Individual description of image on rollover

Hi All,
I have a question about java that I can't figure out.
I have five images placed horizontally being used as rollover links. But I also want to have a text box that appears horizontally below all the images as each one is rolled over, where each image has its' own unique description.
I have a sample of the script but I am unsure how to edit it for multiple images.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title>multi rollover</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">
#foo {
<script type="text/javascript">
function rollOverImage(obj){
    document.getElementById("foo").innerHTML="Now this has changed too";
    document.getElementById("foo").innerHTML="This is ready for change";
<div id="foo">
This is ready for change
<div id="****">
This was hidden away
<img src="../Documents/Comtract/AirCellsite/assets/images/aircell.jpg" width="120" height="38" alt="rollover" onmouseover="rollOverImage(this)"/>

Updating to Spry 1.6.1 in Dreamweaver CS3 does not add the new widgets to the insert panel, it merely gives you the latest files of the current installed widgets, and an option to update your sites to the latest version.
If you want to have the SpryTooltip in your pages, you must added it manually in the source code. This page should help you out with implementing:
more information about the widgets and links to the samples and references can be found here:
If you need further help with implementing Spry on your pages I suggest to post in the Spry forum which can be found in the category "Labs" of the forums.

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    Revision: 11973
    Revision: 11973
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-18 21:50:34 -0800 (Wed, 18 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
    Update description and image URL.
    Modified Paths:

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    ------- '''SOLVED''' ------

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    Your help will be really appreciated.

    Hi Roger
    Thank you for your reply.
    My original feed is:
    However, because I modified the feed and nothing changed, I redirected it to another feed and then I deleted this feed.
    Is there any way to change the feed in itunes? The only feed I have now is
    I tried to restore the feed but feedburner refused.
    I know that I missed things up but I still have hope in working things out.
    Thanks is advance.
    Message was edited by: dinadik

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    Hi there,
    Unforunately, you cannot get rid of the 'X' in the Slidelet objecdt or even customize it. This is a component that is generated at 'run-time' (when you preview or publish). If like many of us you would like to have control over this element in a future version then please add your vote via this web address.
    Best regards,

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    in combination with heart rate external bluetooth connection, really what more could you want... only the Sonim comes close in terms of perfection but if it managed to pack all of above, then it would be simply wow... I don't think there's enough people who work for nokia who actually go camping, backpacking, hiking, i'm pretty sure that if i told them one day
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    zm = new Zoom(timg);
    zm.zoomHeightFrom = 1.2;
    zm.zoomWidthFrom = 1.2;
    zm.zoomHeightTo = 1;
    zm.zoomWidthTo = 1;
    It is working fine when the mouse is moved slowly (after
    playing the full zoom), if i move rapidly (if i rollout before the
    play effect finishes), the image's position will be changed. Please
    give me a solution for this.
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    sprite and use the zoom effect.
    Thanks in advance.

    use google to search for "flash tsunami tutorial".  specify your actionscript version if needed.

  • Exporting images withOUT rollover frames?

    Small pet peeve that I'm hoping is fixed by some preference
    setting...whenever I do a layout for export, I usually have a
    handful of
    images that will have rollovers, and a whole bunch that
    However, when I export, ALL the images end up with
    images...even those that aren't explicitely set with a
    behavior. Is there a
    way to turn that option off?

    Thanks, Jim. I find this a silly 'bug', but I suppose the
    best workaround is
    to just keep my rollover menus in a separate file.
    Win prizes searching google:
    "Jim Babbage .:CMX:. & .:Adobe Community Expert:."
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:fdts9j$srb$[email protected]..
    > One option is to use button symbols for those two-frame
    rollovers. They
    > will export properly and your single frame elements will
    exported properly
    > too.
    > Other options include selecting the two-frame slices and
    choose export
    > selected slices.
    > A third option if you have CS3 is to use multiple pages,
    and have those
    > two frame slices on their own page, and the rest of the
    document that does
    > not require two frames can reside on its own page.
    > If you're interested, I have a much more detailed
    article on this at
    > Community MX:
    > HTH
    > --
    > Jim Babbage - .:Community MX:. & .:Adobe Community
    > Extending Knowledge, Daily
    > CommunityMX - Free Resources:
    > ---
    > .:Adobe Community Expert for Fireworks:.
    > news://
    > news://
    > darrel wrote:
    >>> You have control how the filenames is outputted.
    >> That's not the issue. The issue is that slices that
    AREN'T set to a
    >> rollover behavior are still outputting two frames.
    Is there a way to stop
    >> that?
    >> For instance, I have three slices:
    >> a
    >> b
    >> c
    >> I set a and b to have simple rollover behaviors. I
    then export and get
    >> this:
    >> a
    >> a_f2
    >> b
    >> b_f2
    >> c
    >> c_f2
    >> I have no need/want for that c_f2 file.
    >> -Darrel

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    Hi Everybody!
    I would like to know few things:
    - I'm working on a 3D Pdf. On my template I have "Named Layer" buttons to change the layers in a 3D Annotation ( there are a different color objects on a different layers ) I also have a "Layers description" filed to show some note/text for the layers. I'd like to know, is it possible to attach images for the layers description ?
    Or something other solution for my problem. I don't want only comment the layers with text, I'd like to show images too!
    - The other: when I have buttons ( for example "Named Layer" or "Named Sequence" buttons ) after one press, can be the button "untouchable"?
    Because I have two sequence. One is a opening animation and the other is a closing animation. And when I press one of the buttons the animation is always starts to play from the beginning...:(
    I'm sorry for a bad English - maybe. Hope I was understandable!
    Thank You for the answers!

    Here are some explanation regarding you request:
    - attach images for the layers description
         -> Yes it's possible, however you will have to edit and modify your template using Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2 which is delivered within Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0 in order to modify the box where you want your image to be displayed.
    Also you will have to edit & modify your JavaScript in order to manage the behavior of this display.
    - "untouchable" button
         -> Yes it's possible, As for your previous request you will have to edit & modify your template using Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2 and to modify your JavaScript in order to specify the behavior of your buttons.
    It would be helpful for you to have a look to the ED SDK documentation where you will find several useful information related to JavaScript with Acrobat etc...
    Here is the link Download Acrobat 9.1 SDK:
    Hope It Helps
    Best Regards
    William Gallego
    A3D QE Team

  • Image map rollover show/hide layer

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    In article <[email protected]>,
    [email protected] wrote:
    > My client needs a map of the US which has image maps on specific states. I
    > need to trigger rollovers to change the state's color and view info (layer?).
    > I'm having difficulty triggering the rollover with show/hide action on a
    > layer, or even to change the state color, as I can't create odd shaped
    > slices.
    You can do that with an image map and a whole bunch of images; no layers
    The only image that will be swapped out is a map covering the entire
    area, however you'd need to create different versions of the map, each
    with just one state hi-lighted.
    Then create image map shapes with the polygon tool approximating the
    shape of the states. Assign a Set Image URL to each polygon to swap out
    the image for the one with that particular state hi-lighted.
    A sample can be seen here:
    Cheers Martin

  • Fade Images on Rollover

    i am pretty new to flash (last night at about 11:00 pm) and
    need to know how to "fade" images in when. i don't know the lingo
    yet so here is a site that shows what i am talking about.
    rollover the images on bottom right and see how the large
    images "fades" in. i have everything else (the thumbnails and large
    image) from a tutorial already set up. just need to know how to add
    the fade. and i do not want it as a slideshow.
    thank you

    for AS2 place all images on stage, make movie clips out of
    them with alpha property of 0, give each one an instance name, in
    this example 'pic1_mc. give your button/movie clip an instance name
    of whatever, for this example 'my1_mc'. place this on an actions
    layer on a frame above the pictures, or frame one if there are no
    other keyframes on that layer after it.

  • Trying to do image+sound rollover with dreamweaver cs5

    so it's really hard doing both an image rollover and to get sound to play with the rollover as well

    We need more details to answer your question. Post your code/ what you're trying to achieve/ sample webpage so we can look into your issue.

  • Saving individual slices as images

    I am creating a Website that has a tab with different names on each page.  When I save the slice individually, I would like to be able to save it to overwrite an old file.  If I'm not using slices, it just lets me do that.  How do I do that when I'm using a slice?  Whatever I do, the slice takes on its own name and when I have a huge amount of tabs to save, it would be nice just to save it to the old file name thus updating the old file.

    OK, I get what you're on about, and I've tried that, but then the slice still doens't overwrite the old filenames.  For instance, the one I've shown in my example is the contact page.  Then I have a tab  with about us, testimonials, etc.  Then, of course, all those files have their own names such as aboutUs.jpg, testimonials.jpg, etc.  I want to be able to save that slice under all the different image names when I change the text.

  • Using text to swap an image (disjointed rollover)

    I have some text on my page which is also a link.
    It has a background colour, which changes when my mouse hovers over it.
    I also want one image on the page to swap with another image when my mouse hovers over the text.
    Please can someone direct me to a website which discusses how to create a disjointed rollover using TEXT rather than an image.
    Thank you in advance

    Stuart Smitheringale wrote: You can see the effect that I have created at this site
    Ideally, I would like to use CSS to create the same effect, without relying on swapping images.
    As there are often many ways to produce the same effect or behavior, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, having been able to produce the effect or behavior is often more important.
    Except for one matter in your page's behavior that you will probably want to change your page appears fine in the most recent versions of Safari, Firefox, and Opera.  The bigger problem at this point is that you need to clean up your HTML -- something to which Murray has already alluded.
    When your mouse leaves one menu item to enter into the next, the words below your menu item change as you would probably like, but the previously highlighted menu item remains highlighted.  There is not a clean transition between menu items.  This problem can probably be fixed with an onmouseout event.
    Please refer to the validation link that I have provided below.  It will show you that there are structural problems in your page that can affect both the operation and appearance of your page as it is viewed in different browsers and in different versions of the same browser over time.  I have only checked three of the more popular browsers for you.
    Clean up your structural problems first and see if the imperfect behavior described above does not disappear.  If it does not, then return with a new question, and someone will provide a fix, if you are yourself unable.

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    It's called Rollover and can be done with HTML Snippets. Check out these threads: nge=last90days&userID=&numResults=30&rankBy=10001

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