Initial dowload problem Middleware

I have a problem with initial download on TST system. There were no problems on DEV system. Repliaction for DNL_CUST_ACGRPB is in status running (nothing stops in smq1/2, no problems in st22). I've tried to replicate other object but I have the same problem.
I have done:
- registered queue
- TBE11
- add new sites
ERP TST is a copy of DEV. Maybe this is the reason? CRM TST is regular instalation
Please help

Hi Paul Kondaveeti,
I am facing the same problem.Would be great if you could help me.
I am trying to do initial download for DNL_CUST_PROD1 from ERP to CRM.
The monitor says the download is done but the relevant tables are not populated.
How do we compare that the GUIDs match. CRMRFCPAR on ERP matches with the CRM Site attributes in smoeac on CRM.
CRMPRLS on ERP matches with CRMMLSGUID on CRM.
Is there anything else i need to look out for.
I did apply note you mentioned earlier for outbound queue on ERP giving an error ' logical system has changed'. Now that seems to be solved.
Can you please help with this situation.
I have also tried download request with table T023, but the same problem. Nothing in the queues ..but the monitor says successful , nothing is downloaded into the table T023 in CRM, but there are entires in ERP.
Site attributes : CRM ( RFC connection to CRM system )
                       ERP ( RFC connection to ERP system )

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    Hi all,
    we are trying do dowload customizig Tax Jurisdiction Codes from ERP to CRM. We are using standard object  DNL_CUST_TXJCD. Wen we run R3AS everything sems good, no error message. But nothing was dowloaded at all . RFC works well. ERP SQM1 is empty and CRM SMQ2 is also empty. No BDoc was generated. By initial dowload a standard is used FM CRM_TAXJURCODE_FILL. This FM should fill in tables in CRM. But wen we set breakpoint, we could'n get in. Seems as the FM was not used at all.
    Any suggestion ?
    Thanks for reply.

    Hi Jan,
    One possible reason can be the missing entry in table CRMATAB.
    Please see note
    1881008 - "The current application triggered a termination with a short
    dump" in CRM SMQ1
    and the referenced notes.
    Best regards - Christophe

  • Middleware - Initial Load problems

    When I try to do initial load for DNL_CUST_ACGRPB from R/3, the status is 'Running' for long time and does not change to 'Done'. How to troubleshoot the problem and can someone help in resolving this issue?
    thanks a lot in advance.

    Have you looked for any failed queues in either R/3 or CRM?  Check SMQ1 in R/3 and SMQ2 in CRM.  You should also see if the queues are registered in both systems, via SMQR.
    For CRM:
    Did you properly define your R/3 site in SMOEAC?  Have you tested the RFC destination to R/3?  Does the R/3 user have full security?
    For R/3:
    Did you check the settings in CRMRFCPAR?  Does the RFC destination work correctly.  Does the CRM user have full security?
    For an object such as the customizing downloads, like DNL_CUST_ACGRPB normally the error surrounds your CRM setup between the two systems.  If all those steps are workly correctly then you will need to consider a few other options.
    Also you will need to do the following in CRM before you try loading again:
    1.  In R3AM1 hit the abort button on the object.
    2.  In either SMQ1 on R/3 or SMQ2 in CRM, delete the queue that failed.
    3.  Fix any configuration issues with your middleware setup.
    4.  Execute the initial load again for the object.
    Good Luck,

  • T500 Vista buying experience and initial setup problems

    This a long post but I felt the information could be used by others buying a notebook and trying to set it up.
    I have used a Thinkpad T40 (1 GB, XP Pro) at work since 2003  and just love the rock-solid keyboard, screen, and hinges. The IT department has offered me the most recent Dell computer as an upgrade but I much prefer to keep my old reliable T40.
    When my daughter needed a notebook for university in September, it was only natural to consider Lenovo, having heard about too many quality problems with other manufacturers. I wanted this notebook to last through the 4 years without any hardware problems.
    I did a lot of research on the Web and read numerous Thinkpad forums. The information gathered was invaluable for deciding which configuration to buy. Note that I have never used VISTA before, nor have I ever opened a notebook to replace parts.
    Buying experience:
    - On my first contact with the Lenovo Sales desk in Canada, they mentioned there was a special 25% coupon sale, if my configuration was over $1500 (discounted price). These specials come back often, so it is best to check the Lenovo site. At the time, there was a free integrated camera, free upgrade to 250 MB HDD and free shipping. Since these promotions can be removed at any time, I decided to place an online order for a Thinkpad T500, before having completed all my research. It is easy to place an order online. You just have to remember that not all items contribute to making up the $1500, such as MS Office software.
    - Lenovo Sales telephone support for answering any questions about online ordering was outstanding and very helpful.
    - Note that if a particular online configuration is there one week, it might not be there the next week. It depends on parts availability at Lenovo.
    - In order to get the 25% coupon discount, I had to add some items to my configuration to reach $1500, such as Bluetooth, Wifi 5100, which I did not really need, but the saving on the overall cost was worthwhile.
    - I had ordered a WXGA (1280 x 800) High Brightness LED Backlit screen and 3 GB of RAM. After reading about the poor display quality of these screens, I was able to cancel my order by phone the next day (after making sure the same deal was still available), and place a new revised order for a WSXGA+ TFT (1680 x 1050) screen. Since the configuration price for an additional 2 GB RAM was $110 CDN, I decided to buy the extra 2 GB RAM (only $43 CDN) as an accessory, on the same order, separate from the T500 configuration. I could then install the RAM myself to save $67 ! Just make sure you pay the extra to get the base 2 GB RAM on one DIMM, since there are only 2 slots available. I know I will only be using 3.5 GB with my 32-bit Windows, but at least, if one of the DIMMs goes bad, I can still operate on 2 GB.
    - as for choosing which CPU to buy, I chose in the middle range, starting with the first CPU having 3 MB L2 cache.
    - I did not buy MS Office or McAfee Antivirus with the configuration. Since my daughter attends a post-secondary institution, she was able to order MS Office Ultimate 2007 for $64 CDN + $13 for the DVD. Microsoft has had this promotion on their site
    for a while, but it is not well known. You get 8 MS products for one low price and it is completely legal for numerous countries ! I downloaded the software since it took 5 weeks to get the DVD delivered ! At the end of 4 weeks, I contacted Microsoft to tell them I had still not received the DVD. So I received the first DVD and a few weeks later, I received a second copy. So much for quick shipping !
    Initial impressions:
    - I received 3 separate shipments: 1 free Thinkpad privacy filter to install on the screen, the 2 GB RAM, and finally the T500 (which took about 2 weeks).
    -The stainless steel hinges are rock-solid. When trying to raise the lid in the first weeks, you have to hold down the keyboard. Not at all like the hinges I see on the Dell notebooks at work.
    - The 3 USB port connections are very tight, which means they should last through repeated plugging and unplugging.
    - The T500 is surprisingly quiet, more than my T40. You can hardly hear the fan.
    - I am extremely satisfied with the screen resolution, colours, and quality.
    - The only disappointment was the keyboard ! Typing on the left-hand side (Q,W keys) produced an annoying "clunk". This was the worst keyboard I had ever used, being accustomed to the legendary quality of my T40. Even my daughter complained about the keyboard. I had read on the forums about the "flex" in the keyboard. Before ordering, when I asked the Sales Rep if these known problems had been solved, I was told that yes, the keyboard flex was no longer an issue. Too bad this was not true !
    Initial Setup:
    - Setup was easy. Just follow the on-screen instructions.
    - I was not very happy to see a trial version of MS-Office and McAfee Antivirus on my notebook. I had not ordered it on the online configuration and did not want it. I had read on the forums that other users had all sorts of problems trying to get their own version of MS Office working (activation keys not being recognized), when the pre-loaded software was still there. And I knew how difficult it could be to erase all traces of McAfee by myself.
    Hardware problems:
    - after I burned my very first DVD, I pressed the Eject button. To my surprise, there was a thin grey foam ring (about 3 cm diameter) sitting on top of my DVD media. I assumed that this came from the roof of the DVD drive and the manufacturing process had missed the glue to keep it there. I contacted Lenovo and they immediately sent out a replacement (received the next day), which was easy to install. I then returned the defective part to Lenovo. My only complaint is that this was a refurbished unit. I was expecting a new unit since the part was defective out of the box and not a few months later.
    - for the defective keyboard, I contacted Lenovo and mentioned the numerous complaints on the forums, and they sent me a new keyboard (FRU 42T3938). Unlike the DVD drive, I did not have to send back the original keyboard. However, the replacement keyboard was exactly the same as the original, with a thin flexible backing full of holes. I contacted Lenovo again in the morning and the agent mentioned I should contact Sales, since there was nothing more he could do. That afternoon, the agent called me to say that after further research, he had found a replacement keyboard that would correct the flex. When I received the second replacement keyboard (FRU 42T3210), I knew it was the right one, since there were far less holes in the more solid backing plate. I followed the instructions for replacing the keyboard and added my additional 2 GB RAM at the same time, since it is in the same area, under the palm rest. Now the keyboard is almost like my solid T40, and I am no longer ashamed of the T500 keyboard. For those of you wondering what an ACNOR or CSA keyboard is, it is one where the 5 most common French accented characters (and not only the é) are used with one keystroke. I have been using such a keyboard disposition since 1994 and it is invaluable when typing in French.
    For pictures comparing the defective and replacement keyboards, see
    My immediate goals:
    - out of the box, there are 3 partitions: partitions Q (10 GB)  and S (1 GB) are Lenovo partitions to recover the operating system, C partition is a single partition over 200 GB on my 250 GB DD. I wanted to partition the C: drive in multiple partitions.
    - I also wanted to eliminate MS Office and McAfee so I could install my own software (MS Office 2007 Ultimate and free Avast Antivirus). When I contacted Lenovo to ask how I could do this, they said I could use the recovery partition and "customize" it so that this software would not be installed. Turns out that this option was removed by Lenovo. I guess pressure from Microsoft and McAfee was too great ! The only other option was to use Add/Remove.
    Partitioning problems.
    - I ran Diskmgmt.msc (also available on XP) to see the layout of my HDD. Unfortunately, it did not seem to be powerful enough to partition like I wanted. But it is great to see the layout of the disk and do basic partitioning. (
    - I installed the free EASUS Partition Manager (; the non-free Pro version works on 64-bit.  I wanted to partition: C 35GB (Operating System and Office), D 20GB (other applications), E 25GB (Data), F 100GB (Music and Pictures). I also installed the free EASUS Todo Backup ( to do regular image backups as I was proceeding.
    - while trying to partition the C drive, I must have made an error somewhere (I think I accidentally declared another partition as the active partition). Whenever I rebooted, I would get the message "Boot MGR is missing". I could not even use the recovery partition (Q and S) on the HDD. So my notebook was totally unusable. Fortunately, I had burned 4 Recovery DVD's, as soon as the OS was operational. The first recovery DVD booted OK. However, the system would not recognize any of the 3 other recovery DVD, displaying a message such as wrong disk inserted or something similar. Imagine if in a few months I had needed to use these recovery DVD that I had burned; they were completely useless and I would have nothing to recover with. Very scary !
    - I explained the problem to Lenovo Support and they sent me within 3 days a set of 4 Rescue & Recovery DVD. By following the instructions, it took 2 hours to recover to a working system. The good: no Office or McAfee trial software came with this recovery. The bad: there was a 2 GB empty partition at the beginning of the HDD and 10 GB of unallocated space at the end of the disk. Why Lenovo would do this, I don't know; seems a bit sloppy to me. Also, I had to manually reconfigure everything, since there is no "just follow the instructions" as when configuring the "out-of-the-box" system. I had to install my own PDF viewer
    (free open source PDF X-viewer, Adobe Flash, etc...
    - the major problem in partitioning is the inability to shrink a partition (such as C) in order to free up space after to add extended partitions
    ( There always seems to be VISTA unmovable files, MBR or something else. After reading numerous posts, I installed the trial version (30 days) of Raxco PerfectDisk Home edition in order to consolidate all the files to the front of the C: drive. A few iterations were required since the MBR seems to be placed in the middle of the partition. I was finally able to partition my HDD exactly as I wanted. I was so pleased with the efficiency and ease of use of PerfectDisk that I bought the Pro 10 version. Just wait for when the software is occasionally discounted. (
    VISTA User account setup:
    I had created my E partition to store all user data of all accounts, since I would have multiple accounts on the computer. I also wanted to store all music and pictures in the Public folder on F partition. There are numerous methods described on the Internet, most of which seem too complicated. See and I finally decided to do just 2 simple registry modifications described in the last post here
    It worked for me but use at your own risk ! Just edit the 2 Registry keys and replace the C: drive by the one you need.
    - I only had the Admin account created on the C: partition. Before creating any other user accounts, I modified the registry so that all new user accounts created would use my E partition.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList  ProfilesDirectory = E:\Users
    - I modified the registry so that the Public folder would be on my F partition.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList  Public = F:\Public
    Other notes of interest:
    - I had been a long-time subscriber to the Fred Langa Langalist
    ( I now subscribe to the excellent Windows Secrets newsletter ( The information provided is very useful.
    - I had considered an inexpensive boot manager, partition manager and imaging software (BootIt Next Generation) highly recommended by Fred Langa
    ( But it seemed a bit like overkill for my needs. There is a fully-functioning trial version.
    - I regularly consult a complete list of recommended free software on Gizmo's Freeware review ( One recommended free open source defragmenter which I did not use was MyDefrag (
    - download and install the latest version of the Lenovo System Tools (Toolbox). It is very easy to use and can troubleshoot all hardware problems. Search for MIGR-67520 on the Lenovo site.
    - you can find Roxio DVD burning software on the Lenovo site (MIGR-72359 on the Lenovo site). I have not installed it yet.
    - use the Lenovo System Update to keep your drivers up-to-date.
    - for info on how to use switchable graphics, search on the Lenovo site for MIGR-70495.
    - for tips on setting battery parameters,
    Recommendations to Lenovo:
    - don't ship poor quality keyboards. You have too much to lose, for the small manufacturing savings.
    - don't pre-install trial versions of Office or McAfee. This should be an option and not be forced onto buyers.
    - at least ship the HDD with a 40 GB C primary partition and the rest as D: partition. This would make it easier for users who are not technical.
    - if you are going to include an integrated camera, provide software to use it. Currently, I have no way of taking a picture or making a video without acquiring other software. The technique described here
    ( does not work !
    - provide some software to reduce the speed of the DVD drive when watching movies. The noise at the default maximum speed is very annoying.
    Thinkpad T500 | Model 2081-CTO | Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 (2.53GHz, 1066MHz 3MB L2 Cache) | 4 GB PC3-8500 DDR3 RAM | 15.4" WSXGA+ | ATI Mobility Radeon 3650 (256MB) | 250GB Hitachi HDD (5400rpm) | Bluetooth 2.1 | Integrated Camera | DVD Recordable UltraBay Slim | Intel Wifi Link 5100 | Sony 6-cell Li-Ion battery | Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP1

    people complaining about problems installing an office over another office are (dare i say it) stupid. it makes absolutely no sense installing one over the trial version. just uninstall the trial and you'll be fine. every single time.
    as for problem with uninstalling mcafee (or any other antivirus, for that matter, just download the uninstaller from the software company e.g. for mcafee.
    that said i believe you get to choose if you want mcafee and/or office when you go through the inital boot, the "on-screen instructions"
    you can slow down the odd via power manager
    and thanks for the tips on changing the reg to have the user profiles somewhere else!
    T400s - 2815RW1 + Win7 Ultimate
    Don't pm me for help! That's what the forum is for. Also, Google's nicer than me. Ask him.

  • PI 7.1 initial setup problem

    While installing PI 7.1 I started the Netweaver initial setup. At step 338 i got an error message as follows:
    "Error: ABAP technical system 'PI7 on nwpi71' not found"
    Any idea how to I can solve this problem.

    Just a quick question... Can you proceed past this step or does your install stop completely if this is not fulfilled?
    The reason I ask is that this should either be done automatically by the install or if not then once the install is finished you have the oppotunity to create the technical and business systems as post config steps...
    RZ70 is the transaction that you use to register the technical system

  • PDF Initial Browser doesn't open PDF with Bookmarks as initial view - Problem (Help)

    I've saved a PDF with Initial view of Bookmarks panel and
    page opn my client and it opens with the bookmarks. I publish the
    file from my PC via Contribute and open it with my browser and it
    opens in the pages view. NOTE: when i open the PDF in Contribute,
    it opens with no special view.....

    Hey Jacksoup --
    I don't believe this is a "Contribute" issue at all.  I'm having the same problem with a .PDF of my own that I've published to the Web and I'm not using that software. 
    I had one original .pdf file that had no bookmarks.  Bookmarks were then added to the doc and resaved.  On the new version I have the document's file properties set to open bookmarks on initial view.  The document opens fine locally on my computer, but when I publish to the web (not using contribute), and then try to open the .pdf via hyperlink it opens in MSIE and the bookmarks do not appear on initial view.  It's driving me crazy.
    I'm wondering if this is some sort of adobe cache issue?  Where it's opening the document like the original?  Or if it's something to do with MSIE?  I have already cleared my browser cache and I also updated my adobe acrobat preferences to NOT restore last view settings when opening documents. 
    I have tried adding #pagemode=Bookmarks to the end of the URL to the doc...
    Everything I've read and researched on line tells me I have done all I can do.  Are we just $#!+ out of luck here or what's the deal Adobe?
    Thank you for your time! 

  • Initial Context Problem

    I have developed local entity bean in weblogic 8.1
    but i wouldnt able to get the Initial Context of the Bean.
    It throws javax.naming.NoInitialContextException
    But in jndi tree it shows the bean..
    the problem is only for Local Bean
    Remote Beans are working fine

    One thing I would make sure of is that you are not deploying oc4j.jar file as part of you ear. Check the 'exploded' ear file under WEB-INF/lib to ensure that you do not have an oc4j.jar file under it.
    It usually happens that in your Jdev Project, if you had included the oc4j.jar library solely to compile, but when you generated the deployment profile it would by default include all the libraries that are part of the project. You can correct this by right clicking the deployment profile and editing its properties to exclude the libraries that you don't want to deploy.

  • Initial Use Problem, Please Help

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    The file transfer screen has been hung up, with 2 hours and 9 minutes remaining for over one hour.
    Does anyone know the best course of action to remedy this opening problem?
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    I finally had to manually copy over all files. For some unknown reason, the transfer would hang up on a couple of mp3 files (owned by me - Cake), and then again on a .jpg file, again mine. All I can guess is that these files were corrupt, or accidentally protected, but that was enough to completely stall the transfer. Upside - Apple apps are so much easier to transfer than windows apps, so I was able to use the firewire connection to pick and choose around the trouble files.

  • Initial download problem with DNL_CUST_CNDALL

    When I am trying to download the DNL_CUST_CNDALL, it status is in waiting for a long time.
    I checked in SMQ2 inbound queue of CRM the status is in Ready for the R3AI_DNL_CUST_CNDALL.
    I am unable to find the error?
    It is very urgent, the connection is working fine.
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Friend,
    I had similar problem, and I sent message to SAP, and they answered me DNL_CUST_CNDALL contain all customizing objects, i.e. pricing procedures etc. and in general problems occurs.
    They asked me to create a new object similar DNL_CUST_CNDALL  and insert filter for all tables and reply only the necessary data.
    I did this and works, but to do this you need SD consultant help, to tell you which filter you must use.
    At SAP documentation “CRM Customizing Replication (B09)” you can find the follow text:
    Page 14.
    An important prerequisite to the successful initial download of condition customizing is that all the necessary filter settings are in place. Without using a filter all customizing objects, i.e. pricing procedures etc. are replicated.
    For that reason it would be a good option not to use object DNL_CUST_CNDALL for the download of condition customizing but to create another object (for example YDNL_CUST_CNDALL) and to set up the filters according your business needs
    When creating a new condition customizing download object you should work together with an SD consultant with profound pricing knowledge to define the tables and filter settings being used
    Other important thing
    Page 16
    DNL_CUST_CNDALL includes all data including client independent and dependent tables and all those tables are in active mode. DNL_CUST_CND also includes client independent and dependent tables but only client dependent tables are in active mode, and DNL_CUST_PRC and DNL_CUST_FGD only includes client dependent tables and they are in active mode.
    SAP recommends you to load DNL_CUST_CNDALL into only one specific client for one system and other clients should individually load DNL_CUST_CND, DNL_CUST_PRC, and DNL_CUST_FGD instead of DNL_CUST_CNDALL. Object DNL_CUST_CNDALL in other clients should be deleted

  • BP CREATION : Initial Dowload of Customers

    While downloading a customer of account groups 'ship-to' from R/3 mapped to classification 'customer' in CRM it creates a BP with multiple role like 'sold-to', 'ship-to', 'payer'. Can I restrict BP creation to orginal role of R/3.

    Hi Tiest,
    Could you explain it bit more? I am trying to initial download Business partners. I can download sold to, ship to, sales person. They download without any problem but there is no relationship created between them?
    Appreciate your help.

  • Initial Setup Problem - Starting the SLD Registration process

    we are installing our PI development system. During initial configuration with "NWA --> Configuration Management --> Scenarios --> Configuration Wizard --> Netweaver initial setup" the wizard stands still at Step 68 (of 561) "Starting the SLD Registration process".
    We have restarted the system but after starting again the wizard it stands still again.
    Same problem on our PI quality assurance system.
    PI 7.11 on Windows 2008 R2 with MSSQL 2008 R2.
    Steps of installation:
    1) Installation of PI 7.11
    2) Postworks ABAP (License, TMS, Profiles, rz04, ...)
    3) Kernelupdate to 106
    4) Updates SPS7 ABAP
    5) Updates SPS7 JAVA
    6) Run NWA Initial Setup with J2EE_ADMIN
    Could someone help?
    Thomas Mühl

    Then possibly the password was set wrong somewhere (since the "-" character is not blocked). Its advisable to check all service users passwords, to prevent other issues like this one to occur. Please check the OSS note "999962 - PI 7.10: Change passwords of PI service users" for more information on this.

  • Agentry Sales Manager Initial Load problem

    We've implemented the Agentry Sales Manager solution, everything work well in the development and test environments, but in production we have performance issues for specific users:
    We have a user with:
    5900 Accounts
    21900 Contact Persons
    Which are very large numbers, but the person responsible for our OSS question says this is feasible in the agentry environment.
    The problem occurs when we perform the initial load/transmit for this user, the Accounts are processed like it should, but during the process of the contact persons something goes wrong:
    I see that the function module /SYCLO/CRMMD_DOMYCONTACT_GET is being started and completely processed (Initially we had a dump with a timeout, but this has been solved).
    Then the Agentry server is processing the results of that function module:
    In the log I notice these lines:
    Afterwards the server processes the results via the steplets, after which the data is being processed on the device (iPad). Then the employeeFetch should be triggered.
    In our test with a user with lesser data this happens, but in this case we notice the following:
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:           + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:             + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:     
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:             + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:     
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:           + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:             + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:     
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:             + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:     
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:           + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:             + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:     
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:             + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:46:48.852:     
    2015/04/16 15:49:21.108: + Thread=4172
    2015/04/16 15:49:21.108:   + Server=Agentry
    2015/04/16 15:49:21.108:     + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:49:21.108:       Java Back End: current jvm memory usage is 1682243584 bytes
    2015/04/16 15:49:38.096:   + Server=Agentry
    2015/04/16 15:49:38.096:     + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:49:38.096:       Java Back End: current jvm memory usage is 1682309120 bytes
    2015/04/16 15:49:55.100:   + Server=Agentry
    2015/04/16 15:49:55.100:     + BackEnd=Java-1
    2015/04/16 15:49:55.100:       Java Back End: current jvm memory usage is 1682374656 bytes
    After the last line nothing else happens. 
    In the Agentry GUI I see also that the Connection has disappeared  without an error/exception what so ever...
    Anybody has an idea what might cause this issue?
    We've set the timeout and keepalive parameters to 36000 seconds (10 hours) in the agentry ini, so I think that it isn't a time out.
    Thanks in advance!
    Kind regards,

    Hi Jason,
    Thanks for your answer, it is a standalone Agentry server (without SMP). It looks to me also that the amount of data being fetched is too big. But the customer wants to get it on the device as the person on OSS said it should be possible.
    When I look in the AgentryGUI on the server during the fetch I notice the following (see screenshot below):
    The fetch is still busy but the connection is gone. At the point of the screenshot we see the Fetch is taking more then 3 hours (9:27 AM to 12:51 PM), but the connection for that user has been gone in the AgentryGUI from around 11:00 AM.
    Even stranger is that nowhere an exception is thrown. The process on the server continues until the complete data set is processed in the steplets (seen in the log). Then the server is trying to allocate more jvm heap space. But at some point process just stops. In stead of continuing with the process.
    The data is also not sent to the device at that point, so the problem is somewhere on the agentry server it seems.
    The server's memory is 8GB and i'v set the maxheapspace variable in the agentry.ini as following:
    In the log I see that the server that cap doesn't reach.
    We run on an iPad, only iOS devices were in scope.
    Any idea's on where we might change something else?
    Kind regards,

  • Q5 initial setup problem with WIFI and agreement

    Hi guys;
    It’s my first day with my BB Q5,I started as the manul said but at the very beginning i faced a strange problem.As manual say’s i must connect to mobile network or WIFI.I got 2 wifi networks at my office.I get connected and Hotspot login say’s "Your BB device is now connected to the internet.
    Swipe left to continue but after few seconds it say’s "unable to connect to the network.Please try changing your settings"
    What shall i do now?
    I tired with and without simcard also tried diffrent wifi connections but none helped

    thanks for your comment, actually I tried several ones even without hotspot, but it didn't work, however my problem resolved while I got out of country and tried anothe hotspot WiFi and it is very quickly doen and I passed agreement page.
    simply country IP was blocked in Blackberry servers, it means anyone want to connect from IRAN IP can not pass agreement pafe in initial setup.
    and you ask your self why

  • Initial Setup Problems

    I am setting up a Mac Mini Server 10.6 for our small school. We have been using 10.3 server for a number of years as a simple file server only.
    I want to try out managed preferences and network home directories. I had some initial success with managed preferences but seem to have messed things up trying for network home directories.
    Here are some things I am seeing.
    In WGM, I delete users and they disappear but when I start up WGM again, they reappear.
    When I setup my test client to login and show local and network users, only the local users show up. I do see the network users if I click on a local user and then click on the back button.
    I can no longer login to a network account at login or from a finder window. I get a vague "error logging in" message.
    I also could not set up my older 10.4 (Tiger) clients to bind to the server using Directory Utility. Is this possible? Ideally, I want managed preferences for 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6 clients.
    Thanks for any help.

    Good site, Jeff... I'll check it out.
    I got everything running after a few problems. A couple of the things I hit are well known bugs such as displaying network and local users and deleting users.
    I had a couple of problems.
    1) The DNS entry for my server was not entered on both network ports on my client. It needs to be first on all ports.
    2) I had turned off access to AFP for some users inadvertently, which resulting in login problems. This took a while to find as I was looking for home directory and kerberos problems.
    3) I had to automount the user's sharepoints, not just the container (/Users) folder for automount to work.

  • JSF page 'Initial load' problem

    I've found several threads touching on this already, but none seem to have a solution.
    When JSF loads a JSP page for the first time, it goes through the restore view phase which creates an initial view (as there isn't a current one to restore). It then goes directly to the render response phase.
    My problem is, I have a JSP/JSF page that I pass paramaters to via html GET. For example:
    Because the first load goes directly to the render response phase, the parsing of these paramaters is never done & the page does not update as expected.
    The second time you perform the same request, JSF goes through the standard request processing lifecycle and works as you would expect, setting directorate to 1 in the backing bean and displaying an updated page.
    Is there any way to change JSF's default behaviour on a JSP initial load to do the whole lifecycle? Is there another way to get around this, short of loading the page twice to ensure it has the right information in it (which would be quite a hack)?
    I need to use html GET (as opposed to html POST) because:
    I'm using a technique of a hidden iframe that loads dynamically created javascript to update a dropdown list (DDL) on the main page without reloading the page in its entirity. This is to minimise network chatter as the system will be run on a 56k network. I have an onchange event on my JSF DDL that calls javascript to reload the hidden iframe.

    Thanks for the replies.
    I tried both of the suggested options
    1. If your bean is managed (declared as managed bean in faces_config), you can set the initial value of the property as, for example, #{param.locationFor }.
    Unfortunately I can't use this option as the backing bean i'm using has to be session scope. This is because the DDL options are set by the iframe page, not the main page. There could be many request/responses between client/server before the user finally presses the submit button. If I change the backing bean to request scope, I end up getting "Validation Error: Value is not valid" for the DDL because the selected ID is not in the backing bean's list of possible values for the DDL.. #{param} can't be used for session level BBs.
    2. If you don't want to use the managed bean properties, you can go get your parameters in your bean's constructor.
    I'm unable to use this option either. The backing bean is shared between the main page and the hidden iframe page. When the main page loads, the backing bean's constructor is called but that isn't the time when parameters need to be parsed. When the iframe page is loaded for the first time (via javascript onchange on a DDL on the main page) using http://localhost/iframe.jsf?iframeForm:ddlId=1&iframeForm=iframeForm is when I need to parse the parameters, by which time the backing bean is already instanciated and the constructor has already been called.
    I'm looking at where else I could get the parameters other than the constructor. I might be able to do it elsewhere.
    My guess as to why the following code works is it's not using a backing bean & isn't updating backing bean values on the first run:
    <h:outputText value="param= #{param}"/>
    </f:view>To replicate the problem, create a simple backing bean, for example:
    public class sample {
        private Integer selectedId
        public String getSelectedId() {
            return selectedId
        public void setSelectedId(Integer selectedId) {
            this.selectedId = selectedId;
    }Then create the following sample.jsp:
    <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en">
      Copyright 2004 ArcMind, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
      <h:form id="iframeForm">
          <h:inputText id="selectedId" value="#{sample.selectedId}" />
    </html>Then try going to sample.jsp?iframeForm:selectedId=10&iframeForm=iframeForm (Similar to the request my main page is doing via javascript to populate the hidden iframe)
    The first time you do this, the text box will be populated with 0 (ie, it skipped the JSF lifecycle and ignored your 10 input). The second time and subsequent times it works as expected, with the text box containing the number 10.

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