Insert Log into Infoview

Post Author: tomcat
CA Forum: Authentication
Do you know if it is possible to insert the logins of my database Sybase into Infoview database BOXIR2 (SP2.6) ?
It would allow me to avoid manual writings into CMC and to synchronize the 2 systems.
Thanks you for yours suggestions !

Post Author: tomcat
CA Forum: Authentication
Thanks you !
I go and see about Business Objects SDK , I already found the link below about that :
I will manage the situation !

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    ok that means the primary issue is with the servercie account ort AD. To eliminate the service account in the CMC > auth > windows AD > change the setting from kerberos to NTLM and test client tools again. Fail mean the problem is with the user or AD, success means the problem is with the service account or kerberos.

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    any ideas?

    Typical owners of Crystal Reports Server do not have access to the above mentioned Business Objects ESD (Electronic Software Delivery) site to download software/patches. These customers are usually small to mid market customers that have to purchase the product from our partners/resellers. Only actual customers that purchase directly from Business Objects get access to ESD. This is the reason why there was a special CR XIR2 Server SP2 patch that used to be available for download on the publicly available website. Unfortunately that site now redirects to the new SAP site. That all being said, I have also run in to the issue with searching the new SAP download site not returning any results for SP2. This was a few weeks ago, and I just figured they were not finished getting all the files categorized and available for download yet. I will follow up internally and see if I can get this issue resolved.
    Stay tuned for more details.

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    We are using BOE XI3.1 and using LDAP and configured Trusted authentication with .NET. We have 4 Web Servers (IIS) and 2 clustered SIA.
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    trusted authentication is external to BO, it's just the passing of a username, do you experience the problem if logging in with LDAP directly? If not then you will have to figure out how to trace external to BO (fiddler and packet scanning are the most useful tools in this case).

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                                                                                    2. How many threads is required for a user to login to Business Objects                                                            
    and view reports.

    Hello Ramsudhakar
    1. I think by default is 150. heck for maxThreads in $Tomcat_HOME/conf/server.xml
    2. When I connect one user to my test system and I open Infoview, I detect 3 threads to connect to Infoview (one sender, one receiver, one cleanup), the same ammount for InfoviewAppActions.
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    This is what you were looking for ?

  • Error CNDP/005 when trying to log into a SAp System

    Hello everyone,
    when trying to log into a SAP System, i get the following dump:
    Error analysis
        Short text of error message:
        Control Framework: Data stream error. Transaction terminated.
        Long text of error message:
             The data stream from the frontend could not be interprete
         System Response
             This error is very probably due to an error in the fronte
             software installation or an obsolete version. Inform your
         Procedure for System Administration
             The frontend should have at least the same version as the
             release. Install the correct frontend. If the error conti
             occur, inform SAP.
        Technical information about the message:
        Message class....... "CNDP"
        Number.............. 005
        Variable 1.......... " "
        Variable 2.......... " "
        Variable 3.......... " "
        Variable 4.......... " "
    It occurs directly after inserting my User/Password and pressing enter.
    My SAP GUI: Version 710, Patchlevel 11
    The strange thing about that:
    Last week i didn't have this error and i didn't change anything.
    I already uninstalled, reinstalled and rebooted but it didn't work.
    I would appreciate some help.

    I upgraded to patchlevel 13, which solved the problem.

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    #1 Have you procured your domain name and web hosting yet?  You'll need to do that to publish your pages online.
    #2 When you sign-up for web hosting, the company will send you FTP log-in credentials to your site's web server.    You will enter this info into your DW Site Definition.  Site > New Site >  See screenshots below:
    Under Servers:  Root Directory is whatever your hosting company tells you to use.  This varies by web host.  Some commonly used ones are public_html, www or htdocs.
    After your site definition is set-up, hit the TEST button to confirm it's working.  If it's not connecting, go to More Options.
    Go to the Files Panel (F8).  Use the UP Arrow  to PUT files to remote server.
    Use the DOWN Arrow to GET files from server to your local site folder.
    Post back when you have finished uploading your work to the remote server.
    Nancy O

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    Have anyone faced this error, could suggest me why.
    The CSV Files failed on Sender Channel and moves to NFS error path  and in the log it says as below.
    Error: Could not insert message  into duplicate check table. Reason: DB2 SQL Error

    Hi Uma - is that a duplicate file? have you enabled duplicate file check in sender channel?
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    I can see the new resource object, process definition, process forms and Recon rule, when i tried provision a the new resource i see this error in logs.
    DEBUG,23 Dec 2010 02:34:45,788,[XELLERATE.DDM.IMPORT], Importing ProcessAdministrator(XMLCREATED)
    DEBUG,23 Dec 2010 02:34:45,788,[XELLERATE.DDM.IMPORT], Object is being created
    DEBUG,23 Dec 2010 02:34:45,788,[XELLERATE.DDM.IMPORT], Creating data object
    DEBUG,23 Dec 2010 02:34:45,788,[XELLERATE.DDM.IMPORT],Creating data object with params: com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataBase@14d388c,41,null,[B@9355bd
    DEBUG,23 Dec 2010 02:34:45,803,[XELLERATE.DDM.IMPORT], Resolving dependency to {UserGroup=SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS}
    DEBUG,23 Dec 2010 02:34:45,803,[XELLERATE.DDM.IMPORT], Dependency resolved with key: 1
    DEBUG,23 Dec 2010 02:34:45,803,[XELLERATE.DDM.IMPORT], Saving data object
    INFO,23 Dec 2010 02:34:46,256,[XELLERATE.DDM.STATS],Purging 6 prepared statements
    ERROR,23 Dec 2010 02:35:52,663,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],Class/Method: tcDataBase/writeStatement encounter some problems: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("OIMUSER"."OIU"."OST_KEY")
    java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("OIMUSER"."OIU"."OST_KEY")
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForRows(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeUpdate(
         at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
         at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataBase.writePreparedStatement(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.PreparedStatementUtil.executeUpdate(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcTableDataObj.insertImplementation(Unknown Source)
    Please let me know if you have any idea..
    Edited by: IDMuser19 on Dec 29, 2010 2:21 PM

    After Setting Database to DEBUG mode i see below errors in the log
    DEBUG,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,850,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select ost_launch_dependent, ost_key, ost_status from ost ost, obi obi where ost.obj_key=obi.obj_key and obi.obi_key=181
    INFO,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,865,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],DB read: select upp_deny_list from upp,usr where usr.usr_key=upp.usr_key and usr.usr_key=21
    DEBUG,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,865,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select upp_deny_list from upp,usr where usr.usr_key=upp.usr_key and usr.usr_key=21
    INFO,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,865,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],DB read: select pol_key, obi.obj_key from rqo,obi where rqo.obi_key = obi.obi_key and obi.obi_key = 181
    DEBUG,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,865,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select pol_key, obi.obj_key from rqo,obi where rqo.obi_key = obi.obi_key and obi.obi_key = 181
    INFO,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,881,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],DB read: select evt.evt_key, evt.evt_name, evt.evt_package from dob dob, evt evt, dvt dvt where dob.dob_key=dvt.dob_key and dvt.evt_key=evt.evt_key and (dob.dob_name='com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcOIU' or dob.dob_name='com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcTableDataObj' or dob.dob_name='com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj' ) and dvt.dvt_pre_insert_sequence>0 order by dvt.dvt_pre_insert_sequence
    DEBUG,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,881,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select evt.evt_key, evt.evt_name, evt.evt_package from dob dob, evt evt, dvt dvt where dob.dob_key=dvt.dob_key and dvt.evt_key=evt.evt_key and (dob.dob_name='com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcOIU' or dob.dob_name='com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcTableDataObj' or dob.dob_name='com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj' ) and dvt.dvt_pre_insert_sequence>0 order by dvt.dvt_pre_insert_sequence
    DEBUG,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,881,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],insert into oiu (OIU_KEY, OBI_KEY, USR_KEY, OIU_SERVICEACCOUNT, OIU_CREATE, OIU_CREATEBY, OIU_UPDATE, OIU_UPDATEBY, oiu_rowver) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    DEBUG,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,881,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select OIU_seq.nextval from dual
    ERROR,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,928,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],Class/Method: tcDataBase/writeStatement encounter some problems: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("OIMUSER"."OIU"."OST_KEY")
    java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("OIMUSER"."OIU"."OST_KEY")
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    INFO,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,990,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],DB read: select err_key, err_code, err_desc, err_rowver, err_remedy, err_count, err_last_occurance, err_action, err_help_url, err_severity from err where err_code='DOBJ.INSERT_FAILED'
    DEBUG,27 Dec 2010 16:26:44,990,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select err_key, err_code, err_desc, err_rowver, err_remedy, err_count, err_last_occurance, err_action, err_help_url, err_severity from err where err_code='DOBJ.INSERT_FAILED'
    ERROR,27 Dec 2010 16:26:45,006,[XELLERATE.SERVER],Class/Method: tcDataObj/save Error :Insertion of dataobject into database failed
    INFO,27 Dec 2010 16:26:45,006,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],DB read: select err_key, err_code, err_desc, err_rowver, err_remedy, err_count, err_last_occurance, err_action, err_help_url, err_severity from err where err_code='DOBJ.INSERT_FAILED'
    DEBUG,27 Dec 2010 16:26:45,006,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],select err_key, err_code, err_desc, err_rowver, err_remedy, err_count, err_last_occurance, err_action, err_help_url, err_severity from err where err_code='DOBJ.INSERT_FAILED'
    ERROR,27 Dec 2010 16:26:45,006,[XELLERATE.DATABASE],Class/Method: tcDataBase/rollbackTransaction encounter some problems: Rollback Executed From
    java.lang.Exception: Rollback Executed From
         at com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataBase.rollbackTransaction(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.rollback(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.doRollback(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcUserProvisionObject.insertImplementation(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.insert(Unknown Source)
    Thanks .... Please reply if you have any idea..

  • Concurrent program Do not Insert Data Into Interface Tables!

    Hi there:
    I am facing a problem with my concurrent program whenever I execute my stored procedure in SQL/PLUS it's work fine data load into the AP_INTERFACE/LINES.
    Whenever I try to load data through my concurrent programs it doesn't load into AP_INTERFACE/LINES and concurrent request successfully completed but don't load data.
    This is code query take a look.
    retcode OUT NUMBER,
    p_org IN VARCHAR2,
    p_from_date IN VARCHAR2,
    p_to_date IN VARCHAR2)
    --p_org_id IN NUMBER,
    *Description This Package contains PL/SQL to support the
    * the DEBIT NOTE Inward Interface to AP
    *Author Zeeshan Hussain Siddiqui
    *Date 15 May, 2007
    *Modification Log
    *Developer Version Date Description
    *Zeeshan Hussain Siddiqui 15-MAY-2007 This interface integrated to AP
    ap_sequence NUMBER;
    reject_debit CHAR:='D';
    --v_invoice_lookup_code VARCHAR2(25):='Debit Memo';
    --v_negative_amt1 CHAR:='(';
    --v_negative_amt2 CHAR:=')';
    v_code VARCHAR2(250):='';
    v_description VARCHAR2(250);
    V_rma_no VARCHAR2(10):='RMA#';
    from_date DATE;
    to_date DATE;
    CURSOR rejected_cur
    SELECT HR.full_name,ORG.organization_code InvOrg,
    Invoice_Amt,ROUND(NVL(CR.unit_price*quantity_rejected*-1,0),2) AMT,ROUND(NVL(CR.gst_amount*-1,0),2) GST_AMT,
    POS.vendor_site_code,CR.date_of_disposition disposition_date,POS.vendor_site_id,CR.organization_id,
    (CASE WHEN CR.organization_id =305 THEN '01' WHEN CR.organization_id =304 THEN '01'
    WHEN CR.organization_id =450 THEN '07' WHEN CR.organization_id =303 THEN '02' ELSE '00' END)||'.'||
    (CASE WHEN CR.organization_id=305 THEN '02' ELSE '01' END)||'.000.'||(CASE WHEN CR.disposition=4
    THEN '10430' WHEN CR.disposition=6 THEN '10433' WHEN CR.disposition=3 THEN '10430'
    ELSE '00000' END)||'.'||'00.00000' Distribution_Code,
    CR.shipping_memo, PO.vendor_name,
    CR.debit_note_number Invoice_Number,CR.account_number,CR.currency_code,
    CR.shipped_via,CR.vendor_rma,POC.first_name||' '||POC.last_name Contact,,
    SUBSTR(POS.Fax_Area_Code,1,10)||'-'||SUBSTR(POS.Fax,1,20) Fax_Number,
    SUBSTR(POS.Address_Line1,1,100) Address,
    SUBSTR(POS.City,1,25)||' '||SUBSTR(POS.State,1,20)||' '||SUBSTR(POS.Province,1,20)"City/State/Prov"
    FROM apps.hr_employees hr,apps.mtl_system_items mtl,
    apps.org_organization_definitions ORG,
    apps.cin_rejects CR,apps.po_headers_all POH,
    apps.po_vendors PO,apps.po_vendor_contacts POC,apps.po_vendor_sites_all POS
    --WHERE TRUNC(CR.date_of_disposition) BETWEEN from_date AND to_date
    WHERE To_char(CR.date_of_disposition,'j') BETWEEN to_char(from_date,'j') AND to_char(to_date,'j')
    AND CR.organization_id =p_org_id ORG.organization_id
    AND ORG.organization_code =p_org
    AND POH.segment1 =CR.po_number
    AND HR.employee_id =MTL.buyer_id
    and CR.organization_id =MTL.organization_id
    AND PO.vendor_id =POH.vendor_id
    AND POH.vendor_contact_id =POC.vendor_contact_id
    AND POH.vendor_site_id =POS.vendor_site_id
    AND POS.invoice_currency_code =CR.currency_code
    AND CR.disposition IN(3,4,6);
    FOR rejected_rec IN rejected_cur
    IF rejected_rec.vendor_rma IS NULL THEN
    v_description:=rejected_rec.shipping_memo||' '||rejected_rec.full_name;
    ELSIF rejected_rec.shipping_memo IS NULL THEN
    v_description:=v_rma_no||rejected_rec.vendor_rma||' '||rejected_rec.full_name;
    ELSIF rejected_rec.vendor_rma IS NULL AND rejected_rec.shipping_memo IS NULL THEN
    ELSIF rejected_rec.vendor_rma IS NOT NULL AND rejected_rec.shipping_memo IS NOT NULL
    AND rejected_rec.full_name IS NOT NULL THEN
    v_description:=v_rma_no||rejected_rec.vendor_rma||' '||rejected_rec.shipping_memo||'
    END IF;
    INTO ap_sequence
    IF rejected_rec.GST_AMT <0 THEN
    END IF;
    Please reply me ASAP.

    Hi All,
    I have created a package with a procedure. This procedure is used for inserting records into the custom tables created by me. When I am running the script in back end, it is running in reasonable time and giving back the desired output.
    But, as per requirement, I have to run this package-procedure via a concurrent program. When I am submitting the request, it is taking hours to complete. Also I am using BULK COLLECT and FORALL(Since the number of records are more than 3 lacs) and firing COMMIT after every FORALL. But when I am quering the table, after an hour or so, no rows are returned.
    Please help and reply asap.
    Thanks in Advance....!!

  • How do I run a database procedure that inserts data into a table from withi

    How do I run a database procedure that inserts data into a table from within a Crystal report?
    I'm using CR 2008 with an Oracle 10i database containing a number of database tables, procedures and packages that provide the data for the reports I'm developing for my department.  However, I'd like to know when a particular report is run and by whom.  To do this I have created a database table called Report_Log and an associated procedure called prc_Insert_Entry that inserts a new line in the table each time it's called.  The procedure has 2 imput parameters (Report_Name & Username), the report name is just text and I'd like the username to be the account name of the person logged onto the PC.  How can I call this procedure from within a report when it's run and provide it with the 2 parameters?  I know the procedure works, I just can't figure out how to call it from with a report.
    I'd be grateful for any help.

    Hi Colin, 
    Just so I'm clear about what you want: 
    You have a Stored procedure in your report.  When the report runs, you want that same procedure to write to a table called Report_Log. 
    If this is what you want the simple answer is cannot be done.  Crystal's fundamental prupose is to read only, not write.  That being said, there are ways around this. 
    One way is to have a trigger in your database that updates the Report_Log table when the Stored Procedure is executed.  This would be the most efficient.
    The other way would be to have an application run the report and manage the entry. 
    Good luck,

  • Inserting data into a Clob

    I need to insert data into a Clob (>8k) and have not been able to determine how
    to do it without using Oracle's extensions to the JDBC JDK.
    Does anyone have a code snippet to show how to populate the Clob in the first
    Settings from

    That was it....instead of doing the Blob work all in the same insert
    statement, I grabbed a new sequence and inserted a row with an empty_blob().
    After that I did an update on that row setting the correct value of the
    Thanks for the help!!
    "Shiva Paranandi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I tried with SP2 only and it works. The problems might be that you aregetting a
    null blob. Try inserting an emtpy blob first. Check out this program whichworks
    for me on WLS 6, SP2.
    Tony Bailey wrote:
    Still getting the NPE. Any other ideas??? Are you able to do this
    successfully on sp2?
    "Shiva Paranandi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Try these two things:
    1. Change your SQL query to "SELECT image FROM " + table + " for
    2. Also, set conn.setAutoCommit(false);
    Tony Bailey wrote:
    If I step through the code in the debugger, everything is A-OK up
    getBinaryOutputStream, then I get a NPE. The blob appears to be
    instantiated when I toString() it in the previous line.
    private Blob getBlob(File f, String table)
    throws SQLException
    Connection conn = null;
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    String SQL;
    Blob imgblob = null;
    FileInputStream fis = null;
    OutputStream bos = null;
    conn = dbutil.getConnection();
    SQL = "SELECT image FROM " + table;
    pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(SQL);
    rs = pstmt.executeQuery();;
    imgblob = rs.getBlob("image");
    logger.log(Debug.DEBUG, "DictTblCtrlr.getBlob(): The
    is: "
    + imgblob);
    fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    bos = ((OracleBlob)imgblob).getBinaryOutputStream();
    byte[] buffer = new byte[65534];
    int length = -1;
    while ((length = != -1)
    bos.write(buffer, 0, length);
    catch (Exception sqle)
    logger.log(Debug.ERROR, "DictTblCtrlr.getBlob(): " +
    throw new SQLException(sqle.getMessage());
    try { fis.close();  bos.close(); } catch (Exception e)
    dbutil.release(rs, pstmt, conn);
    return imgblob;
    [07-19-2001 03:02:07] DEBUG:DictTblCtrlr.getBlob(): The blob is:
    [07-19-2001 03:02:23] ERROR:DictTblCtrlr.getBlob():
    java.sql.SQLException: java.lang.NullPointerException
    "Shiva Paranandi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Could you post the exception?
    Tony Bailey wrote:
    Using the example, I get a NullPointerException when calling
    getBinaryOutputStream() under WL6.0sp2.
    "Filip Hanik" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    look under
    Namaste - I bow to the divine in you
    Filip Hanik
    Software Architect
    [email protected]
    "Cully Orstad" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I need to insert data into a Clob (>8k) and have not been
    determine how
    to do it without using Oracle's extensions to the JDBC JDK.
    Does anyone have a code snippet to show how to populate the
    Settings from

  • Help in inserting rows into a table

    I have a table called acct_fact,
    I need to insert rows in the table using a script but the problem is there's a column called seq_nbr which has random seq nbr of 14character length like 'ZWX98MGD9MVAD6J','ZWX98MG67RVAD6J' etc.,
    While inserting rows I need to generate such seq_nbr for those columns and insert rows into the table, can I use any such mechanism in my insert query to insert such random nbr's while inserting rows into a table.
    If so please suggest me

    Hi Peter,
    Thankyou for the quick reply:)
    can you suggest me how to implement it here in my script snippet:
    while read var_acct_nbr
    echo "update acct_attr set acct_attr_exp_dt ='$ExpDate' where Acct_Attr_Value_Text='15' and acct_attr_exp_dt is null and person_id='LDCarrBillAgrm' and acct_nbr='$var_acct_nbr' ;" >> ./$DirectoryName/SQLQuery_$TimeStamp.sql
    echo "insert into acct_fact values ('$var_acct_nbr','$ExpDate','$ExpTime','*seq_nbr*','N','ProjTereza','Remoção de acordo d; data de expiração: $ExpDate',null,'1','LDE',null);" >> ./$DirectoryName/SQLQuery_$TimeStamp.sql
    done < ./$DirectoryName/ExpireAccts_$TimeStamp.LOG
    the script takes each acct_nbr nbr form a input file and fires an insert statement.
    The one in bold is the column where such sequence need to be inserted.can you help me in implementing the way you suggested in my script i.e., insert statement
    Thanks in Advance:)
    Edited by: rkrish on Jun 27, 2012 3:04 AM

  • How to extract data from CLOB and insert them into DB?

    Hi PL/SQL Gurus,
    I have no experience in PL/SQL, but I have a requirement now where I have to use it.
    We have a table with 10 columns, one of them is a CLOB and it holds XML data. The XMLs are very huge in size.
    Two new columns are added to the table and the data has to be filled for the existing records from the corresponding XML. The XML has all the data as attributes. I started searching on the internet and tried if I could extract the data out of XML.
    SELECT extractValue(value(x), '/Order/Package/@Code',
    'xmlns:ns0=""' )
    , TABLE(
    , '/ns0:Root'
    , 'xmlns:ns0=""'
    ) x;
    But this isn't working. Could anyone please provide some ideas.
    I just want to confirm that I am able to extract data. Once this is done I would like to create a procedure so that all the existing records can be updated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Can this be acheived using a SQL statement.Yes, you can do it with the DML error logging clause.
    Here's a quick example I've just set up :
    Base table
    SQL> create table order_table (
      2   order_id number,
      3   package_code varchar2(30),
      4   package_desc varchar2(100),
      5   xml_data clob
      6  );
    Table created
    SQL> alter table order_table add constraint order_table_pk primary key (order_id);
    Table altered
    Adding data...
    SQL> insert into order_table (order_id, xml_data)
      2  values (1, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      3  <ns0:Root xmlns:ns0="" BookingDate="2009-06-07">
      4  <ns1:OrderKey xmlns:ns1="" SystemCode="THOMAS" Id="458402-TM1" Version="1"/>
      5  <ns0:Package Code="0001" Desc="ProductName1"/>
      6  <ns0:PromotionGroup Code="DSP" Name="OrderThomasPortal"/>
      7  <ns0:Promotion Code="TH902" Name="OrderThomasPortal" SellingName="OrderThomasPortal" BackOfficeName="OrderThomasPortal"/>
      8  <ns0:FinancialSupplier Code="HHT" Name="NYOrdSupp"/>
      9  <ns0:SellingCurrency Code="EUR" Name="Euro"/>
    10  <ns0:Owner ClientId="02654144" ClientMandator="T" ClientSystem="ROSY"/>
    11  <ns0:Agent PersonInAgency="5254" AgentCode="000009" CommissionAmount="2.8" CommissionDueDate="2009-07-01+02:00" VatOnCommission="0"/>
    12  </ns0:Root>');
    1 row inserted
    SQL> insert into order_table (order_id, xml_data)
      2  values (2, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      3  <ns0:Root xmlns:ns0="" BookingDate="2009-06-07">
      4  <ns1:OrderKey xmlns:ns1="" SystemCode="THOMAS" Id="458402-TM1" Version="1"/>
      5  <ns0:Package Code="0002" Desc="ProductName2/>
      6  <ns0:PromotionGroup Code="DSP" Name="OrderThomasPortal"/>
      7  <ns0:Promotion Code="TH902" Name="OrderThomasPortal" SellingName="OrderThomasPortal" BackOfficeName="OrderThomasPortal"/>
      8  <ns0:FinancialSupplier Code="HHT" Name="NYOrdSupp"/>
      9  <ns0:SellingCurrency Code="EUR" Name="Euro"/>
    10  <ns0:Owner ClientId="02654144" ClientMandator="T" ClientSystem="ROSY"/>
    11  <ns0:Agent PersonInAgency="5254" AgentCode="000009" CommissionAmount="2.8" CommissionDueDate="2009-07-01+02:00" VatOnCommission="0"/>
    12  </ns0:Root>');
    1 row inserted
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete
    Note that the second row inserted contains a not well-formed XML (no closing quote for the /Root/Package/@Desc attribute).
    *Creating the error logging table...*
    SQL> create table error_log_table (
      2   ora_err_number$ number,
      3   ora_err_mesg$   varchar2(2000),
      4   ora_err_rowid$  rowid,
      5   ora_err_optyp$  varchar2(2),
      6   ora_err_tag$    varchar2(2000)
      7  );
    Table created
    SQL> update (
      2    select extractvalue(doc, '/ns0:Root/ns0:Package/@Code', 'xmlns:ns0=""') as new_package_code
      3         , extractvalue(doc, '/ns0:Root/ns0:Package/@Desc', 'xmlns:ns0=""') as new_package_desc
      4         , package_code
      5         , package_desc
      6    from (
      7      select package_code
      8           , package_desc
      9           , xmltype(xml_data) doc
    10      from order_table t
    11    )
    12  )
    13  set package_code = new_package_code
    14    , package_desc = new_package_desc
    15  log errors into error_log_table ('My update process')
    16  reject limit unlimited
    17  ;
    1 row updated
    SQL> select order_id, package_code, package_desc from order_table;
      ORDER_ID PACKAGE_CODE                   PACKAGE_DESC
             1 0001                           ProductName1
    One row has been updated as expected, the other has been rejected and logged into the error table :
    SQL> select * from error_log_table;
    ORA_ERR_NUMBER$ ORA_ERR_MESG$                                                                    ORA_ERR_ROWID$     ORA_ERR_OPTYP$ ORA_ERR_TAG$
              31011 ORA-31011: XML parsing failed                                                    AAAF6PAAEAAAASnAAB U              My update process
                    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing                                                                       
                    LPX-00244: invalid use of less-than ('<') character (use &lt;)                                                    
                    Error at line 5                                                                                                   
                    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 272                                                                             
                    ORA-06512: at line 1                                                                                              

  • Autconfig error : ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("APPLSYS"."FND_NODES"."NODE_NAME")

    Good day,
    I am running EBS 11.5.10  with DB I applied patch 7429271 following the steps in  Doc Id. 233044.1.
    After restarting the application, I got a "node id does not exist for the current application" when the forms started.
    After purging fnd nodes (exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean) I ran autoconfig successfully on the dbtier but got the error below in the apps tier.
    I also noticed that the contents of my dbc file has been erased and replaced with the template data (all values are default). I tried restoring it but it just got over written again with default data.
    Hope my explanation was clear enough.
    Any suggestions?
    ---error from adconfig.log-----------
    Unique constraint error (00001) is OK if key already exists
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("APPLSYS"."FND_NODES"."NODE_NAME")
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_CONCURRENT", line 1504
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_APP_SERVER_PKG", line 163
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    - Database error modifying the server

    Logs after autoconfig and services started - not connection attempted to the application yet.
    -----access log--------
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=XmlSvcsGrp&port=19000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=DiscoGroup&port=17000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=OACoreGroup&port=16000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0
    ----error log--------
    [Fri Oct 25 13:28:59 2013] [notice] Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19 configured -- resuming normal operations
    ----error log_pls----
    [Fri Oct 25 13:29:00 2013] [notice] Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19 configured -- resuming normal operations
    Logs after a connection attempt to the application
    -----access log-----
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=XmlSvcsGrp&port=19000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=DiscoGroup&port=17000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0
    mobay.pahq.dom - - [25/Oct/2013:13:28:59 -0500] "GET /oprocmgr-service?cmd=Register&index=0&modName=JServ&grpName=OACoreGroup&port=16000 HTTP/1.1" 200 15 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:32 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2589 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:33 -0500] "GET /apptitle.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1015 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:33 -0500] "GET /applist.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1602 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:33 -0500] "GET /appdet.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1009 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:33 -0500] "GET /appsmed3.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 1981 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:36 -0500] "GET /aplogon.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1953 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:38 -0500] "GET /OA_HTML/US/ICXINDEX_PROD_mobay.htm HTTP/1.1" 200 417 0 - - [25/Oct/2013:13:34:38 -0500] "GET /OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 411 0
    **the error logs remain unchanged.

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