Import Placeholders in Profile Manager not working

What is the trick to getting the import placeholders option to work in Profile Manager. The instructions say to format a CSV file with name, serial number, UUID, IMEI and MEID numbers all separated by commas and if you don't have a number to leave the field blank. I have the users name and MEID and have tried a couple of different formats and nothing seems to work.
test user, , , , A100001XXXXXXX
test user,  ,  ,  , A100001XXXXXXX

Yes, I have tried putting the fields in quotes like both instances you have plus a few other variations.
I did discover from the console logs that I needed a header row which after much trial and error I was able to create and stop generating that error, but even with a header row it still tells me I have no valid placeholders.
This is the header row I am using. I retrieved the field names from the logs when manually adding a place holder.
"DeviceName", "SerialNumber", "udid", "IMEI", "MEID"

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    I have mac mini working as Mountain Lion Server 10.8.2, 2.1 (upgraded from 10.7.4 Server)
    (All services are using 3rd party ssl certificates)
    previously enrolled devices are getting push changes.
    I got a new iphone 4 (service upgrade) with ios6, and when i enroll it, it gets a name: New Device in profile manager
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    Domain : MCHTTPTransactionErrorDomain
    Code   : 23001
    Type   : MCFatalError

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    Nov 14 11:30:06 srv-mac2.server.local ruby[12665] <Info>: Pruning certificate chain to 18446744073709551615
    Nov 14 11:30:06 srv-mac2.server..local ruby[12665] <Debug>: Trying to add a bogus certificate
    Nov 14 11:30:06 srv-mac2.server..local ruby[12665] <Debug>: An error occured while inserting an untrusted certificate into the chain
    So works the "lock" only with proper certificates? or is there something else not setup properly?
    (the lock function  is not imported for me but gives this error mayby more problems (now or in the future))

    the device logs gets 500 error code, you van see this in iphone configuration utility or in apple configurator.
    as follows in console:
    "US Desc: A transaction with the server at “” has failed with the status “500”.
    Domain : MCHTTPTransactionErrorDomain
    Code   : 23001
    Type   : MCFatalError

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    psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
              Is the server running locally and accepting
              connections on Unix domain socket "/Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
    Activity monitor shows it's running, also checked network utility to make sure I could get a connection through on port 5432. It's good too.
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    STDERR  | psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
                |           Is the server running locally and accepting
                |           connections on Unix domain socket "/Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
    Where do I start? I think getting psql working is a big first step....

    Thanks Tim,
    I manage several different systems so I started comparing the one that doesn't work to one that does work.
    On the one that's malfunctioning, this is a message I see often:
    Is the server running locally and accepting
              connections on Unix domain socket "/Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
    So I checked to see what's in the directory /Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL/ and got this result.
    sudo ls -la /Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL/
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x  2 _devicemgr  _devicemgr   68 Dec  4 09:31 .
    drwxr-xr-x  3 _devicemgr  _devicemgr  102 Nov 13 06:13 ..
    An Obviously empty directory.
    Now on the server that's working this is what I get.
    sudo ls -la /Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL/
    total 16
    drwxr-xr-x  6 _devicemgr  _devicemgr  204 Nov 22 17:47 .
    drwxr-xr-x  8 _devicemgr  _devicemgr  272 Nov 22 17:48 ..
    srwxrwx---  1 _devicemgr  _devicemgr    0 Dec  4 09:20 .s.PGSQL.5432
    -rw-------  1 _devicemgr  _devicemgr  139 Dec  4 09:20 .s.PGSQL.5432.lock
    srw-rw-rw-  1 _devicemgr  _devicemgr    0 Nov 22 17:47 .xpg.skt
    lrwxr-xr-x  1 _devicemgr  _devicemgr    3 Nov 22 17:47 .xpg.skt.lock -> 164
    Obviously something is missing on the one that's malfunctioning.
    I think that pgsql isn't running correctly and like you said Apple moved some things and we don't know where all of them went.
    Any suggestions anybody?

  • Profile manager not work after restore

    Dear All,
    I am facing problem on my mac mini server.
    Because my mac mini server failure before (Harddisk issue) and i use Time machine to repair the server
    after i complete the restore process and try to use profile manager to send the app to enrolled ipad .
    It doesn't work.
    anythings i should do  after restored the server in order to make it work?

    Can you look for errors in the /Library/Logs/ProfileManager/migration_tool.log file? Paste any errors you see from the date/time of the upgrade in here.
    If you see "cannot drop function dm_current_timestamp()" in the error, then the solution is posted here:
    Server 4.1 Profile Manager Migration Failed

  • Profile Manager not quite loading...

    Hi all,
    I have a question about Profile Manager not loading on a fresh install. I've got this working in the past, but don't ask me how as I don't know anymore, plus the conditions were different.
    Now when I go to or /mydevices I can't even log in and it doesn't show anything. The status bar in Safari shows that 5 out of 7 items have been loaded and when I view the source, it shows:
    <!DOCTYPE html><html>  <head>    <script>    var _SC_performanceEvents = { headStart: new Date().getTime() };    </script>        <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />    <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="default" />    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/devicemanagement/console/sproutcore/foundation/en/b74a542f762e55107620d6f19465a 4ec3258c4df/images/sproutcore-logo.png" />  <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" media="screen and (orientation:portrait)" href="/devicemanagement/console/sproutcore/foundation/en/b74a542f762e55107620d6f19465a 4ec3258c4df/images/sproutcore-startup-portrait.png" />        <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" media="screen and (orientation:landscape)" href="/devicemanagement/console/sproutcore/foundation/en/b74a542f762e55107620d6f19465a 4ec3258c4df/images/sproutcore-startup-landscape.png" />  <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />        <title>Admin</title>  <script type="text/javascript">/* >>>>>>>>>> BEGIN source/core.js */// ==========================================================================// Project:   SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework// Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors.//            Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.// License:   Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)// ==========================================================================
    /* >>>>>>>>>> BEGIN source/system/browser.js */// ==========================================================================// Project:   SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework// Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors.//            Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.// License:   Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)// ==========================================================================
    var SC = SC || { BUNDLE_INFO: {}, LAZY_INSTANTIATION: {} };
    SC.browser = (function() {  var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),      version = (userAgent.match( /.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ) || [])[1] ;
      var browser = {    version: version,    safari: (/webkit/).test( userAgent ) ? version : 0,    opera: (/opera/).test( userAgent ) ? version : 0,    msie: (/msie/).test( userAgent ) && !(/opera/).test( userAgent ) ? version : 0,    mozilla: (/mozilla/).test( userAgent ) && !(/(compatible|webkit)/).test( userAgent ) ? version : 0,    mobileSafari: (/apple.*mobile.*safari/).test(userAgent) ? version : 0,    chrome: (/chrome/).test( userAgent ) ? version : 0,    windows: !!(/(windows)/).test(userAgent),    mac: !!((/(macintosh)/).test(userAgent) || (/(mac os x)/).test(userAgent)),    language: (navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage).split('-', 1)[0]  };      browser.current = browser.msie ? 'msie' : browser.mozilla ? 'mozilla' : browser.safari ? 'safari' : browser.opera ? 'opera' : 'unknown' ;  return browser ;})();
    /* >>>>>>>>>> BEGIN source/system/bench.js */// ==========================================================================// Project:   SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework// Copyright: ©2006-2010 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors.//            Portions ©2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.// License:   Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)// ==========================================================================
    // sc_require("system/browser")if (typeof _SC_performanceEvents !== "undefined") {  SC._performanceEvents = _SC_performanceEvents;  _SC_performanceEvents = undefined;} else {  SC._performanceEvents = { headStart: new Date().getTime() };}/* >>>>>>>>>> BEGIN source/system/loader.js */// ==========================================================================// Project:   SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework// Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors.//            Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.// License:   Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)// ==========================================================================
    // sc_require("system/browser");
    SC.bundleDidLoad = function(bundle) {  var info = this.BUNDLE_INFO[bundle] ;  if (!info) info = this.BUNDLE_INFO[bundle] = {} ;  info.loaded = true ;};
    SC.bundleIsLoaded = function(bundle) {  var info = this.BUNDLE_INFO[bundle] ;  return info ? !!info.loaded : false ;};
    SC.loadBundle = function() { throw "SC.loadBundle(): SproutCore is not loaded."; };
    SC.setupBodyClassNames = function() {  var el = document.body ;  if (!el) return ;  var browser, platform, shadows, borderRad, classNames, style;  browser = SC.browser.current ;  platform = ? 'windows' : SC.browser.mac ? 'mac' : 'other-platform' ;  style =;  shadows = (style.MozBoxShadow !== undefined) ||                 (style.webkitBoxShadow !== undefined) ||                (style.oBoxShadow !== undefined) ||                (style.boxShadow !== undefined);    borderRad = (style.MozBorderRadius !== undefined) ||               (style.webkitBorderRadius !== undefined) ||              (style.oBorderRadius !== undefined) ||              (style.borderRadius !== undefined);    classNames = el.className ? el.className.split(' ') : [] ;  if(shadows) classNames.push('box-shadow');  if(borderRad) classNames.push('border-rad');  classNames.push(browser) ;  classNames.push(platform) ;  if (parseInt(SC.browser.msie,0)==7) classNames.push('ie7') ;  if (SC.browser.mobileSafari) classNames.push('mobile-safari') ;  if ('createTouch' in document) classNames.push('touch');  el.className = classNames.join(' ') ;} ;
    /* >>>>>>>>>> BEGIN bundle_loaded.js */; if ((typeof SC !== 'undefined') && SC && SC.bundleDidLoad) SC.bundleDidLoad('sproutcore/bootstrap');
         <link href="/devicemanagement/console/sproutcore/en/a8b61437c15a278078f3fffb972489104026f783 /stylesheet-packed.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />  <link href="/devicemanagement/console/apple_theme_v2/en/63cd5f0fb706373f354a879d93bb4f0dc898 b2b2/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />  <link href="/devicemanagement/console/admin/en/0803f0af1163f6efa8d9d71f0cc7179d84da0f27/styl esheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />       <script>    SC._performanceEvents['headEnd'] = new Date().getTime();    </script>  </head>      <body class="apple-theme-v2 focus">      <script>    SC._performanceEvents['bodyStart'] = new Date().getTime();    </script><script type="text/javascript">/* >>>>>>>>>> BEGIN source/setup_body_class_names.js */// ==========================================================================// Project:   SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework// Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors.//            Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.// License:   Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)// ==========================================================================
    // sc_resource('setup_body_class_names'); // publish into inline format
    if (SC.setupBodyClassNames) SC.setupBodyClassNames() ;
      <script type="text/javascript" src="/devicemanagement/console/sproutcore/en/a8b61437c15a278078f3fffb972489104026f783 /javascript-packed.js"></script>  <script type="text/javascript" src="/devicemanagement/console/apple_theme_v2/en/63cd5f0fb706373f354a879d93bb4f0dc898 b2b2/javascript.js"></script>  <script type="text/javascript" src="/devicemanagement/console/admin/en/0803f0af1163f6efa8d9d71f0cc7179d84da0f27/java script.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">String.preferredLanguage = "en";</script>
      <script>  SC._performanceEvents['bodyEnd'] = new Date().getTime();  </script> </body></html>
    ...which looks fine to me. My question is: why doesn't the page show up at all (ultimately it fails)?
    I have included a screen print of my server's below:
    Thanks in advance.

    I had multiple IP's set on my server, which randomly seemed to switch. It seems like there is an incompatibility still between Server Admin and Since Apple is pressing developers to test server admin and I am confident those problems will resolve eventually, but for now I have deleted all-but-1 IPv4 and 1 IPv6 address (same interface), the networking interface overview for my server within Server Admin was updated and it looks like it works solid now, this was not by design I presume, so this must be another bug plaguing Lion...
    After upgrading Postgres to 9.1.3 and upgrading webmail (upgrade: usr/share/webmail) from, making a new site with the files stored in /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/CustomSitesDefault/webmail/ I made a symbolic link from that 'directory' to the actual built in webmail facility found in /usr/share/webmail by entering the following in terminal.
    ln -s -i /usr/share/webmail/ /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/CustomSitesDefault/webmail/
    By doing this it will ask to remove a directory, if you didn't put any important files in there, which I presume you didn't, confirm with the letter y and press enter.
    Webmail now works every time the way I want it The same goes for Profile Manager, at least for now...

  • Users added to Profile Manager not showing up in everyone group

    So profile manager was working quite well until I made a change to the workgroup group.
    I removed the password policy from the workgroup group and added a new group for the password policy so we could essentially still manage non user assigned iOS devices.
    Now when I add a new user to the workgroup group on the server I have them login to the mydevices site so we can enroll the device and they can login but are immediately presented with:
    "You do not have permission to access the page you were looking for. Contact your system administrator."
    In troubleshooting the issue I noticed that new users being added are not showing up the in the everyone group which is preventing the users from having proper access. Prior to all this I could add a user and they would show up in everyone as intended.
    Any thoughts?

    I'm not sure if this is the same issue, but I have a user in that is not showing up in Users group. She is listed in her sub-group, but I cannot add devices to her account. When I click on the arrow next to her name in the sub-group, it takes me to the Users list to the top user.
    Any thoughts?

  • Password Manager not working with any internet browsers

    I have Thinkvantage password manager installed (v. 3.20.0311.00) on my Thinkpad X201. I am running Windows 7 professional, 64 bit. Password Manager works for all programs except IE8 or Mozilla Firefox (eg. works for Outlook, works for iTunes, etc.). When browsing, the program simply never pops up. It worked previously, and I still have many saved website login details, but it never logs in for me any more and new sites do not activate the program.
    I have made sure that the add-on is enabled and I have checked the box next to "enable 3rd party browser extensions" in the advanced tab of internet options. I have also tried resetting internet explorer settings. As mentioned above, this in not only a problem with IE8; it also occurs with Firefox.
    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Same problem here. I just recieved mine (Win 7 pro 64 bit, X201 Multitouch) last week and password manager not working at all in ANY web browser. It recorded my .net password just fine, but i can't get it to work in IE8. Who pays this kind of money for something that doesnt work?
    Fix this Lenovo!

  • Password manager not work on new Chrome

    Chrome version 29.0.1547.57m. Password Manager not working...

    We notice password manager is broken by new chrome. 
    Dev is working on fix, please wait for new release of Password Manager to fix this issue.

  • Kaspersky password manager not working on fox 5

    kaspersky password manager not working on the new firefox 5

    Kasperski has finally released a patch that works fine with Firefox 4, 5 and 6, as well as with Google Chrome!!!!
    You can download the patch at the URL [ Firefox patch for Kaspersky Password Manager]
    You must follow the entire procedure as described by the Kasperski techs... I just tried it, as I had the same problem as you, and it works fine!!!!

  • After the updating firefox 5.0 the internet download manager not working (not compatible) can you explan why?

    After the updating fire fox 5.0 the internet download manager not working (not compatible) can you explain why?

    Add-on developers need to keep up with new versions of Firefox as they are released and update their product. Have you checked with IDM to see if they have an update for you to install? Or ask them when they are going to have an update ready for 5.0.
    Another thing you could do is to install FlashGot. <br /> <br /> <br />
    The developer of Flashgot, Giorgio Maone, keeps his extensions compatible with versions of Firefox that are still in development - future release versions.

  • W7 64 BIT Password Manager not working

    Using CSS 8.3. Can use fingerprint to log into W7. But the Password Manager feature will no longer work.
    Known issue?
    I'm also dual booting with Vista 32 bit. In Vista it works fine. Could the problem be one BIOS chip since its hardware connected (I think) but 2 OS'?

    Same problem here. I just recieved mine (Win 7 pro 64 bit, X201 Multitouch) last week and password manager not working at all in ANY web browser. It recorded my .net password just fine, but i can't get it to work in IE8. Who pays this kind of money for something that doesnt work?
    Fix this Lenovo!

  • Hp file manager not working

    after updating hp slate 7voice tab from jellybean to kitkat the hp file manager not working.

    Hello, and Welcome to the HP Support Community!
    This is not HP's fault - this change was caused by Google.
    Perhaps this article can help explain how Google changed Android KitKat 4.4:
    KitKat and SD cards — what's fixed, what's broken and what's misunderstood.
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
    You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
    If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
    If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

  • Internet Download manager not working.

    Internet Download manager not working with latest version of Firefox.
    My Firefox keeps crashing regularly as wee. Any suggestions how to fix these two problems.

    Can you confirm the version of Firefox you're using? The information in this post suggests you're using Firefox 19. The latest version is 35.0.1.

  • Profile Manager Not Loading - auth_token doesn't exit

    We've have an instance of Server 3.1.2 where the Profile Manager login is no longer working, so we are effectively locked out of profile manager for the time being :-(.
    On the front-end, visiting the /profilemanager login page redirects to (FQDN in place of our actual domain):
    and the page then hangs forever and never gets to the login prompt. Occasionally the login prompt will display but nothing happens after the credentials are entered.
    On the back-end, the profile manager log shows the following entries that coincide with the hanging of the login pages:
    [91384] [2014/08/20 01:43:46.401] I: Processing MagicController#do_magic (for 10.XXX.XXX.XXX at 2014-08-20 01:43:46) [POST]
    [91384] [2014/08/20 01:43:46.402] I: auth_token doesn't exist
    [91384] [2014/08/20 01:43:46.402] I: Filter chain halted as [:verify_auth_token] rendered_or_redirected.
    Other services on the server (e.g., DNS and Open Directory) seem to be operating normally. On other threads I've seen a suggestion to replace the FQDN with the IP, but that's yields the same result for us.
    Any ideas? This one is driving us nuts!
    Thanks for any input.

    I had multiple IP's set on my server, which randomly seemed to switch. It seems like there is an incompatibility still between Server Admin and Since Apple is pressing developers to test server admin and I am confident those problems will resolve eventually, but for now I have deleted all-but-1 IPv4 and 1 IPv6 address (same interface), the networking interface overview for my server within Server Admin was updated and it looks like it works solid now, this was not by design I presume, so this must be another bug plaguing Lion...
    After upgrading Postgres to 9.1.3 and upgrading webmail (upgrade: usr/share/webmail) from, making a new site with the files stored in /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/CustomSitesDefault/webmail/ I made a symbolic link from that 'directory' to the actual built in webmail facility found in /usr/share/webmail by entering the following in terminal.
    ln -s -i /usr/share/webmail/ /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/CustomSitesDefault/webmail/
    By doing this it will ask to remove a directory, if you didn't put any important files in there, which I presume you didn't, confirm with the letter y and press enter.
    Webmail now works every time the way I want it The same goes for Profile Manager, at least for now...

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