Info disappears in itunes are importing

When i transfer songs that i have downloaded into itunes, that works fine. However when i then edit the info some of the info disappears.
An example: Artist Title and Name of Song after imported on the same line and then when i move the Artist to the Artist line and keep Name on the correct line. I right click and then press edit info but half the line disappears. This means then i have to type the rest of the info back in.
This only seems to happen after version 9 of itunes as before that everything worked. This is really annoying..
Please can someone help, its driving me crazy

Welcome to the club. I just tried to import a CD into iTunes this morning using an external DVD/CD drive and had the same problem. It asks me if I want to import the CD after getting the Gracenote info and when I hit the "YES" button everything goes dead in the drive. If I turn the drive off and then back on it imports OK. I tried an Iomega drive and it does the same thing. I haven't tried the internal drive on the iMac because I want to save that for important stuff (I have a 17" Powerbook, in which the DVD/CD drive went out on me after about two years of use). It cost a bundle to get it fixed so I decided it's a lot easier to replace an external drive ($99 from Other World Computing). I'm still under warranty for my iMac, so I'm going to try to contact Apple support and see if they can help me. I'll get back with you.

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    The numeric prefixes in filenames are probably the optional disc number, followed by the track number. iTunes will pick up the Compilation flag from the Gracenote CDDB database if you ripped the tracks with iTunes, or the flag may have been set earlier if these are existing tracks you have imported into a new library.  The iTunes naming convention is <Artist>\<Album>\[<D#>-]<T##> <Name>.<Ext> where Album Artist is used instead of Artist if not blank, and Compliations is used instead of Artist when Part of a compilation is true. Empty Artist or Album values are replaced with Unknown Artist or Unknown Album respectively. With Windows, file and folder names are limited to 40 characters. If more than one file is added with the same details subsequent tracks get suffixes to separate them.
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    It depends on eaxactly what is wrong with the old laptop. If you're lucky the drive can be extracted and connected to a new computer to extract the data. Otherwise see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

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    Perhaps it would be helpful for you to view the page source code of this page
    As you can see, the submenu code links are immediately below the top level code, and are
    wrapped in their own  <UL> </UL> tag pairs.
    Hope that helps

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    Hi gary, yes, I'm using 10.6.2 and iTunes 9.02 myself, and it works perfectly for me, but I've seen others with serious cases of this problem with various versions of OSX and iTunes, though I have never suffered it myself on any of our family's half a dozen currently operational Macs.
    Your follow up post brought back a few more memories about the issue.
    A friend of mine suffered it extremely severely under Tiger and Leopard too and iTunes 7 etc. 90% of the time the disc would disappear when accessing CDDB on first insertion. Again even "clean installs" didn't seem to fix it (though on occasion people would find it worked for the first CD read, but not for subsequent ones - suggesting a problem of corruption of the database when the data relating to the first CD was written for some reason) . Somehow, though, it doesn't affect most people, which makes it unlikely that it is a straight iTunes/OS problem.
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    I did find a geeky workaround: the problem is that when iTunes gets the track names from CDDB, it wants to change the volume mount point for the CD from "Audio CD" to the album name. Apparently the unmount goes fine, but the mount falls on the floor.
    If you open Disk Utility in that situation, you'll see that it shows an unmounted Audio CD. Right click (Control-click if you only have one button), and select the option to mount the volume. It mounts with the iTunes-approved title, and iTunes immediately starts importing the CD.
    So if you've got a stack of CDs to import, just leave Disk Utility open to deal with the ones that get "stuck."
    One solution that I now remember people suggesting in earlier incarnations of this issue, and which appears to have worked for some, was to head to iTunes preferences and change the settings for "When you insert a CD" to "Import CD and Eject" from whatever it was currently set to. Seemed to work for some . Might be worth a try?
    If you want to have a look at some of the "history" under earlier OS and iTunes versions of this issue take a look at the very long archived thread starting at

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    What iOS is non the iPod?
    Are the apps compatible with the iPod model.iOS?
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    Thanks for your reply but maybe it would be helpful if you could elaborate a bit on that or maybe I was not clear enough in my question. What I need to do is NOT stop using icloud. But gather everything that is already stored in my old icloud account (X) and save it in my device (iphone, ipad etc) and then continue using icloud but with my new account (Y).
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    "->" = "becomes"
    Step 1) data from X -> independent device data, and then the X account is removed from the device while the data stays.
    Step 2) account Y is added to the device.
    Step 2 continued) now the device has a. "the independent device data" that was drawn from the account X and b. the litte piece of data from Y that I have already created.
    Step 3) independent device data -> data in account Y (along with everything that is created from now on, and everything that has been stored there. The little piece mentioned above.) Everything should now be merged in Y. Merged in a "good" way. Not overwritten, not deleted etc. Nothing should be lost (old or new, from the device or from X or from Y).
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    I don't want to have to restart or reinstall my iTunes again as I'll have to redo all my playlists etc

    Likely that CD then. Check visually for damage, blemishes, etc., not that there's anything you can really do about those other than return the CD.
    The drive sits there and spins because it is trying to re-read the CD.  iTunes has error correction which is contributing to all this re-reading, I believe, and you may be able to disable that in preferences if you aren't picky about the result.
    You can also try other rippers such as Max or XLD.  I know those have configurable error correction.  I like XLD but it is slightly tricky to use until you find that for some reason the author has put all settings under preferences, not just the set once and forget ones.

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    I dowloaded the new maverick and it disappeared.
    Someone could help me as I do not succeed in synchronizing my contacts with my iphone 4S iOS7
    Many thanks in advance

    Did you connect your device and click on its name in the tap right hand corner?
    Are you using iOS 10.9?

  • Info disappeared when I rebooted my computer!

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    I would really, really appreciate the help with this! Thanks!

    Maybe it is "Skip when shuffling" on the Options tab?
    I never use that feature, but I believe that is the English translation. It's an iTunes feature, so if it's not stored in the ITL file, I don't knw where it would be.
    I changed it on one song and looked at the XML entry for that song. Nothing must be in that ITL file that nobody but Apple knows what goes in it!

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    "To import all songs on the CD, click Yes in the window that appears. iTunes starts importing the CD."
    I am using a Dell and can't import the CD I need because the window doesn't automatically pop up. How do I fix this? Any thoughts?

    You could try my script ConvertFormat and see if you like the results. Would be easier than inserting the CDs and correcting the tag info again. Just be aware this is a one-way trip. Once you've thrown away some quality to shrink the files you can't get it back without going back to the source. You may better off investing in a bigger drive.
    If you just want to squeeze more on the iPod you can use the built-in iTunes option to convert files to a lower bitrate as they are added to the device.

  • Music disappearing off itunes library

    I keep having to re load my music from my computer back into itunes library as everytime I shut down all the songs disappear. Songs are then importing back in as duplicates.
    Any ideas how to stop this happening as it means I lose all my playlists?

    On my PC this is how I fixed it....
    When I went to the location of my Library file I noticed that the main library file was very small. Just a few KB in size. There was also another file named "I Tunes Library" and I noticed that this file was large. This file was an XML file though and opened in safari not Itunes when i clicked on it.
    I did some research here
    and found that there are two types of library files...
    Then I just went to files/import playlist and selected the XML file.
    It restored all of my songs, podcasts and graphics but I needed to re sync my ipod which was a pain...
    In my case i think this was caused by the fact that my music folder is located on an external hard drive. I had changed a couple of the usb plugs around and when i turned on my computer the letter name (like C: D:... etc...) of my external drive had changed... I don't know if thats what always happens... but I think it's what happened to me.
    My music folder was probably temporarily set back to the default or something causing Itunes to think it was a fresh install (or something)... Anyway.. let me know if this helps...
    Jarrod Wright
    Clearwater Marketing Services

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