Include Modules dynamically

Hi there!
I have to face the following scenario. It's no nice, but it is, as it is^^
There is a main application, which does XSL Transformation, using Xalan. Adminstrators are able to upload XSL Templates for specific resources. If user requests a resource, the main application loads and transforms it, using the admin's templates for this resource.
Now, there is a request for extended functionality of the XSL Templates (e.g. cipher jobs etc.). So, the administrators should be able to upload java libraries for the xsl templates, too. Their classes should be called by the XSL Template.
It is possible do java calls from xsl templates, using xalan. But how can it be achieved, that the XSL engine has access to the uploaded libraries? Can this be done with classloaders or osgi? I'm very so sure about this. Hope you can give me some hints.

How it works depends on the engine. Since you say it does it then it should have docs somewhere explaining it.
As a side issue you might want to consider the source of this additional functionality. If it comes from you no problem but if it is coming from someone else (like the customer) then you might want to spin up another process to handle this. That way it can't take down your server no pollute your process space.

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    Actually you can call the FM dynamically in by taking it into one variable and than use the CALL FUNCTION V_FM_NAME.
    But the problem here is, you need to take care about the importing, exporting and tables parameters. They needs to be same for all FMs which you are planning to call. Otherwise system will give you a run time error.
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    *                 direct_call        = ' '
             IMPORTING  FM_NAME            = LF_FM_NAME
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                        NO_FUNCTION_MODULE = 2
                        OTHERS             = 3.
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    Read this SAP documentation on calling function modules dynamically: [|] Here you have an example explaining the technique.
    Also check this link on [ABAP FAQs|].
    Edited by: Suhas Saha on Mar 9, 2010 3:33 PM

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    Message was edited by:
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    You can use the function module RS_FUNCTION_DELETE to do that.
    Make sure you are not deleting any standard FM's.
          call function 'RS_FUNCTION_DELETE'
                    funcname          = 'ZFM_NAME" " Function modue name
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    that's still to little information. However, if you are using ADF BC, take a look at the "Create" and "CreateInsert" operations here:

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    I guess you could import the JDAPI class files into a forms module and call the java to create a menu file. Why don't you use the menu security instead? With that you can have a menu that has all the menus you'll ever use and based on the roles you assign each user the function will hide or shoe the menus and menu items that the role is allowed to see.

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    Yes it is possible...chk this
    i guess u have added this import statement in ur code:
    Code will be soemthing like this (FOR PI7.1)
    MessagePropertyKey mpk = new MessagePropertyKey("FileName","");
    String filename = msg.getMessageProperty(mpk);

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    you cannot change button text dynamically in a dynpro itself.
    But you can place each button that may be shown on a different subscreen (if there are not too many). In PBO you choose the fitting subscreen in accordance to your needs.
    Good luck!
    Edited by: Joachim Ardelt on May 13, 2008 9:39 AM

  • Is it possible to create a Functional module dynamically?

    Hello All,
    Does any one know whether is it possible to create a FM dynamically and write some code in it?

    Yes it is possible.
    Use this FM to create a function module on the fly programatically.
    Here is an example
    Here an example how to call it:
    call function 'RS_FUNCTIONMODULE_INSERT'                                                   
    funcname                      = '/TEST40P/FB_TEST_EVE99'                               
        function_pool                 = 'CRAS1'                                                
    *   INTERFACE_GLOBAL              = ' '                                                    
    *   REMOTE_CALL                   = ' '                                                    
        short_text                    = 'TEST Anlage FB'                                       
       suppress_corr_check           = ' '                -----------------> means with transport popup                                                 
       update_task                   = '1'                                                     
    *   corrnum                       = 'B20K8A0V3F'                                           
       namespace                     = '/TEST40P/'                                             
    *   suppress_language_check       = 'X'                                                    
    *   AUTHORITY_CHECK               = 'X'                                                    
    *    save_active                   = ' '                                                   
        new_source                    = it_report[]                                            
    * IMPORTING                                                                               
    *   FUNCTION_INCLUDE              =                                                        
    *   CORRNUM_E                     =                                                        
    import_parameter              = if_import                                               
       export_parameter              = if_export                                               
       tables_parameter              = if_tables                                               
       changing_parameter            = if_change                                               
       exception_list                = if_except                                               
       parameter_docu                = if_docu_tab                                             
    *   SOURCE                        =                                                        
    double_task                   = 1                                                       
       error_message                 = 2                                                       
       function_already_exists       = 3                                                       
       invalid_function_pool         = 4                                                       
       invalid_name                  = 5                                                       
       too_many_functions            = 6                                                       
       no_modify_permission          = 7                                                       
       no_show_permission            = 8                                                       
       enqueue_system_failure        = 9                                                       
       canceled_in_corr              = 10                                                      
       others                        = 11.

  • Including modules in classpath

    I'm trying to create WTP projects from an ear file. I've successfully imported it and replaced the imported class files with the source files, but I'm having trouble getting it all to build. I think my main problem is the default WebLogic runtime I created doesn't include all of the weblogic jars I need. I'm not really sure how the list of jars is calculated, but I think many of the ones I require are in a directory beside the wlserver_10.3 folder called modules. What is the easiest way to add all the jars in the modules directory into my project's classpath?
    Thanks in advance,

    In the Project Explorer, find "WebLogic System Libraries" for your project. You may need to look under "Java Resources/Libraries". Right-click on WebLogic System Libraries and select Properties. On the next screen, you will be able to control which WLS libraries should be visible on your project's compile-time classpath.
    - Konstantin

  • Flash header in PHP includes module site issues

    Is there any way to get my flash header not to reload
    eachtime in php inludes?
    This is a php module website with music controller in flash
    header. I don't like the music restarting everytime I click on a
    link in the page.
    I hear frames is not a good idea.
    any ideas?
    below is the website mock
    Website in

    The requested URL
    /clients/One_Pensacola/Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js was
    not found on this server.
    You must upload the Scripts folder that DW creates when you
    insert the Flash
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "MelBLott" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gfs7ov$1no$[email protected]..
    > I've created a flash header located below the menu bar.
    The menu bar is
    > within
    > an include. I've built a few sites with this same basic
    format, but only
    > this
    > time when publishing to the live site, the flash file
    will not appear. I
    > can
    > test in browser and it works and once published I can
    right click and view
    > source. It is including the file in the code, but it
    just will not play.
    > I've
    > tested the flash file separately from the html page and
    it's working fine
    > by
    > itself. Any suggestions as to what I've done wrong? The
    file has a
    > transparent
    > background so that the css built background tiling shows
    through in areas
    > of
    > the flash file. I didn't know if this might've affected
    it. Here is the
    > link to
    > the test site/page -

  • Delivery from projects not included in dynamic availability check

    In our client, we use deliveries for project (delivery type LP, delivery item type DLP) triggered from network reservations.
    During delivery creation, we are finding that the existing deliveries are not being considered/cumulated into the ATP calculation. For example, for a given a material with an on hand balance of 22 units, individual deliveries for 4 units are created every day. The individual delivery passes the availability check test as it is always backed by the 22 units of stock.  However, as a whole now the individual deliveries are totaling 80 units, exceeding the quantity on hand.
    Is there any way to fine tune the availability check through customizing such that these  deliveries for project created are included in CO09 and the delivery for project creation?
    Or this should be an enhancement?. Client is in SAP R/3 version 4.7

    Query posted in the PP Forum and hence this is closed.

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