Import Hangs or Slow

Hi All,
Using Oracle on hp-ux 11.23
DB size is 20G
When I try to import from a production schema to a test schema, the import progress.
Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/USER
ORA-31684: Object type USER:"V_TEMP" already exists
Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/ROLE_GRANT
Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/DEFAULT_ROLE
Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLEMy script -
PS1='$PWD # '
/orabin/oracle/product/10.1.0/bin/impdp system/orcl@test remap_schema=PROD_1:VTEMP remap_tablespace=PROD_tbs1:VTEMPTBS,PRODITBS1:VTEMPITBS1 table_exists_action=REPLACE directory=datadir1 dumpfile=datadir1:expdp_prod.dmp logfile=datadir1:`date '+impdp_prod_temp_%d%m%y_%H%M'`.log exclude=statisticsRecently had to kill the session;
When I check the status of the orphaned jobs;
SYSTEM     SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01   IMPORT      FULL        NOT RUNNING                 0
SYSTEM     SYS_IMPORT_FULL_02   IMPORT      FULL        EXECUTING                   0
SYSTEM     SYS_IMPORT_FULL_03   IMPORT      FULL        EXECUTING                   0
VALID      288398 TABLE               SYSTEM.SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01
VALID      288425 TABLE               SYSTEM.SYS_IMPORT_FULL_02
VALID      288451 TABLE               SYSTEM.SYS_IMPORT_FULL_03Edited by: user13355115 on Aug 22, 2011 11:43 AM

Pl enable trace per this MOS Doc to determine what the cause could be
Export/Import DataPump Parameter TRACE - How to Diagnose Oracle Data Pump          [Document 286496.1]

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    Any idea why the import would hang when I choose Do not import duplicates?
    Message was edited by: BCDrums

    This feature is not great in v6 of iPhoto. It will perform better if you first move the files to a folder on the desktop and then import. You can use Image Capture to move the files.
    As to your specific query: try trash the file from the HD/Users/ Your Name / library / preferences folder. (Remember you'll need to reset your User options afterwards. These include minor settings like the window colour and so on. Note: If you've moved your library you'll need to point iPhoto at it again.)

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    Possibility #1: change-my-monitor-profile-to-check-whether-its-corrupted
    Possibility #2: you need to delete your preview cache, this is a folder whose name end with Previews.LRDATA. Do not delete the .LRCAT file in the same folder.

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    Oracle 8.1.7
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    In addition, when I want to see what's is going on, I usually execute the SQL below in order to monitory the import operation activity...
    select substr(sql_text,instr(sql_text,'INTO "'),30) table_name,
    round((sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60,1) minutes,
    trunc(rows_processed/((sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))*24*60)) rows_per_min
    from sys.v_$sqlarea
    where sql_text like 'INSERT %INTO "%' and
    command_type = 2 and open_versions > 0; Cheers

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    At this point I think you should get Applejack...
    After installing, reboot holding down CMD+s, (+s), then when the DOS like prompt shows, type in...
    applejack AUTO
    Then let it do all 6 of it's things.
    At least it'll eliminate some questions if it doesn't fix it.
    The 6 things it does are...
    Correct any Disk problems.
    Repair Permissions.
    Clear out Cache Files.
    Repair/check several plist files.
    Dump the VM files for a fresh start.
    Trash old Log files.
    First reboot will be slower, sometimes 2 or 3 restarts will be required for full benefit... my guess is files relying upon other files relying upon other files! :-)
    Disconnect the USB cable from any Uninterruptible Power Supply so the system doesn't shut down in the middle of the process.
    Then... Try putting these numbers in Network>TCP/IP>DNS Servers, for the Interface you connect with...
    Then Apply. For 10.5/10.6 Network, highlight Interface>Advanced button>DNS tab>little + icon.
    DNS Servers are a bit like Phone books where you look up a name and it gives you the phone number, in our case, you put in and it comes back with behind the scenes.  
    These Servers have been patched to guard against DNS poisoning, and are faster/more reliable than most ISP's DNS Servers.
    For 10.5/10.6 Network, highlight Interface>Advanced button>DNS tab>little + icon.

  • AME CS4 Hangs, Extremely Slow

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    I have never had a problem like this before.
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    Everything is stored on my C:/ drive.
    What I have been staring at for about an hour now.
    System Information
    Time of this report: 6/1/2011, 21:40:12
           Machine name: BRITTANY-PC
       Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr.110408-1633)
               Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: HP-Pavilion
           System Model: AV129AV-ABA p6180t
                   BIOS: BIOS Date: 08/19/09 16:38:46 Ver: 5.09
              Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q8400  @ 2.66GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
                 Memory: 6144MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 6144MB RAM
              Page File: 5956MB used, 6328MB available
            Windows Dir: C:\Windows
        DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
       User DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
        DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
         DxDiag Version: 6.01.7600.16385 32bit Unicode
    Please help!

    >Everything is stored on my C:/ drive
    Well... that is not good... you need at least two hard drives (separate drives, never a partition) with OS and software on your boot drive and video files on the 2nd drive
    My 3 hard drives are configured as... (WD = Western Digital)
    1 - 320G WD Win7 64bit Pro and all program installs
    2 - 320G WD Win7 swap file and video project files
    3 - 1T WD all video files... input & write files
    Search Microsoft to find out how to redirect your Windows swap file
    Trying to use only ONE Hard Drive for Video Editing
    You are a music conductor, with a baton that you use to point to various parts of the orchestra... this is like Windows pointing to various parts of the hard drive to do Windows housekeeping or to load program segments for various functions
    Now, at the same time and with the same hand... while still using the baton to conduct the orchestra... pick up a bow and play a fiddle... this would be doing something with your video file at the same time as all the other work
    You as a person cannot do both at the same time with the same hand
    A computer is a LITTLE better, in that it can switch from one kind of task to another very quickly... but not quickly enough for easy video editing
    You need AT LEAST two hard drives (separate drives, never a partition) with Windows (or Mac OS) and software on your boot drive, and video files on a 2nd drive so the boot drive is now slowed down by trying to do everything
    I find that the three drives I use works very well for me, for editing AVCHD video
    Depending on your exact hardware (motherboard brand & model AND USB2 enclosure brand & model AND hard drive brand & model) AND the type of video file, you may... or may NOT... be able to use an external USB2 hard drive for video editing
    Steve Grisetti in the Premiere Elements forum and Jim Simon in the Premiere Pro forum use USB externals for editing
    A USB3 hard drive connected to a motherboard with USB3 is supposed to be fast enough for video editing (I don't have such, so don't know) but eSata DOES have a fast enough data transfer for video editing... I have not used this eSata Dock... for reference only, YMMV and all the usual disclaimers t

  • ABAP IMPORT phase  is slow in ECC 6.0 installation on Solaris 10

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    I installed ECC 6.0 on Solaris 10 operating system and Oracle I installed all solaris patces and Oracle interim patches before the installation. Firstly I added only 2 parameters in /etc/system file. This parameters like this: "set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=0xffffffffffffffff" ,"set rlim_fd_cur=8192". Then I started the installation. When the system check the parameters I have medium warning about set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=0xffffffffffffffff .After that I didn't restart the solaris machine and recheck the parameters.After I removed this parameter I didn't have any warning and I started the installation. Everything was ok. I don't have any error about installation. The processes are continueing but now ABAP import is very very slow. Only 5 processes finished  from 38 in ABAP IMPORT phase in 14 hours. Is it normal? Why this step is very slow? What can I do to increase this step? If I add "set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=0xffffffffffffffff" again when processes is running, does this step accelerate? If I change the /etc/system  parameters do I have to restart the solaris machine? What can I do to resolve this problem?
    Best regards,

    Hi Arif
    <i>Only 5 processes finished from 38 in ABAP IMPORT phase in 14 hours. Is it normal?</i>
    No, this is not normal. As far as i know, it is possible to set a parallel degree in sapinst. Of course this needs more hardware ressources. Did you do that?
    To further diagnose your problem, you should check cpu and disk usage. It would be interesting which are the top processes running. Either your system is too slow, or some ressource is a bottleneck.

  • Import hangs for (very) large file

    Hi All,
    where importing a file that is converted to a single data column in the beffileimport script.
    So i have a flatfile with 250.000 rows but 4 data columns and i convert it to a file with 1.000.000 rows and 1 data column.
    In the inbox i can see this process takes about 12 minutes. Which is long but not a problem for us.
    After that the FDM web client ( keeps showing processing, please wait... (even after a day).
    We saw that there was no activitiy on the server so closed the web client, logged on againg and the import action was succesfull..
    So for some reason because the import step takes so long it doesn't show a success message but keeps hanging.
    Any suggestions how to solve this?
    thanks in advance,

    The only thing that I would be aware of that would cause this is inserting a timeout Registry key on the workstation as noted in the following microsoft KB. If you have this in place, remove it and reboot and then test the import again.

  • IMovie 09 import hangs

    24" iMac 2.66 intel Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM
    I've seen a few archived posts on this with no apparent solution. iMovie 09 is hanging (spinning wheel) during import from a Canon Vixia. It will import a few clips at a time just fine, but if importing more than about 4 clip it will hang.
    It's like it stopped talking to the camera. Say I choose 10 clips to import... and say it imports 4... it successfully imports the 4th file, but it doesn't negotiate with the camera to start the 5th (I can tell because the data light on the camera doesn't blink like it normally does between clips).
    The workaround I've noticed (annoying) is to import 3 or 4 clips, restart iMovie, import 4 more clips... etc, etc.
    Any help for this?

    AppleMan1958 wrote:
    You need an Intel Mac to import AVCHD clips. Are these SD clips?
    AppleMan1958: The camera "theanimaster" is referring to is a Standard Definition MPEG2 device.
    theanimaster: It seems you already have your answer - just use your MacBook. But if you must use your iMac G5, how about _MPEG Streamclip_ to perform the Camera import & iMovie for the Editing of those clips.

  • Help required - frequent hang and slow down in my MBP

    My MBP get slow down frequently with the colour circle come up and need a few minute to resume and hang again. ANd this hang seem can stop the hold machine even for Force quit and Activity Monitor
    And it seem most likely that, if I quite Safari and Mail, it will be much better.
    I have used iceclean and get below information in console
    21/05/2010 6:03:36 AM ReportCrash[112] Saved crash report for ServerScanner[102] version ??? (???) to /Users/hkpchunghk/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ServerScanner2010-05-21-060335localhost.crash
    and below is crash report
    Process: ServerScanner [102]
    Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/ServerScanner
    Identifier: ServerScanner
    Version: ??? (???)
    Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [86]
    Date/Time: 2010-05-21 06:03:32.427 +0530
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.3 (10D573)
    Report Version: 6
    Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 0
    Dyld Error Message:
    Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PlatformHardwareManagement.framework/Versions /A/PlatformHardwareManagement
    Referenced from: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ServerFoundation.framework/Versions/A/ServerF oundation
    Reason: image not found
    You help is much appreciated.

    If a reboot is clearing some of the problem, you ought to check the capacity and use of your hard disk. How full is this? Anything less than about 20% space may begin to slow things down.
    As for the Flash plugin, these do tend to slow Macs down with some sites. You might want to try Click to Flash to restrict the use. And as for CPU use, I saw 120% on a friend's MacBook Pro a couple of days back: too many Facebook games running at the same time.

  • Problem after importing - now EVERYTHING slow!

    I recently made my first iMovie and burned to DVD with no problems. It was great! I am now trying to import video for a new project but it is not so smooth.
    It seems to import OK, but when the letterboxing gets almost through it seems to stall. I end up having to quit and trash the project to start again but then my computer runs extremely slow for a very long time then seems to eventually come back to normal.
    Here are some issues:
    -I still have the old project on my hard drive, so I know it is taking a lot of space. But it was not slowing anything before starting a new project.
    -the clip on which the letterboxing seems to stall is a long one. Could this be a problem?
    -I've tried a few times to bring this movie in, each time trying smaller chunks so that it does not take too much space but it does not change anything.
    -Why, even after trashing the new project, is my computer so slow? It takes several minutes perform any task and sometimes just goes to a blue screen.
    I am using iMovie HD 5 and I have the version of the iMAC prior to the built-in iSight and INTEL processors.
    Sorry this is long-winded and thanks for any help/advice!!!

    Welcome to the forum.
    What is a pre-defined help file? Do you simply mean someone
    else created the project? You also say you you imported the files
    but it's not clear why. Maybe that does not matter, I mention it in
    case the next bit is not the problem as then I will need to know
    It should be as simple as double clicking the drop-down
    hotspot. Does nothing happen if you do that? The text should be
    above the ordinary text when you look at the HTML.

  • Motion in FCPX - click lag, hanging, tortuously slow rendering

    Hello Colleagues,
    I have 2 iMacs of different generations, both up-to-spec and up-to-date on OS, FCP, and Motion.
    I am experiencing very poor performance when using Motion "generator" graphics: lag, hanging, slow renders, and sometimes even crashing.
    I have verified folder permissions, verified fonts, eliminated all converted events/libraries from pre-10.1 - pretty much everything except uninstalling, trashing prefs, and reinstalling fresh.
    Still, FCP seems to be FIGHTING ITSELF, with iStat showing that more than half of CPU effort is being used by "system" instead of "user" at any given moment (when Motion assets are present and enabled).
    The performance is far poorer than it ever was on FCP7 with Motion 4, and it is far worse than FCP10.0.x with Motion 5 (one of my machines was previously used with FCP7, however, the newer one has been FCPX since its unboxing day in early 2013).
    Does anyone have any suggestions for the next step in troubleshooting this problem?
    Eric - CoralVision

    Yay it's Luis and Russ! Hello colleagues!
    Luis: I tink I posted a link to one of the troublesome assets for you, but I limped through the completion of that project by keeping the inspector closed. I still suffered lots o click-lag, spinny balls, and, at the end, an overnight render, but I got through. This was on a 90minute show choir concert that had about 12x 8 second lower 3rds, and about 3 minutes of full screen titles, rolls, and credits. All of the FCP generator assets were made by me from scratch in Motion5. The current post relates to a similar problem, but on a different machine with different assets. The current complaint is from my slightly older iMac (lower power than the new one but still quite capable when using the former versions of this software), and the generators came from Motion projects which were originally created in Motion4. So unless there is something wrong with my practice in using FCPX generators, something in common across the 4 or 5 projects where I have experienced similar problems, I think that a corrupt template is an unlikely explanation.
    Russ: I run my systems stock - that is to say that the only 3rd party plugins I have installed are the Canon EOS and XF plugins I use for ingesting media. I don't have any plugins related to MoGraph, editing, rendering, or memory management. These are custom generators that I am creating, chasing the "template" functionality I used to enjoy between Motion and FCP7. So yes, user generated custom generators - and I have had similar problems with several batches of varying complexity and varying origin.
    For now I will just have to adapt, observe, and troubleshoot. I have a sneaky feeling that I am doing something wrong in the way I am setting up the motion projects for publication, but I will surely announce it loudly if I learn anything new.
    Thanks for checking in, fellows!
    Eric D - CoralVision

  • Firefox 3.6.8 hangs/extremely slow in Win 7

    When the desktop icon is selected, Firefox is extremely slow coming up. When any icon such as help or add-ons is selected it is very slow to respond. Everything in the browser is frozen for a period of time.

    Thanks for your response.
    I have tried all the solutions from MJB's post. I have also tried Firefox in Safe Mode. Same problem. With the same add ons, I had no problems 2 versions back... the previous version had the issue of far too much memory usage, but this version 3.6.8 has the memory problem and the incessant hanging/freezing.
    fyi, my laptop is dual core, windows 7, w/ 3 gb memory.

  • DB Import is very slow on ESX

    Hi All,
    We are performing OS/DB migration from Sun/Oracle to Win/SQL server. Export took 9 hours when we perform import it is taking more than 25 hours and we are using ESX ( VMWARE), import system configuration is
    OS : Windows 2003
    DB : SQL Server
    8 CPUS
    32 GB RAM
    1.5 TB HD ( for databases)
    500GB for log files 1
    500GB for log file 2
    Importing is taking very slow and we are split export and import method.  Please help me reason for the slow performance and let know any specific configuration we have to use for sap on vmware specific to SQL Server DB.

    > - How big is your queued disk I/O? (use performance monitor to check)
    This number indicates whether you have an I/O problem (using too many R3loads in parallel). If you want to trace down performance problems you should get familiar with the Windows tools, you may need that later during production also.
    > - How many parallel processes are you running?
    >                       20
    And you make sure using migration monitor that no packages of the same table are loaded simultaneously if you have split the talbles?
    > Network team is complaining about some ESX issues are experiencing, is this effect to the performance of the DB-Import.
    I can't say since I don't know if you load the data from a network drive or locally or if the system loading the data into the database is local or remote.
    I suggest you open an OSS call, they may have a look on the system and may give you some idea. Just from a description without having actual I/O key numbers it's impossible to give any hint where to look at to speed things up.

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