InfoPackage already exists

While attempting a data upload we ran into the following "InfoPackage ____ already exists in process chains". Can someone please point me in the right direction to resolve this issue.
I searched the forum but couldn't find anything.  Any assistance will be greatly appreciated as I'm new to BW.

Message which you are getting is an Information for you before doing any changes to the selected Info pack, as it is used in process chains. you can ignore this message and schedule the info pack, if you are not doing any changes, like changing the update type from Delta to Full or in Selections tab giving some restrictions etc.
the better way is to copy the info pack and name it as Manual, so that in future also no one will touch the other info pack, which is used in process chains.

Similar Messages

  • Data already exists for particular SID

    I am executing a process chain for 0notification & is scheduled for 00:05hrs daily.
    It usually fails giving the error "Data already exists for SID <  >".However, when scheduled again it gets completed. This happens very often.
    Can nybody help me out for this? Please let me know why this is happenning.

    In the InfoPackage select option PSA and then ignore duplicate records.

  • Node [01498765, 0986003618 ]: Leaf '100000-AAG ' already exists as child of node 01493444

    Hi Expert,
    one of my process chain got failed at infopackage step due the below error message,
    "Node [01498765, 0986003618 ]: Leaf '100000-AAG ' already exists as child of node 01493444"
    The update mode of the infopackage is full and i am loading the data from the flat file.
    Can any one please help me this.

    Hi Nitya,
    Could you please explain how did you solved this problem?

  • Need help with Sharepoint foundation web application stuck on "STOPPING" error job-service-instance-GUID Number already exists

    Hi All,
         I cant get to stop SharePoint foundation web app service. Its stuck on status stopping
    I have tried the following:
    reset IIS
    restarted the Timer Service
    When I try to use powershell command to stop I get the following error:
    Can anyone who went through this help PLEASE
    Stop-SPServiceInstance : An object of the type
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServiceInstanceJobDefinition named
    "job-service-instance-1ff39eb2-12d2-457d-a749-265e350eb1b1" already exists
    under the parent Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerService named
    "SPTimerV4". Rename your object or delete the existing object.
    At line:1 char:127
    + ... pplication"} | Stop-SPServiceInstance
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...ServiceInstance:
    SPCmdletStopServiceInstance) [Stop-SPServiceInstance], SPDuplicateObjectEx
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletStopServ

    It seems that the issue is in the timer job definition for executing this operation.
    My suggestion is to start the service again and delete the job definition from the error and again try to stop it.
    This might be helpful: 
    I had a lot of issues in the past when try to stop this instance after the Web apps are provisioned.
    As general rule now If I have multi-server Farm topology that has servers that should not serve Web App requests I turn off the service prior to provisioning any Web Apps in the Farm. 

  • Error: Source system already exists. Message no. RSAR201. Points rewarded.

    Error: Source system already exists. Message no. RSAR201
    We have installed a BI 7.0 system recently and I am setting up the server to connect to SAP ERP.
    In TA SM59 a connection to the SAP ERP has been established. The “Remote Logon” is OK, (meaning clicking it nothing happens). The “Connection Test” is OK.
    According to the Best Practices paper: “B84: BI Connectivity” (B84)
    I have done the following:
    In TA RSA1
    1.     Choose Modeling.
    2.     Choose Source Systems.
    3.     Select SAP in the window on the right.
    4.     Choose the Context menu (right mouse click).
    5.     Choose Create.
    6.     Make the following entries:
    Available destination: (The above tested connection)
    Background user in source system: RFCUSER (I created the user in ERP according to step 1.4 in “B84”)
    Password for source system: *****
    Background user in BI: RFCUSER (I created the user in BI according to step 1.4 in “B84”)
    Password for BI user: *****
    8.     In the dialog box Please log on as an administrator in the following screen choose Continue.
    9.     Log on to the Source System with your administrator user. Choose the correct client.
    10.     On the dialog box New Source System Connection choose Continue.
    Source system already exists.
    Message no. RSAR201
    What is wrong? I cannot locate any SAP notes to help on this problem.
    Best regards,
    Carsten Pold

    Hello Carsten,
    just some guessing at this point...
    Is the connection really new? For example, was there another system connected to that ERP, maybe with the same logical name? Or was any of the two systems copied from another system?
    Authorisations issues in this process may result in strange error messages. Make sure that the admin user in step 9 really has SAP_ALL. There are a lot of complex activities that this user must be able to do (ALE management, RFC access etc.). To exclude issues with the RFCUSER users: If possible, give them SAP_ALL, too. Of course only temporarily for testing.
    I normally don't use existing RFC destinations. Usually, I let the system create those, too. So maybe it makes a difference if you remove the RFC destinations on both sides and try again. In that case, you will of course have to provide the RFC details when creating the source system connection...
    I hope this brings you forward a little...

  • Lightroom not putting folders in subdirectories as directed on import; then not letting me move folders to clean up because "folders already exist" (but they don't!) Please help!

    I have used Lightroom for years and have never had issues importing until a few weeks ago. I have a very organized system of files for my portraits - "Portraits" > "Babies & Families" > "2014" > "(Surname)". While importing I create a subfolder using the family surname under "Destination" in LR. It shows an italicized folder in the correct place prior to clicking "Import," but when I go to "Library" mode to select the folder, all the newly created folders are now on the root directory. I try to then drag and drop them to their proper place, but I'm told that a folder by this name already exists in that destination and won't allow the move. Tried emailing a contact at Adobe, and then followed up with a phone call, but haven't heard back. Desperately need help before my entire file system becomes one big mess. Any thoughts or advice graciously welcomed.

    Thanks for the tip. That partially took care of the problem. Now all the orphans are back together, but a new root folder called "Photos" has been created as the parent of a new set of "Portraits" > "Babies & Familes" > "2014". So now I have Root folder > "Portraits" > "Babies & Familes" > "2014" > "Surname" AND "Portraits" (at root) > "Babies & Familes" > "2014". I've tried to drag the Surname folders into the preexisting "2014" but it says they already exist, so then I tried dragging "2014" under the preexisting "Portraits" and was able to do that but it somehow screwed up the original "2014" folder which now has a "?" next to "2014" and all it's contents! It's getting worse! What now?

  • How do I get the pictures from my iPhoto on my external Hard Drive to show up in the already existing iPhoto on my MacBook?

    I have an early 2008 MacBook. I had been using iPhoto on this MacBook until I purchased an iMac in 2011, at which time I copied my iPhoto Library from my MacBook to my iMac. Then I realized that my pictures and music were consuming the memory on my iMac, so I moved iPhoto and my iTunes LIbrary to an external Hard Drive. Now I am in a situation where I do not have access to my iMac, but will need to use my MacBook as my main computer for the next year. So, I have my iPhoto on an external hard drive and I plug it into my MacBook and see the iPhoto Library folder, but when I click on it, it opens up the old iPhoto that is still existing on my MacBook and will not show any of the new pictures?! At first I thought it wasn't able to show up anything because my MacBook was running two operating systems behind what my iMac was when I was running my iPhoto Library from that computer. So, I upgraded to OS X 10.7.5 and upgraded the existing iPhoto on my MacBook to iPhoto '11 version 9.4.3. However whenever I plug in the external hard drive and click on the iPhoto Library folder to open it up, it is still just opening up the already existing iPhoto on the MacBook (with my older pictures) rather than the iPhoto on the hard drive (with my newer pictures). How can I access my pictures that are on my external hard drive?

    Thank you for your advice. I followed your directions, but came up with the same results. However, I did discover that whenever I open up the iPhoto Library that is already existing on my MacBook a certain set of pictures shows up. But then when I open up the iPhoto Library from the Hard drive another set of pictures shows up. BUT not ALL of my pictures are showing up on the iPhoto Library from the hard drive. At least the last two years of pictures are not showing up?! Actually, it appears that all the pictures are there from when I started using iPhoto about 5 years ago up until around the time that I got my iMac desktop computer and started using that (2 years ago). I have noticed that more recent videos I have made are showing up in a folder on the hard drive, but will not appear when I open up iMovie?! Any ideas on how to access my pictures from the last 2 years off of the hard drive???

  • I plugged in my brand new nano to my husbands desktop to get it registered, but had a problem mid way through when I tried to used an apple login that already existed.  Now it's not registered and the computer won't recognize my device.  How do I fix this

    I plugged in my brand new nano to my husbands desktop to get it registered, but had a problem mid way through when I tried to used an apple login that already existed.  Now it's not registered and the computer won't recognize my device.  How do I fix this?

    iPod not recognized in 'My Computer' and in iTunes for Windows
    Call U.S. iPod and Mac technical support: 1-800-APL-CARE (1-800-275-2273) to register your iPod Nano.

  • Cannot backup my files / copy my files and folders due to error message " The operation can't be completed because an item with the name ".DS_Store" already exists. "

    Hi Apple community!
    I have a [rather worrying] problem.
    When I try to copy all my files from my documents on my mac [or the entire documents folder] into an external drive, I get this error message
    " The operation can’t be completed because an item with the name “.DS_Store” already exists. "
    I am not given an option to skip this file or anything else.
    But I simply cannot complete the operation!
    I have tried deleting a few of the .ds_store files, [both in the original and in the destinations]
    but no success.
    The same thing keeps happening.
    At first, this was just happening when I was trying to backup to my dropbox folder [the one on my mac's harddrive, which gets synced to the cloud],
    but then I tried to back up my documents to my external hard drive, and I realized it is giving me the same error message.
    So effectively, it seems I cannot backup my files anywhere!
    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, or by corruption of certain system caches. 
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled on some models, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and  Wi-Fi on certain iMacs. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin. Test while in safe mode. Same problem? After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

  • Operation can't be completed because an item of same name already exists - Mavericks

    I am trying to copy a large file folder (of a large iTunes library of music files) from a WD Live NAS drive to a new AirPlay Time Capsule via Finder on my Retina MBP. Every time I try it, I get the same error "operation can't be completed because an item of the same name already exists."
    I have tried a number of the following solutions:
    1. I cleared my cache out as in this thread:
    2. I tried using the Terminal app, as in this thread:
    3. I tried closing both Finder windows once I started the copy operation, as in this thread:
    4. I tried deleting/renaming all files that contained a ~ as in a thread I can't find right now.
    All of these things are not working. I was able to copy several other large file folders (mostly of videos) without a hitch. I can't figure it out. Can anyone assist?
    Many thanks...

    subcrapper wrote:
    "have you tried using Disk Utility to erase 1TB HHD and reformat before trying to copy the data back?"
    Yes, I had to format the 1TB to FAT before I use it.
    whoa there. why did you format the drive FAT? that's an obsolete windows drive format and OS X is known to have various issues with it. this may easily account for your problems. strongly suggest you reformat the drive mac os extended.
    "have you tried using the restore option within Disk Utility to copy the data back instead of doing it manually?"
    There's nothing on the 1TB to restore because I sent it in for warranty exchange. So its brand new, nothing in it.
    he was suggesting that you use the restore tab in disk utility to copy the 640GB drive to the new 1TB one. that's what I suggested too but I mentioned using superduper or CCCloner.
    but you really should reformat the drive first. the only reason to use FAT is if you want to use the drive from both mac and windows. but then you'll likely have to live with the quirks of FAT and OS X.

  • Operation can't be completed because an item of same name already exist

    Hi, my first post. I've search the net for similar problems but nothing exact.
    I have a Maxtor OneTouch 4 (1TB)that just returned cos I got it exchanged. While it was being exchanged, I used a Maxtor OneTouch (640GB). I had transferred everything from my 1TB to the 640GB.
    Now that the 1TB's back, I want to transfer everything back. But when I try to transfer anything from the 640GB to the 1TB, an error message appears saying "operation can't be completed because an item "(of same name)" already exist."
    After I click OK on the error message, only the folder gets copied over to the 1TB but NONE of its contents.
    This only happens when I transfer folders. If I were to transfer individual files, e.g a picture, it's successful.
    Things that do work:
    - transferring files and folders from computer to both HDDs
    - transferring files and folders from either HDDs to computer
    So the only problem is transfers between both HDDs.
    I read some thread that repairing permissions might help but when I enter Disk Utility, "Verify Disk permissions" or "Repair Disk Permissions" are both greyed out.
    Does anybody have experience with this problem? Please help, the 640GB is exploding!
    Thanks in advance!

    subcrapper wrote:
    "have you tried using Disk Utility to erase 1TB HHD and reformat before trying to copy the data back?"
    Yes, I had to format the 1TB to FAT before I use it.
    whoa there. why did you format the drive FAT? that's an obsolete windows drive format and OS X is known to have various issues with it. this may easily account for your problems. strongly suggest you reformat the drive mac os extended.
    "have you tried using the restore option within Disk Utility to copy the data back instead of doing it manually?"
    There's nothing on the 1TB to restore because I sent it in for warranty exchange. So its brand new, nothing in it.
    he was suggesting that you use the restore tab in disk utility to copy the 640GB drive to the new 1TB one. that's what I suggested too but I mentioned using superduper or CCCloner.
    but you really should reformat the drive first. the only reason to use FAT is if you want to use the drive from both mac and windows. but then you'll likely have to live with the quirks of FAT and OS X.

  • Error message "The operation can't be completed because an item with the name .DS_Store already exists"

    Major headaches with copying files and folders between drives. I constantly (and I mean constantly) have to resort to copying files across in small batches (fewer than 10 works best) because anytime I try to copy lots of files and folders from my mac to an external hard drive (or from one external HD to a second external HD), I ALWAYS get the error message  "The operation can't be completed because an item with the name .DS_Store already exists".
    The files and folders are all Mac-generated, so hint or trace of foreign OSs in the mix.
    All file types are susceptible
    the HDs are all Mac OS X formatted, no foreign file formats involved
    the HDs are all journal-enabled, OS X extended formats
    have looked on here for previous posts, past suggestion was to disable creation of DS_Store files - not really a solution and realistically, defeats the purpose of their creation
    any ideas anyone?
    would appreciate any thoughts or sugestions, this has got me beat
    the context is that I have a lot of image files that I am copying (trying to...) new external 3TB drives for backup and the job appears endless if I have to do this in batches of 10 or so..!
    many thanks for any suggestions

    This is definitively a nuisance. When copying large amounts of files between volumes  try opening a terminal window and use use ditto. You need to type the directory paths of the source and the destination volume. When it starts ditto just coupes and optionally overwrites anything on the destination. You can get a verbose mode where it lists all activities.
    gunnars-mac-mini-i7:Volumes gunnar$ man ditto
         ditto -- copy directory hierarchies, create and extract archives
         ditto [-v] [-V] [-X] [<options>] src ... dst_directory
         ditto [-v] [-V] [<options>] src_file dst_file
         ditto -c [-z | -j | -k] [-v] [-V] [-X] [<options>] src dst_archive
         ditto -x [-z | -j | -k] [-v] [-V] [<options>] src_archive ... dst_directory
         ditto -h | --help

  • PSE 9 and 5 will not import - says the file already exists in the catalog !

    I've already wasted 2 days looking for answers to this. When someone buys this program, at least half of the price is paying for the database in the Organizer - yet even John Ellis himself, who seems to know more than anyone about it, has gone to Lightroom. This is bad coding!!!
    Upgraded from 5 to 9. If you read my previous posts, this took 2 days too, and phone help from a tech, because it would not install in my XP computer. It did upgrade the Organizer from 5, although many of the symbols are unusable and don't work to help me identify my tags. However, now I see that neither 5 nor 9 is able to look at a file and display thumbnails that are in it.
    I move files around a lot for my business. Any half-way good database should be able to find the missing files, and also add any new images. Say I have 10 images in file A, then add 2 more to make 12. It can't see the added images! Says can't import, the file already exists in the catalog.
    I tried: updating thumbnails, recover, repair, in both 5 and 9 - nothing works. to import the images that I can SEE in these folders! I read here  that it will not import files if the same name is somewhere else. That alone is a problem.  But I think it's more than that: even if the file used to be in another folder, folder B, it won't recognize that it's in folder A now!
    Since PSE9 uses sql db, shouldn't that be better than 5 and be able to do simple tasks like this?
    Any advice or similar experiences eagerly welcomed.

    Thank you for replying, dj paiqe.
    Do you mean the first little section that says photos may not be displaying? Yes, those just reveal hidden photos and are very basic. I did them.
    I guess we disagree about databases and what they are designed to do, or maybe I didn't explain this well.
    I did not move the images outside of the catalog: I move them to various folders, all already imported WITHIN the catalog, as I send them to various editors. (these are all drawings, not photos, and I do this professionally, so it needs to work).
    Folder A and Folder B and Folder C have already been imported into the catalog. So if I move 2 images from folder B into folder A, the Organizer is simply lost, says image already exists, and everything is totally screwed up, as the image is no longer in folder B, and it can't find it in folder A!!! The problem is, unless I memorize the image name, say Image 9, I can't tell it to reconnect, as there is no longer an image in front of me! So there are 2 images, without names, now nowhere to be found. Inefficient, to say the least.
    I've never tried Lightroom or Filemaker, but I cannot believe that they would lose data like this. I think it's the Folder coding that's not working in PSE, and I wanted this to work so badly!!!!!
    I am willing to do it the PSE way, since you now have captions, keywords, etc, and it is a very powerful database, when it works. I understand that one is supposed to move images within the Organizer, obviously. But now many images are disconnected. I could start all over importing, but is there any way to do that without losing tags and categories?

  • Admin tool error: Physical database already exists

    Hello Gurus,
    I am using OBIEE and trying to import a new Essbase ASO cube into my RPD using the Admin Tool. I am getting the error message "Physical database already exists, but it is not of the same provider type". The cube is new and not in my rpd yet so why is it saying it exists? Is there a way to search for it in case it is in there?
    Thanks very much for your help.
    Edited by: user754680 on May 13, 2011 5:06 PM

    You can search for the Tables, Cubes, Databases etc that are already in the repository. Just click on tools in the admin tool and select query repository. Here you can select from the drop down list what you are looking for and leave the name as * if you want to search for everything.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to find out, if a dynamic genereated structure already exists in DDIC?

    Good morning developers,
    can you help me with that above mentioned problem?
    I'm about to write a report which manages to change tablecontrol(s) to alvgrids.
    My current problem is, that i read all fields of a tablecontrol and generate its <b>structure</b> dynamically ( temporary just during runtime of the report, not stored yet ).
    Now I have to know, if this generated structure already exists in the DDIC, or not.
    If not, i have to create a type of my generated structure and store it in the DDiC.
    I know that there s a FM called <b>"COMPARE_STRUCTURE_DATA"</b>.
    But i think i have to know the name of the existing structure in DDiC.
    Is there also a way for a recursive search in ddic?
    If not:  when i read the fields of my tablecontrol from the DDiC, i read from ddic-table D021S. In its field "FNAM" it contains for example SFLIGHT-carrid ( <table><column> ).
    I could split 'FNAM' into table and column. How do i search for the structuretype of a table?
    Thx for your replys, post points waiting

    Hello Bastian
    All dynpro fields (including table controls) are either based on DDIC structures of program variables. Thus, the following coding will return you the required answer.
    REPORT  zus_sdn_rtti_is_ddictype.
    TYPE-POOLS: abap.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_line.
    TYPES:   field(3)  TYPE n.
    TYPES:   flag(1)   TYPE c.
    " INCLUDE TYPE knb1.
    TYPES: END OF ty_s_line.
    TYPES: ty_t_line    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_line
                        WITH DEFAULT KEY.
      gs_line    TYPE ty_s_line,
      gs_knb1    TYPE knb1,
      go_tabdescr      TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr,
      go_strucdescr    TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr.
      go_strucdescr ?= cl_abap_tabledescr=>describe_by_data( gs_line ).
      IF ( go_strucdescr->is_ddic_type( ) = abap_true ).
        WRITE: / 'gs_line is a DDIC type'.
        WRITE: / 'gs_line is not a DDIC type'.
      go_strucdescr ?= cl_abap_tabledescr=>describe_by_data( gs_knb1 ).
      IF ( go_strucdescr->is_ddic_type( ) = abap_true ).
        WRITE: / 'gs_knb1 is a DDIC type'.
        WRITE: / 'gs_knb1 is not a DDIC type'.
    However, if a dynpro field is based on a type defined within the program the situation may be more complex if the type includes DDIC structures (as shown above). But I am sure you will master this obstacle.

Maybe you are looking for