Inactive Window - keyListener

i have a problem. I wrote a program, that reacts on a keyevent. That works, but only if the window of my program is active. And theres the problem, because it should even react on the keyevent if another window is active.
It this possible in Java? If not, what are the alternatives?

Hi judy333!
Unfortunatelly I never exploited this issue in Java, but think about calling C-language programs just to listen environment events and to notify program, ie; removing from dormant state (inactive). As you can see, it is a hack on OS, be careful! In past I was successful using Object Pascal and MASM but I do not consider it a good solution!
Good luck and success!
(also try forum about native methods)

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    Hi Jan,
    Thank you for your reply. Indeed those timer values were not covered in the ISE design guide. We have implemented this timer to tweak the standard design. However we have finally discovered the solution for this issue.
    "authentication timer inactivity 120" was the route cause of the issue. So when a workstation goes to idle, ISE tries to re-authenticate after 2 minutes because of this switch port configuration.
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    if you just want to send keys to another java app, this is a kludge hack, windows only
    run frame1 and frame2 as separate apps, have them both visible on the screen, focus on frame1.
    click the button to send 'enter' to frame2, which will (should) display the JOptionPane
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Frame1
      public void buildGUI()
        JButton btn = new JButton("Send Enter");
        JFrame f = new JFrame("Frame1");
        btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
      public void sendEnterToFrame2()
 file = new"ActivateFrame2.vbs");
 fw = new;
          fw.write("set ws = WScript.CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")\r\nws.AppActivate \"Frame2\" \r\n set ws = nothing");
          Runtime.getRuntime().exec("WScript.exe ActivateFrame2.vbs");
          Robot robot = new Robot();
        catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
      public static void main(String[] args)
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
          public void run(){
            new Frame1().buildGUI();
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Frame2
      public void buildGUI()
        JButton btn = new JButton("OK");
        JFrame f = new JFrame("Frame2");
        btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
      public static void main(String[] args)
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
          public void run(){
            new Frame2().buildGUI();

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    description 802.1x Poort
    switchport access vlan xxx
    switchport mode access
    switchport nonegotiate
    switchport voice vlan xxx
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    priority-queue out
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    authentication host-mode multi-domain
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    authentication priority dot1x mab
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    dot1x timeout tx-period 10
    dot1x timeout supp-timeout 300
    dot1x max-reauth-req 3
    dot1x timeout held-period 300
    dot1x timeout auth-period 3
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    storm-control multicast level 10.00
    no cdp enable
    spanning-tree portfast
    service-policy input xxxx
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    ISE Version:
    Patch Information: 5,6,8
    Help would be much appreciated

    Hi Jan,
    Thank you for your reply. Indeed those timer values were not covered in the ISE design guide. We have implemented this timer to tweak the standard design. However we have finally discovered the solution for this issue.
    "authentication timer inactivity 120" was the route cause of the issue. So when a workstation goes to idle, ISE tries to re-authenticate after 2 minutes because of this switch port configuration.
    We have tried to expand the timer to 3600 and it worked, issue fixed. But you will have then every one hour the same result (not a big issue).
    And yes, we have deleted all those timer values to keep the configuration simple as possible. Now we don't have the issue anymore.

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    Uncheck Open documents as Tabs in Preferences > Interface.

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    I hope we can do that with JNI and KeyboardHooking.
    this code worked fine when the aplication has the focus , but it didn't work when the applicaion is out of focus, i dont have any clue about that.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    #include "jni.h"
    #include "JNIFrame.h"
    #include <process.h>
    //HINSTANCE hInst;
    //HHOOK g_hook = NULL;
    jclass cls1;
    //jobject obj1;
    JNIEnv *env1;
    //JavaVM *pJavaVM;
    jmethodID mid;
    #pragma data_seg("Shared")
    HHOOK g_hook = NULL;
    JavaVM *pJavaVM = NULL;
    jobject obj1 = NULL;
    #pragma data_seg()
    #pragma comment(linker,"/SECTION:Shared,RWS")
    LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardProc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
    int WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved);
    int WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
    return TRUE;
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_JNIFrame_initialize(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls,jobject obj)
    //jclass cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj);
    //g_hook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD,(HOOKPROC)KeyboardProc, hInst,(DWORD)NULL);
    mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "callback", "()V");
    g_hook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD,(HOOKPROC)KeyboardProc, hInst,(DWORD)NULL);
    LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardProc(
    int nCode, // hook code
    WPARAM wParam, // current-process flag
    LPARAM lParam // address of structure with message data
    JNIEnv *__env;
    #if defined(JDK1_2) || defined(JDK1_3)
    pJavaVM->AttachCurrentThread((void**)&__env, (void*) 0);
    pJavaVM->AttachCurrentThread(&__env, (void*)0);
    // jmethodID mid = __env->GetMethodID(cls1, "callback", "()V");
    if (mid == 0) {
    return 0;
    return CallNextHookEx(g_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_JNIFrame_unHook
    (JNIEnv *, jclass, jobject)

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    Please APPLE~ fix this or at least give users a choice to turn this stupid feature OFF!!

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    The flip side of my dilemma, as hinted in the beginning, is that I need the ability to email PDFs directly from the browser without saving it to the computer (i.e., the email icon on the Reader toolbar opens an Outlook email window).  As best as I can tell, there is no way to do that with the built-in Chrome PDF viewer and thus I switched to the Adobe Reader. 
    Ultimately, I don't care whether I wind up with Reader that allows the scrolling functions that I desire or Chrome Viewer that allows me to email, though I'd prefer to just stick with the Chrome PDF viewer if that's possible.
    Help and suggestions are appreciated!

    Thanks, for responding, Pat.
    Win7 Professional and Adobe Reader 11.0.07, plugin version
    I'll try to clarify the problem.
    On screen one I have a Chrome window open with data fields and a list of links that take me to PDFs.  On screen two I have another Chrome window open; when I click on the PDF links on screen one, the PDF opens on screen two. (1) I move the cursor to one of the text fields on screen one and start typing. (2) I then move the cursor (without clicking) over to screen two and using the mouse wheel, scroll down in the document.  (3) Next, I continue typing in the text field on screen one - again, my cursor is still on screen two, having just scrolled down. (4) I'll then scroll some more and (5) continue typing in the text field on screen 1, open a new PDF and repeat. Again, the issue Adobe Reader plugin causes is that it creates extra steps between 1 & 2 (I have to click on the PDF to scroll), 2 & 3 (I have to move the cursor back to screen one and click in the text field), 3 & 4 (I have to move the cursor back to the PDF and click again to scroll), etc. etc. 

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    Thank you.

    hi friend, want to say one thing to you, reading manual / API is a good good habbit :
    public int getExtendedState()
    Gets the state of this frame. The state is represented as a bitwise mask.
    Indicates that no state bits are set.
    you can use above method of Frame class( remember JFrame extends Frame :) )

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    If you look at Qicksilver/Preferences/Extras you'll see that there's an option to Hide other applications when switching. If this is checked then unchecking it should sort out the Quicksilver problem.
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    I suggest that those who are still having problems with MC should have a look at these Login Items against their username in Preferences/User & Groups in case there's something shown there that might be causing their problem.

  • Closing windows when they are inactive

    hey peeps
    i have created a couple of tabs using JTabbedPane. I have got 3 tabs that are always meant to be visible and when the user clicks on a specific button, a new tab / windos opens up and let the user do more stuff. when the window becomes inactive (eg: the user clicks another button and another tab is created), how can i close that inactive window??

    If you're just trying to sync music to your iPad with iTunes using Windows XP, here's a link to Apple's support which gives details on syncing and using your iPad with iTunes.
    And here's the link to syncing specifically:

  • Can i change the color of the iTunes 12 window?

    I'm running Win 8.1 and iTunes, although this issue has existed in earlier versions of both.  The color (gray) and shade of iTunes 12 is the same color as an inactive Win 8 window.  When iTunes is active and on top, its edges blend right into any underlying inactive windows.  Is there a way iTunes can be given the same type of 'frame' color or perhaps a different, more contrasting color scheme when it is active and on top?

    This sounds like one for iTunes Feedback.

  • How to get black text in window title

    I have difficulty distinguishing between active windows and inactive windows because the title text for both is a shade of gray. How can I theme OS X Lion to use black text  scrollbar, and controls for active windows; gray for inactive windows?
    I am tired of having to click on a window to ensure that it is active.

    Ha, I had the graphite theme, so they were gray. While they were darker than an inactive window, they still didn't call attention to themselves. I've switched to blue and now they're in color. Not sure why they are called "blue" and "graphite" as the only difference I notice is the color buttons, none of which are blue, for blue and the gray buttons for graphite. I still don't usually look over in that direction; I'm looking at the title to see if its the window I'm interested it. Still, that gets a helpful.
    Still, I'd really like black text as I find gray text harder to read. And the back/forward buttons in Firefox don't change enough between active and inactive. I'd like that to be really black. (I'm told that OS X theming interferes with being able to change that; not sure if it's true.)
    As for the active one usually being in front, that's assuming that the active one is taking up a majority of the real estate. I often have two windows side-by-side. Further, stickies don't have the three buttons, so it's no help when they're active (and there's a bug - which I've reported - that sometimes makes them inadvertently active).

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    Anyway, first I have activated a few effects and that is to have my inactive windows transparent and all windows titlebar it all working good. But is there any way to exclude any window from the transparency stuff?
    Another thing is that I have pidgin installed to use ICQ and MSN works nice, But is it posible to hide the "taskbutton" for pidgin on the task/window list that is normally at the top of the screen? And maybe also from alt+tab/middle-click menu.

    McZ wrote:Anyway, first I have activated a few effects and that is to have my inactive windows transparent and all windows titlebar it all working good. But is there any way to exclude any window from the transparency stuff?
    I don't think there's any way to do it within Xfwm, but you could try devilspie. It's in [extra].

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