Ingesting avchd on my new iMac11,2

We ended our Wedding Video business last summer to focus on family as the mileage was to much with a baby in the house.
There were other reasons but I wont bore you all...! ...anyway I have been using the wifes laptop (toshiba i3 & fast) but cant cut it with editing our family AVCHD video and the screen is impossible to work with but Sony Vegas ok to work with, now we have a shiny new 21" imac i3 (iMac11,2) hopefully being delivered by the weekend.
Here's the question: I have dug my old FCE4 from the store, I have my AVCHD footage backed up on a DVD ready to injest into FCE, my camcorder is a Panasonic SD10 is there anything I need to be wary of as my workflow previously was MiniDV that was straight forward.

Congratulations on your growing family!
Regarding the iMac you should have no problems.
However, when you install FCE 4 make sure you get the FCE 4.0.1 Update from Software Updater as it has all the AVCHD Easy Setups.
An external Hard Drive would be very useful even if not essential, as your AVCHD will be coverted during ingestion to Apple Intermediate Codec which takes up about 40GB per hour of video . . . . . more that 3 times as much as DV.
I hope that your AVCHD backups contain the whole folder structure and not just the video files or you might have problems.
Message was edited by: Ian R. Brown

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    Ingesting from a camera is real slow, because of the slow speed of the cards used. Second, you need the complete directory structure for reliable operation. Third, you need reliable backup of your source material. Last, HDD's are cheap, so what is a couple of 100 GB's of disk space.

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    Although FCE isn't designed to work with 24p footage, I've heard of a lot of people recently being able to ingest it anyway into FCE, but then getting stuck when it's time to put it into a sequence.
    Click the gear button in the upper right of the Log and Transfer window, and navigate to the Preferences menu. Make sure Audio is set to *Plain Stereo* and click the button to *Clear the Cache.* Now try ingesting with your Easy Setup set to AIC 720p30. If it works, you can then use the free [MPEG Streamclip|> to convert the capture scratch files to 29.97fps and edit them in FCE.
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    Message was edited by: skalicki`

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    Thanks in Advance.
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    Just saw that Adam's original post was an older one.  Will keep this here anyway to maybe help the most recent poster.
    Adam, did you try what David said about pointing to the root folder?  Did that work?
    When I copy the SD card, I name a new folder on my hard drive something specific, like Smith Wedding.  Then I copy everything inside the SD card to that new folder.  The first level inside my new folder now has folders for
    and on down from there.  When you open Log and Transfer, point it to the Smith Wedding folder (of course whatever you have named yours).
    ClipWrap2 also works great to convert the files beforehand if you want.
    What camera are you using?  I have the Sony NX30 and it was giving me fits because the .mts files don't ingest if the clips are longer than 11 min. My problem is that I'm still on FCP 6.0.6.  I think 7.0.3 fixed that.  But I did find enough work-arounds to keep the camera. 
    This is a link to the full discussion if you are interested.
    Message was edited by: SSteele

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    thanks in advance,

    No. It doesn't work. The Log & Transfer window still shows "downmixing to stereo"!
    I have also read in the Apple HD Users Manual that ALL AVCHD 5.1 surround sound will be DOWNMIXED to Stereo. Why they would do it is only they know! G H U !
    Most Gurus very silent on this issue ... ignorance is bliss ... As the Silfen said (a long time back) Ozzie's lost to the pathways - don't let the glitter of mobility pale your thoughts of the solidity of the apps!
    Satya - A truth

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    The error is Exception Type: EXCBADACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE at 0x00000000000000b8
    Crashed Thread: 9
    To both of you : Many thanks for taking the time and effort to respond I really appreciate your help

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    Is your samsung bd player able to play avchd discs?

  • Final Cut Pro: Ingested AVCHD clips are sometimes distorted

    Apple has released this support info:
    Last Modified: February 03, 2009
    Article: TS2572
    AVCHD clips you transcode to ProRes from the Log and Transfer window are sometimes jumpy or distorted.
    Products Affected
    Final Cut Pro 6.x, Perian Quicktime component
    This may happen if you installed the Perian QuickTime component.
    To temporarily disable Perian while using Final Cut Pro:
    Open System Preferences.
    Click the Perian icon at the bottom of the System Preferences window.
    Select the General tab in the Perian preference pane.
    Click Remove Perian.
    If you would like to enable Perian after you finish working with your AVCHD clips, return to step four but click Install Perian to enable it.

    1. FCP does not work with material this is not "native". To see what "native" formats FCP supports, look at the standard presets. If you don't know what a FCP standard preset is, do some research. The Manual is a wonderful place to start.
    2. FCP does not work well when you play material from the system drive. Editable media MUST be stored on a non-system drive.
    The key points to understand are - if your material is not a FCP native format (codec), convert it to one (pro res 422 works just fine) and use a non-system drive as your media storage/ playback drive.
    If you do this and you still have problems, post back. We'll do what we can to help.

  • Ingesting AVCHD video already copied to Mac?

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    If you have the entire contents of the card you can click the Add Volume button in the upper left of the log and transfer window and select the archive. If you only have the .mts files you'll have to use ClipWrap2 to transcode the media.

  • Swapping external drive causes new clips to be ingested onto internal Mac drive. Why?

    Hi folks,
    I've recently begun to swap my external hard drive (the one I use for ingesting AVCHD video clips) for another, due to many projects on the go. What I'm finding now is that when I ingest new footage, it winds up being ingested onto my laptop's internal drive, even though in the FCE4 settings it says that my scratch drive is the external one. Of course, my laptop drive then fills up very quickly. I then have to copy all the files from the laptop's internal drive to my external video drive and reconnect the media. It's time-consuming and frustrating. Anyone know why this is happening and how I might correct the problem?
    Thanks very much,

    Both of the drives I'm swapping out are firewire drives. The system picks up whichever is connected and identifies it fine. However, I did notice, the first time I swapped, that when I swapped back to the first drive, FCE created a whole, second set of files for video capture, render and audio; both sets of files are on the one drive; from that point on, any new projects went into the second (redundant) set of capture/render files. Everything still worked fine, so I let it go.
    I continued to use the system that way, but when I swapped out the external drive a few more times, the ingesting of new project files started going to my MacBook Pro's internal hard drive. It's as if the computer has become confused because I've been swapping drives.
    I read awhile back that it's very important to name external drives with names that are very different from one another, otherwise the system doesn't always know which drive is which. Weird, especially since computers are so very particular about keystrokes! Anyways, I heeded the advice and gave each of my drives names that are in no way similar. I mention this because it could be relevant to what I'm currently experiencing. All I know is I'm baffled. Seems to me that switching out drives between projects seems like a logical way to deal with the huge file sizes involved in HD video.
    Anyways, I will try your suggestions. How do I trash the FCE Preferences?
    Also, what does Repair Permissions do? Is that, like, some kind of factory re-set?
    Thanks very much Al.

  • Tip: iMovie "Archive all..." saves files from AVCHD, then ingest into FCE4

    I just discovered a useful trick. Much is made in the FCE4 manual about not being able to ingest AVCHD footage from a disk - you have, it says, to use the camcorder. Not so if you have iMovie 09 as well (not sure about earlier versions).
    Connect the camcorder to the Mac and open iMovie 09. Click the camera icon to open the capture window if it doesn't do it automatically and click the "Archive all..." button at the bottom of the window. When you save the "archive" file, you end up with a folder that contains everything from the camcorder.
    Disconnect the camcorder.
    Now open FCE 4. Go to File > Log and Transfer. The window opens but there's nothing there to ingest. Drag the archive file onto the left-hand pane or use the "Add Folder" button at the top left to find and open the archive folder. The AVCHD files appear in the window as if the camcorder were attached and you can ingest them in the normal way.
    I find this handy for dumping everything off the camera and storing it in its smaller, native format for working on later. I'd imagined I was going to have to store all my archived footage in SuperSized Intermediate Codec format, which was quite a scary prospect, but this means I can save many camerafuls of stuff at its native size and still ingest selected bits into FCE4 at any time when I want to play around with them
    Obviously native AVCHD support would be even more splendid, but this is a useful work around for now.
    (note: I'm using a Canon HF-S10, but I'm assuming this would work for other AVCHD camcorders)

    groovycat wrote:
    Oh disappointed now - I thought I'd discovered a great thing.
    you did!
    as the iMovie guy here at the boards, I raise the flag for 'my' tool.. because, read exactly, what FC Mastermind Tom told you:
    .. Any folder than _maintains the AVCHD wrapper_ can be used, whether it's created in iMovie or simply by dragging the disk or memory card contents to a a hard drive.
    means: if you drag just the .mts files, which contains the 'video' => kaputt, no import into FCE (or iMovie)
    all those BDMV, AVF_INFO, cpi, bdm, bnp, whatever files & folders have to complete and untouched transfered to disk..
    .. ok, what could go wrong by dragging a whole folder from cam to HDD.. ? but, iM makes it .. dummy-proof.. (no offense!!!!)..

  • Ingesting .mts AVCHD files into FCE

    Is it possible to ingest avchd (.mts) files using Log and Transfer? Reading from past discussions it seems I need a converter. I used voltaic with my old powermac but I thought with an intelmac I would not need to convert .mts files, besides if I connect my videocamera (canon hf200) I am able to import and convert to .mov without the need of any application, however it seems FCE cannot read .mts files saved on disc. I am bit confused, any suggestion?

    I actually use MTS files frequently on FCE. I use a Panasonic HMC40 camera. Just go to log and transfer, plug in your card or your camera, it will then take a little bit to figure all the clips out, then it will show all your clips and you then choose which ones you want then convert, with my comp it takes a long time to convert and is usually about 1GB per min of footage but it's a really high quality camera. Anyways I hope that helps. FCE does support MTS files, but not JUST mts, you also need the "stream" data as well to convert it.

  • Ingesting less than FXP quality AVCHD in FCE (using Canon HF-10)

    I've been ingesting AVCHD clips from my Canon HF-10 and have had no problems. I thought I'd read somewhere that you must have shot the footage in the highest quality (17 Mb/s) in order for it to be ingested properly. However, I just tried SD footage, and it seemed to ingest fine. Is this because I recently upgraded to FCE 4.0.1 ?

    Sorry to poke my nose into this thread, but to clarify, the pixels on the screen of your notebook are etched in, and cannot be stretched or multiplied. Each physical pixel is driven by a transistor pair in and matrix configuration, and only whole pixel can be displayed. The 1440 vs. 1920 are virtual pixels in some frame buffer, and need to be re-sampled and filtered by H/W-S/W, before they are actually displayed on the square pixels your MacBook's screen. Just the data as it is being stored and transmitted from the camcorder to the PC represent 1440 or 1920 pixels per scan line. Actually there are macroblocks (4x4, through 16x16 and color sub-sampling involved - see: ), so it is more complex that what I just said. For all practical purposes, there is theoretically less detail transmitted per scan line in the case of 1440 pixels/line, but it maybe impossible to see on a notebook (which cannot display all that detail anyway) and would depend on the actual image captured. Unless you are viewing this on a large display, and are viewing a video that contains and is actually captured very high detail, great optics, etc., you will not see the difference. You just have to match the resolutions between the camcorder and the computer, so it receives the amount of data it expects or it will get confused and quit with an error. To see the difference between the 1440 and 1920 requires the right pattern, equipment chain and trained eye, to really appreciate it.
    Message was edited by: ComPH1
    Message was edited by: ComPH1

  • FCE4  AVCHD Ingest crashes

    I am trying to ingest AVCHD clips from my Canon HG10 HD camera. This works fine on imovie08.
    When I start the log and ingest window, I can see the clips and when I select one into the queue, it starts then I get the beach ball then FCE4 crashes and dies.
    Has anyone had problems like this? I have an Intel 2x2.6 Dual Core MacPro with 5GB RAM and 2x500GB + 1x250GB drives, 10.5.1 + FCE4
    I had FCE3.5 and I upgraded, then after the problem, I completely uninstalled then reinstalled FCE4 from scratch -still the same problem.
    Seems like a bug in FCE4.

    I installed it on my Intel MBP that I also upgraded from Tiger to Leopard. It runs and imports fine there. I see that the error is a segmentation violation or some memory violation, so I suspect there is some component or something on the MacPro that is not on the MacBook Pro.
    Two differences:
    1. the MBP never had any other FCE installed
    the MacPro had FCE 3.5 HD installed previously
    Otherwise, they both have pretty much the same setup.
    I really don't want to wipe the MacPro and reinstall, there must be some way to determine what is causing the issue, since now I know it is probably not an FCE bug but some other thing installed that is shouldn't be using or is out of date
    Any ideas?

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