InfoObjects and Variables

Hello BW Experts,
I have been given a somewhat complicated task that I will explain as best as I can:
I basically have two infoobjects (ZSOLDTO and ZSHIPTO) that reference another infoobject (ZCUST).  In my InfoCube, ZSOLDTO and ZSHIPTO are located in separate dimension tables, and there is the possibility that the same value could be located in the underlying master data tables of both InfoObjects.  In my query, I created a variable for ZSOLDTO that is displayed on the query's selection screen.  Somehow, if the user enters in a value for the variable that represents ZSOLDTO, I would like to pull back data where the variable equals ZSHIPTO values as well.  I can't have a variable for both ZSOLDTO AND ZSHIPTO, because than only data where both ZSOLDTO = X AND ZSHIPTO = X will be retrieved. I guess I'm looking to incorporate an 'OR' statement.  This would be very easy to replicate in an ABAP program.  If anyone has any feedback, I would greatly appreciate it.

I don't think I made myself clear originally.  Here is what I want to accomplish:
I want the users to enter a value on the query selection screen for InfoObject ZSOLDTO.  I want all key figures that meet this selection criteria to be displayed in the results (this is very simple to do in BW).  However, if no values are found under the dim table that contains ZSOLDTO, than I want to compare the variable value to ZSHIPTO and pull all of key figures that meet this criteria into the results.  Please let me know if I should clarify further.

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    Check following link to see differences b/w TempTable & TableVariable:
    TempTables & TableVariables both use memory & tempDB in similar manner, check this blog post:
    Performance wise if you are dealing with millions of records then TempTable is ideal, as you can create explicit indexes on top of them. But if there are less records then TableVariables are good suited.
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    ~manoj | email:
    MCCA 2011 | My FB Page

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    Fixed price, is the fixed costs - I usually see it in relation to Overhead..
    Fixed costs remain, whether you manufacutre or not.
    Say you are deciding whether to out-source an assembly,  If you outsource, VARIABLE cost will be saved, Material, labor for that assembly, Overhead representing fringes for that labor, the electricity to run that specific machine.  However, you will still have fixed costs of: Management Salary (although some of that can be variable); insurance on the building; heating and cooling for the building; realestate taxes.
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    SAP allows you to separate fixed and variable costs so that you do make/buy analysis, budgeting, etc
    Hope this helps
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    Variable Header : (technical name: XHeaderName2 )
    Variable Header : (technical name: XHeaderName3 )
    Remote User - the username used to send a message to the adapter engine using SOAP
    Remote Host - hostname which the remote user used
    SOAP Action - SOAP Action of the XI webservice (sender) / SOAP Action of the receiver webservice
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    one simple way is in your final itab declare a slno type i field
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    with regards

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    You can find current prices in table MBEW. Field VPRSV says, if you find moving avg. in column VERPR or the standard price in STPRS. Currency is company code currency.
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    In regard to the tables for planned data please do a search of the forum as this question has already been asked a few times. E.g. here:
    In regard to fixed / variable actual costs: these are not stored in separate tables. If a posting contains fixed and variable portions, for example postings resulting from splitting (KSS2), then the fixed portion is stored in the COEP- WKFBTR (line items) and COSS-WKF*  fields (summary items).  Please observe SAP note 192107 on this issue.

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    MAIN WINDOW :- In a main window you display text and data, which can cover several pages (flow text). As soon as a main window is completely filled with text and data, the system continues displaying the text in the main window of the next page. It automatically triggers the page break.
    You can define only have one window in a form as main window.
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    hope this will be useful.
    If useful then reward points.
    with regards,

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    Problems with a Query

    If you have access you can bundle the report in QA the same way as in Dev.  This is assuming you have a package set up there and basis will probably have to manually move it to the queue and import it.  This can be risky to do.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Not sure a I read you correctly but if I understand you
    what you have to do is make the first two images as dynamic variables using the variable panel and save it as a data set
    then replace those two images and save those as a data set
    So now you have data set one and two.
    You can save that as an variable library (xml)and that can be loaded into other documents.
    The question is can it be actioned?
    It can be scripted and do you want the same two images to replace the same two image in each document.
    I think you really have to tell us more.

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    Not sure a I read you correctly but if I understand you
    what you have to do is make the first two images as dynamic variables using the variable panel and save it as a data set
    then replace those two images and save those as a data set
    So now you have data set one and two.
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    The question is can it be actioned?
    It can be scripted and do you want the same two images to replace the same two image in each document.
    I think you really have to tell us more.

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