Incoming messages that never appear... Why?

Every now and then mail says it is downloading incoming messages 2 of 2 or 7 of 7 etc. and when it is done "receiving" these messages I have no new mail. My boyfriend's mail does the same thing. I am not actually missing any messages as I checked my mail server for new ones and there are not any there. Why does this happen?

It happens because you're using an IMAP mail account, which resides on the server, not your Mac. So whenever you send an email, your Mac and the mail server are communicating so that your Mac has an identical copy of everything that's on the server. So you may send one message, but that second one that you think is being sent is just the syncing process; same with received emails.

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    Please help me.
    Thank you 

    Welcme to the Frums!
    I am fairly new to BB as well, but I will help you with what I can and others will come after me and add to it!
    1: SMS messages - I woke up one morning and my most recent texts had been deleted. I hadn't done anything to them,they just disappeared! There were only a few on there (but were not 'saved' messages) from when I first got this, so it can't be the autodelete thing where they delete the oldest.
    From what I have read about this, it may be the memory.  Look over this link and see if it helps.
    From JMRMB post - Sounds like your device is running low on memory. For a quick fix try this: Go into Options | Status and look at the File free numbers. Then reset your phone by removing the battery for 1 min then replacing it. Afterwards look at your File Free number again to see if it increased. Check the following link for ways to Free up additional  memory on your device:
    4: Facebook -  I am not receiving my notifications for wall posts and messages, I am only receiving notifications on when a friend has added me or if I have been tagged in a photo. From the Facebook Blackberry group I know I am not the only one, but there doesn't seem to be a defined answer to the problem.
    Regardin FACEBOOK - you need to go to your facebook account on your PC and log into your notifications and make sure your notifications are set with your email for each thing you want to be notified for.  Something happened a few weeks ago and it kicked all of our notifications to off.  Once we reset it, it works fine!
    So that is a couple of answers for you! Hopefully I was a bit of assistance! you will love this forum!! Everyone is so helpful and I continue to learn and learn!!!
    Have a blessed Sunday
    Follow NurseBerry08 on Twitter

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    You can't.
    All photos transferred from your computer are stored in the Photo Library. The photos in the album or albums below are not duplicates - they include a pointer to the original photos stored in the Photo Library. This way you can view the photos in a particular album only by selecting the album, or you can view all photos available in all albums by selecting Photo Library.
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    Hello nickaster,
    It sounds like you have a Smart Mailbox that is not working correctly, but the issue seems to be intermitent. I would delete the Smart Mailbox first:
    Select the mailbox and choose Mailbox > Delete Mailbox.
    Mail (Mavericks): Delete mailboxes
    Then restart the computer, and create it again:
    Create a Smart Mailbox:
    Choose Mailbox > New Smart Mailbox. Use the pop-up menus and text fields to define the search criteria for the mailbox. You can also save a search, which is saved as a Smart Mailbox.
    Mail (Mavericks): Use Smart Mailboxes
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    Hey I have been having the SAME issue. It is so annoyning. I have the 4S and iOS 5 and I restored it and everything and it is still there. I havent been able to find anything, I think Im just going to go to the Apple store and see if I can get a new one.

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    Hm, it's not that old.
    But you're right. 10.6.7 update seems to have fixed this issue. Not sure why it cropped up in the first place but glad its gone. Thanks!

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    Title:  2011 Form 8829
    Author:  SE:W:CAR:MP
    Created: 12/23/2008
    PDF Producer:  Adobe LiveCycle DSesigner ES 8.2.
    PDF Version:  1.7 (Acrobat 8.x)
    Tagged PDF: No
    Fast Web View:  No
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        As far as sms r concerned, that were sent to u around 2 weeks ago cannot be retrieved because of the reason that sms do have a time period for being delivered,else r self destroyed.
    In other words, suppose a sms has 24 hrs time for delivery and for any reason the sms is not  being delivered in that given time period to the specified number, then the sms will automatically get erased/destroyed depending on the netwrok provider.
    Sorry for ur loss... 
    with regards
    simply abhik...
    Please click "Accept as Solution" if your issue has been solved and to give thanks/appreciation, click thumbs up...
    For BB OS update:
    BB Simulators:

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    Let's put an end to this mystery! Let find those picture messages.
    Just so I'm clear, you do not receive picture messages at all? You see the message notification but when you check there is no message?
    You mentioned this started after the software update. Try removing the SIM card and powering off the phone for a minute. Insert the SIM card and power the phone on. Test, by sending yourself a picture message and see if you receive it. Then have someone else send you a picture message and see if you receive it. Keep me posted.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    If iWeb is still open (have I corectly understood ?) the changes have not jet been sent.
    Be sure you have the backup of the files and force shooting iWeb.
    Reopen it and try again.
    The time needed with a medium speed connection and few pages to be sent is a matter of few minutes.

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    The iPad doesn't do SMS text messges which are necessary to send messges to a regular phone.

  • Apple Mail 250 MILLION incoming messages (Mavericks)

    A few weeks ago I upgraded to Mavericks.
    Mail was working great but now I'm having all kinds of problems.
    I've seen there are lots of other people having similar problems, but one I have not seen anyone post is...
    In the "mail activity" window, below the list of mailboxes, I have a HUGE number of incoming messages.
    Today it is up to over 250 MILLION incoming messages!!!!!  Not hundred, not thousand but MILLION     And the number is still increasing!!
    In my different emails I may get a maximum (depending on the day) of up to 150 emails, all of which are already loaded on my computer (I end up deleting the majority of those emails), so how can I have so many emails trying to come in??
    Of course, when I open my Activity Monitor, the Mail application sometimes takes up OVER 100% of the processor... making it impossible to work.
    I went into my different accounts and deleted the "deleted" emails on the servers.  What else can I do?
    What can possibly be causing this??
    I have several gmail accounts and others on specific domains (linked to websites), all imap.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
    macbook pro 15-inch, Early 2011,
    mavericks 10.9.5
    8 go ram
    Mail 7.3

    Yes Eric that does reset it but the numbers quickly start to climb again!!! 
    At first it says may 10 incoming  messages (that would be about normal),   but now I'm up to over 50,000 again!!!
    There is some sort of duplication going on that was not happening before I upgraded to Mavericks.
    I agree with you about feedback.  I'm trying to send feedback everyday, until I find a solution.
    This problem is keeping me from working since it is using up way too much of the CPU.
    Thanks anyway.

  • Af:inputText validation messages do not appear

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    error messages that should appear next to a component when validation fails.
    I had a JSF page with a few af:inputText without any kind of validation (all
    consistency tests were done later, not using JSF features). So I
    drag-and-dropped the fields from the Data Controls palette in order to force
    that JDev to restore f:convertNumber tags (and maybe other settings). I set the
    (af:inputText) "simple" property to false and (f:convertNumber) integerOnly to
    true. After that, I tested the application and error messages were correctly
    shown next to the components when I submitted letters instead of digits (client
    validation is off).
    One of the af:inputText had required="true" and did not have f:convertNumber.
    When I left the field empty and submitted the form, JSF would fail silently,
    without any error messages and without invoking the application. So I added an
    af:messages to the page and it seemed to work, the error message went to
    af:messages (but not the text field). So I needed to test whether this
    af:messages would duplicate the warnings from the other af:inputText and found
    out that errors were reported only in af:messages and not next to the
    components anymore. This is my problem: I cannot get af:inputText to show the
    errors by itself again. Is there a flag somewhere other than simple="false"?
    The docs imply that it should "just work", without any setup needed, but it is
    not what I am experiencing.
    I have not found anything relevant on the web. The closer I got was this bug:
    BUG: autoSubmit, validation and message but I'm not using
    autoSubmit in any of these text fields.
    Even if you don't know how to solve my problem, would you please give me some
    guidance to debug this? How would you approach the problem?

    More info:
    I added an af:message. I suppose I had to set the attribute for (i.e.
    for="itNumberOfDays", my af:inputText's name), so I did it. And again, nothing
    appeared on screen. Tried with h:message too and got the same result.
    I thought this was very weird and then added the following to a PhaseListener
    (before RENDER_RESPONSE):
    // plus some code to print the messages
    I found out that the message is there indeed, and it is correctly associated
    with my input field! Now, what else could I try? Can I step through
    af:inputText, af:message or h:message? I'm not sure about how to do that.

  • Some incoming messages have a blue dot and i cannt delete them

    i have about 12  incoming messages that  have a blue dot and i cannot delete them
    the message is from "no subject" and it says no content
    when i click edit i dont get a white dot that i can mark to delete

    Reset your phone--hold the home button and on/off switch for about 15 to 20 seconds, past the prompt to turn off and release when you see the Apple logo.
    If this doesn't solve your problem, delete your email account.  Reset your phone as above, then reinput your email account.

  • I'm trying to add my airport express to my network. The airport utility shows a message that its gathering info about my network then suddenly an unexpected error message appears. Why is that?

    i'm trying to add my airport express to my network. The airport utility shows a message that its gathering info about my network then suddenly an unexpected error message appears. Why is that?

    Until Bob Timmons gets back to you, first decide what you would like the Express to do. I understand you want it for AirPlay remote speakers, which you can certainly do.
    I am assuming that you are not using an Apple AirPort router; if that's not the case stop here and let me know.
    If your existing router is not an Apple AirPort Base Station, the Express:
    can "join" an existing wireless network as a client, for the sole purpose of streaming music. If that's what you want to do, do not connect it to your router with an Ethernet cable.
    can "extend" an existing wired network to serve as an additional wireless access point, which can also stream music. If that's what you want to do, connect its WAN port to an available LAN port on your router using an Ethernet cable.
    Then, "hard reset" the Express according to the instructions below, and configure it. The prompts should be self-explanatory. If you run into trouble, describe which of the above two configurations you decided upon, and the point at which you're getting the "unexpected problem".
    To "hard reset" an AirPort Base Station: make sure it's powered up, then gently press and hold its tiny reset button. Don't apply any more force than required to feel a tactile click.  Keep it depressed for five to ten seconds, long enough for its LED to flash amber rapidly. Release the reset button. Then, the LED will glow amber steadily for about a minute. Then, it will flash amber, slowly, about once every second or two, waiting for you to configure it with AirPort Utility.

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