Importing CSV data

I'm trying to import data into a table in my APEX application.
Everything was fine until I try to import decimal numbers.
This is a problematic row:
Number is -157.492.093,16.
Table column is defined as number (17,2)
My import parameters are:
Separator ;
Charset UTF-8
Group separator .
Decimal separator ,
I've used the default Data Loading page...
Does anyone know how to fix this?

put up a sample app on
what you have SEEMS correct.
You have properly identified the 'group separator' as a period and a 'decimal separator' as a comma.
The only idea I have is:
You may need to 'declare' the number format on the next page after the initial "load data" page.
I have had to add a format for my DATE columns.
eg FORMAT for the number:

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  • How to import csv data into Oracle using c#

    How to import csv data into Oracle using c #. Where data to be imported 3GB in size and number of rows 7512263. I've managed to import csv data into Oracle, but the time it takes about 1 hour. How to speed up the time it takes to import csv data into oracle. Thank you.
    This is my code:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using System.IO;
    using FileHelpers;
    using System.Data.OracleClient;
    namespace sqlloader
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    int jum;
    int i;
    bool isFirstLine = false;
    FileHelperEngine engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(XL_XDR));
    //Connect To Database
    string constr = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST="
    + "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= pt-9a84825594af )(PORT=1521 )))"
    + "User Id=xl;Password=rahasia;";
    OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
    // To Read Use:
    XL_XDR[] res = engine.ReadFile("DataOut.csv") as XL_XDR[];
    jum = CountLinesInFile("DataOut.csv");
    FileInfo f2 = new FileInfo("DataOut.csv");
    long s2 = f2.Length;
    int jmlRecord = jum - 1;
    for (i = 0; i < jum; i++)
    ShowPercentProgress("Processing...", i, jum);
    if (isFirstLine == false)
    isFirstLine = true;
    "'" + res.XDR_ID + "', '" + res[i].XDR_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_START_TIME + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_END_TIME + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].SESSION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME + "', '" + res[i].SESSION_FLAG + "', '" + res[i].VERSION + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_ROW_COUNT + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].ERROR_CODE + "', '" + res[i].METHOD + "', '" + res[i].HOST_LEN + "', '" + res[i].HOST + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].URL_LEN + "', '" + res[i].URL + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_START_TIME + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].CONNECTION_FLAG + "', '" + res[i].CONNECTION_ID + "', '" + res[i].TOTAL_EVENT_COUNT + "', '" + res[i].TUNNEL_PAIR_ID + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].RESPONSIVENESS_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].CLIENT_PORT + "', '" + res[i].PAYLOAD_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].VIRTUAL_TYPE + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].VID_CLIENT + "', '" + res[i].VID_SERVER + "', '" + res[i].CLIENT_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].SERVER_ADDR + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].CLIENT_TUNNEL_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].SERVER_TUNNEL_ADDR + "', '" + res[i].ERROR_CODE_2 + "', '" + res[i].IPID + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].C2S_PKTS + "', '" + res[i].C2S_OCTETS + "', '" + res[i].S2C_PKTS + "', '" + res[i].S2C_OCTETS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].NUM_SUCC_TRANS + "', '" + res[i].CONNECT_TIME + "', '" + res[i].TOTAL_RESP + "', '" + res[i].TIMEOUTS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].RETRIES + "', '" + res[i].RAI + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYNS + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYN_ACKS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].TCP_SYN_RESETS + "', '" + res[i].TCP_SYN_FINS + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_TYPE + "', '" + res[i].FLAGS + "', " +
    "'" + res[i].TIME_STAMP + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_ID + "', '" + res[i].EVENT_CODE + "')";
    OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(sql, con);
    Console.WriteLine("Successfully Inserted");
    Console.WriteLine("Number of Row Data: " + jmlRecord.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("The size of {0} is {1} bytes.", f2.Name, f2.Length);
    static void ShowPercentProgress(string message, int currElementIndex, int totalElementCount)
    if (currElementIndex < 0 || currElementIndex >= totalElementCount)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("currElement out of range");
    int percent = (100 * (currElementIndex + 1)) / totalElementCount;
    Console.Write("\r{0}{1}% complete", message, percent);
    if (currElementIndex == totalElementCount - 1)
    static int CountLinesInFile(string f)
    int count = 0;
    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(f))
    string line;
    while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
    return count;
    public class XL_XDR
    public string XDR_ID;
    public string XDR_TYPE;
    public string SESSION_START_TIME;
    public string SESSION_END_TIME;
    public string SESSION_LAST_UPDATE_TIME;
    public string SESSION_FLAG;
    public string VERSION;
    public string CONNECTION_ROW_COUNT;
    public string ERROR_CODE;
    public string METHOD;
    public string HOST_LEN;
    public string HOST;
    public string URL_LEN;
    public string URL;
    public string CONNECTION_START_TIME;
    public string CONNECTION_FLAG;
    public string CONNECTION_ID;
    public string TOTAL_EVENT_COUNT;
    public string TUNNEL_PAIR_ID;
    public string RESPONSIVENESS_TYPE;
    public string CLIENT_PORT;
    public string PAYLOAD_TYPE;
    public string VIRTUAL_TYPE;
    public string VID_CLIENT;
    public string VID_SERVER;
    public string CLIENT_ADDR;
    public string SERVER_ADDR;
    public string CLIENT_TUNNEL_ADDR;
    public string SERVER_TUNNEL_ADDR;
    public string ERROR_CODE_2;
    public string IPID;
    public string C2S_PKTS;
    public string C2S_OCTETS;
    public string S2C_PKTS;
    public string S2C_OCTETS;
    public string NUM_SUCC_TRANS;
    public string CONNECT_TIME;
    public string TOTAL_RESP;
    public string TIMEOUTS;
    public string RETRIES;
    public string RAI;
    public string TCP_SYNS;
    public string TCP_SYN_ACKS;
    public string TCP_SYN_RESETS;
    public string TCP_SYN_FINS;
    public string EVENT_TYPE;
    public string FLAGS;
    public string TIME_STAMP;
    public string EVENT_ID;
    public string EVENT_CODE;
    I hope someone can give me a solution. Thanks

    The fastest way is to use external tables or sql loader (sqlldr). (If you use external tables or sql loader, you don't use C# at all).

  • I'm getting a 'The Management Pack element is not declared' error when trying to import CSV data into my *extended* WindowsComputer class

    I have a class called SUS_WindowsComputerMP, that is an extension of the Microsoft class, Microsoft.Windows.Computer
    I'm trying to import CSV data into this extended class and to the base class as well.
    What am I doing wrong? I have a feeling that the Import CSV Format file is different for importing data into *extended* classes like mine, because the XML structure below would work for non-extended classes.
    "...Creating new CSVImporter
    Data Filename: D:\Peter\CMDB II\Exported MPs\TestMPs\SUS_WindowsComputer.csv
    Format Filename: D:\Peter\CMDB II\Exported MPs\SUS_WindowsComputerMP.xml
    Validating against XSD schema...
    The 'ManagementPack' element is not declared.
    Validation completed.
    Format file D:\Peter\CMDB II\Exported MPs\SUS_WindowsComputerMP.xml contains an invalid root element. Expected: root node with name \"CSVImportFormat\"
    Could not initialize a Management Object Creator from format file D:\Peter\CMDB II\Exported MPs\SUS_WindowsComputerMP.xml. Import thread exiting.
    My import format XML is this:
    <Class Type="ClassExtension_a3ae3e0f_d578_43dc_aa3e_9037a094763c" >
    <Property ID="WindowsServerID" />
    <Property ID="PrincipalName" />
    <Property ID="NetbiosComputerName" />
    <Property ID="IPAddress" />
    <Property ID="NetbiosDomainName" />
    <Property ID="DNSName" />
    <Property ID="OSVersionDisplayName" />
    <Property ID="SerialNo" />
    <Property ID="ServerDescription" />
    <Property ID="AssetTagNo" />
    <Property ID="ServerNameRow" />
    <Property ID="ChassisType" />
    <Property ID="InstallDate" />
    <Property ID="IsVirtualMachine" />
    <Property ID="BusinessUnitCustomersEnum" />
    <Property ID="RegionLocationEnum" />
    <Property ID="OtherFunctionRoleEnum" />
    <Property ID="ProductTypeEnum" />
    <Property ID="ObjectStatus" />
    <Property ID="AssetStatus" />
    <Property ID="CriticalityEnum" />
    <Property ID="EnvironmentEnum" />
    <Property ID="CostCodeClassEnum" />
    <Property ID="DataClassificationEnum" />
    <Property ID="Manufacturer" />

    Can anyone please help me out with this weird issue.

  • Using PowerShell to import CSV data from Vendor database to manipulate Active Directory Users

    I have a big project I am trying to automate.  I am working in a K-12 public education IT Dept. and have been tasked with importing data that has been exported from a vendor database via .csv file into Active Directory to manage student accounts. 
    My client wants to use this data to make bulk changes  to student user accounts in AD such as moving accounts from one OU to another, modifying account attributes based on State ID, lunchroom ID, School, Grade, etc. and adding new accounts / disabling
    accounts for students no longer enrolled.
    The .csv that is exported doesn't have headers that match up with what is needed for importing in AD, so those have to be modified in this process, or set as variables to get the correct info into the correct attributes in AD or else this whole project is
    a bust.  He is tired of manually manipulating the .csv data and trying to get it onto AD with few or no errors, hence the reason it has been passed off to me.
    Since this information changes practically daily, I need a way to automate user management by accomplishing the following on a scheduled basis.
    Process must:
    Check to see if Student Number already exists
    If yes, then modify account
    Update {School Name}, {Site Code}, {School Number}, {Grade Level} (Variables)
    Add correct group memberships (School / Grade Specific)
    Move account to correct OU (OU={Grade},OU=Students,OU=Users,OU={SiteCode},DC=Domain,DC=net)
    Remove incorrect group memberships (School / Grade Specific)
    Set account status (enabled / disabled)
    If no, create account
    Import Student #
    Import CNP #
    Import Student name
    Extract First and Middle initial
    If duplicate name exists
    Create log entry for review
    Import School, School Number, Grade Level
    Add to correct Group memberships (School / Grade Specific)
    Set correct OU (OU={Grade},OU=Students,OU=Users,OU={SiteCode},DC=Domain,DC=net)
    Set account Status
    I am not familiar with Powershell, but have researched enough to know that it will be the best option for this project.  I have seen some partial solutions in VB, but I am more of an infrastructure person instead of scripting / software development. 
    I have just started creating a script and already have hit a snag.  Maybe one of you could help.
    #Connect to Active Directory
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    # Import iNOW user information
    $Users = import-csv C:\ADUpdate\INOW_export.csv
    #Check to see if the account already exists in AD
    ForEach ( $user in $users )
    #Assign the content to variables
    $Attr_employeeID = $users."Student Number"
    $Attr_givenName = $users."First Name"
    $Attr_middleName = $users."Middle Name"
    $Attr_sn = $users."Last Name"
    $Attr_postaldeliveryOfficeName = $users.School
    $Attr_company = $users."School Number"
    $Attr_department = $users."Grade Level"
    $Attr_cn = $Attr_givenName.Substring(0,1) + $Attr_middleName.Substring(0,1) + $Attr_sn
    IF (Get-ADUser $Attr_cn)
    {Write-Host $Attr_cn already exists in Active Directory

    Thank you for helping me with that before it became an issue later on, however, even when modified to be $Attr_sAMAaccountName i still get errors.
    #Connect to Active Directory
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    # Import iNOW user information
    $Users = import-csv D:\ADUpdate\Data\INOW_export.csv
    #Check to see if the account already exists in AD
    ForEach ( $user in $users )
    #Assign the content to variables
    $Attr_employeeID = $users."Student Number"
    $Attr_givenName = $users."First Name"
    $Attr_middleName = $users."Middle Name"
    $Attr_sn = $users."Last Name"
    $Attr_postaldeliveryOfficeName = $users.School
    $Attr_company = $users."School Number"
    $Attr_department = $users."Grade Level"
    $Attr_sAMAccountName = $Attr_givenName.Substring(0,1) + $Attr_middleName.Substring(0,1) + $Attr_sn
    IF (Get-ADUser $Attr_sAMAccountName)
    {Write-Host $Attr_sAMAccountName already exists in Active Directory
    PS C:\Windows\system32> D:\ADUpdate\Scripts\INOW-AD.ps1
    Get-ADUser : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser'
    required by parameter 'Identity'. Specified method is not supported.
    At D:\ADUpdate\Scripts\INOW-AD.ps1:28 char:28
    + IF (Get-ADUser $Attr_sAMAccountName)
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-ADUser], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetAD

  • Import CSV data to an existing populated XLS file

    Hi Guys,
    Looking for some assistance, with some powershell I have never done before..  and don't know where to start..
    I have a CSV file that contains some data - Several items exported from a standard powershell command.
    I also have an XLS file that has been manually populated for the last 6 months with data.
    What I want to get to (and have started with exporting the data to csv) is for the script to run, and add the data from the CSV to the XLS in the already exisiting colum heading.
    SO in the first row - we need to add the date, followed by adding data under each subsequent column that already has a heading..
    Anyone got any suggestions on where to start with this? Any advice greatly appreciated.
    Allan Harding

    I think your question is a bit too broad and vague.
    If you are not a scripter then I recommend asking in the Exxcel forum.  THey will help you learn how to use Excel tomerge data tables.
    If you want to scrpt this then youneed to start by learning how to write a script.  YOu will want to use Import-Csv and the Excel object model.
    If this is critical then I recommend contacting a consultant.

  • Importing CSV dates - wrong format

    I have some CSV data I want to import into Numbers and the CSV has dates. I work with "British" style dd/mm/yy dates but the CSV is "American" mm/dd/yy. How can I persuade Numbers to translate between the two styles?

    Run this script or drag & drop the csv on the script icon (saved as an application).
    The embedded dates will be changed from US format to English (French) one.
    The edited csv file will be saved in the Temporary items folder an opened by Numbers.
    --[SCRIPT csvUStocsvUSEN]
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    property theApp : "Numbers"
    property permitted : {"public.comma-separated-values-text", "public.csv"}
    on run
    if my parle_anglais() then
    set myPrompt to "Choose a csv file…"
    set myPrompt to "Choisir un fichier csv…"
    end if -- parleAnglais
    set allowed to my permitted
    if 5 = (system attribute "sys2") then (*
    it's Mac OS X 10.5.x with a buggued Choose File *)
    set allowed to {}
    end if -- 5 = (system…
    my commun(choose file with prompt myPrompt of type allowed without invisibles) (* un alias *)
    end run
    on open (sel)
    my commun(item 1 of sel) (* an alias *)
    end open
    on commun(le_csv)
    local uti, en_texte, nom_fichier, p2t
    tell application "System Events"
    set uti to type identifier of disk item ("" & le_csv)
    on error
    set uti to "???"
    end try
    end tell
    if uti is not in permitted then
    if my parleanglais() then
    error "The document “" & le_csv & "” isn’t a csv one !"
    error "Le document « " & le_csv & " » n’est pas un fichier csv !"
    end if
    end if
    set les_lignes to paragraphs of (read le_csv)
    repeat with l from 1 to count of les_lignes
    set une_ligne to item l of les_lignes
    if une_ligne contains "/" then
    set une_ligne to my decoupe(une_ligne, ",")
    repeat with c from 1 to count of une_ligne
    set maybe to my decoupe(item c of une_ligne, "/")
    if (count of maybe) = 3 then
    set item c of une_ligne to my recolle({item 2 of maybe, item 1 of maybe, item 3 of maybe}, "/")
    end if -- count of maybe…
    end repeat
    set item l of les_lignes to my recolle(une_ligne, ",")
    end if
    -- set item l of les_lignes to my remplace(item l of les_lignes, ",", ";") -- Useful for French systems
    end repeat
    set en_texte to my recolle(les_lignes, return)
    set nom_fichier to (do shell script "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S.csv")
    set p2t to (path to temporary items from user domain)
    set lenouveaucsv to ("" & p2t & nom_fichier)
    tell application "System Events" to make new file at end of p2t with properties {name:nom_fichier}
    set la_longueur to count of en_texte
    write en_texte to file lenouveaucsv
    tell application "System Events"
    repeat while size of file lenouveaucsv < la_longueur
    delay 0.2
    end repeat
    end tell
    tell application "Numbers" to open file lenouveaucsv
    end commun
    on decoupe(t, d)
    local oTIDs, l
    set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set l to text items of t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
    return l
    end decoupe
    on recolle(l, d)
    local oTIDs, t
    set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set t to l as text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
    return t
    end recolle
    replaces every occurences of d1 by d2 in the text t
    on remplace(t, d1, d2)
    local oTIDs, l
    set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d1
    set l to text items of t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d2
    set t to l as text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
    return t
    end remplace
    on parle_anglais()
    return (do shell script "defaults read 'Apple Global Domain' AppleLocale") does not start with "fr_"
    end parle_anglais
    -- [/SCRIPT]
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 4 janvier 2011 09:39:38

  • Creating stored procedure to import csv data into tables

    I am trying to create a stored procedure to import data from a csv file into a table. I tried using sqlldr but could not run it at school due to access permissions that they will not change. So I looked at the utl_package and from what I can see it requires a "virtual" directory, which conflicts with the access permissions again at school. So can I create a stored procedure that will just read data from a csv file into a table without the need to write or create a file/directory.

    Satyaki_De wrote:
    Since, you are talking about so much restriction - i don't think you will get that.
    One alternative solution can be -> write a java based pl/sql procedure and try load that by parsing it. But, for that you need execute privileges on dbms_java package.
    Do you have that? I doubt.
    Satyaki De.Nope not allowed to use java, and im new to oracle. Why can't a stored procedure in pl/sql just read a file and put the data into a table I create prior?

  • Import CSV Data from a server into SQLite  - Help me do this or talk me out of it?

    There is a portion of a MySQL database (no more than 500 records, 6 fields) that I would like to download into a local SQLite db every time a user signs in.
    The reason I want to do this is because there are a lot of weird  group by statements I want to chart, and I don't want to have to go back to the server over and over again.
    So what I've done is created an empty local SQLite db that matches my MySQL table. 
    Is there a way to import all these records without having to do a "foreach" statement? 

    You will need to read the data into an ArrayCollection likely with HTTPService and then use a for loop to build and run the Insert ... Values() sql statements.
    Preferably wrapped in transaction.

  • Excel issues with importing CSV or HTML table data from URL - Sharepoint? Office365?

    We have a client who is having issues importing CSV or HTML table data as one would do using Excel's Web Query import from a reporting application.  As the error message provided by Excel is unhelpful I'm reaching out to anyone who can help us begin to
    troubleshoot problems affecting what is normal standard Excel functionality.  I'd attach the error screenshot, but I can't because my account is not verified....needless to say it says "Microsoft Excel cannot access  the file
    Where XXXX is a number and MD5 is an md5 code.  The symptoms stated in the error message are:
    - the file name or path does not exist
    -The file is being used by another program
    -The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.
    None of these symptoms are the case, naturally. The user encountered this with Excel2010, she was then upgraded to Excel2013 and is still experiencing the same issue. The output of this URL in a browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox) is CSV data for the affected
    user, so it is not a network connectivity issue.  In our testing environment using both Excel2010 or 2013 this file is imported successfully, so we cannot replicate.  The main difference I can determine between our test environment and the end-user
    is they have a Sharepoint installation and appear to have Office365 as well.
    So,  my question might more appropriately be for Sharepoint or Office365 folks, but I can't be sure they're  a culprit.  Given this - does anyone have any knowledge of issues which might cause this with Sharepoint or Office365 integrated with
    Excel and/or have suggestions for getting more information from Excel or Windows other than this error message?  I've added the domain name as a trusted publisher in IE as I thought that might be the issue, but that hasn't solved anything.  As you
    can see its already https and there is no authentication or login - the md5 key is the authentication.  The certificate for the application endpoint is valid and registered via GoDaddy CA.
    I'm at a loss and would love some suggestions on things to check/try.
    Thanks  -Ross

    Hi Ross,
    >> In our testing environment using both Excel 2010 and 2013 this file is imported successfully, so we cannot replicate.
    I suspect it is caused by the difference of web server security settings.
    KB: Error message when you use Web query to a secure Web page (HTTPS://) in Excel: "Unable to open"
    Hope it will help.
    By the way, this forum is mainly for discussing questions about Office Development (VSTO, VBA and Apps for Office .etc.). For Office products feature specific questions, you could consider posting them on
    Office IT Pro forum or Microsoft Office Community.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Import Meta Data from CSV - Export Meta Data to CSV

    Ability to import meta data into selected images from CSV file containing a number of fields, one of which is file name. The other fields would be selected tags to import.
    Import logic would be, Where file name in column 1 matches current selected filename, then take following fields 2, 3, etc and import into Bridge.
    Export selected meta data from selected files to CSV to form reverse of above to allow edit of data in Excel etc.
    Further enchancement on import would be to allow instead of just filename, but date/time range matching.
    Logic would be, Where date/time in column 1 is within X hours of selected
    image creation date/time then import following fields into image meta data.
    Useful for example if you already have a GPS tracklog in CSV and want to try and update images with GPS. Assuming camera clock approx same as GPS clock.

    The issue was within the .csv file.  There were duplicate records that were attempting to load as the ID value.  After deleting the duplicate records, the transformation file ran successfully.

  • Problem importing specific data from .csv file

    I'm using JDev with JSF ui and I've been following the excellent example about importing comma separated values from a .csv file, of Mr. Bors, but I have a specific problem...
    1) When i try to import a date value (format dd/mm/yyyy) to a date field of my adf table, the date won't be accepted and it's not shown (I'm using Row.setAttribute("Field", textValue) for that purpose). I guess I have to enter it in a specific format but don't know how!
    2) Same thing with double values. Tried 1.50 and it's showing on the adf table 0.02. Tried 1,50 (with a different text separator) and it's throwing me an error and doesn't show anything on the table (again i'm using Row.setAttribute("Field", textValue) for that one too)...
    Any help would be appreciated!
    Thank you
    Edited by: Nikolas Saridakis on 6 Νοε 2010 11:10 πμ

    I tried your suggestion before I set my question but didn't know if I was looking on the right direction (I tried some things but they didn't work out). After a bit poking everything was fine...
    So I used
    Row.setAttribute("Field_name", oracle.jbo.domain.Date.fromText(value, "dd/mm/yyyy", null));
    and it did the trick...
    Weird thing about numbers was that after that, they were entered properly on the table with a normal Row.setAttribute("Field_name", value); with value being a String... anyway!
    Thank you Timo!

  • Import excel/csv data to oracle table problem

    hello sir,
    i am using application importing csv/excel data to oracle table which is developed by vikas and that i want but when i add csv file and upload. My cvs file will displayed but when i click on create table button then it gives error like ...
    1) invalid datatype. vikas link as :
    i search in forum for solution i got following link but it also gives me error
    Re: File Browse, File Upload
    still i am trying but i dont get solution . plz help me!!! give me steps ......
    Report on table created
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    Firstly, are you trying to upload your data into a new table or an existing table? If it's a new table, what name are you using?
    Secondly, it may help if we could see a sample of the csv

  • Import CSV/Excel data into Flex Datagrid using Java/JSP

    Is there any way we can import excel/csv data into flex datagrid component.
    I see that is been done using php in this site.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    You can store the list of data from the Excel sheet that you have read already into an ArrayList
    Then go through the JDBC tutorial, and learn how to insert a single record into the table.
    After you understand how to insert a single record, you can iterate through the ArrayList of data and insert them into the table in the database.
    If you know JDBC, see if you can use OR Mapping frameworks like Hibernate or iBatis, they make it very easy to manage database in Java.

  • Import Comments data and Dimension Members from csv file via Data Manager

    Dear Experts,
    I have two questions regarding the data manager.
    Q1.Is it possible to import "Comments" from the csv file via Data Manager?
    We'd like to import the amount with "Comments".
    My image of csv file is like below;
    1100000,ACTUAL,2010/06,LC,30000,This is comment
    Q2.Is it possible to import the dimension "members" from the csv file via Data Manager?
    We have a user-defined dimension named "Project"
    and would like to import the members, instead of maintaining them in BPC administration manually.
    I found an online help information which says "Import Master Data from a Data File Example",
    but I could not find any relevant sample package for this.
    (I tried to import the members by using "Import" package, but it failed...)
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Hi Fumi,
    In this case, I would suggest you to create a customized SSIS package which will fill-in the "Comment<APP>" table, according to the csv file you have. I do not know any standard package that allows you to import comment the way you would like...
    Best Regards,

  • Importing csv with dates

    Hi all,
    I am importing csv files that contain (among others) two columns with dates into Numbers. The dates are all uniformly formatted by, which is in Germany the usual date format. However, the import changes them into numbers, e.g.
    26.10.2009 becomes 38650
    13.11.2009 becomes 38668
    So, there seams to be some logic behind, but how can I conveniently get the correct date back?
    Thanks for any help.
    Best regards.

    Unfortunately, I wasn't able to change the cell format type to 'date' *after* importing the data, it just remained 'number'.
    However, I found a way to work around the problem: Introducing a new column and using there the function EDATE gave me the original date back! The function takes two arguments, the first I let point to the cell with the strange number, the second I let point to an empty cell.
    EDATE might not be meant to work that way and this feature is not documented, anyway, it worked for me.

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