Importing Finished iDVD project

Is there a way to import a finshed iDVD project from a disk into FCP...I was able to import the VOB files but they have no audio..Can I import both? (audio & Video files from the disk.)

Use MPEG Streamclip to import the Video_TS folder and convert video and audio to what you need (NTSC or PAL QT). Audio and video are in the same place.

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    In addition to deleting the iDVD preference file delete the contents of the iDVD cache folder:
    Try this basic troubleshooting fix:
    1 - delete the IDVD preference file,, that resides in your
    User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete IDVD'S cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
    User/Home/Library/Caches/ folder. 
    3 - launch IDVD and try again.
    NOTE: In Lion and Mountain Lion the Home/Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.

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    First, see if your MP4 file will play in QuickTime Player.
    If it will, click Command-I in QuickTime Player to open the Inspector. Tell us the dimensions of the clip, and everything listed beside the word Format:

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    After thinking about your problem for a while, the following is what I would do:
    You COULD playback your DVD in your computer and use SnapzPro X ( ) to capture all the playback sequences as a movie. The movie would not be interactive - but perhaps by making several movies of the different playback options on the DVD, you could create a web page that would allow the Internet viewer to choose the path they want to view.
    Hope this gives you some ideas.
    F Shippey

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    Try MPEG Streamclip ( Open the DVD in Finder and drag .vob files from the VIDEO_TS folder into Streamclip's window.

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    Hi Sarahbear - possible? Yeeesss! Easy? Not really.
    Look here:
    and here:
    Have a read, then come back if that is too confusing!

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    If you still have your iMovie Event and your iMovie Project, you can use the iMovie SHARE menu. You can share to YouTube, Share to iTunes, Share to a Movie on your Desktop, etc.

  • Importing a NTSC iMovie to a PAL iDVD Project

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    there are 3 reasons, why iM sets a specific video
    * you have set in iM's prefs to 30
    frames-per-second.. which is a little cryptic for
    "NTSC"; PAL = 25fps...
    * you've imported from a NTSCcamcoder... iM sets
    automatically the standard, because it can handle
    * you've imported as clip_01 some downloaded file
    which is NTSC... same as with camcorder-imports...
    same with iDVD, you can set the video standard
    manually ... or let the first file set it...
    I wouldn't "switch" within the workflow... NTSC dvds
    are mostly playbacked on European DVDstandalones&TVs
    (some older lose audio and/or color...)
    The Quicktime engine has a NTSC<<>>PAL converter
    included, but my experiences with conversion (I did
    just NTSC footage to a PAL project) was, that the
    free JES
    Deinterlacer does a better job... workflow:
    finish editing in iM/Export as QT Full Quality/Import
    to JESD/convert/Import new, converted file into iDVD
    (which handles both standards too)...
    and in case, your version of iM has some "hickup",
    trash the imovie.plist... that will "reset" the
    I was having lots of problems with the conversion of an Imovie6 NTSC to Pal and followed all the instructions in Imovie to convert to QT etc. finally got a girl at Apple and she moved one over to IDVD after changing the Preferences and and the Info to Pal and she actually burned a disc while I was on the line, just ignore the notice that comes up to that you are burning a Ntsc to a Pal disc and continue and it shows up on the later as a Pal disc. I think that was how I did them under IDVD 4 and 5.
    Imac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Life 6

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  • Does someone know when our movie project and finally our iDVD project is done, can we erase the clip that we had imported in iMovie without danger?  Or we have to keep the clip in iMovie until the DVD are burn?

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    Most processes in Non destructive Video editing is based on that the raw-material is safe and intact. So by trashing it most things can or will go wrong.
    So e.g. in iMovie project - there is NO Movie - just a small text document refering to Your raw-material, audio files and photos (within or not in iPhoto Library) on how they are to act together to Play Your Movie.
    And by changing any of them the Movie project will be affected or destroyed.
    reg. iDVD there is also a link back to iMovie - Most famous to set of the iDVD BUG !
    To do that - one starts a new iDVD project and add movies etc. Then find something i one movie in need to be adjusted. Closing iDVD and returning to iMovie and doing this. Then when back to iDVD it will notice and ask You to Up-date or Cancel. Neither works. The iDVD project is harmed. All Chapters now point to Chapter One and more strange things happens.
    the medicine I use - I start a brand new iDVD Project and re-do it and hopefully not fine any more to be fixed in the movie.
    This indicates the strong link inbetween iDVD and iMovie and I would not touch anything in iMovie till DVD is Burned and Ready AND Plays Well !
    Yours Bengt W

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    In an attempt to help clarify:
    The FCE 3.5 project I first wrote about had 10 chapters and was a mix of stills and transcoded DSLR video clips that measured 58 min in length. After FCE converted it to a Quicktime movie, it exported from FCE to iDVD 7 flawlessly until I was asked to make a last minute change.
    My older software wasn't endowed with the ability to "detect modifications".  However, Deleting Assets was successful and a revised version of the original video could substituted saving me from starting iDVD over from scratch (thanks to Old Toad).  Luckily, the ugly iDVD BUG did not awaken during these procedures.  Thanks Bengt W.
    I hope this helps the discussion.

  • How do you import multiple iMovie projects into one iDVD project?

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    But, when I want to export to iDVD, it only lets me put one iMovie project into one iDVD project?
    I've tried dragging the actual iMovie project files into iDVD but that doesn't work.
    I know I could export to QuickTime and then drag it into iDVD, but it seems exporting just to iDVD is much quicker, and the quality is better.
    Anyone know how I can do this?
    +P.S. If it helps, it's iMovie '11 with iDVD '09.+

    That is not true. You can use them all in one DVD. I have just created my first DVD which has a trailer, a movie with chapters and several different slide shows.
    All you have to do is save each project to Media Browser. (Choose Share in toolbar). Open iDVD and choose your theme or no theme. On the right will be all your options such as audio, media photo's etc. Choose your various video's/projects etc and just drag and drop which ones you want to the page and they will automatically put themselves there with the given name of each video/project.

  • Trying to import video to iDVD

    I was given a disk to add the videos on it into my idvd project. Below are a copy of the file types. I am not able to copy it or get it to the idvd project. Are these files compatible, readable or possible to incorporate? This is for a team presentation on Saturday and the videos are really needed. help.... thank you, donna

    Those are the files of a completed DVD.
    You need to convert the VOB files back to DV which iMovie is designed to handle. For that you need mpegStreamclip:
    which is free, but you must also have the Apple mpeg2 plugin :
    which is a mere $20.
    Another possibility is to use DVDxDV:
    which costs $25.
    Obviously the foregoing only applies to DVDs you have made yourself, or other home-made DVDs that have been given to you. It will NOT work on copy-protected commercial DVDs, which in any case would be illegal.

  • Can anyone help? Imported iMovie HD projects seem screwed up

    I have imported video from iMovie HD into 08, and HELP! In one case. the clips don't play, and the titles seem to have disappeared. In another the clips play, but sometimes with the wrng sound, and again the titles have gone.
    (Oh, and be careful: if you import video into iMovie 08 and then erase the original copy (which you may need to do if you are not going to overfill your hard-drive), any iDVD projects that use the video content will become useless.)
    All very frustrating!

    Oooh, do tell more. How do you do what you are suggesting?
    Navigate to your iMovie HD project in the Finder. Control-click the project icon to open the "contextual menu options." Select "Show Package Contents" to see the files/folders contained in the project package. Open the "Shared Movie" folder. Inside you should see an "iDVD" folder. Opening it you will find the "" that represents the currently saved contents of the the project's timeline to include titles, transitions, effects, etc. (This is the data that would normally be sent to iDVD if you were going to burn a DVD of your finished project.) Simply copy the file to another location or HDD so it can be imported in its entirety to iMovie '08.
    NOTE: Never tried moving/removing this file from the package as I thought it might have the potential to corrupt the iMovie HD project and am in the habit of working from work/backup files in case there is ever a problem. (I.e., just don't like restarting from scratch if I can avoid it.)

  • IMovie crashes when click on create iDVD project

    IMac Power PCG5 1.8 GHz, 768 MB DDR SDRAM, running Tiger (can't find the version, but must be the latest)
    iMovie 4.0.1
    iDVD 4.0.1
    I worked on my iMovie project for months, I cliked iDVD on the right, added chapters. When I click on "Create iDVD project" I get a message which says that "Your movie contains still, and/or slow motions, reverse clips which need to be rendered for export to iDVD or DV tape".
    I click on "Render and Proceed" and the program crashes.
    Previously, the program also warned me that 39 stray clips had to be put in the clips panel, and I did it.
    The first time I clicked on the rendering it did start rendering, but it stopped after a few minutes (right when a CD I was importing into iTunes at the same time finished importing...could it matter?). Since then, it does noit even start rendering.
    In the past, I have succesfully made two movies with iMovie and iDVD, burned them on DVDs etc, but I was using earlier versions of the sofware and OSX. So I feel I am not a total incompetent.
    Thanks for any tips or suggestions to anybody who has them!

    Hi Sandra
    Try this instead:
    When You have added the Chapters.
    a) Close iMovie
    b) find the project icon/folder
    c) Ctrl-click on it and Show package.
    d) in this there are a folder -> Shared Movies -> iDVD
    e) in this there is a QT movie
    - You can test this with QT-player to see that it is OK -
    f) drop this into an open theme in iDVD (just inside the edge of the
        window) and save it as a desktop image
    (if iDVD prior HD/5 You have to add a hack to make this possibly
    named HPfurz and install it)
    Test this with Apple DVD-player - OK then burn it with iDVD
    or Toast if You have and don’t want to re-code the movie.
    Yours Bengt W

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