In Pages how do I save a file with another name

In Pages how do I save a file with another name?

I don't know if there is a less cumbersome way to do this (I'm still pretty new to Lion) but This is what I do - since "Save As" seems to be gone with Lion.
I create a duplicate document - then click the red button to close the document - and a dialog box pops up and asks if you want to save the changes - I change the name in there and then save the file under the new name.
You can also save the copy to the desktop - get info - and then change the name if the finder window.
I copied this from the Pages help area. These help instructions were created pre-Lion I'm sure.
Saving a Copy of a Document
If you want to make a copy of your document—to create a backup copy or multiple versions, for example—you can save the document using a different name or location. (You can also automate saving a backup version, as Automatically Saving a Backup Version of a Document describes.)
To save a copy of a document: 
Choose File > Save As and specify a name and location.
The document with the new name remains open. To work with the previous version, choose File > Open Recent and choose the previous version from the submenu.

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    Ross Millard wrote:
    Badunit. You have an original file and an edited file. Now you duplicate the edited file and save it with a different name. Now do you have to go and delete the changed file from which the duplicate had been made? And.... is the original still unchaned... still original?
    For the situation you describe, Apple has provided Duplicate and Revert. Use File > Duplicate to reach this menu:

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    Top of screen: FILE -- Save as... Name it - top rectangle and pick a place to save it. DONE.

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    I'm using version 9.2.
    Yes, it started with a new file. Support gave me the solution to save it to my desktop which worked. When I put it back in the original folder and opened/save it would not save to that folder. Created a new folder and was able to open & save to the new folder. That seems to be a workable solution. How a folder can become corrupt is a bit scarey.
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    Thanks for responding.

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    Who can help me?
    THX in advance

    Versione in Italiano (Further down the English version)
    NB - Nella versione inglese ho messo tutte le immagini dei menu in italiano.
    Versione per Mac, ma credo sia identico per Windows.
    Spiego passo passo cosa ho fatto:
    - Ho creato un file esempio con tre Livelli, salvato sulla scrivania e ho chiuso il file.
    - Ho aperto il file e selezionato il Livello al centro per iniziare a registrare una azione che ho chiamato: Save with Name of Selected Layer
    - Nuova azione
    - Dare il nome e premere Registra
    Ora salva…
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Ancora una volta Menu --> Livello... --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Menu --> Livello --> Ordina --> Dietro
    - Menu --> Livello --> Unisci sotto
    - Menu --> Livello --> Unisci visibili
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Menu --> Livello - Nascondi Livello
    - Menu --> Elimina --> Elimina livelli nascosti (press -Yes-)
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... Inserisci questo: 'Move this to the trash' e premi ok
    - Menu --> File --> Script --> Esporta Livelli in File... (Nella finestra che si apre scegliere l’opzione che si desidera, ma togliere il prefisso del nome) e premere -Esegui-
    - Selezionare il pannello Storia cliccare su Elimina premendo -Si- ogni volta che si apre la finestra di dialogo (Ripetere 8 volte questa operazione sino ad arrivare nella storia alla condizione di partenza. Ho visto che è meglio di Ripristina -F12-)
    - Fermare la registrazione.
    A questo punto, mandando in esecuzione questa Azione, ho raggiunto parzialmente l’obiettivo perché i file così creati mantengono, purtroppo, dei prefissi numerici per evitare probabilmente la sovrascrizione di file (credo senza avviso) nel posto dove vengono creati.
    Per ottenere l’obiettivo occorre un nuovo passo ed a proposito di questo riferisco quanto segue:
    ATTENZIONE - L’operazione descritta qui di seguito deve essere fatta su di una copia del file, per cui:
    - Duplicare il file,
    - Spostare l’originale in altra cartella
    - Lavorare sul file duplicato.
    mi riferisco a questo...
    ATTENZIONE - Questa modifica è effettuata a proprio rischio e pericolo ed il sottoscritto non si assume alcuna responsabilità su quanto venga fatto soprattutto da mani inesperte.
    ATTENZIONE - Questa modifica sovrascrive qualsiasi file che abbia nome uguale al layer che viene selezionato più l’estensione del file naturalmente.
    Comunque la modifica è banalissima e a portata di chiunque.
    Procedere così:
    - Chiudere Photoshop
    - Aprire (nel percorso specificato dall’immagine) il file “Export Layers to Files.jsx” (Export Layers To Files.jsx con un editor di testo puro.
    - cercare la stringa (dovrebbe essere in riga 1029)
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4);
    fileNameBody += "_" + layerName;
    - sostituirla con:
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += layerName;
    - cercare la stringa (dovrebbe essere in riga 1047-46)
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4) + "s";
    - sostituirla con:
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "";
    - salvare e uscire.
    - riavviare Photoshop
    - provare l’azione registrata facendo attenzione che il nome del layer non sia identico al nome di un file già presente altrimenti questo verrà sovrascritto.
    Perché ho creato livelli che poi ho eliminato ecc.
    Semplice per evitare errori di esecuzione delle azioni nel caso di operazioni con livelli mancanti o altro.
    Semplice... no?
    English version
    Mac version, but I think it's the same for Windows.
    First of all, I'm translating the actions that I made using the Italian version of Photoshop, you look at the position of the menu that I have chosen to do the work with other languages.
    I explain step by step what I did:
    - I created a sample file with three layers, saved to the desktop and I closed the file.
    - I opened the file and select the layer at the center to start recording an action that I called: Save with Name of the Selected Layer
    - New action
    - Give the name and press Save ( I think it is so in English )
    Now save ...
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Once again Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Menu -> Layer - > Arrange (order) -> Behind
    - Menu -> Layer - > Merge Down
    - Menu -> Layer - > Merge Visible
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Menu -> Layer - Hide Layer
    - Menu - > Delete - > Delete hidden layers (press -Yes- )
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… Enter this: ' Move this to the trash ' and press ok
    - Menu -> File - > Scripts -> Export Layers To Files... (In the window that opens select the option you want, but take away the name prefix) and press - Run -
    - Select the History panel and click Delete (on menu opened) pressing -Yes- every time when open the dialog box (8 times Repeat this step until you get into the story to the starting condition. Not use Restore -F12-).
    - Stop recording.
    At this point, by executing this action, I have reached the goal partly because the files created in this way remain, unfortunately, the numerical prefixes to avoid possibly overwriting of files (I think without notice) in the place where they are created.
    To achieve the goal we need a new step and thinking about this as follows:
    WARNING - The operation described below should be made on a copy of the file, so :
    - Duplicate the file
    - Move the original folder to another
    - Work on the duplicate file.
    WARNING - This modification is performed at your own risk and the undersigned assumes no responsibility on what is done mostly by inexperienced hands.
    WARNING - This change will overwrite any files with the same name as the selected layer plus the file extension of course.
    However, the change is trivial and within reach of anyone.
    Proceed as follows:
    - Close Photoshop
    - Open (in the specified path from the image ) file " Export Layers to Files.jsx " (Export Layers To Files.jsx with a pure text editor.
    - Search for the string (should be in line 1029 )
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody = + "_" + zeroSuppress (i, 4 ) ;
    fileNameBody + = "_ " + layerName ;
    - Replace it with :
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = layerName ;
    - Search for the string (should be in line 1047-46 )
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = "_ " + zeroSuppress (i, 4) + "s" ;
    - Replace it with :
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = "";
    - Save and exit.
    - Restart Photoshop
    - Try the recorded Action, making sure that the layer name is not identical to the name of an existing file otherwise it will be overwritten.
    Why I created levels which I then deleted etc..
    Simple to avoid errors of execution of the actions in the case of transactions with missing levels and other.
    Simple ... is not it?
    Sorry for my bad English...
    Thanks in advance for any hint.
    --->>> Please think about this... Adobe <<<---

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    java.sql.SQLException: You already have a schema opened on this file with another name: abc
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    Where is the mistake going in?

    That is because you can only connect to a file in read/write mode once at a time. When you connect to a file without specifying ro=true (e.g. Read Only=true) in the URL, the file is locked and you can’t connect to the file from another instance until the original connection is dropped. I assume since you are trying to connect to the file multiple times that you mean to connect in readonly mode. To do this, like I mentioned earlier, simply add ro=true to your URL and you should be all set. Note: you may need o restart your JVM for chnges to take effect. Let me know if that works.

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    From the help file: ml

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    Can I achieve my goal with Batch Processor, and how would I have to configure it?
    Kind regards,

    Which version of Audition are you using? The latest ones allow you to specify where the batched files are saved and also if any Prefix or Postfix are added to the file name. These are all under Export Settings in the Batch Process pane. However you must have the Export box ticked to give you access to the settings.

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    How to implement this functinality using RIDC API? Any suggestions would be helpful.
    Edited by: 887680 on Mar 6, 2013 10:48 AM

    Hi Srinath
    Thanks for your response. Its not cloning, its like check-in file first, then check-out the file and do some editing and then again upload the same file with different revision number using RIDC. I got the solution now.

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    I would have thought this would be simple.  Just like I can crop a still image in Photoshop and save it with a new name (or the same name), I expected to be able to trim or split an .mov file in Premiere Elements 9 and save the resulting file(s) under a new name (or the same name) while preserving the same format.
    But SIX hours later, NO.
    Instead, after I split or trim the .mov file, it seems to be held hostage inside a project that won't let it go.  I even tried "exporting" it but the choices are different than the properties of the source file (a BAD thing), and the resulting two files from the export are unreadable on my computer (USELESS).
    The .mov file was shot with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i.  Windows with Vista.  Adobe Premiere Elements 9.  I also have Photoshop CS5 Extended and Lightroom 3.4.x, if either of those would help.
    I'm sure that I'm mistaken,  There MUST be a secret menu option to SAVE-the-trimmed-CLIP-as-a-SOURCE-file.
    How could there not be something this basic?

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Quoting Steve:
    "I'll say it once more: It's impossible to cut a piece of video and then resave your file.....[because] IT'S [against] THE NATURE OF EDITING VIDEO WITH EVERY VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE IN THE WORLD."
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    I'm very pleased to say that I've found out how to do exactly what I wanted to do, despite Steve's strongly stated opinion that it is "impossible."
    I can:
    ..... trim or split a video
    ..... and save it under the same name or a different name(s)
    ..... WITHOUT converting it to something else before or after trimming
    ..... WITHOUT changing it from its original format
    ..... WITHOUT exporting (compressing) it
    ..... WITHOUT "rendering" it different in any way except my desired length change (and resulting smaller file size)
    This is desireable to me in order to:
    ..... save many gigs of space on my terabyte drives
    ..... while retaining source file footage that may be useful in future projects
    ..... IN ITS ORIGINAL (source) FORMAT !!!!!
    I got thinking about the software that came with my camera.  I didn't install it because it included things like a program to handle RAW images (and I prefer to use Adobe Lightroom 3) and a program that I thought might be similar to Bridge (and I really like Adobe Bridge).
    But I decided to install it and see if there was anything there that would allow me to work with the videos and sure enough, there it was - the ability to trim my videos of the junk while keeping the rest in original perfect format, just as it was shot. From a user's point of view, it is a precise video version of cropping a still image in Photoshop.  EXACTLY what I wanted to do!!!
    Here is a collage of the properties box of the "before" version (the original original), collaged together with the  properties box of the "after" version (the trimmed original).  The properties boxes are the properties as reported by Adobe Premiere Elements 9.
    In the above-shown collage of the screenshots that I've made for you, you can see that nothing has changed in terms of the properties.  The only changes are the length (because I cut it), the file size (because it is MUCH smaller now), and the name (because I wanted to preserve the original file in order to make a screenshot of its properties for you). I WANT TO REPEAT - the new CUT file is identical to the original, except the unwanted portion has been cropped away. It was NOT compressed, it was NOT rendered, it was NOT exported.  It is a true source file utilizing original footage in its original format.
    (This forum limits images to 450 pix wide so to see that all the relevant format properties are the same in both properties boxes, you may have to increase the size through your browser by holding down the [Ctrl] and hitting the "=" key (the one with the "+" above the "=" sign).)
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Here are the steps I took to make the screenshot above:
    1 - Opened the original file in Canon ZoomBrowser EX 6.7 (which came with the camera).
    2 - Trimmed ("cut") the file by placing a start point and stop point around the desirable footage.
    3 - Saved under a different file name.  (NOTE:  This was a true save, NOT an export, NOT a "render" of some sort.)
    4 - Switched to Adobe Premiere Elements 9 and started a new "project."
    5 - Used "Get Media" to pull the original version and the cut version of the video into the project.  NOTE:  I pulled the cut version in first, so if there had been a format mismatch (as compared with the DSLR-1080p30 @29.97 setting I normally use when creating a new project), Premiere would have said so.  But there was NOT a format mismatch.  And it runs perfectly, just as it did before, including audio.
    6 - Right clicked each video and took a screenshot of the properties of each to show you.
    And this means I can use the trimmed footage for any purpose down the road, yet I didn't have to save the entire file which included unwanted footage.  And I've saved a considerable amount of space on one of my terabyte drives.
    Easy as pie:
    I trimmed the excess off a video WITHOUT "converting," "exporting," "compressing," "rendering" or changing the format away from the original in any way.
    No loss of any type of data whether audio or visual or "other."  (Except, of course, the unwanted footage.)

  • How to save PDF file with predefined name?

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    I added a button (btnSavePDF) to the form (Control Type=Regular). Then I added an action with the Condition:"When button is clicked" and the Result: "Save the form". I got the JavaScripts it genreated:
      CoverPageForm.FormPage.btnSavePDF::click - (JavaScript, client)
    When I tested it in Adobe Acorbat XI, I have option to save it as .pdf or other file formats. My questions is how can I save it with the predefined file name as a .pdf file, instead user has option to change the file name or change the file format? Can app.execMemuItem() method take other parameters?

    You can't do it with app.execMenuItem. You can use the doc.saveAs method, but it has to be executed in a privileged context. For your application this means a folder-level JavaScript file that would have to be installed on each user's machine or with code in a certified PDF that the users chooses to trust to allow for privileged JavaScript execution.
    More information on the saveAs JavaScript method:
    and some sample code relevant to the folder-level JavaScript option:
    All of the sample code shown is for a regular PDF, so you'll have to adjust slightly for using with an XFA.

  • How do I save excel file with password for read only access ?

    I am trying to save an excel file with a password to make it read only when opened
    using OLE2 . I am having a problem with the parameter list. This is my code that does
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 'C:\Reports\Excel\File.xls');
    ole2.add_arg(args, 0);
    ole2.add_arg(args, 0);
    ole2.add_arg(args, 'TEST');
    ole2.add_arg(args, 0);
    ole2.add_arg(args, 0);
    ole2.add_arg(args, 1);
    I also have the following code at the beginning of the program to suppress dialogs.
         OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(application,'DisplayAlerts', 'FALSE');
         ole2.set_property(application,'Visible', 'false');

    Hope it help.
         -- Begin : Protect your worksheet
         args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
         OLE2.ADD_ARG(args,yourpassword); -- choose your password
         OLE2.INVOKE(worksheet, 'Protect', args);
         -- End : Protect your worksheet
         -- Begin : Save and close worksheet
         OLE2.INVOKE(workbook, 'Save');
         OLE2.INVOKE(workbook, 'Close');
         -- END : Save and close worksheet

  • How do I save a file with SAVE AS rather than SAVE A VERSION?

    I have entered data on a template file and wish to SAVE AS a named file. Pages gives me only one option "Save a Version" which saves the template file overwritten. What has happened to "SAVE AS"

    Just discovered this "feature" myself and I'll also be filling in a feedback form to point out what an appalling idea this was.  When I read that "Save As..." has been totally removed, can't even be activated as an option, I shook my head.
    "Save As..." has been used in every program I can think of, cross-platform, for decades. It's as fundamental to the user experience as "Open File", "Close Window" or even "Save". It's like Apple deciding on a whim that a little cross is too boring for closing windows, let's make it a swirl instead - except users don't understand what it means.
    My main problem (and maybe someone here can help me with a workaround) is that I often open an old file and tinker with it, then decide I'm making more changes than I thought etc. and it might be better to keep the original and "Save As..." to create a new document. From what I can see, if I hit "Duplicate" I'll end up with 2 files that have my recent changes.  I'll then have to rename the new "Duplicate" file and go back and "Undo" all my recent changes in the original until I'm back to the start (or use "Revert").  Fail to see a way around this and it's such a fundamental problem that will literally hamper my use of Pages on a daily basis, that I'm seriously considering buying Word (what a horrible prospect!).

  • How can i save a file with FileDialog?

    i watched the forum but didn't find an answer to my problem. what i want is that after a klick on a button the FileDialog should appear. then i want choose a directory and enter the name for the new file.
    then after clicking the ok button of the filedialog frame, i want to get the file name, which was entered, to create the new file and to store the data in it.
    there must be a way, if not for what is the FileDialog good. ;-)
    greets darkPsy

    Use the FileDialog methods getFile() and getDirectory(). In the code I used, I just concatenated the directory and file and used that String as the file name for a FileReader.

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    Sorry, I forgot - if you created the PDF with iWork (Pages, Numbers, Keynote), you could share the source in iCloud however instead of the PDF:
    See this link:                Share and edit a document with others      

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