Increasing account's Height ?

Hi !
With SL, e-mail's account are stilling limits to 2 Go ?
Best regards,

Ah. Well, I haven't seen any barriers yet.
But, FWIW, Cyrus is gone in Snow Leopard, you may (or may not!) have seen that Snow Leopard switched to Dovecot. Whether that removes the barrier or not is beyond me. Maybe you can do some research on Dovecot and find out?
Hope this helps you along a bit . Thanks for your response in my thread too.

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    Hi Ravi,
         In Smartforms , Select the Table and you can adjust the cell hieghts in OUTPUT OPTIONs TAB.
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    But in Indian Localization Help file has mentioned opposite. like
    Inventory Offset – Decrease Account, Inventory Offset – Increase Account
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    snippet for increasing the height is as follows,
    m_SpecifyCombo.SetItemHeight(-1,20);//CCombobox m_SpecifyCombo
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    But I want the text to be centred as shown in the below image.
    Code snippet for owner drawn combobox:
    #if !defined(AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_)
    #define AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_
    #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
    #pragma once
    #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
    typedef enum {FONTS} STYLE; //Why have I enumerated, Cos, Maybe I might want something other than Fonts here
    class COwnerDrawCombo : public CComboBox
    // Construction
    COwnerDrawCombo (STYLE);
    // Attributes
    void SetHilightColors (COLORREF hilight,COLORREF hilightText)
    m_clrHilight = hilight;
    m_clrHilightText = hilightText;
    void SetNormalColors (COLORREF clrBkgnd,COLORREF clrText)
    m_clrNormalText = clrText;
    m_clrBkgnd = clrBkgnd;
    static BOOL CALLBACK EnumFontProc (LPLOGFONT lplf, LPTEXTMETRIC lptm, DWORD dwType, LPARAM lpData);
    void FillFonts ();
    int GetSelFont (LOGFONT&);
    // Operations
    // Overrides
    // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
    virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
    virtual void MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct);
    virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
    // Implementation
    virtual ~COwnerDrawCombo();
    // Generated message map functions
    STYLE m_enStyle;
    COLORREF m_clrHilight;
    COLORREF m_clrNormalText;
    COLORREF m_clrHilightText;
    COLORREF m_clrBkgnd;
    BOOL m_bInitOver;
    void DrawDefault (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT);
    void DrawFont(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT);
    void InitFonts ();
    afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
    afx_msg void OnDestroy();
    afx_msg long OnInitFonts (WPARAM, LPARAM);
    // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
    #endif //!defined(AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_)
    // OwnerDrawCombo.cpp : implementation file
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "combobox.h"
    #include "OwnerDrawCombo.h"
    #ifdef _DEBUG
    #define new DEBUG_NEW
    #undef THIS_FILE
    static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
    #define WM_INITFONTS (WM_USER + 123)
    //I chose 123 cos nobody might use the same exact number.. I can improve this by use RegisterWindowMessage..
    // COwnerDrawCombo
    //Initial values of the text and highlight stuff
    m_enStyle = FONTS;
    m_clrHilight = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
    m_clrNormalText = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    m_clrHilightText = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
    m_clrBkgnd = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW);
    m_bInitOver = FALSE;
    COwnerDrawCombo::COwnerDrawCombo (STYLE enStyle)
    m_enStyle = enStyle;
    m_clrHilight = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
    m_clrNormalText = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    m_clrHilightText = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
    m_clrBkgnd = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW);
    m_bInitOver =FALSE;
    BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(COwnerDrawCombo, CComboBox)
    // COwnerDrawCombo message handlers
    void COwnerDrawCombo::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
    //I might want to add something else someday
    switch (m_enStyle)
    case FONTS:
    //I dont need the MeasureItem to do anything. Whatever the system says, it stays
    void COwnerDrawCombo::MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct)
    void COwnerDrawCombo::DrawFont(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDIS)
    CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDIS->hDC);
    CRect rect;
    TRACE0 ("In Draw Font\n");
    // draw the colored rectangle portion
    pDC->SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT );
    if (lpDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
    pDC->FillSolidRect (rect,m_clrHilight);
    pDC->SetTextColor (m_clrHilightText);
    pDC->FillSolidRect (rect,m_clrBkgnd);
    pDC->SetTextColor (m_clrNormalText);
    if ((int)(lpDIS->itemID) < 0) // Well its negetive so no need to draw text
    CString strText;
    GetLBText (lpDIS->itemID,strText);
    CFont newFont;
    CFont *pOldFont;
    ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData)->lfHeight = 90; //9 point size
    ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData)->lfWidth = 0;
    newFont.CreatePointFontIndirect ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData);
    pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject (&newFont);
    pDC->DrawText(strText, rect, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE);
    pDC->SelectObject (pOldFont);
    newFont.DeleteObject ();
    void COwnerDrawCombo::InitFonts ()
    CDC *pDC = GetDC ();
    ResetContent (); //Delete whatever is there
    EnumFonts (pDC->GetSafeHdc(),NULL,(FONTENUMPROC) EnumFontProc,(LPARAM)this);//Enumerate
    m_bInitOver = TRUE;
    BOOL CALLBACK COwnerDrawCombo::EnumFontProc (LPLOGFONT lplf, LPTEXTMETRIC lptm, DWORD dwType, LPARAM lpData)
    if (dwType == TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) //Add only TTF fellows, If you want you can change it to check for others
    int index = ((COwnerDrawCombo *) lpData)->AddString(lplf->lfFaceName);
    lpLF = new LOGFONT;
    CopyMemory ((PVOID) lpLF,(CONST VOID *) lplf,sizeof (LOGFONT));
    ((COwnerDrawCombo *) lpData)->SetItemData (index,(DWORD) lpLF);
    return TRUE;
    int COwnerDrawCombo::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    if (CComboBox::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
    return -1;
    // TODO: Add your specialized creation code here
    if (m_enStyle == FONTS)
    PostMessage (WM_INITFONTS,0,0);
    return 0;
    long COwnerDrawCombo::OnInitFonts (WPARAM, LPARAM)
    InitFonts ();
    return 0L;
    void COwnerDrawCombo::OnDestroy()
    if (m_enStyle == FONTS)
    int nCount;
    nCount = GetCount ();
    for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    delete ((LOGFONT*)GetItemData (i)); //delete the LOGFONTS actually created..
    // TODO: Add your message handler code here
    void COwnerDrawCombo::FillFonts ()
    m_enStyle = FONTS;
    PostMessage (WM_INITFONTS,0,0); //Process in one place
    int COwnerDrawCombo::GetSelFont (LOGFONT& lf)
    int index = GetCurSel ();
    if (index == LB_ERR)
    return LB_ERR;
    LPLOGFONT lpLF = (LPLOGFONT) GetItemData (index);
    CopyMemory ((PVOID)&lf, (CONST VOID *) lpLF, sizeof (LOGFONT));
    return index; //return the index here.. Maybe the user needs it:-)
    void COwnerDrawCombo::PreSubclassWindow()
    // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
    //Tried to do what Roger Onslow did for the button.. Did not work..?? Any R&D guys around :-)
    Can anyone please let me know how can I achieve this.
    Any help can be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi sivavuyyuru,
    I cannot find a easy way to make this.
    I think you may need to draw your own Combo Box control. And you could change the edit control more like static text. Check the article:
    In the resource editor, Owner draw -> variable , Has string->true, type->drop list.
    The result:
    Best regards,
    Shu Hu
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    We have a push button in table control created using screen painter. Since this is a touch screen transaction, the default height is very small for the worker in the plant to click on a specific row, i would like to know if there is any way to increase the row height in the table control. There is no attribute in Screen painter for increasing row height in table control. I did try "import dynpro", hoping to increase the row height and export the dynpro, but that doesn't seem to have row height attributes. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated. Thanks,

    Using a new technology means you have to recreate your screen: you may create an HTML using CL_DD_* classes (that's called "Dynamic Documents"). See [SAP Library - DD programming guide|]. Demos are provided in SDYNAMICDOCUMENTS package. Or I think you may create web dynpro and define a CSS style to enlarge objects.
    If you don't want to create everything, maybe you can find out a workaround with GuiXT, for example creating a big button in each row (for example, with BUTTONSIZE, but don't know if it changes the height of rows but that's worth trying).
    Well, [Synactive documentation about table controls|] does not seem to allow that.
    Maybe you can move your question to the "scripting" forum and ask about how to do it with GuiXT...

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    I'm building a responsive project in Cap 8, and need to adjust the slide height on a number of slides to include scrolling. When I break the link and increase the pixel height, all of the slide objects resize larger in height and width. This includes the text in the objects, etc... every aspect of the slide objects resizes.
    I have tried every imaginable combination of object positioning and size options to no avail. I did see a previous posting related to this (Responsive Slide Height Expands all objects on Master Slide Background.), but the developer was only concerned with slide masters. I did test the solution and it works, but using only slide masters is not a solution for me. The type of project I am developing requires discrete buttons/actions on every single slide. In addition, only Smart Shape buttons on masters will work on the filmstrip slides (as I understand it). I need to use image buttons in some cases.
    Is this distortion expected behavior I am going to have to work around? If not, any guidance on how to make my objects stick to their positions and sizes on filmstrip slides when increasing the slide height is greatly appreciated!

    Really hoping for some insight on this one as it's a showstopper... has anyone seen this behavior? And if so, any solution/workaround?

  • Increase row height of a configurable table

    Dear SCN members,
    This is related to a configurable table realized using <chtmlb:configTable>. Please let me know about the following possibilities with this:
    1. Is it possible to increase the row height of this table?
    2. The content of a given cell is truncated with three dots and the complete content is visible on the tooltip if the context exceeds the column width. But is it possible to see the complete content of such cells on the table itself with some kind of wrapping rather than just on the tooltip?

    It is not directly possible, however with iterator and use of text area, it is possible to display longer texts on a table.

  • How to change/increase iFrame height

    When working with categories in Content Services, the new Category window that opens is set to {W:650,H:500}, yet the iFrame that displays the category content is set to 130 pixels - "overflow:auto;max-height:130px". About 2/3 of the content real estate is lost, forcing users to scroll up and down.
    What is the proper way to increase the max-height setting of 130 pixels in order to avoid scrolling up and down to see the content?

    You could potentially snoop around in the following area - but make sure you backup anything you change... this is not supported..
    $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Content)% find . -name "*.jspx" -exec grep 130 {} \; -print
                  <af:attribute name="height" value="130px"/>
                   <uix:attribute name="height" value="130px"/>
                <af:attribute name="height" value="130px"/>
                <af:attribute name="height" value="130px"/>
                    <uix:attribute name="height" value="130px"/>

  • Increase height of input feilds

    HI ,
    How to increase height of input feilds .

    There is no such property to increase input field height., but I think, Using themes and Forcing External Style sheet you can achieve this.,
    check this article: [Custom themes for WDA|]
    also., Portal Theme in Webdynpro ABAP
    hope this may help u.,
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Increase Iview height

    Hi all,
    I am displaying a page with one Iview (layout 1 row and 1 column Full width) on Portal. Page is displaying as per application but the problem is that it takes a limted hieght area to display. When I want to see the lower part of the application I need to scroll down the Iview to see the content.
    Is there any way to increase the Iview height on Portal page. FYI.. I am using Web-dynpro Iview.
    I also checked the Fixed and automatic property but it was not changing anything.
    Please suggest.
    Sanket sethi

    You are asking for Isolation method of WD ABAP Iview, Actually I am already using URL Isolation Method for WD Iview.
    Or Is there something seperate URL Iview when we are going to create an Iview.
    Please suggest.

  • A script to increase the minimum canvas size? (Like Fit Image, but with just my canvas)

    For starters to be clear, I'm looking to manipulate canvas size. Not image size.
    I want to create a script to automatically increase the width and height of my canvas in Photoshop to a specific size when necessary. I only want this to happen if my canvas is less than that specified size. For example: Let's say my canvas size is 300x250. I want the canvas to be at LEAST 600x600. If I run my action it will increase the canvas size to 600x600 for me. If I run this same script on an image where the canvas size is already 700x700, it won't do anything at all to it because both the width and height are equal to or greater than my target size.
    It would also need to work with the height and width on an individual basis. If my image is 400x800, the action would increase my width from 400 to 600, but it would leave the height of 800 alone. So the final canvas size will end up being 600x800.
    It's kind of like the "Fit Image" option in Photoshop, but I only want to manipulate my canvas size, NOT my image size.

    It is possible.
    But if you hope that the dialog remembers the last settings that would require storing those values (which could be done with a txt-file at some pre-defined location), but it would make the Script a bit more complicated.
    // resize canvas in either direction if it is below a defined minimum;
    // 2011; use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    // dialog;
    var dlg = new Window("dialog", "increase width and height if under", [500,300,750,380]);
    // filter for checking if entry is numeric, thanks to xbytor;
    numberKeystrokeFilter = function() {
              if (this.text.match(/[^\-\.\d]/)) {
                        this.text = this.text.replace(/[^\d]/g, "")
              if (Number(this.text <= 0)) {this.text = 5};
              this.text = Math.round(Number(this.text));
    // fields for entry;
    dlg.hor = dlg.add("edittext", [14,15,88,35], "600", {multiline:false});
    dlg.hor.onChange = numberKeystrokeFilter;
    dlg.horText = dlg.add("statictext", [93,15,118,35], "px", {multiline:false});
    dlg.ver = dlg.add("edittext", [129,15,210,35], "600", {multiline:false});
    dlg.ver.onChange = numberKeystrokeFilter;
    dlg.verText = dlg.add("statictext", [215,15,240,35], "px", {multiline:false}); = true;
    // ok- and cancel-button;
    dlg.buildBtn = dlg.add("button", [13,45,118,68], "OK", {name:"ok"});
    dlg.cancelBtn = dlg.add("button", [128,45,240,68], "Cancel", {name:"cancel"});
    // show dialog;;
    // show dialog;
    var myReturn = ();
    // proceed if ok-ed;
    if (myReturn == 1) {
    var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    // set to pixels;
    var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
    // set the minimum values;
    var minWidth = Number(dlg.hor.text);
    var minHeight = Number(dlg.ver.text);
    // get current ones;
    var theWidth = myDocument.width;
    var theHeight = myDocument.height;
    // resize canvas;
    myDocument.resizeCanvas(Math.max(minWidth, theWidth), Math.max(minHeight, theHeight), AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
    // reset;
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;

  • Dynamic table height for Printed PO Report

    I have created a RTF template for Printed Purchase Order report using Microsoft Word. The template has Header and Line information. I have two questions.
    1) Lines are printed in Table format. I also print header level notes in Line Section.
    If the header notes are blank, I want the line information (line #, Item Number, Description, quantity etc) to be moved to line1. How do I acheive this?
    I want to dynamically adjust the Table height based on the information printing in the line section. The table has two rows. One for Header notes and one for Line information.
    2) Header notes field is placed in Description column of Line Table (MS word). Currently Header notes are printing within the Description column as wrapped text. I want to print Header notes in one line. How do I expand this field to print in one line?

    Even I faced the same problem, however I have found a workaround to come out of this problem.
    My PO design template has 16 lines, I am counting the number of lines with data and subtracting the same from 16 and inserting that many empty rows to increase the table height.
    I am pasting the code so that it will be useful for others.
    Paste this code before LINES_ROW for-each loop. This will give the number of lines present.
    <xsl:variable name="_XDOFOTOTAL" select="count(.//LINES_ROW)"/>
    Paste this code at the end of the for-each loop.
    <!-- 16 is the maximum number of rows which fits in my page.-->
    <xsl:variable name="_cnt" select="16-$_XDOFOTOTAL"/>
    <xsl:call-template name="countdown">
    <xsl:with-param name="countdown" select="16-$_XDOFOTOTAL"/>
    This function you can put it at the end.
    <xsl:template name="countdown">
    <!-- Instead of for loop. -->
    <xsl:param name="countdown"/>
         <xsl:if test="$countdown">
              <fo:table-row keep-together="always">
              <fo:block height="13.2pt"/>
              <fo:block height="13.2pt"/>
              <fo:table-cell xdofo:use-attribute-sets="c_33 c_35">
              <fo:block height="13.2pt"/>
              <fo:table-cell xdofo:use-attribute-sets="c_33 c_35">
              <fo:block height="13.2pt"/>
              <fo:block height="13.2pt"/>
              <fo:block height="13.2pt"/>
              <fo:block height="13.2pt"/>
              <!-- Call the template again -->
              <!-- The below code is like x=x-1 -->
              <xsl:call-template name="countdown">
                   <xsl:with-param name="countdown" select="$countdown - 1"/>
    If some one is having a better solution, please share.

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