InDesign: Hyperliens vers feuille de calcul Excel + chemin relatif?

Je ne parviens pas à faire fonctionner mes hyperliens dans Indesign, qui doivent lier à des feuilles de calcul specifiques (onglets differents) dans un même fichier Excel. Je ne veux pas les importer, juster faire un lien qui ouvre la bonne feuille de calcul sous Excel. Le pdf final ainsi que le fichier Excel seront envoyés par email, je me demande donc également comment faire pour le chemin d'accès au fichier? Indesign me force à inclure le chemin d'accès complet pour l'hyperlien, cela risque de poser un pb lorsque les fichiers seront envoyés par email non?
Un grand merci d'avance à toute personne qui pourrait m'aiguiller dans la bonne direction!!!!!

Il semblerait que la meilleure procédure est de placer ces fichiers dans le même dossier que le document InDesign, car il semble chercher à partir de sa localisation, plutôt que depuis la base des dossiers:

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    Check this link:
    Save it as a PDF file before opening it.
    Hope it helps.

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    Yes i have that option checked for when i make changes to my excel sheet it auto updates in Indesign, awesome feature.  Its already saved me days possibly weeks worth of work. However, what i need it to do is when i create a new page/ box to use the next row in excel, sort of similar to the "Fill" option in excel. Filling down takes the same formula but pulls from different rows.

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    sháním češtinu pro bezplatnou verzi Adobe InDesign CS2 ver. 4.0,

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    If I read the translation properly, I think that the iPad may have switched app stores when you updated the iOS. If that is what happened, change to store to your store.
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    It is a known bug/limitation at this point. The work around until we do is to split the PDF into multiple files and place each page separately.
    Douglas Waterfall
    Architect, InDesign Engineering

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    Please respond

    Thanks for your advices.
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    Using the BEx Broadcaster, you can precalculate and distribute Web templates, queries and workbooks. You can distribute these reporting objects either in precalculated form or as an online link. Your distribution options include sending by e-mail or exporting into the Enterprise Portal.
    We just want the users to open the pre-calculated workbook from the BW server itself.
    As far as i know,it's not possible(not sure), i haven't done that.. let's see a reply from other BW experts
    if it helps assign points
    senthil kumar

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    Asher buzaglo please uninstall and reinstall InDesign CC to regain the ability to update your application.  You can find details on the uninstall and reinstall process at Install and update apps -

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    You need to explicitly save it as CS6 from CC or use IDML.

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    which can calculate Excel like formulas,
    say:  SUM(A1:A3)   or   (B11-C11)*24    ?
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    Column1                          Column2                     
    Column 3
    5                                         10                         
    Here text box 1 .value = 5
    textbox2.value = 10
    textbox3.value = text box1 .value + textbox2.value
    Instead of referring Fields in Formula, Use Text box values...
    =ReportItems!Textbox1.value + ReportItems!Textbox2.value
    HI Gayathri ,
    How about this one
    col1  co12       col1+col2
    1     2              3
    4     5               9
    2      2             4
    Assuming the col1+col2 columns cell expression to be Reportitems!<col1-cells textbox-Name>.Value +ReportItems!<col2-cells textbox-Name>
    Now my page header textbox consisting an expression as =sum(ReportItems!<(col1+col2)-cells textbox-Name>.Value
    Now do you think changing col1 value reflects both col1+col2 value and Header value ?
    I think it might reflect col1+col2 column value but not inturn reflects the headervalue .
    Thanks .
    Rajkumar Yelugu

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