Importing an report and editing in PLD

I already edited a report in PLD and exported it to XML. Now how should I import it in a different license

You may want to look at the SAP Business One Copy Express product that you can download from the SAP PartnerEdge Portal under SAP Business One Installations and Updates.

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    BW -- just wanted to underscore nathan's excellent but (likely) unwelcome and perhaps easily ignored advice:
    Don't use both applications for storing your pictures or for photo editing.
    What you want to do -- use iPhoto (a superb program, imho) for image management of most image editing, and then export to Aperture for just a few images -- is a good idea on the face of it but difficult to implement and practically impossible to maintain.
    Examine your options, take into proper account your experience and your needs, and choose one or the other ^1^. Images which need additional work which you can't accomplish in iPhoto should be edited using an external editor (such as PSCS5 or PSE or others).
    1. The programs (Aperture and iPhoto) are extremely different in concept and depth. Search the forum for some of those differences. Imho, Aperture takes 50x as long to learn as iPhoto. The curve is not steep, but it is long. Aperture is much more powerful than iPhoto.
    PS: As soon as you can, get the largest fast internal drive you can afford. And make multiple back-ups of your Libraries. If you know you can always restore a Library, deleting one isn't terrifying.
    Message was edited by: Kirby Krieger

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    Are the deleted dimensions in POV?
    Then you can create a new database connection with the new App:DB in Workspace.
    in .des file check for <POV> under that header there will be
    <METADATAEXPRESSION VALUE="&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;&lt;COMPOSITEOPERATION TYPE=&quot;MemberQuery&quot;&gt;&lt;OPERATION TYPE=&quot;Select&quot;&gt;&lt;MULTIVALUE&gt;&lt;STRING&gt;Name&lt;/STRING&gt;&lt;/MULTIVALUE&gt;&lt;STRING&gt;Scenario&lt;/STRING&gt;&lt;/OPERATION&gt;&lt;COMPOSITEOPERATION TYPE=&quot;Filter&quot;&gt;&lt;OPERATION TYPE=&quot;Member&quot;&gt;&lt;STRING&gt;User Point of View for Scenario&lt;/STRING&gt;&lt;STRING&gt;Scenario&lt;/STRING&gt;&lt;/OPERATION&gt;&lt;/COMPOSITEOPERATION&gt;&lt;/COMPOSITEOPERATION&gt;"/>
    </DIMENSION>So in this case if you deleted Scenario, then remove this portion from the file, save the file, import it and change the database connection to the new one.
    If the dimension is in ROW or Column or Page then the process is too complicated.
    Please mark the responses as helpful/correct if applicable

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    Thanks in advance

    You should be OK importing the AVCHD footage natively though there are certain advantages to using ProRes if you can put up with the huge files  .  .  .  50GB per hour!
    Make camera archives of your SD card and store them on your HDs.
    Basically these are complete clones of your original SD card so the footage is exactly as you shot it and reasonably compact.
    Always make 2 archives and put them on different hard drives as an insurance against a hard drive failing.

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    Thanks all, the tips helped. It makes sense now, but I really didn't think it was as intuitive as let's say Quicktime was for editing video.
    I find GB to have as simple a user interface as is possible, considering all the capabilities and options it has built into it (especially w/ GB 4). You'll be surprised how quickly you'll learn how to do all kinds of things with it.
    Thanks again for the assist, take care.
    Glad to help, Henry.

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    Thanks In advance
    Edited by: Apostolis Andrikos on Feb 17, 2011 1:25 PM

    Hi Balakumar,
    I had tried also with the way that you suggested...
    Only if I give full authorizations for all the modules itu2019s possible for the user to open the crystalu2026
    And I said possible because sometimes with full Authorizations everything it is ok and sometimes not.
    The most strange thing is that if I choose to open a Crystal Report  the display error as i said before is
    for another Crystal Report in SBO menu.
    e.x I choose to run a Daily Cash Report from the User
    and the ERROR Said
    "You are not permitted to perform this action - Outgoing Payments Message 200-30"
    Thanks for your Response

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    How to permanently delete a customised Crystal Report Design imported in Report and Layout Manager?
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    Kedalene Chong

    Hi Nagarajan
    Please see image attached, already login as superuser but there is no Delete button for imported Crystal Report Design in Report and Layout Manager.

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    Can anyone give me a rule of thumb for when to use features such as:
    Unsharp Mask
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    Fading Correction
    Grain Correction
    Backlighting Correction
    It seems that the more corrections I can make before I scan the better. Is that correct or should I be making them after in a program like PhotoShop Elements (which I have not used yet).
    Thank you very much for any advice.

    As Barbara mentioned if you're scanning thru Photoshop Elements you can select any number of formats to save as (you don't need to edit at that time, just save). Photoshop's format is lossless and is iPhoto compatible. If you edit a jpg with iPhoto you go thru only one additional jpeg compression as subsequent edits are written to the library's database file and applied when viewed, printed or exported. With PSE, I've only seen one drop in file size take place after multiple edits of a jpg format file.
    Scanning a 4x6 photo at 300 dpi will give the following sized in these formats:
    jpg - 1.4 MB
    psd - 3.8 MB
    tiff uncompressed - 4.5 MB
    If you save the scan as a .psd, i.e. a Photoshop Elements format, import into iPhoto and edit with PSE you can do advanced editing that requires layers without having to save the file to the desktop and import as a new file. iPhoto will also edit .psd files and keep the format for further editing by PSE but loses the individual layers. So if you want to keep the multiple layers in a psd file, i.e. text layers, duplicated edited layers, don't edit with iPhoto.
    If you import into iPhoto first, you can organize them as you desire, i.e. keywords, albums, etc. and edit when you need to use one of the files. As you go along you'll become more proficient with PSE and can do better job.
    Here are some tips on using PSE with iPhoto that may be of some help:
    Using Photoshop (or Photoshop Elements) as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop. When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done.
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window that indicates that PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file. You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    NOTE: With Photoshop Elements 6 the Saving File preferences should be configured: "On First Save: Save Over Current File". Also I suggest the Maximize PSD File Compatabilty be set to Always.
    If you want to use both iPhoto's editing mode and PS without having to go back and forth to the Preference pane, once you've selected PS as your editor of choice, reset the Preferences back to "Open in main window". That will let you either edit in iPhoto (double click on the thumbnail) or in PS (Control-click on the thumbnail and seledt "Edit in external editor" in the Contextual menu). This way you get the best of both worlds
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop. When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done.
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window that indicates that PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file. You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..

  • Logo looses color after after importing the report to SAB8.8

    Hi Experts,
    Have designed a report in crystal and incorporated the company logo, at design/preview mode the logo looks very OK with all its colors, however when I import the report and run it in SAP the report displays but the logo looses the color i.e it is totally black in color, what could be the problem please help.

    Hi Kambadasan,
    I am actually working with crystal reports 2008 for SAP B18.8 and have tried it through the B1add-ins but I am still getting the same results, I just suspect its a resolution issue but i don't know where to touch! I am stuck!!

  • Importing and Editing skins

    I'm trying to modify the Book and Topic icons in my TOC. I created a skin for a different project which I was able to access and edit through the Project Set-up. I've copied the folder to my new project and can select the skin when I generate output. However, it doesn't appear in the skins folder in Project Set-up so I can't select it for editting. When I try the import option, I'm told it already exists in the project. What am I doing wrong?

    Hi Thomas
    Here's the deal. Think of a RoboHelp project as an ecosystem where many segments combine to create a larger whole. Or perhaps like the gears used to make a watch work. By simply copying files into a specific location, you cannot expect RoboHelp to become aware they are there. They usually have to be manipulated by RoboHelp so its internal structures can be updated.
    That's what it's sounding like you did. You copied one or more files into a location you believe RoboHelp is looking at and you are frustrated because they aren't appearing in the project.
    I rather like John's idea of adding them to the gallery. So you might try clearing things out, then using the approach to add the desired skin to your gallery. Then see if it becomes available in the other project.
    Cheers... Rick
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  • Report and Layout Import Wizard does not work

    We used the Report and Layout Import Wizard extensively in 8.80 with no problems encountered.
    We are now upgraded to 8.81 PL07.  This is the first attempt at using the wizard in 8.81.  The intro window of the wizard, with 'To Start, use the "Next" button' message is as far as I can get.  The "Next" and "Cancel" buttons are inoperative - when I click them, there is no response (but they are not greyed out).  The program has not crashed - I can move the window, and the "X" close button at top right works, but nothing else does.  I am logged in as a superuser, running B1 in an RDP session on the server, same as under 8.80.
    Any ideas out there?

    This is a 8.81 PL07 bug!
    I had the same problem this week, and i found the note [1615932 - Buttons "Cancel" and "Next" are inactive in Report and layout import wizard window], that says that it is corrected on PL08!

  • Report and Layout Import Wizard issue

    Running SAP B1 v8.82 PL04. RDC into the client server.
    I'm getting an issue when importing a report.  I get all the way to clicking the "Finish" button and it never loads to the next screen (telling me if the import was successful or not).  When I go to the location I specified for the report, it appears there but with a different icon and when I click it shows me an error: "No matching records found 'Queries' (OUQR) (ODBC -2028) [Message 131-183]".
    Narrowed down the issue a little:
    - Happens for any report I try to import
    - Happens for both file types (.rpt / .b1p)
    - The wizard works in the other databases on the server
    - Same issue when I try on different computers with different log ins
    There didn't seem to be any major event that triggered the issue.  I was in the middle of importing a few reports, and imported a couple successfully, when all of the sudden the issue occurred.
    You can also refer to the video link I've attached below which is a complete walk-through of the issue.  Any help on this is greatly appreciated, this is really holding me up. Thanks in advance!

    Verifique a SAP Note 1532509.
    Please run the below query and if it returns results please Go to the PEQ page mentioned below or log a support message via SAP Service
    Marketplace, and attach the results of the query.
    select * from CDPM where ObjectType = 232 and ObjectKey not in (select doccode from rdoc) order by permid
    Select * from USR3 where PermId
    not in (Select distinct Absid from OUPT union Select distinct cast(PermId as nvarchar(50) )from CDPM)
    the solution to this note can be found at:
    By using

  • CUIC 8.5 - Problem with Save As and editing reports

                CUIC 8.5.2.  I have users set up with Roles of Login User, Dashboard Designer, Report Designer, Report Definition Designer and Value List Collection Designer.  They also have Read Execute and Write Permissions.  Problem is, if they run a stock report, the Save As, and Edit options on the report are greyed out and inactive.  What is missing in order for users to be able to create custom reports?  Any help would be appreciated.

    I might have ran into this at some point last year, I think (but I could be wrong) if you setup the write permissions for  the user group, it should then fix it for everyone.  You might want to give that a spin in case you have a lot of individual users.
    Glad the solution worked though.  Thanks for the points.

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