Inserting data from Textarea into database

I am collecting data from a html form which has textarea and processing it through servlet.
If I enter text in textarea without breaks(without pressing enter tab) it is being collected and correctly put into database.
If I enter text with breaks (with pressing enter tabs for entering in separate lines) it is being collected correctly but only one line goes into database.
How to insert entire text from textarea into database.

problem is not yet solved.
i am able to print in the sql query and is displayomg all the chars. but missing while executing the statement.
mysql - 3.23, driver is driver
Can u please look at this another problem:
I have a keyword and need to search against a table containing 100 fileds.
select * from table where keyword like '%"+keyword+"%'
searches only in one field. If I want the search to be performed against all the fields in the table, Is there any solution.
What I am doing at present is putting all the fields data in a new field and performing like operation on that field.
but this is very slow.
thanks and regards

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    I have excel which contains data lets say employee details,
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    In short ,i want to upload the data from excel into database using plsql code,
    or suggest me any other way to do this.(except the data load method present in apex)

    if you use APEX 4 you can define you own table
    the code below is for APEX 3
    PROCEDURE pro_carga_planilla_prosp( p_archivo VARCHAR2) IS
    v_blob_data BLOB;
    v_blob_len NUMBER;
    v_position NUMBER;
    v_raw_chunk RAW(10000);
    v_char CHAR(1);
    c_chunk_len number := 1;
    v_line VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
    v_data_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    v_rows number;
    v_sr_no number := 1;
    v_ok boolean := true;
    v_local_ok BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    v_reg_ok NUMBER := 0;
    v_reg_ko NUMBER := 0;
    v_localidad_id NUMBER;
    v_departamento_id NUMBER;
    v_cargo_id NUMBER;
    v_prospecto_id NUMBER;
    v_asesor_id NUMBER;
    V_REG prospectos%rowtype;
    -- Read data from wwv_flow_files</span>
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files
    where name= p_archivo;
    v_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data);
    v_position := 1;
    -- Read and convert binary to char</span>
    WHILE ( v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP
    v_raw_chunk := dbms_lob.substr(v_blob_data,c_chunk_len,v_position);
    v_char := chr(hex_to_decimal(rawtohex(v_raw_chunk)));
    v_line := v_line || v_char;
    -- pro_log('linea '||v_line);
    v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
    -- When a whole line is retrieved </span>
    IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
    -- Convert comma to : to use wwv_flow_utilities </span>
    v_line := replace(REPLACE (v_line, ',', ':'), ';',':');
    v_line := replace(replace(v_line, chr(10)),chr(13));
    if substr(v_line,1,1)= ':' then
    v_line := '0'||v_line;
    end if;
    if instr(v_line,':',1,21) = 0 then
    if instr(v_line,':',1,20) = 0 then
    end if;
    end if;
    -- pro_log(v_line);
    -- Convert each column separated by : into array of data </span>
    v_data_array := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (v_line);
    -- Insert data into target table </span>
    IF v_data_array(1) IS NOT NULL AND
    v_sr_no <> 1 THEN
    V_REG.DIRECCION := v_data_array(4)||' '||v_data_array(5);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1 ' ||v_sr_no);
    v_localidad_id := pack_empresas.get_localidad(v_data_array(6));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.1 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.2 '||v_sr_no);
    V_REG.CODIGO_POSTAL:=LTRIM(RTRIM(v_data_array(7)) );
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.3 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.1 '||v_sr_no);
    v_departamento_id := pack_empresas.get_departamento(v_data_array(8));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.4 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.5 '||v_sr_no);
    --PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.6 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.7 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.8 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.9 '||v_sr_no);
    -- pro_log(v_data_array(1));
    -- pro_log(v_data_array(2));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.10 '||v_sr_no);
    -- pro_log(v_data_array(14));
    --PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.11 '||v_sr_no);
    -- pro_log(V_REG.MAIL);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.12 '||v_sr_no);
    -- v_data_array(20):= replace(replace(v_data_array(20),chr(10)),chr(13));
    if not v_data_array.exists(20) then
    -- pro_log('existe');
    -- pro_log(ltrim(rtrim(replace(replace(v_data_array(20),chr(10)),chr(13)))));
    V_REG.Proveedor:= ltrim(rtrim(replace(replace(v_data_array(20),chr(10)),chr(13))));
    end if;
    -- V_REG.PROVEEDOR:=v_data_array(20);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.13 '||v_sr_no);
    if not v_data_array.exists(21) then
    end if;
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.14 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.2 '||v_sr_no);
    insert into prospectos (nombre,razon_social, direccion,localidad_id,codigo_postal,
    departamento_id, telefono, telefono2, rubro,ruc,cantidad_empleados,
    values (nvl(ltrim(rtrim(v_data_array(2))),v_data_array(3)), v_data_array(3),
    v_data_array(4)||' '||v_data_array(5),
    v_localidad_id, LTRIM(RTRIM(v_data_array(7))),v_departamento_id, v_data_array(9),
    v_data_array(10),v_data_array(11), ltrim(rtrim(v_data_array(12))), RTRIM(LTRIM(v_data_array(13))),
    RTRIM(LTRIM(v_data_array(14))),v_data_array(19),v_data_array(20), v_data_array(21))
    returning prospecto_id INTO v_prospecto_id;
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 2');
    v_cargo_id := pack_empresas.get_cargo(v_data_array(17));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 3');
    insert into prospecto_contactos (prospecto_id,nombre,apellido,cargo_id,
    values (v_prospecto_id, nvl(v_data_array(15),'S/N'), nvl(v_data_array(16),'S/A'),
    v_cargo_id, v_data_array(18), v_data_array(19));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 4');
    v_asesor_id := pack_empresas.get_asesor(v_data_array(1));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 5');
    insert into asignaciones (prospecto_id,asesor_id,fecha_asignacion)
    values (v_prospecto_id, v_asesor_id, trunc(sysdate));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 6');
    END IF;
    -- Clear out
    v_line := NULL;
    v_sr_no := v_sr_no + 1;
    END IF;
    delete wwv_flow_files
    where name= p_archivo;
    END pro_carga_planilla_prosp;
    function hex_to_decimal
    --this function is based on one by Connor McDonald
    ( p_hex_str in varchar2 ) return number
    v_dec number;
    v_hex varchar2(16) := '0123456789ABCDEF';
    v_dec := 0;
    for indx in 1 .. length(p_hex_str)
    v_dec := v_dec * 16 + instr(v_hex,upper(substr(p_hex_str,indx,1)))-1;
    end loop;
    return v_dec;
    end hex_to_decimal;

  • Entering data from JTextfield into Database--- Techniques

    hello friends,
    I am developing an application where i want to insert data from my Jtextfield to data base.
    I know all the procedure but i am confused.
    I have 11 fields in my frame, out of which 3 are compulsory. rest are optional.
    i am validating those 3 compulsory fields.
    so i have to generate run time insert query, depending on the fields Populated.
    Also i have my connection to db in other class. that not a problem as i can call a method. But how to pass so many arguments. when no. of arguments also change runtime.

    Thanks Aniruddha,
    But i didn't understand what u said.
    I think I will do as following
    1. check the populated field.
    2. if yes then insert them into a hashmap .
    key = field name, value = field value
    3. send the hash map as the argument to function connecting my db.
    4. retrieve the fields. and dependingly make a prepared statement for insertion.
    5. as some of my fields are integer, convert them to int . then set them
    6. then execute the query.
    if u have any other suggestions please tell....

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    got any idea ?
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    i have created UDO i have also done registration  i want to bind item master completely to matrix and then in one column i will set check box to check unchecked and then i want to save it to database
    i have one user defined form and 4 matrix and 4 child tables
    for each matrix i have given 1 form and i have to transfer the data from temp form to main form matrix having large data in matrix on temp form to main form matrix
    to load data on matrix i have used for loop that i want to avoid so how i can bind large data to matrix without for loop

  • Import/insert data from XML into Oracle database tables?

    Hi. (I am using JDeveloper and Oracle 10g)
    I have been able to export the data from one of my database tables by using a View Object and .writeXML.
    Now, I want to take an xml file that is formatted in the same way as what is spit out by the writeXML and put that info in my database table. I followed online examples and have tried using .readXML like so:
    Element element = XMLDoc.getDocumentElement();
    vo.readXML(element, -1);
    I know it is sort of working, because at first I got an error message that one of the required attributes was missing. So, I added that attribute to my xml file and ran my code. No errors. But, I checked my database, and the new records were not added.
    Is there something I have done wrong? Or is there perhaps something I left out? I also noticed there were several versions of readXML like readFromXML. Which one should I use and how?

    KUBA, I changed my code to match your example:
    DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
    File xmlFile = new File("C:/myfilehere.xml");
    Document doc = db.parse(xmlFile);
    Element element = doc.getDocumentElement();
    vo.readXML(element, -1);
    I still get no errors, but my database table has no new records.
    Any ideas why?

  • How to insert data from site into DB?

    Does anyone know how to insert data into a database from a
    I have created a Registration form for users to register to
    my web site. With this I would like the data they have entered to
    be stored in a MySQL database. I have created the a form and used
    the record insertion form wizard.
    When they have registered, I need to be able to check their
    username every time they log in.
    If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated,
    thanks Lou.

    LoobieLouLou wrote:
    > When I inserted a form, I enetered a name and the method
    was POST, but it also needed an action.
    > How do I write in java script that it needs to be
    inserted into the database?
    You can't do it with JavaScript. You need to use a
    server-side language
    like ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, or PHP. Dreamweaver automates
    a lot of
    the process for you, but you need to choose your server model
    It sounds as though you are completely new to this. First ask
    hosting company whether it supports a server-side language,
    and if so,
    which one. Then open Dreamweaver help (F1) and read the
    section titled
    "Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites".
    Working with server-side languages and databases isn't
    difficult, but
    it's not something you can pick up in five minutes or be
    shown how to do
    in a couple of forum posts.
    If you can't make up your mind which server-side language to
    ASP.NET is the most difficult of the four I mentioned. ASP is
    but is no longer actively developed, so will eventually die
    (although it will take many years to do so). ColdFusion and
    PHP are
    relatively easy to learn. I prefer PHP, but all of them do
    basically the
    same thing. However, you must choose one; they cannot be
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • How to insert data from file into long raw field using utl_file?

    I try to insert binary data from a file (under AIX 4.3.3) into a LONG
    RAW field (Oracle 8.1.6).
    First, I retrieve the data from the file like this:
    FileHandle = UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    myVariable LONG RAW;
    FileHandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN ;('prj/oracle/admin/MARTIJN/udump',
    'MyFile.ATT', 'R');
    UTL_FILE.GET_LINE (FileHandle, myVariable);
    Where DUMMYFIELD of table myTable is of type LONG RAW.
    The GET_LINE statement crashes on Oracle Error ORA-6502: Numeric of
    Value error: hex to raw conversion error.
    What do I do wrong?
    Do I use the right method to retrieve information from a file and put
    it into a long raw field, should I try it another way?
    Any help greatly appreciated,
    Martijn Rutte

    To clarify your problem, you have a script node contaning your Matlab code. Are you then using the standard LV functions to load in your data from a file and pass it into the script node?

  • How to insert data from file into matlab script node

    I have interfaced input data from file to be processed using matlab script node. But the problem is that I could not capture the multiple data into matlab script node and to convert it into matrix. Further to this I need to process the data by plotting graphs from it. Thank you in advance for the advice

    To clarify your problem, you have a script node contaning your Matlab code. Are you then using the standard LV functions to load in your data from a file and pass it into the script node?

  • Inserting data from excel into oracle db

    I have data in excel files. Can I insert it in Oracle DB??
    any example will be highly appreciated
    thanks and kind regards

    See CSV-Database example based on Scriptella ETL tool.:
    P.S. You will have to export Excel file into CSV.

  • How to insert data from screen to database Table..??

    This is regarding screen painter area..
    I have created a Z-table.
    Also created a screen where i am having input box.
    After entering text in the input box, i will click "SAVE" push button.
    When i click "SAVE" push button, the Text entered in the screen input box should be saved in that z-table.
    How to do it...??
    Can anybody explain me with ABAP code...???

    You can try follwong logic.
    tables : ztable.
    data wa_ztable like line of ztable.
    Case sy-ucomm.
    when 'SAVE'.
      clear wa_ztable.
      wa_ztable-field1 = screenfield1.
      wa_ztable-field2 = screenfield2.
      wa_ztable-field3 = screenfield3.
    modify ztable from wa_ztable.
    If it is simple database insertion,
    you can always use Table Maintainance provided by SAP.
    So that the code will be automatically generated and you dont have to worry.

  • Inserting data from Oracle to SQL Server 2008

    Hi All,
    I am using oracle and SQL server 2008 in windows server 2003 operating system.
    My requirment is like below.
    1) I would liek to insert data from the Oracle database to SQL Server.
    For the above requirement we have created the ODBC, then configure the listener file, tns file, and created the db link. This part is working fine as I am able to select the data from the SQL Server.
    But when I am inserting the record from the oracle database to the SQL Server I am getting the error, (ORA-00904) Here oracle can not identified the column name.
    My insert statement is like below.
    insert into test@SQLTEST (name, fullname)
    values ('Oracle', 'Oracle server data');
    Test is the SQL server table name and sqltest is the db link name.
    If I am select the data
    select * from test@SQLTEST from Oralce I am getting the data properly.
    Edited by: User SUN@ on Jun 9, 2010 5:49 PM

    I modify the column name as "f_name" and "l_name";
    Still I am getting the same error;

  • Cannot insert data from local database into remote database using subquery

    I have two oracle databases on different host.
    One is version 8i in Host A and the other is 9i in Host B.
    First, I try to create a dblink in 8i to 9i, but it fail.
    Then, I create a dblink in 9i to 8i, it success.
    I have already tried some select statement in 9i to view the table in 8i, which is success and that means the dblink is really work.
    The sql statement is like
    Select * from table1@hostA
    Then I have tried running some INSERT statement in 9i, which is copy data from table 1 in 8i to table 2 in 8i, both tables are in 8i. The sql statement is like
    Insert INTO table2@hostA(field1, field2)
    select field1, field2
    from table1@hostA
    This also success.
    Also, I have tried to use the following INSERT statement
    Insert INTO table2@hostA(field1, field2) values ('XXX', 'XXX)
    This also success.
    However, when I try to insert data from table in 9i to table in 8i using the following INSERT statement, it failed.
    Insert INTO table2@hostA(field1, field2)
    select field1, field2
    from table1
    The statement can execute, but all the rows inserted with every field value equal to NULL. I have tried to run the select part, it can return the data. But when I run the INSERT statement above, the value inserted into table2 is all equal to NULL.
    One more thing, I discover that the databases are using different NLS_CHARACTERSET
    9i is AL32UTF8
    8i is WE8ISO8859P1
    Is this relevant to my problem?
    Does anyone know the solution about this problem?

    How is the best way to do this ?How much are you planning to send?
    You can use COPY command. Ensure that you have valid database link between two databases.
    Available options are:
    create - creates a new table. errors out if the destination table exists.
    replace - drop the destination table and re-creates with data.
    insert - inserts data if the destination table exists.
    append– appends data into an existing table.
    use set arraysize 5000 -The arraysize specifies the number of rows that SQL*Plus will retrieve from the database at one time.
    copy from scott/tiger@ORCL to scott/tiger@ORCL92 create new_emp using select * from emp;

  • How to insert  data from different internal  table  into a data base table

    hi all,
             I want to insert a particular field in an internal table to a field in a data base table.Note that the fields in the internal table and database table are not of the same name since i need to insert data from different internal tables.can some one tell me how to do this?
    in short i want to do something like the foll:
    *INSERT INTO ZMIS_CODES-COL1 VALUE DATA_MTD-AUFNR .(zmis_codes is the db table and data_mtd is the int.table)

    tables kna1.
    data: itab LIKE KNA1.
    data lv_kUNAG LIKE KNA1-KUNNR.
    lv_kuNAG =  '0000010223'.
    ITAB-kuNNR = lv_kuNAG.
    ITAB-name1 = 'XYZ'.
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    Here lv_kunag is ref to kna1 kunnr passed in different name
    In internal table .
    Try and let me know if this logic dint work.

  • [ECC6] Inserting data from internal table (deep structure) into db table

    Hi experts,
    I have a problem when inserting data from IT using deep structure into a database table. Please help:
    I have one database table with 2 columns ZTest (col1, col2). Col1 is key.
    In my program I have a deep structure t_screen using table type lvc_t_scol:
    In 4.6c systems, the INSERT statement works well but it does not work in ECC6 systems.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_screen OCCURS 0,
            rec_count(3) TYPE n,
            col1 LIKE ZTest-col1,
            col2 LIKE ZTest-col2.
    DATA: ct TYPE lvc_t_scol.
    DATA: END   OF t_screen.
    t_screen-col1 = 'test1'.
    t_screen-col2 = 'test1'.
    APPEND t_screen.
    t_screen-col1 = 'test2'.
    t_screen-col2 = 'test2'.
    APPEND t_screen.
    Currently I have an idea using a temporary internal table with the same structure as ZTest. Use MOVE-CORRESPONDING statement to move data from t_screen table to temporary table before inserting --> It worked. But do you have any ideas without using temporary table?

    There are a large number of stataments couldn't be supported in unicode system and so it doesn't allow to do it in ECC 6.
    U need to delete the deep structure from your defination:
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_screen OCCURS 0,
            rec_count(3) TYPE n,
            col1 LIKE ZTest-col1,
            col2 LIKE ZTest-col2.
    DATA: ct TYPE lvc_t_scol. "<-------- Error is here
    DATA: END   OF t_screen.
    So u need to use a structure like this to update your table:
            rec_count(3) TYPE n,
            col1 LIKE ZTest-col1,
            col2 LIKE ZTest-col2.

  • How to insert Data from a function on server A into a table on Server B.

    I have a function which is like this
    DECLARE @oldmax bigint, @newmax bigint
    SELECT @oldmax = max(exportTimestamp) FROM EXPORT_TIMESTAMPS
    IF @oldmax IS NULL
    SET @oldmax = 0
    SELECT * FROM ServerA.TableA.fnExportTrafficTS(@oldmax) ORDER BY storeID, TrafDate
    SELECT @newmax = max(timestamp) FROM TRAFFIC t
    IF @newmax > @oldmax
    VALUES(@newmax, GETDATE())
    And now i need to insert the data coming out of this function into ServerB Table B
    And the column names and everything coming out of the function is the same columns in Table B.So, no need to worry there.
    I have never worked with inserting data from function through linked server.
    Can someone please help me with this?

    Well, first of all, your table structure doesn't match the structure of returned table by your table-valued function.
    This is what table valued function returns:
    [storeID] varchar(32) default('noRefID'),
    [TrafDate] [datetime] default(NULL),
    [QtyTraffic] [float] default(0)
    And this is what your table structure is:
    [tUTL_JobLogging_Key] [int] NOT NULL,
    [StoreId] [varchar](10) NULL,
    [TrafDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [Visits] [numeric](8, 2) NULL
    Apart from different size for the StoreID and using float vs. numeric and different name for the last column, there is one extra column in your table.
    So, this is the first problem you need to correct.
    Also, please post how exactly you're calling your procedure? E.g. the procedure has 2 parameters, but the values of them are not used as you're calculating them in the code. So, I assume they should not be parameters for the procedure.
    For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert. - Becker's Law
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    My TechNet articles

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