Incremental of Waveform Y axis overview range a la PTools. Is it possible?

I have some very quiet audio tracks so I need to increment Y axis overview to make some editing (apart from zoom action, obviously, which it isn't enough in this case). There is this option on PTools, is there something same in Logic 7.1?

I mean in Arrange Window, obviously

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    想請教一下,下圖顯示元件為Waveform Graph,我使用這個元件來接收時域AD類比波形訊號,經過頻譜分析後的結果,X軸單位為Hz。
    以附件VI為例,我在頻寬1000Hz下產生了一個60Hz的時域波形來經過頻譜轉換,來進行顯示,當我X軸單位轉換至Order時,我會將X軸以60Hz為單位當作是1 Order。 
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    目前遇到一個問題,當我在X軸單位的切換後,Waveform Graph X 軸的某個 Major Marker 還是顯示轉換前的量值,如下圖所示。
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    P.S. Waveform的屬性節點僅使用在控制X Axis 的Name Label,無其他控制。
    附件: ‏104 KB

    所有客戶的電腦都使用 DELL OptiPlex 390
    CPU:Intel® Pentium® 雙核心

  • Producer consumer waveform x axis

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    LabVIEW 2012 - Windows 7
    Plot Starting at Zero ‏31 KB

    Sorry I can't look at your code right now as I am still waiting for my beta copy of LV for Android to arrive -- but seriously the x axis of a graph increments by 1 unless you set the multiplier property to something else.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

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    This is what I've done so far, any ideas?
    Thanks Andy

    Just wondering if anyone had any ideas about how I could achieve this. The senior managers love the way its look but without dates across the x-axis its not much use to them
    Thanks Andy

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    Thanks in advance...

    Hi Dwayne,
    if you need to value axis, then you need two charts.
    You can create a second chart and make it transparent, then overlay the first chart. Maybe it works, but I'm not sure, because I didn't try it. But I suggest you to use two charts if the values are so drastically different.
    Best Regards,

  • Split a Date Range N days into N row, possible?

    hi all,
    i am planning to create a view for my peoplesoft custom component
    Record structure
    Employee id | Date From | Date To
    123 | 10-Aug-2010 | 13-Aug-2010
    Can it convert into a view with the following row?
    Employee | Date
    123 | 10-Aug-2010
    123 | 11-Aug-2010
    123 | 12-Aug-2010
    123 | 13-Aug-2010
    Thanks for the help

    SBH wrote:
    Try it as below
    SELECT 123 EMPID,TO_DATE('10-Aug-2010','DD-MM-YYYY') STDT,TO_DATE('13-Aug-2010','DD-MM-YYYY') ENDT
    FROM C
    SQL> /
    123 10-AUG-10
    123 11-AUG-10
    123 12-AUG-10
    123 13-AUG-10
    Works ok for a single row of data, but not if there are multiples with different date ranges. For that you'd need something more along the lines of...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  WITH c AS
      2    (
      3    select 123 as empid, to_date('10-Aug-2010','DD-MM-YYYY') as stdt, to_date('13-Aug-2010','DD-MM-YYYY') as endt from dual union all
      4    select 234, to_date('17-Aug-2010','DD-MM-YYYY'), to_date('25-Aug-2010','DD-MM-YYYY') from dual
      5    )
      6  -- END OF TEST DATA
      7  select empid, stdt+x.rn-1 as dt
      8  from c, (select rownum as rn from dual connect by rownum <= (select max(endt-stdt+1) as mx_rn from c)) x
      9  where stdt+x.rn-1 <= endt
    10* order by empid, stdt+x.rn-1
    SQL> /
         EMPID DT
           123 10/08/2010 00:00:00
           123 11/08/2010 00:00:00
           123 12/08/2010 00:00:00
           123 13/08/2010 00:00:00
           234 17/08/2010 00:00:00
           234 18/08/2010 00:00:00
           234 19/08/2010 00:00:00
           234 20/08/2010 00:00:00
           234 21/08/2010 00:00:00
           234 22/08/2010 00:00:00
           234 23/08/2010 00:00:00
           234 24/08/2010 00:00:00
           234 25/08/2010 00:00:00
    13 rows selected.

  • Date range selection from session/server variables - possible solution

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    1/ Create a server/static variable called DATE_FORMAT who'se contents are 'dd/mm/yy' . Note, should include the single quotes.
    2/ Create 2 session variables that represent the beginning/end date range for your selection you are after - in my case, it was the first & last date of the previous month, PREVIOUS_PERIOD_FROM and PREVIOUS_PERIOD_TO
    3/ In the selection, add a filter on the date field in question, set the Operator as "is between".
    4/ for each of the 2 valaues, select Add->SQL expression and enter:

           U can check the Select Quert by using IN s_option.
    Like eg:--
        Select * form Zemp where empno in s_empno.
    Hope this example will help u...
    here Zemp is a table...... empno is a field     s_empno is a Select-option.
    Thanks and rEgards
    Suraj S Nair

  • Internal number range( alphanumberic) will be incremented automatically

    Dear All,
    Will the internal number range (Alphanumberic)  of the material master get incremented automatically.
    the internal number range we set is AW0000001 to AW9999999. The number range should be incremented
    Kindly reply for the querry

    You can try with material Template.
    SPRO --> Logisitics - General -- > Material Master --> Basic Settings -- > Define Out put format for Material Numbers.
    Transaction Code : OMSL
    1. Define the length of your material numbers.
    2. If required, define a material number template.
    3. Specify the form in which you wish to store your material numbers.
    For information on how to use the Lexicographical indicator, be sure to read the corresponding documentation.
    4. Specify whether your material numbers are to contain leading zeros.
    If the Lexicographical indicator is set, the system ignores the setting of the Leading zeros indicator.
    Indicator for lexicographical material numbers
    Defines the way numeric material numbers are stored in the database.
    It is only possible to set or reset (cancel) this indicator if no numeric material numbers have been used yet in the system since they would no longer be interpretable after setting or resetting this indicator.
    If this indicator is not set, numeric material numbers are padded with leading zeros and stored right-justified (example 1). Material numbers containing at least one nonnumeric character are stored left-justified (example 2).
    Example 1
    Defined length: 8 characters
    Internally/externally assigned number: 123
    Stored number: 000000000000000123
    Example 2
    Defined length: 8 characters
    Externally assigned number: 1A3
    Stored number: 1A3
    If this indicator is set, material numbers are stored as follows:
    If the material number (numeric or not purely numeric) was assigned externally, it is stored left-justified as entered.
    Defined length: 8 characters
    Externally assigned number: 123
    Stored number: 123
    Any leading zeros that may have been entered are stored too. This makes it possible to distinguish between the material numbers 123 and 0123.
    If the material number (numeric only) was assigned internally, it is padded with leading zeros to the defined length and stored left-justified.
    Defined length: 8 characters
    Internally assigned number: 123
    Stored number: 00000123

  • How do I initialize a secondary axis with report generation vi's

    I have two cloumns of data. one is around the range of 10 and the
    other one is in 100 range. I want to display these two columns in the
    same graph. Can i use the secondary axis for my second column. Is it
    possible using repport generation VI's. The other question is can I
    specify which coloumn I want to use on x-axis and y-axis.

    Hello Mudda,
    It looks like you are trying to view two groups of data in the same
    graph, and then send that graph to a report.
    If your two columns of data are in separate arrays, you can use the
    �Build Array� function to combine those arrays into a two-dimensional
    array (see �Graph Waveform� example, which can be found
    under Help >> Find Examples).
    A two-dimensional array can be wired directly into a graph. The two
    arrays will show up on the graph as different plots (in different
    colors), both on the y-axis. The data in the 10 range will show up
    lower than the data in the 100 range.
    If you want to plot your two data columns against each other on
    different axis, wire a two-dimensional array into an �XY Graph� (see
    �XY� example, which can be
    found under Help >> Find
    To view a graph in a report using a report generation VI, use the
    �append front panel image to report� VI. The LabVIEW Report
    Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office will provide more report
    functionality for adding graphs to Word and Excel, if you do not
    already have it.
    If these suggestions are not exactly what you are looking for, please
    post more information so I can better assist you; or, ideally, attach
    this portion of your application to examine. Have a great day!
    Robert M
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Axis manipulation

    Hi All,
    I have a txt file with the following data:
    31,2009-09-01,16:46:00,ACTIVE USERS
    6,2009-09-01,16:46:00,INACTIVE USERS
    22,2009-09-02,15:46:00,ACTIVE USERS
    4,2009-09-02,15:46:00,INACTIVE USERS
    I need to create a graph that shows a range of one hour increments on the vertical axis and the date on the horizontal axis (for each day).  I was able to display the date for each day on the horizontal axis but the vertical axis counts the time.  I need the time to display like this in veritcal axis:
    8AM ... and so on.
    How can I do that?
    Thanks in advance,
    Zack H.

    Hi Zack,
    You can try 3D Riser or 3D Surface charts for this,
    If you dont have seperate Date, Time fields in your DataSource,
    Create 2 formulas for calculating Date and Time each.
    Then In the chart Expert Choose any of the 3D chart,
    In The Data Tab-->Select Both Date And Time Formula/Fields one be one into "On Change of" Category.
    Then select Users into Show Value(s) category and set the summary as count..
    Hope this will Help you,

  • Auto Increment of Primary Field in Table Maintainance

    We want to give an Auto increment to the Primary Key, when ever the table is updated/inserted with a new record. How to get the value updated????
    For Eg,
    Table ZTEST Contains     MANDT, ITEM,   EBELN.
    It should have the values 800    001   000977
    And when the next record is created, the ITEM value should be Automatically get the value 002.. and so on for every Record.
    Pls do let me know if any other details is reqd.
    Thanx in Advance.

    Dear Syed,
       You can do many things in table maintenance screen like validation of some field, making some field required or displayed etc.
       For auto increment you have to use Number-Ranges. FM NUMBER_GET_NEXT is helpful in this case.
       Where to write the code??? The Function-Group you have made. There will be includes. You can easily locate the place to write these codes.
       Caution point is that if you re-generate the table maintenance then all code will be gone.

  • LabVIEW 2009 3D Plot has no Loose Fit property and Axis AutoScale does not function at run time ?

    I cannot find a Loose Fit property for the new 3D plots (waterfall, ribbon) in LV 2009.  As a result, my data range of 1402 to 1407 ends up on a Z axis range of 1400 to 1500 and looks like a flat line.
    The Z Active Axis properties Range Maximum and Range Minimum can be used to set the range but the Z Axis Autoscale property had to be changed to False using either the front panel Plot Properties at edit time or using the Range Auto Scale property at run time on the block diagram.  It could not be changed at run time by popping up on either the plot border or on the Color Palette.
    In edit mode, R-clicking on the Color Palette's AutoScale Z did not make that property toggle or stick and did not change its function.
    At run time, there are two AutoScale Z selections shown.  One along with the X and Y scales and another by itselfat the bottom.  Again, clicking the one that is part of the X and Y axis did not make its setting stick and did not have an effect.  What does happen though is that the other AutoScale Z shown at the bottom of the Color Pallete popup does toggle its state.  But clicking on the AutoScale Z shown at the bottom does not toggle its state.
    The grey border region of the plot area contains at run time, popup setting for X,Y and Z AutoScale that likewise have no effect.
    Or am I missingsomething ?
    Message Edited by SteveP on 08-15-2009 07:55 PM
    LV 2009 3D Plot Axis ‏18 KB

    you should be able to successfully change the scales based on the min and max values as long as you explicitly turn off autoscale. In your program, I just right-clicked the  Range Auto Scale property selected "change to write", then made a control so that I could set the value myself. Clean up the broken wires, and the program runs like it's supposed to - resetting it's scale range: 
    is this the result you wanted? 

  • Vertical axis scaling problem with XYZ bar/line chart

    Post Author: satwar
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    Is there a trick to making the scaling on the
    Z-axis equal to the Y-axis. I don't want to specify the scaling on
    either axis because I am generating report with filtered "dimensons" in
    order to generate all measure charts for a given set of filters. The
    measures have various value ranges so by not specifying chart scales,
    the Y-axis is auto ranged, which is good, but so is the Z-axis, which
    is bad. I want both Y & Z axis to range together so I get a good
    visual comparison of the two measures being plotted.

    Post Author: jsanzone
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    There is no "trick", we're just victims of the limitation that WebI has in portraying XYZ type charts to our better liking.  I submitted a request to Business Objects Tech Support in Oct 2006 and became the proud holder of two ADAPTs:
    ADAPT00676587 u2013 for the scaling issueADAPT00676609 u2013 for the stacked bar chart, line graph issue
    When fully implemented, the scaling for Y and Z should be able to correspond to each other.  For instance, max value of Y and max value of Z will set on both scales the same max value.  I don't discourage you from submitting a trouble-ticket, perhaps if they get more noise on this situation they'll resolve my (our) ADPAT sooner, but just hoping....

  • Best Practice for Change Maintenance Order Number Range

    We have decided that our Maintenance Orders will always start with the year of the open date. Example 201112345155
    Every year we will need to change the number ranges
    What is the best practice to change the order number range? What is the best approach here?
    I have also another question. Why the "Current Number" is not incremental?
    Thanks for the help

    The current number can be explained by use of buffering of the numbers. Buffering is defined via transaction SNRO, the  AUFTRAG object is relevant for orders. When buffering is active, a set of unused numbers are assigned to each application server.
    In your example -  The fiirst 20 numbers were taken from the available number range and assigned to the buffer (possible 10 numbers to each of two servers). As orders are created a number is assigned from the buffer. Once the buffer values are used a further set of numbers are taken from the number range and the current number is increased (by buffer value).

  • GUI question on drawing x & y axis

    hey, im in the process of creating a gui that prints and sorts the bar graph according to the sorting method the user chooses through a menu. i havent came across any problems on getting the data and sorting it until it came to drawing out the bar graph. question is ive looked every where even my labs and lecture notes on how to draw GUI's but none mentioned how to draw and label the x and y axis.
    my y axis is the price which is 0-100 any suggestions on how i can draw out the y axis and have it increment with either $5 or $10 up till 100. and is it possible to put a letter on top of the bar graph that it belongs to?
    such as bar graph #1 can be labeled as A, which is placed on top of it because my x axis will not be given values. so bar graph#1 will be A ,with a price of $7
    any suggestions on how i can get started on drawing my graph or sites that i can learn from?

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.font.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class GraphTest
        public static void main(String[] args)
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            f.getContentPane().add(new GraphPanel());
    class GraphPanel extends JPanel
        final int PAD;
        Font font;
        NumberFormat nf;
        public GraphPanel()
            PAD = 38;
            font = new Font("lucida bright regular", Font.PLAIN, 14);
            nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            double yInc = (h - 2*PAD)/10.0;
            // ordinate
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(PAD, PAD, PAD, h - PAD));
            // tick marks
            double x = PAD, y = h - PAD - yInc;
            for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x - 2, y, x, y));
                y -= yInc;
            // labels
            y = h - PAD;
            float width, height, sx, sy;
            for(int j = 0; j <= 10; j++)
                String s = "$" + j;
                width = (float)font.getStringBounds(s, frc).getWidth();
                LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics(s, frc);
                height = lm.getAscent() - lm.getDescent();
                sx = (float)(x - 4 - width);
                sy = (float)(y + height/2);
                g2.drawString(s, sx, sy);
                y -= yInc;
            // abcissa
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(PAD, h - PAD, w - PAD, h - PAD));
            // show value = 7
            double x1, x2, xInc = 40;
            double value = 7.00;
            String s = "$" + nf.format(value);
            width = (float)font.getStringBounds(s, frc).getWidth();
            LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics(s, frc);
            height = lm.getAscent() - lm.getDescent();
            x1 = PAD + 3 * xInc;
            x2 = x1 + xInc;
            y = (h - PAD) - (value) * (h - 2*PAD)/10.0;
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x1, y, x1, h - PAD));
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x1, y, x2, y));
            g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x2, y, x2, h - PAD));
            // label bar top
            sx = (float)(x2 - (xInc + width)/2);
            sy = (float)(y - 2);
            g2.drawString(s, sx, sy);

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