Insert row from an Iterator

Hello i have view from an enity ibject and shows exacly all the record that i dont have in my second entity object, i have a teble for with an single selection active, what i would like to do is the following, i would like to chose wich rou i wold like too insert in my second entity object and press a butto like "Submit" and save that record from one table to other, but of course with some of the values of the first view object, i was thinking in useing java class for this but i dont have any ideias how.. can somebody help with this.. or give some piece of code as an example for this kind of insert, basicly in SQL it´s an "insert into view1() select fiel1,field2 from view2"
thks for the replys

Basically, you should just create a new row in the 1st view and copy the values from the selected view. Something like:
      ViewObject firstView = panelBinding.getDataControl().getApplicationModule().findViewObject("FirstView1");
      ViewObject secondView = panelBinding.getDataControl().getApplicationModule().findViewObject("SecondView1");
      Row currentRow = secondView.getCurrentRow();
      Row copyRow = firstView.createRow();
      copyRow.setAttribute("Attribute1", currentRow.getAttribute("Attribute1"));
      copyRow.setAttribute("Attribute2", currentRow.getAttribute("Attribute2"));
      firstView.insertRow(copyRow);Hope this helps.

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    xxx_pre_update_userbook(p_service_request_id number, p_sr_type_id number, p_status_id number,
                             p_resolution_code varchar2, p_bill_to_customer_id number,
                        p_bill_to_cust_account_id number, p_bill_to_customer_site_id number,
                        p_contract_id number, p_contract_line_id number,
                        p_resolution_summary varchar2,
                             x_status out varchar2, x_mesg out varchar2) as
              l_proj_incident_type_id number;
              l_isr_incident_type_id number;
              l_tac_incident_type_id number;
              l_status varchar2(10) := 'S';
              l_sr_closing_flag number;
              l_mesg varchar2(3000) := null;
              err_mesg varchar2(3000) := null;
              L_SO_ID NUMBER;
              L_LINK_ID NUMBER;
         l_QTE_REC ASO_QUOTE_PUB.qte_header_rec_type;          
         l_control_REC ASO_ORDER_INT.control_rec_type;          
              l_Order_Header_Rec ASO_ORDER_INT.Order_Header_Rec_Type;
              l_Order_Line_Tbl ASO_ORDER_INT.Order_Line_Tbl_type;
              l_Return_Status VARCHAR2(30);
              l_Msg_Count NUMBER;
              l_Msg_Data VARCHAR2(3000);
              l_Msg_INDEX_OUT NUMBER;
              l_OUT_MESSAGE VARCHAR2(3000);
              l_proj_flag number;
              l_quote_status_id number;
              l_orders_created number;
              l_chargeable_sr_flag number;
              l_sr_close_flag number;
              l_invalid_outage_info number;
              l_status := 'S';
              l_mesg := null;
              -- MO_GLOBAL.INIT('CS');
              -- Get the Project Service Request Id
              select incident_type_id into l_proj_incident_type_id
              from cs_incident_types_tl
              where name like 'XXX TAC Project'
    --           and language = 'US'
              and rownum < 2;
              -- Get the ISR Service Request Id
              select incident_type_id into l_isr_incident_type_id
              from cs_incident_types_tl
              where name like 'XXX TAC ISR'
    --           and language = 'US'
              and rownum < 2;
              -- Get the TNT TAC Service Request Id
              select incident_type_id into l_tac_incident_type_id
              from cs_incident_types_tl
              where name like 'XXX TAC Service Request'
              and rownum < 2;
    --           and language = 'US';
              select nvl((select 1
              from dual
              where exists( select incident_status_id
                        from cs_incident_statuses_b
                        where incident_status_id = p_status_id
                        and close_flag is not null
                        and close_flag = 'Y')
    and ( p_resolution_code is null
    or (p_resolution_code NOT IN ('CS_SR_CLOSED_AS_DUP', 'XXXXX_SR_CXL', 'XXXXX_SR_INFO', 'XXXXX_SR_MGMT')
         and p_sr_type_id in ( l_isr_incident_type_id )),0) into l_chargeable_sr_flag
         from dual;
              select nvl((select 1
              from dual
              where exists( select incident_status_id
                        from cs_incident_statuses_b
                        where incident_status_id = p_status_id
                        and close_flag is not null
                        and close_flag = 'Y')
    and ( p_resolution_code is null
    or (p_resolution_code NOT IN ('CS_SR_CLOSED_AS_DUP', 'XXXXX_SR_CXL', 'XXXXX_SR_INFO', 'XXXXX_SR_MGMT')
         ),0) into l_sr_closing_flag
         from dual;
         if ( l_sr_closing_flag = 1 and ((p_resolution_summary is null) or (p_resolution_summary = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR)) ) then
                        x_status := 'F';
                        --x_mesg := 'Resolution Summary can not be empty while closing Service request';
                        fnd_message.set_name ('XXXXX', 'MISSING_RESOLUTION_SUMMARY');     
                        -- fnd_message.set_token ('MESG_PARAM', err_mesg || '::' || l_mesg);
         end if;
              -- Check whether outage information is complete at the time of closure.
         if ( l_sr_closing_flag = 1 ) then
              l_invalid_outage_info := 0;
         select nvl((select 1
    from dual
    where exists ( select 1
                                  from cs_incidents_ext cie, ego_fnd_dsc_flx_ctx_ext grp1
                                  where incident_id = p_service_request_id
                                  and grp1.application_id = 170
                                            and grp1.descriptive_flexfield_name like 'XX_SR_CONTEXT'
                                            and grp1.descriptive_flex_context_code like 'XXXXXOutageTab'
                                            and cie.attr_group_id = grp1.attr_group_id
                                            and ( c_ext_attr1 is null or c_ext_attr2 is null or c_ext_attr3 is null or
                                                 c_ext_attr4 is null or c_ext_attr5 is null or c_ext_attr6 is null or
                                                 c_ext_attr7 is null or n_ext_attr1 is null or n_ext_attr2 is null or
                                                 n_ext_attr3 is null or n_ext_attr4 is null or n_ext_attr5 is null or
                                                 d_ext_attr1 is null or d_ext_attr2 is null or d_ext_attr3 is null)
                             -- if all of them are null then we should ignore
                                            and NOT ( c_ext_attr1 is null and c_ext_attr2 is null and c_ext_attr3 is null and
                                                 c_ext_attr4 is null and c_ext_attr5 is null and c_ext_attr6 is null and
                                                 c_ext_attr7 is null and n_ext_attr1 is null and n_ext_attr2 is null and
                                                 n_ext_attr3 is null and n_ext_attr4 is null and n_ext_attr5 is null and
                                                 d_ext_attr1 is null and d_ext_attr2 is null and d_ext_attr3 is null))), 0) into l_invalid_outage_info
    from dual;
                        if ( l_invalid_outage_info = 1 )     then
                             x_status := 'F';
                             fnd_message.set_name ('XXXXX', 'MISSING_OUTAGE_INFORMATION');     
                        end if;
         end if;
              if ( (p_sr_type_id in ( l_isr_incident_type_id )) and (l_chargeable_sr_flag = 1) ) then
                   if ( ( p_bill_to_customer_id is null or     p_bill_to_cust_account_id is null or
                   p_bill_to_customer_site_id is null )) then
                        x_status := 'F';
                        --x_mesg := 'Bill to customer name/account/site is empty';
                        fnd_message.set_name ('XXXXX', 'ISR_INVALID_BILL_TO');     
                        -- fnd_message.set_token ('MESG_PARAM', err_mesg || '::' || l_mesg);
                        select count(*) into l_orders_created
                        from cs_incident_links
                        where subject_id = p_service_request_id
                        and subject_type = 'SR'
                        and object_type = 'ORDERS';
                        /* If orders are not created for this SR then create the order */
                        if ( l_orders_created = 0 ) then
                        /* Create Order */
                        err_mesg := 'Got the Incident Types and Incidents Status flag';
                        select nvl((select quote_status_id
                        from aso_quote_statuses_tl
                        where language = 'US'
                        and upper(meaning) = 'ENTERED'), 0) into l_quote_Status_id
                        from dual;
                        err_mesg := 'Got the Quote Status Id';
                        l_qte_rec.party_id := p_bill_to_customer_id;
    *                    l_qte_rec.party_id := p_bill_to_customer_id;
    *                    l_qte_rec.cust_party_id := p_bill_to_customer_id;
    *                    l_qte_rec.cust_account_id := p_bill_to_cust_account_id;
    *                    l_qte_rec.INVOICE_TO_CUST_PARTY_ID  := p_bill_to_customer_id;
    *                    l_qte_rec.INVOICE_TO_CUST_ACCOUNT_ID  := p_bill_to_cust_account_id;
    *                    l_qte_rec.INVOICE_TO_PARTY_SITE_ID  := p_bill_to_customer_site_id;
    *                    l_qte_rec.INVOICE_TO_PARTY_ID := p_bill_to_customer_id;
    *                    l_qte_rec.quote_status_id := l_quote_status_id;
    *                    l_qte_rec.quote_status_code := 'ENTERED';
    *                    l_qte_rec.quote_status := 'ENTERED';
    *                    l_control_rec.book_flag := 'N';
    *                    err_mesg := 'set the Quote Header';*
    *                    select nvl((select transaction_type_id*
    *                    from oe_transaction_types_v*
    *                    where name like 'Service Order'), 0 ) into l_qte_rec.order_type_id*
    *                    from dual;*
    *                    err_mesg := 'Got Order Type';*
    *                    l_qte_rec.currency_code := 'USD';
    how to insert rows in tmp table from rec_type which is in bold text .... i want to insert after the last statement .this is for debugging after executing the procedure

    No version number and lots of other missing information.
    That said look at the example here:
    under "RECORD INSERT."

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    i have a button that is calling an anonymous PL/SQL block and i am struggling with inserting records automatically when this button is clicked. an ordinary before insert DB trigger is launched:
    reate or replace TRIGGER "SPECSYS"."BI_SPEC_INSTRUCTS"
    before insert on "SPEC_INSTRUCTS"
    for each row
    if :NEW."ID" is null then
    select "SPEC_INSTRUCTS_SEQ".nextval into :NEW."ID" from dual;
    end if;
    in my PL/SQL I am trying to create a record automatically. stupid question that this undoubtedly is, how do i do this? if i leave the sequence column = null surely the trigger should take care of inserting the sequence into this column automatically?
    i have tried making the sequence column = null, leaving it out altogether (ie specifying all colums except this one on the insert statement) but with no success!

    this is not the problem!

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    Does anyone knows what the problem could be ?
    Thanks in advance

    How many rows are in that table?
    from another session, what is that session waiting on?
    select sid, event, total_waits, time_waited, round(average_wait,4) as average_wait
    , (round( (time_waited/m_sum), 4)*100)|| '%' as pct_tot_wait
    from v$session_event, (
    select sum(time_waited) m_sum
    from v$session_event
    where sid = <sid_of_hanging_session>
    ) s
    where sid = <sid_of_hanging_session>
    order by 4 desc;

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    I am using Jdeveloper 11g Release 2.
    I want to fetch the first row of a view iterator in a bean. Can any one guide me through this use case.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks ... Best Regards

    Use the code snippet as below:
    *// 1. Access the binding container*
    DCBindingContainer bc = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    *// 2. Find a named iterator binding*
    DCIteratorBinding iter = (DCIteratorBinding)bc.findIteratorBinding("<ITERATOR_NAME>");
    *//3. Get the RowSetIterator Object*
    RowSetIterator rsi = iter.getRowSetIterator();
    *//4. Get the First Row*
    Row firstRow = rsi.first();

  • How to insert rows from an  xml file to a table

    im Using Oracle 11g It is showing below error when i execute..
    charString varchar2(80);
    finalStr varchar2(400) := null;
    rowsp integer;
    v_FileHandle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    -- the name of the table as specified in our DTD
    -- the name of the data set as specified in our DTD
    -- for getting the output on the screen
    -- open the XML document in read only mode
    v_FileHandle := utl_file.fopen(TMP_DIR1,'XML_NEW_CITIES.XML', 'r');
    utl_file.get_line(v_FileHandle, charString);
    when no_data_found then
    if finalStr is not null then
    finalStr := finalStr || charString;
    finalStr := charString;
    end if;
    end loop;
    -- for inserting the XML data into the table
    rowsp := xmlgen.insertXML('SYS.ZIPCODES',finalStr);
    dbms_output.put_line('INSERT DONE '||TO_CHAR(rowsp));
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <mappings Record="4">
    <CITY>Palo Alto</CITY>
    <mappings Record="5">
    Error report:
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 3:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'XMLGEN.SETROWSETTAG' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 10, column 3:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'XMLGEN.SETROWTAG' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 10, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 14, column 34:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'TMP_DIR1' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 14, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 31, column 12:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'XMLGEN.INSERTXML' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 31, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06550: line 33, column 3:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'XMLGEN.RESETOPTIONS' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 33, column 3:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
    *Cause:    Usually a PL/SQL compilation error
    Edited by: 898235 on Nov 20, 2011 11:02 PM

    OK, then did you try the XMLTable example, or are you waiting for someone to write it all down for you? :)
    You first have to create an Oracle directory object pointing to the physical location of your file (must be somewhere on the db server or at least a location the db server can access on the network).
    Then create the procedure, in this case a simple INSERT SELECT :
    SQL> create directory tmp_dir as 'c:\temp';
    Directory created
    SQL> create table zipcodes (
      2   state_abbreviation  varchar2(2),
      3   zipcode             varchar2(5),
      4   zip_code_extn       varchar2(10),
      5   city                varchar2(80)
      6  );
    Table created
      2    p_directory IN VARCHAR2
      3  , p_filename  IN VARCHAR2
      4  )
      5  IS
      6  BEGIN
      8    INSERT INTO zipcodes (state_abbreviation, zipcode, zip_code_extn, city)
      9    SELECT state_abbreviation
    10         , zipcode
    11         , zip_code_extn
    12         , city
    13    FROM XMLTable('/Zipcodes/mappings'
    14           passing xmltype(bfilename(p_directory, p_filename), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'))
    15           columns state_abbreviation varchar2(2)  path 'STATE_ABBREVIATION'
    16                 , zipcode            varchar2(5)  path 'ZIPCODE'
    17                 , zip_code_extn      varchar2(10) path 'ZIP_CODE_EXTN'
    18                 , city               varchar2(80) path 'CITY'
    19         )
    20    ;
    22  END;
    23  /
    Procedure created
    SQL> exec insertZipcodes('TMP_DIR', 'xml_new_cities.xml');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete
    SQL> select * from zipcodes;
    CA                 94301                 Palo Alto
    CO                 80323   9277          Boulder

  • Inserting rows from a table

    I have A table with the following structure:
    -category- -id_no- -class_com-
    06 23 45678
    06 23 32345
    06 23 45345
    05 24 (null)
    07 25 (null)
    08 26 (null)
    I would like to insert the three values in class_com into the same table and for each category 05, 07, and 08.
    The table would be like this:
    -category- -id_no- -class_com-
    06 23 45678
    06 23 32345
    06 23 45345
    05 24 45678
    05 24 32345
    05 24 45345
    07 25 45678
    07 25 32345
    07 25 45345
    08 26 45678
    08 26 32345
    08 26 45345

    Try this one
    create table a(category number,id_no number,class_com number);
    insert into a values(06,23,45678);
    insert into a values(06,23,32345);
    insert into a values(06,23,45345);
    insert into a values(05,24,null);
    insert into a values(07,25,null);
    insert into a values(08,26,null);
    update a set class_com = 45678 where category in(5,7,8);
    insert into a values(05,24,32345);
    insert into a values(05,24,45345);
    insert into a values(07,25,32345);
    insert into a values(07,25,45345);
    insert into a values(08,26,32345);
    insert into a values(08,26,45345);

  • How to get specific rows from the vo or Iterator in the backing bean?

    I have to get the specific number of rows from iterator in the backing bean. means i want to get the records from the VO or Iterator only from 5 th record to 10th record its like rownum in SQL.
    We can use rownum in VO sql query. but there would be a performance issue with that ...
    SO i am trying to get the rows from ADF Iterator once we fetch from DB.
    Is it possible to do that ?
    Do we have any way to set the pointer to the VO/Iterator like setFirst() and after that setMaxResult to retrun the rows between first and maxresult..

    If this is for pagination, then af:table offers pagination by design when you set accessmode=RangePaging or RangePagingIncremental in VO. Paginated queries are fired when scroll down in the table. Explore this option before you try out any custom solution
    To answer the question,
    Note: same logic i have implpemented ADF with EJB ..In EJB Query class we have setFirst(int) and setMaxResult(int) methods...simply i did setFirst(30) and setMaxResult(10)..It worked fine...Theoretically speaking the same can be achieved by setting setRangeStart() on the viewobject(which in turn sets to the default rowset) and by setting max fetch size on VO + accessmode=RangePaging. However when you use table with ADF binding, these will be overridden by the binding layer. If you are not using ADF binding, then the above is same as what you did for JPA entity. Other option is, you build expert mode VO with rownum for this special case, which will work if you dont need to set accessmode=RangePaging for VO.

  • Insert missing rows from another table

    I need to insert rows from another table if there is gaps in my transaction table. For each ärendenr there should be 5 Id status rows (1-5). Except for the fact that the inserted rows never should have higher IdStatus number then the highest value from
    the transaction for each Ärendenr. See my example below that illustrates my transaction table, Stages master and the desired result.
    Is there some t sql code that could handle this problem?
    Best regards
    So far i have tried to solve this with the code below but it doesnt work.
    I have copied the transaction file information to the TempLogTransTimes
    and then insert into LogTransTimes
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.TempLogTransTimes', 'U') IS NOT NULL --Här raderas den tillfälliga tabellen
    DROP TABLE dbo.TempLogTransTimes;
    SELECT *
    INTO TempLogTransTimes
    FROM LogTransTimes
    DECLARE @TopÄrende INT
    SET @TopÄrende = (SELECT TOP(1) Ärendenr FROM TempLogTransTimes ORDER BY Ärendenr)
    INSERT INTO LogTransTimes(Ärendenr, IdStatus, StatusNamn, SourceId)
    SELECT @TopÄrende, SM.IdStatus, SM.StatusNamn, 'Beräkning'
    FROM Statusmall SM
    FULL JOIN TempLogTransTimes LT ON SM.IdStatus = LT.IdStatus
    DELETE TempLogTransTimes WHERE Ärendenr = @TopÄrende
    Arne Olsson

    Hi Arne Olsson, try this..
    DECLARE @Transactions TABLE
    Id1 INT,
    IdStatus INT,
    StatusName VARCHAR(10)
    IdStatus INT,
    StatusName VARCHAR(10)
    INSERT INTO @Transactions VALUES(1,1,'AA'), (1,3,'CC'), (1,5,'EE'), (2,1,'AA'), (2,3,'CC')
    INSERT INTO @Stages VALUES (1,'AA'), (2,'BB'), (3,'CC'), (4,'DD'), (5,'EE')
    SELECT Id1, IdStatus, StatusName FROM CTE, @Stages
    SELECT Id1, IdStatus, StatusName FROM @Transactions
    Please mark as answer, if this has helped you solve the issue.
    Good Luck :) .. visit for more t-sql code snippets and BI related how to articles.

  • Inserting rows in table while logging errors...Urgent

    Hi all,
    i want to insert rows from temp table to main table.
    if temp table contains 100 rows.then all rows must be inserted
    in main table.if their is any exception while insertion,
    insertion must nt stop and erroring rows along with error no must be inserted in
    error log table.
    How to do this ?
    i used forall save exceptions to achieve this .
    but ws able to save only error no. but not errroing rows in error log table.
    is there any efficient way to achieve this?
    can forall be modified in way that it inserts erroring rows also?????

    1.) does dbms_errorlog works fine in this case?If all of your 807 tables having same columns then i think it will work (NOT TESTED).
    By the way are you also trying to insert rows for all tese 807 tables in a single PL/SQL block?
    Please post how you are trying to insert then we can think about it,
    Oracle ERROR_LOG table allows us to have any number of columns.
    From the Oracle Docs:
    The number of columns in this part of the error logging table can be zero, one, or more, up to the number of columns in the DML table. If a column exists in the error logging table that has the same name as a column in the DML table, the corresponding data from the offending row being inserted is written to this error logging table column. If a DML table column does not have a corresponding column in the error logging table, the column is not logged. If the error logging table contains a column with a name that does not match a DML table column, the column is ignored.

  • How do I remove a row from the database?

    Guys and Gals,
    I'm using Studio Edition Version
    The code below will delete a row from my table, but how do I actually delete the row from the database as well?
        DCBindingContainer dcbc = (DCBindingContainer)getBindings();
        DCIteratorBinding dcib = dcbc.findIteratorBinding("TipsSelectorIterator");
        BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
        OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Commit");
        Object result = operationBinding.execute();
        AdfFacesContext adffacesctx = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        adffacesctx.addPartialTarget(this.getQueryTable()); In this post, I believe Frank sums up what I should do: Remove row from af:table
    The problem in your case is that this removes the row from the iterator but not your business service. EJB exposes explicit methods to remove an entity. A method lime removeEmployees(employee) >expsed on the EJB model must be called.
    You can drag and drop the "removeEmployees" method then as a button to your page. Rename the text label to "Remove" or "Delete". In the opened dialog box, point the method argument to the >following EL #{bindings.iteratorName.currentRow.dataProvider}. Next time you press the button, the row is deleted from the iterator and the business service
    Huh? So to delete the row, I need to expose a method. But where? Do I do this in the AppModuleImpl so I can expose it to the Client Interface? But then how do I access entities? And what data type is the #{bindings.iteratorName.currentRow.dataProvider}?
    If anyone could point me in a general direction, it'd be great.

    Frank and Shay,
    Thank you both for your posts. I'm amazed there's such a great place to get help. Between the forums, ADF code corner, Not Yet Documented ADF Samples, various blogs and tutorials, it's obvious you guys really care about what you do.
    On my example, that approach doesn't seem to work. I tried following it like so in one of the video tutorials by Shay: Following Shay's approach, in my particular case, deletes only from the table. Perhaps it is due to my iterator / collection setup?
    TipsSelector (1 to 1) -> TipsView (1 to *)-> DependentBom -(1 to * Recursive)> RecursiveBom
    TipsSelector references the same View Object as TipsView, but it is set as a 1 to 1 relationship so that I can show TipsView on the page one record at a time. This is the same setup as Tuhra2's hierarchy veiwer example. TipsView / DependentBom is a classic parent / child setup. RecursiveBom is DependentBom referencing itself. Think of it as departments within departments within departments etc...
    I have dragged TipsSelector's Named Criteria (All Queriable Attributes) onto my page and created an ADF Query with Table. A remove button on the table's toolbar calls the two actions, Delete (from TipsSelector's iterator) and then Commit. I have modified the code slightly from my previous post but the end result seems to be the same.
        BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
        OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Delete");
        bindings = getBindings();
        operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Commit");
        AdfFacesContext adffacesctx = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        adffacesctx.addPartialTarget(this.getQueryTable());Page Def file
        <action id="Commit" InstanceName="AppModuleDataControl"
                DataControl="AppModuleDataControl" RequiresUpdateModel="true"
        <action IterBinding="TipsSelectorIterator" id="Delete"
                DataControl="AppModuleDataControl" RequiresUpdateModel="false"
                Action="removeCurrentRow"/>On ppr of the query table, the row is gone. However, when I press the Search button on the query again, the record reappears.
    This is beyond me. Am I somehow deleting from the query results but not the database?

  • Append screen inserted row to internal table

    Hi Experts,
    I have created a program using table control. But after filling a row when i press enter the entire row getting blank.
    So i need to append the last inserted row from table control to internal table so that when i press enter that row remains on screen.
    Thanks & Regards
    Ashutosh Katara

    try this code  in PAI,
    IF sy-ucomm = 'ENTER'.
      if  tabc-col1 is NOT INITIAL and
         tabc-col2 is NOT INITIAL and
        tabc-col3 is NOT INITIAL and
         tabc-col4 is NOT INITIAL.
        w_tab-field1 =  tabc-col1.
        w_tab-field2 = tabc-col2.
        w_tab-field3 = tabc-col3.
        w_tab-field3 =  tabc-col4.
       modify <itab> FROM <workarea> INDEX sy-tabix.

  • How do I insert multiple rows from a single form ...

    How do I insert multiple rows from a single form?
    This form is organised by a table. (just as in an excel format)
    I have 20 items on a form each row item has five field
    +++++++++++ FORM AREA+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    +Product| qty In | Qty Out | Balance | Date +
    +Item1 | textbox1 | textbox2 | textbox3 | date +
    + |value = $qty_in1|value= &qty_out1|value=$balance1|value=$date1 +
    +Item 2 | textbox1 | textbox2 | textbox4 | date +
    + |value = $qty_in2|value= $qty_out1|value=$balance2|value=$date2 +
    + Item3 | textbox1 | textbox2 | textbox3 | date +
    + contd | | | +
    + item20| | | | +
    + + + SUBMIT + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Database Structure
    + Stock_tabe +
    + refid +
    + item +
    + Qty In +
    + Qty Out +
    + Balance +
    + Date +
    Let's say for example user have to the use the form to enter all 10 items or few like 5 on their stock form into 4 different textbox field each lines of your form, however these items go into a "Stock_table" under Single insert transaction query when submit button is pressed.
    Please anyone help me out, on how to get this concept started.

    I have a way to do this, but it would take some hand coding on your part. If you feel comfortable hand writing php code and doing manual database calls, specificaly database INSERT calls you should be fine.
    Create a custom form using the ADDT Custom Form Wizard that has all the rows and fields you need. This may take a bit if you are adding the ability for up to 20 rows, as per your diagram of the form area. The nice thing about using ADDT to create the form is that you can setup the form validation at the same time. Leave the last step in the Custom Form Wizard blank. You can add a custom database call here, but I would leave it blank.
    Next, under ADDT's Forms Server Behaviors, select Custom Trigger. At the Basic tab, you enter your custom php code that will be executed. Here you are going to want to put your code that will check if a value has been entered in the form and then do a database INSERT operation on the Stock_table with that row. The advanced tab lets you set the order of operations and the name of the Custom Trigger. By default, it is set to AFTER. This means that the Custom Trigger will get executed AFTER the form data is processed by the Custom Form Transaction.
    I usually just enter TEST into the "Basic" tab of the Custom Trigger. Then set my order of operations in the "Advanced" tab and close the Custom Trigger. Then I go to the code view for that page in Dreamweaver and find the Custom Trigger function and edit the code manually. It's much easier this way because the Custom Trigger wizard does not show you formatting on the code, and you don't have to keep opening the Wizard to edit and test your code.
    Your going to have to have the Custom Trigger fuction do a test on the submitted form data. If data is present, then INSERT into database. Here's a basic example of what you need to do:
    In your code view, the Custom Trigger will look something like this:
    function Trigger_Custom(&$tNG) {
    if($tNG->getColumnValue("Item_1")) {
    $item1 = $tNG->getColumnValue("Item_1");
    $textbox1_1 = $tNG->getColumnValue("Textbox_1");
    $textbox1_2 = $tNG->getColumnValue("Textbox_2");
    $textbox1_3 = $tNG->getColumnValue("Textbox_3");
    $date1 = $tNG->getColumnValue("Textbox_3");
    $queryAdd = "INSERT INTO Stock_table
    (item, Qty_In, Qty_Out, Balance, Date) VALUES($item1, $textbox1_1, $textbox1_2, $textbox1_3, $date1)"
    $result = mysql_query($queryAdd) or die(mysql_error());
    This code checks to see if the form input field named Item_1 is set. If so, then get the rest of the values for the first item and insert them into the database. You would need to do this for each row in your form. So the if you let the customer add 20 rows, you would need to check 20 times to see if the data is there or write the code so that it stops once it encounters an empty Item field. To exit a Custom Trigger, you can return NULL; and it will jump out of the function. You can also throw custom error message out of triggers, but this post is already way to long to get into that.
    $tNG->getColumnValue("Item_1") is used to retrieve the value that was set by the form input field named Item_1. This field is named by the Custom Form Wizard when you create your form. You can see what all the input filed names are by looking in the code view for something like:
    // Add columns
    $customTransaction->addColumn("Item_1", "STRING_TYPE", "POST", "Item_1");
    There will be one for each field you created with the Custom Form Wizard.
    Unfortunately, I don't have an easy way to do what you need. Maybe there is a way, but since none of the experts have responded, I thought I would point you in a direction. You should read all you can about Custom Triggers in the ADDT documentation/help pdf to give you more detailed information about how Custom Triggers work.
    Hope this helps.

  • Unable to insert row in object table from plsql block

    I have table called test based on an object type. When I issue an insert statement from sqlplus, the row is inserted. The exact same sql statement in a plsql block gives the error below. Any ideas? (it is not a constraint problem).
    SQL> insert into test values( 3,2,1,1,'asp',1,'mach' );
    1 row created.
    SQL> begin
    2 insert into test values( 3,2,1,1,'asp',1,'mach' );
    3 end;
    4 /
    insert into test values( 3,2,1,1,'asp',1,'mach' );
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 16:
    PL/SQL: ORA-06552: PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
    ORA-06553: PLS-302: component 'DOCUMENT' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 4:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    CREATE OR REPLACE type document as object
    DOC_ID NUMBER (38),
    ASP VARCHAR2 (20),
    MEMBER function getState RETURN NUMBER
    ) not final;
    create table test of document;

    Hi Adam
    You need to instantiate your object type in your insert statement(while doing through PL/SQL block), so try like this
    Insert into test values(document(1,2,'CO',55,'xyz','kkk','PENTIUM'));
    The reason you were successful through SQLPLUS was that, SQLPLUS automatically instantiate the values into object type.

  • Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" with bulk insert task

    Hi, folks:
    I created a simple SSIS package. On the Control Flow, I created a Bulk INsert Task with Destination connection to a the local SQL server, a csv file from a local folder, specify comma delimiter. Then I excute the task and I got this long error message.
    [Bulk Insert Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 1. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.".

    I got the same error with some additional error details (below).  All I had to do to fix the problem was set the Timeout property for the SQL Server Destination = 0
    I was using the following components:
    SQL Server 2008
    SQL Server Integration Services 10.0
    Data Flow Task
    OLE DB Source – connecting to Oracle 11i
    SQL Server Destination – connecting to the local SQL Server 2008 instance
    Full Error Message:
    Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14.
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0"  Hresult: 0x80040E14  Description: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".".
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0"  Hresult: 0x80040E14  Description: "The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.".
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0"  Hresult: 0x80040E14  Description: "The Bulk Insert operation of SQL Server Destination has timed out. Please consider increasing the value of Timeout property on the SQL Server Destination in the dataflow.".
    For SQL Server 2005 there is a hot fix available from Microsoft at

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