Importing high definition video

whenever i plug in my high def camcorder a message comes up saying that my version of os x doesn't support the high def and to change my camcorder settings to standard def, but i can't do that. the lady at the apple store told me i should be able to use my camera with this new version of imovie, what is there that i can do to make this work?

If it says it should work, it really should, have you checked the list of compatible cameras?
Is it an 80mm DVD, if so it should go in a regular CD tray but not a slot loading drive, but if you've had trouble once, I'd give it a miss.
If you are able to mount the camera in the finder you may be able to make a disk image of the DVD and try using that with imovie or you could even convert the transport stream to AIC outside of im08 with something like Voltaic.

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    Maybe you should try using the Scene-Detection Feature in imovie.
    Click Here for more on this. Scroll to the bottom of the page.

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    Do you mean rendering the timeline for playback, or rendering the video with a preset for output?  You can start by making sure the quality setting in the program monitor is set to highest quality, not draft, or automatic.  You can also check the Maximize Render Quality option.  See the following taken from Adobe's website:
    Maximum Render Quality option
    You can improve rendering of motion, improve deinterlacing, and improve scaling of video. Select Maximum Render Quality in your sequence settings or Use Maximum Render Quality in your export settings.
    If the resulting video from an export from Premiere is low in quality, then you need to adjust the bitrate settings, or resolution settings.

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    So I exported my completed high definition sequence to an MP4 and re-imported back into Premiere Pro. Right-clicked it and created a sequence from the clip. Then I imported my chapters from the old sequence into the new one.
    I returned to Encore, modified my project to work off the newly created sequence (what a pain having to recreate all the scene links) and voila, it had no trouble making a DVD this time.
    So I guess I'll get out of the bad habit of my old routine and create a sequence the "right" way from now on. Funny how we get used to doing something one way and stop thinking outside the box after a while.
    Jim, I don't see how that's necessary. As long as I create an Encore project based on a good high definition sequence, I have never had to do anything other than have Encore build a standard definition DVD based on the high definition sequences. It has always done the conversion for me and produced really good DVDs. Once I create a DVD image that I'm satisfied with, I simply have Encore build a Blu-ray image using the exact same project, and that works perfectly as well. I suppose I may be missing something here but it all works and works well, so I don't see a reason to create two projects when one works well.
    On a separate note, is it just me or doesn't everybody think it's high time that Adobe offer a feature to import markers from one sequence into another. I can do it automatically but I have to use a macro that I created separate and apart from Premiere Pro. For that matter, I think Encore should also offer a feature to remap all scene links to a new sequence instead of forcing me to fix them one by one myself.
    Anyway, thanks to all of you for pointing me in the right direction!

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    DVD Player (Applications folder.) DivX, a third-party player may also work. I'm sure you can find others at VersionTracker or MacUpdate. iMovie HD which is part of iLife.

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    iMovie HD 6.0.2 (267)
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    Did I just waste $80.00?
    No, it's probably not wasted...
    So while your Mac may not be able to edit HDV it can
    edit the "normal" video recorded by most camcorders.
    In other words, iMovie HD can do all the stuff old
    versions do, but it can do HDV too.
    I actually don't even have a camcorder. I just wanted to import .mov files, etc.
    There might be some other problem. Here's some topics
    to look at:

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    There does not appear to be a list yet.

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    this is not a vga issue. if u get a video with 720x480 resolution and strength it, surely it will lose quality. for maximum resolution of windows, check the monitor and vga card´s manual for specifications.

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    - Nolan

    I ran into the same problem. I had some picturess that had great detail. I put them into iMovie to get the "Ken Burns" effect, but when I shared them and used them in KN the lost their detail. I called Apple and the tech told me how to get HD images into KN.
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  • Viewing High Definition Videos

    iMac 20 inch 2 GHZ
    Is it worth paying extra to rent high definition videos vs. standard definition to view on my iMacs 20 inch screen. Is there a noticeable difference in viewing quality? I usually watch videos from about 8 feet away.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond.
    However, I did not mean to ask if the iMac was capable of playing high definition videos comfortably.
    I meant to get opinions on whether high definition videos from iTunes are suppose to look noticeably better than standard definition videos on the iMacs 20 inch screen at a distance about 8 feet. I am thinking that the difference in quality is not noticeable because of the size of the screen and viewing distance.
    I rented an HD version of the new James Bond flick and can't see much of a difference in quality between it and a standard definition video of The Office. I don't know if it is just because I am not a videophile or because of the size of the screen and viewing distance? I realize that tells me if it is worth paying extra, but I still would like to know your opinions on the difference in quality that you see.
    I apologize for the confusion.

  • Importing High Definition Movies from SonyHDR7 Camcorder

    I Movie 08 is only recognizing standard definition movies and will not import my high definition movies. I have imported them before but it no longer works. What has happened? I can see them on my SonyHDR7 camcorder, I know they are there.

    • Free space on internal hard disk. How much ?
    *Not knowing the origin to Your problem - General approach when in trouble is as follows.*
    • Free space on internal (start-up) hard disk if it is less than 10Gb should rather have 25Gb
    • Delete iMovie pref file - or rather start a new user/account - log into this and re-try
    iMovie pref file resides.
    Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/"Your account"/Library/Preferences
    and is named. * *
    While iMovie is NOT RUNNING - move this file out to desk-top.
    Now restart iMovie.
    • Hard disk is untidy. Repair Permissions, Repair Hard disk (Apple Disc Util tool)
    • Garageband-fix. Start it, Play a note and Close it. Re-try (Corrects an audio problem that hinders iMovie)
    • Screen must be set to Million-colors
    • Third party plug-ins that doesn't work OK (not relevant for iMovie’08 or 09)
    iMovie updated ?
    QuickTime updated ?
    Mac OS version ?
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 5.0.2, up to Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 6.0.3 or 6.0.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • Program miss-match. iMovie’08 v. 7.0.1, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    From LKN 1935. (in this case = iMovie HD (5), I tried it all, but nothing worked.
    Your answer (above) has been helpfull insofar as all the different trials led to the conclusion that
    there was something wrong with my iMovie software. I therefore threw everything away and reinstalled
    iMovie from the HD. After that the exportation of DV videos (there has not been any problem with HDV videos)
    to my Sony camcorders worked properly as it did before.
    Lennart Thelander
    I run "Cache Out X", clear out all caches and restarts the Mac.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Importing high quality video through a lower-quality camera

    (Final Cut 5 in a G5, 10.5.8)
    The camcorder I'm using to shoot video for my Final Cut projects is a Panasonic PV-GS400, a good 3-chip mini-DV camcorder that shoots high-quality DV (original price $1500).
    I would prefer not to use this camera to play the video into Final Cut, to save wear and tear on its tape drive (with tape, of course, one hour of recorded video takes one hour to play into Final Cut).
    I have an inexpensive little Canon Elura 100 Mini-DV camcorder (original price $400) that could be used to play the tapes from the Panasonic into Final Cut, but if I did that, would the higher quality of the Panasonic's video be degraded to the lower level of the Canon's video when passing through?
    To put it another way, can a Mini-DV tape with high quality video on it be imported through a relatively low-quality camera into Final Cut and still retain its high quality?
    Thanks for any help.

    Thanks much, guys. Yes, I'm using firewire. Glad to hear there's no loss of quality when the video is strained through a lesser camcorder on its way into Final Cut.
    So now I'll go ahead and use the little Canon Elura as my playback/ingest camera with no worries.
    I appreciate the help!

  • Hauppauge High Definition Video Capture

    Does anyone have experience of the "Hauppauge HD PVR USB Hi-def H.264 Video Capture Device,high Definition USB 2.0 Video Capture With Hardware H.264 Video Encoders"?
    If so what do you think of it?
    Leaving aside PVR (it isn't in my opinion as it needs to be connected to a PC for recording) and the over emphasis on recording gaming sessions it sounds as though it might be a handy High Definition equivalent of the Canopus ADVC analogue to digital converter range.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children

    I have never used one, nor have I read many articles from those, who have used it. The exception has been some users, who have had issues with Hauppage capture cards, but I do not know of any, who used this device.
    Good luck, and wish that I could help, but will follow the thread, in hopes of learning something new.

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