case Excel decided to add something, a comma for example.
    Do you have a column over 255 characters? Look there first. If any length is greater than 255 it will crash and burn.
    Or convert it to a CSV and create an external table.
    Best Regards
    Might also throw an 3163 as an error where you cannot see it.
    Edited by: mseberg on Sep 9, 2011 7:34 AM

  • Data Import from Excel - Users Logged on

    Hello all,
    I am new the forums and am learning SAP from a user and administrator perspective so please excuse if some of my questions seem obvious.  I appreciate everyone's help very help
    I have the task of setting up two new company profiles in addition to our current one.
    I am at the stage of importing Item Master and Business Partner data.
    1) What is the preferred method?  DTW vs. Import from Excel?  Is one more suitable then the other for this purpose?
    2) The help file for importing via excel states "If SAP Business One is running on a network, you have ensured that other users will be logged off the system during the import."  Could someone please explain:
    - What are the risks of running DTW or imports while users are logged in?
    - If users are logged into the live version of our company but I am testing DTW/excel imports from a TEST copy of that company are there still risks or is this okay?
    - If users are logged into one database but I am performing data imports on a different company database (for example I would be the only one logged into the companies currently being set up - is this okay even though users are logged into SAP server but accessing a different company?)
    Thanks very much!

    Hi Kiwi,
    Referring to the Rules of enagement you have to post one thread per question. Please adhere to the rules from your next post.
    DTW is the very much Preferred method you have simulation to see if you record are find to be imported before importing to the DB, using DTW Import from Excel will only help importing  BP and Item master data. If you have to make any updates then it will be a task again. In DTW you can save the template and keep adding data and changes can be updated from the template and re-imported
    Please refer to the link below to "Differences between the Import From Excel and Data Transfer Workbench templates" the screen shots for DTW are from version before 2007A SP01 PL09.
    1. When users are logged on It can cause some inconsistency, ensure no user is logged on the live DB before performing any major DTW import
    2. It will be ok if you are Test importing data to test DB on the same SQL server.
    Rakesh N

  • Data Import from Excel for Items

    I have used the data import for items, in the past , to import the prices for existing item. I am using this for the first time in SAP version 9.0. There are new fields due to the additional currencies. In an running a test with two items and two price list codes, code 1 and code 10. When I run the import gets stuck in a loop and keeps giving me errors on line 1 with invalid price code.
    I want to import two price lists Price List 1 and Price List 10. For example I want price list 1 to be $10.00 and price lit 10 to be $5.00
    In the import from excel I have the following fields
    A  Item Number
    B  Price List Code
    C  Unit Price - Primary Currency
    D  Primary Currency
    E  Unit Price - Additional Currency 1
    F  Additional Currency 1
    G  Unit Price - Additional Currency 2
    H  Additional Currency 2
    I  UoM Code
    J  Price List Code
    K  Unit Price - Primary Currency
    L  Primary Currency
    M  Unit Price - Additional Currency 1
    N  Additional Currency 1
    O  Unit Price - Additional Currency 2
    P  Additional Currency 2
    Q  UoM Code
    I am using the following columns
    A item number
    B 1
    C 10.00
    J 10
    K 5.00
    This is the way I use this function in SAP versions 2007 and 8.8
    Any suggestions

    Hi Gordon,
    I tried what you suggested, but does not work. I tried with two items, when I run the import SAP gets stuck in a loop displaying error lines. The only way to stop is to restrt SAP.
    I attched a screen shot of the error

  • Can the uses import from excel?

    Apex comes with a neat feature to import from excel. As far as I can see this is meant as a developer tool, to help migrate from excel to apex. Can this feature be provided to the users inside an application? I would like for the users to be able to insert rows into a predefined table based on their excel sheets. Similar to the import feature they should be able to just cut'n paste from excel into a text area, click next and then get a neat display of the data they are about to insert (just like in the tool->data load/unload tool).

    The following - is an example, by Vikas, for doing just what you are asking for. You can download the source code and adapt it to your specific needs.
    Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.

  • Slow in updating price lists using import from excel

    I am concerned about the slow process of updating prices in SAP using import from excel. It took me hours to complete the upload for 3700 item rows and 2 price lists. It is also slow in adding warehouses. I am not sure if the account segmentation has something to do with it but it never happened to my other databases where there is no account segmentation. Other than this, SAP is running real fast on the server.
    How could this be? Thank you and regards.

    Yes vijay, There is query params in step 2 of DTW.
    2 week before only we have updated to SAP B1 2005B PL41,
    but i'm not sure whether DTW is updated to latest version or not ?
    Current DTW version is 2005.0.15 & API version is 6.80.320.
    What is procedure to update DTW ?

  • Can someone help me change the line width of my numbers table, its not set to thin or none and its stuck on .25. its a spreadsheet i imported from excel.

    Can someone help me change the line width of my numbers table, its not set to thin or none and its stuck on pt25. its a spreadsheet i imported from excel.

    Apparently the import wasn't a good one.
    The best option at this point might be to start a new table. Insert a new Table, Copy the old table cell range, select the first cell in the new table and Edit > Paste and Match Style. This will throw out all the old formatting. A bit of work, but a nice clean start.

  • Error Message in Data IMport from Excel

    Hi All
    Please can you help - I am trying to import some BP data using the option in the menu Administration - Data Import/Export - Data Import from Excel.
    I have created my import file as a text file and provided the relevant mappings. Having located my text file, I then get the following error message:
    Row Number 1:Internal error (-2007) occurred.
    Has anyone got any ideas as to what this means I've done wrong?

    Kindly refer to note 1296487 below:
    In attempt to import a Business Partner from an Excel file to SAP
    Business One, the following error messages are displayed and the
    Business Partner is not imported:
        o  When there are no House Banks in the company, the following error
           messages are displayed:
        Row Number 1: Internal error 'House Bank Accounts' occurred,
    and,0 Records imported successfully.
         o  When there are no Payment Methods in the company, the following
            error messages are displayed:
         Internal error 'Payment Methods for Payment Wizard' (OPYM)
    (-2007) occurred, and, 0 Records imported successfully.
         o  When Payment Methods and House Bank are defined in the company,
            the following error messages are displayed:
         Row Number 1: Internal error (-2007) occurred, and,
         0 Records imported successfully.
    Other terms
    DB, export, BP
    Reason and Prerequisites
    Application error
    SAP intends to provide patches in order to solve described problem.
    The section Reference to related Notes below will list the specific
    Patches when available.
    The corresponding Info file of Patches on SAP Service Marketplace will
    show the correction / SAP Note number also.
    Be aware that these references can only be set at Patch release date.
    SAP will deliver Patches only for selected Releases at its own
    discretion, based on the business impact and the complexity of the
    If it is your case, We would like to inform you that we plan to fix the problem you raised,
    in patch 05 for SAP Business One 2007 A FP01 / SP01 Release.
    For SAP Business One Patch Delivery Schedule please look at:
    Best regards,

  • SQL Developer: import from Excel bug

    SQL Developer Build MAIN 25.79
    This is a test for import from Excel.
    Test table:
    create table bla
    (x number null,
    y varchar2(1) null);
    Excel data:
    x y
    1 a
    2 b
    SQL Deveoper generates:
    Error at line 3:insert into BLA (X,Y) VALUES(3,'NULL')
    IMPORT into table BLAcomplete
    Inserted 2rows.
    Failed to insert 1rows.
    SQL Error:ORA-12899: value too large for column "BCRCEK"."BLA"."Y" (actual: 4, maximum: 1)
    I think there is a bug, because there must be generated NULL without apostrophe.
    insert into BLA (X,Y) VALUES(3,NULL);

    Hi Barry,
       That's[b] GREAT NEWS !!!.
       So, i just update current release to ?
    Thanks for the great work.
      Oops !!! Am already using, same as bcrcek above. So need to wait for Patch Release ?
    Message was edited by:

  • Need sql query to import from excel sheet

    Hey , i need sql query to import from excel sheet.
    i work in a company where i need to daily update the data from excel sheet.
    if i get a shortcut method i ill be very thank full to you guys to reduce my work upto 10 %.

    any query which can inert from excel file?
    Sort of. Certainly not anything as simple as what you seem to hope for. Check out this very good PHP class:
    PHPExcel - Home

  • Import from Excel to Project - blanks cells are having dates automatically added

    Hi. I'm very new to Project but have started setting up a Roadmap using it which is working fairly well so far, although have hit one snag.
    I have data in Excel: it is a list of projects with 4 columns containing the dates of various stages (planning, initiate, execute, close). I have created a reusable map so this can be imported into Project and the Gantt chart to show pre-defined markers
    on the timeline for each stage on each project row. All well and good so far.
    However, not all of the projects in Excel have all of their dates defined. E.g. a project might not yet have a close date. But when this is imported into Project a date gets applied for it. I have no idea why!
    How do i get the import into Project to allow any blank cells from Excel to remain as blank so that nothing is plotted on the Gantt chart for that particular section?

    Thanks for both of your replies. I have tried this and the same issue occurs. I have checked each row in the imported Project data and they are all showing as set to 'manually selected' yet at some point in the import Project is adding data to blank cells.
    I have retried using a simple test excel sheet and when this too is mapped into Project, any blank cells get populated with the date that appeared in the preceding row for some reason:
    I can then go through and manually delete this cell in Project (which then replaces it with an "NA") - but if i have to manually do this whenever importing from Excel into Project then it makes it very time consuming.
    Surely there must be a way for Project to not auto-populate blank cells? Or am i missing something fundamental?

  • Import from Excel not escaping quote (')

    I'm having problems with text fields in an Excel spreadsheet that contain single quotes (') not being escaped when the insert commands are built using the Import from Excel wizard.
    It's pretty much the same problem as that described in the post below (but for importing Excel spreadsheets):
    <Re: DDL in the SQL tab does not escape apostrophes
    WinXP SP2
    Excel 2003
    Any chance of getting this fixed?

    OK, so have updated to
    and still see problem when importing from Excel.
    The generated SQL looks like this:
    insert into INV_CONTAINERS (CONTAINER_NAME) VALUES('Tetramethylethylenediamine, N,N,N',N'-');
    That's supposed to be just one item in the VALUES term.
    Is there another way to do this? If not, how do I lodge this as a bug?

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