Inheritence without overriding constructor??

hi every body
my question is how to inherit from class without writing the constructor, even i dont want to use super keyword
for example:
public class MyText extends JTextField
public void setText(String txt)

If the super class has a default constructor (public with no arguments) than you don't need to write a constructor in the derived class in this case an implicit default constructor will be used in all other cases you have to provide a constructor.

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    You can't override an instance initializer, no. And when you create an object, some constructor of each of its superclasses must be called to do the creating. In your example, it's the default constructor of ClassB that's called. ClassC's constructor must call some constructor of ClassB.

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    Try this...
    You will Not Lose Any Data...
    Turn the Touch Off... ( if it isn’t already )
    Press and Hold the Sleep/Wake Button and the Home Button at the Same Time...
    Wait for the Apple logo to Appear and then Disappear...
    Usually takes about 15 - 20 Seconds... (But can take Longer...)
    Release the Buttons...
    Turn the Touch On...
    If that does not help... See Here:
    Backing up, Updating and Restoring

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    If you know that there is a constructor that takes,
    for example, a single String argument you can use
    something like this:
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    String stringArg = ...; // argument to pass to constructor
    Constructor c = clazz.getConstructor( new Class[] { String.class } );
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        String stringArg = ...;
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         /* instantievariabelen:
          private boolean roodstuk;
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         /* CONSTRUCTOREN:
          *Maarschalk(boolean rdstuk, soort)
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              super(rdstuk, "maarschalk");
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    What's the problem? To create a MyClass object, you
    don't need any OtherClass objects. You just do the
    equivalent ofnew MyClass(null)in your
    reflective code.
    slap forehead with toilet
    thanks for the tip.
    as i said there was something absolutely easy, it's tough not seeing the forest for the trees ;/
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    create objects of arbitrary classes and call
    arbitrary methods with arbitrary parameter lists,
    then whoever did your design didn't think for long
    enough.WELL. you're absolutely right. but when it's time to process ANY given object there's no reliability on whatever design was chosen. or, would you insist the developer had to provide standatized formats when you write a debugger? no it has to work with any. so must i!

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    If you are talking about calling super class constructor in subclass, you can do that:
    public function SubClassConstructor(){
    If you need to call function of superclass, well, you have to write it in superclass, right? Just make it either public or protected.

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    In CS4, all of these documents import into my publications without overrides, using Microsoft Word Import options set for Customize Style Import, and style mapping used to map Word paragraph styles to ID paragraph styles
    After the CS5 conversion, every one of my Word 2003 documents for all of my publications come in with overrides showing hyphenation settings and character direction that did not appear with CS4. This is despite my mapping styles, and the fact that these options can't even be (as far as I can tell) a paragraph or character override inside Word.
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    Inside Word 2003, I had to go to Tools > Language > Hyphenation and make the hyphenation setting in the Word doc match exactly the hyphenation settings for the paragraph style it was being mapped to in InDesign to make it go away at import.
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    I was hoping I'd see a post that says, "Ah yes, the Word filters in CS5 were updated, and now we look for hyphenation and character direction, and here's what you can do as a workaround" but I'm not seeing anything. If I can't define left to right in the regular version of ID or in Word 2003, does anyone have an idea how I can get my import to ignore it again?

    I hate it when I know too much about MS Word.
    I don't have Word accessible right now, but you can set character direction in (the Windows version of) Word. I don't remember the exact details off-hand. Character direction is not the only overrides I've seen make its way in. I've seen some CJK features get imported as overrides as well (by users not using CJK languages).
    It actually depends on your OS and your version of Word, I think. In Word 2007 on Windows 7, you need to have a RTL keyboard installed in order to expose the right-to-left-paragraph and left-to-right-paragraph buttons on the ribbon. I think that Asian scripts are on in all installs of Word 2007, but since our OS has some Asian keyobards turned on by default by Group Policy, I'm unsure of this. In Word 2003 on Windows XP, you need the, oh heck I can't visualise the menu, something like "Enable complex script support for right-to-left languages" in the Region and Language tab in Control Panel.
    For all recent versions of Word, you can check the Fonts window (control-D) to see if you have one, two, or three scripts enabled.
    Font = Latin-script
    Asian text font = CJK
    Complex scripts = Thai/Lao/etc. and Arabic/Farsi/etc.
    Finally: It's possible to have a RTL paragraph in a Word document on the machine of someone who does not have the Complex Scripts dropdown in the Font menu in Word. Likewise, it's possible to have paragraph styles in Word with CJK information on a machine that does not have CJK support turned on in Word (I have seen this numerous times in the Win XP/Office 2003 era).
    So, in terms of the original post - I haven't yet figured out if this is a new feature of CS5, or something about one's install of Word or Windows, but there are so many variables that the only obvious solution to me is "a workflow in which overrides are always cleared." You don't like that solution, I understand, but any other solution would require some extended troubleshooting of the entire workflow, including all installs of Word that might contribute a Word doc to be placed in ID.

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    Then from a HwTest class ( packge we want to access this class but we cannot make the constructor public.
    Any ideas on how we can create an instance of DraHw when testing without making constructor public?

    > we want
    However do you in fact actually need to?  And if you do that are you breaking the design of the other app?  Obviously there is in fact a way to create the class so perhaps you should study that first to insure that there is not some designed way to do what you want.
    > How would that 1:1 one class look like?
    I REALLY suggest that you look at the original design again.

  • Why does the child class need to implement the parent classes constructor?/

    As I was playing around with some code I came across this point :
    First Class
    public class A {
         public int x;
         A(int i){
              System.out.println("A is initialised");
    }Second Class extending it :
    public class B extends A{
         private int y;
       // Why do I need this constructor to call parents constructor?
      // My guess is so that when i make an object of class B referring to class A it should make sense?
         B(int i) {                     
    public static void main(String args[]){
          A a = new A(1);
          A b = new B(1); make an object of class B referring to class A it should work!!
          B c = new B(2);
          B d =(B) new A(2);  --> gives class cast exception!
    }I am little confused here, Can someone throw more light on it.

    You don't override constructors. However, every class, in it's constructor, must call some constructor from the class it's extending. In most cases this is simply super(). However, if your class does not have a default constructor (i.e. you've declared any other constructor, or the sub class does not have access to it, I.E. you've declared it private) then you must include a call to some other constructor in the super class. The constructor in the subclass does not have to be the same as the super class one, but you do have to invoke a constructor from the super class. I.E.
    class A {
      A(int i) {}
    class B extends A {
      B(String b) {

  • When entering a new website it overrides the previous site, how can i get it to open a new tab instead


    The setting in Tools > Options > Tabs: "New pages should be opened in": "a new tab/window" is for links that specify a target window to open the link.
    That option allows to divert such links to a new tab instead of a new window.
    For links that do not specify a target use a middle-click or hold down Ctrl and left-click the link or use the right-click context menu to open the link in a new tab or window.<br />
    Left-click a JavaScript link to avoid getting a blank tab.

Maybe you are looking for