How to save data from form into database

i nid to save data from form into the new table, @abc.
got any idea ?
smtg like oObj = BaseAddOn.Company.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseDeliveryNotes) this but it is a new object or user data source.

i have created UDO i have also done registration  i want to bind item master completely to matrix and then in one column i will set check box to check unchecked and then i want to save it to database
i have one user defined form and 4 matrix and 4 child tables
for each matrix i have given 1 form and i have to transfer the data from temp form to main form matrix having large data in matrix on temp form to main form matrix
to load data on matrix i have used for loop that i want to avoid so how i can bind large data to matrix without for loop

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    or suggest me any other way to do this.(except the data load method present in apex)

    if you use APEX 4 you can define you own table
    the code below is for APEX 3
    PROCEDURE pro_carga_planilla_prosp( p_archivo VARCHAR2) IS
    v_blob_data BLOB;
    v_blob_len NUMBER;
    v_position NUMBER;
    v_raw_chunk RAW(10000);
    v_char CHAR(1);
    c_chunk_len number := 1;
    v_line VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
    v_data_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    v_rows number;
    v_sr_no number := 1;
    v_ok boolean := true;
    v_local_ok BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    v_reg_ok NUMBER := 0;
    v_reg_ko NUMBER := 0;
    v_localidad_id NUMBER;
    v_departamento_id NUMBER;
    v_cargo_id NUMBER;
    v_prospecto_id NUMBER;
    v_asesor_id NUMBER;
    V_REG prospectos%rowtype;
    -- Read data from wwv_flow_files</span>
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files
    where name= p_archivo;
    v_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data);
    v_position := 1;
    -- Read and convert binary to char</span>
    WHILE ( v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP
    v_raw_chunk := dbms_lob.substr(v_blob_data,c_chunk_len,v_position);
    v_char := chr(hex_to_decimal(rawtohex(v_raw_chunk)));
    v_line := v_line || v_char;
    -- pro_log('linea '||v_line);
    v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
    -- When a whole line is retrieved </span>
    IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
    -- Convert comma to : to use wwv_flow_utilities </span>
    v_line := replace(REPLACE (v_line, ',', ':'), ';',':');
    v_line := replace(replace(v_line, chr(10)),chr(13));
    if substr(v_line,1,1)= ':' then
    v_line := '0'||v_line;
    end if;
    if instr(v_line,':',1,21) = 0 then
    if instr(v_line,':',1,20) = 0 then
    end if;
    end if;
    -- pro_log(v_line);
    -- Convert each column separated by : into array of data </span>
    v_data_array := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (v_line);
    -- Insert data into target table </span>
    IF v_data_array(1) IS NOT NULL AND
    v_sr_no <> 1 THEN
    V_REG.DIRECCION := v_data_array(4)||' '||v_data_array(5);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1 ' ||v_sr_no);
    v_localidad_id := pack_empresas.get_localidad(v_data_array(6));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.1 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.2 '||v_sr_no);
    V_REG.CODIGO_POSTAL:=LTRIM(RTRIM(v_data_array(7)) );
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.3 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.1 '||v_sr_no);
    v_departamento_id := pack_empresas.get_departamento(v_data_array(8));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.4 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.5 '||v_sr_no);
    --PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.6 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.7 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.8 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.9 '||v_sr_no);
    -- pro_log(v_data_array(1));
    -- pro_log(v_data_array(2));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.10 '||v_sr_no);
    -- pro_log(v_data_array(14));
    --PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.11 '||v_sr_no);
    -- pro_log(V_REG.MAIL);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.12 '||v_sr_no);
    -- v_data_array(20):= replace(replace(v_data_array(20),chr(10)),chr(13));
    if not v_data_array.exists(20) then
    -- pro_log('existe');
    -- pro_log(ltrim(rtrim(replace(replace(v_data_array(20),chr(10)),chr(13)))));
    V_REG.Proveedor:= ltrim(rtrim(replace(replace(v_data_array(20),chr(10)),chr(13))));
    end if;
    -- V_REG.PROVEEDOR:=v_data_array(20);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.13 '||v_sr_no);
    if not v_data_array.exists(21) then
    end if;
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.14 '||v_sr_no);
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 1.2 '||v_sr_no);
    insert into prospectos (nombre,razon_social, direccion,localidad_id,codigo_postal,
    departamento_id, telefono, telefono2, rubro,ruc,cantidad_empleados,
    values (nvl(ltrim(rtrim(v_data_array(2))),v_data_array(3)), v_data_array(3),
    v_data_array(4)||' '||v_data_array(5),
    v_localidad_id, LTRIM(RTRIM(v_data_array(7))),v_departamento_id, v_data_array(9),
    v_data_array(10),v_data_array(11), ltrim(rtrim(v_data_array(12))), RTRIM(LTRIM(v_data_array(13))),
    RTRIM(LTRIM(v_data_array(14))),v_data_array(19),v_data_array(20), v_data_array(21))
    returning prospecto_id INTO v_prospecto_id;
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 2');
    v_cargo_id := pack_empresas.get_cargo(v_data_array(17));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 3');
    insert into prospecto_contactos (prospecto_id,nombre,apellido,cargo_id,
    values (v_prospecto_id, nvl(v_data_array(15),'S/N'), nvl(v_data_array(16),'S/A'),
    v_cargo_id, v_data_array(18), v_data_array(19));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 4');
    v_asesor_id := pack_empresas.get_asesor(v_data_array(1));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 5');
    insert into asignaciones (prospecto_id,asesor_id,fecha_asignacion)
    values (v_prospecto_id, v_asesor_id, trunc(sysdate));
    -- PRO_LOG('PROSP 6');
    END IF;
    -- Clear out
    v_line := NULL;
    v_sr_no := v_sr_no + 1;
    END IF;
    delete wwv_flow_files
    where name= p_archivo;
    END pro_carga_planilla_prosp;
    function hex_to_decimal
    --this function is based on one by Connor McDonald
    ( p_hex_str in varchar2 ) return number
    v_dec number;
    v_hex varchar2(16) := '0123456789ABCDEF';
    v_dec := 0;
    for indx in 1 .. length(p_hex_str)
    v_dec := v_dec * 16 + instr(v_hex,upper(substr(p_hex_str,indx,1)))-1;
    end loop;
    return v_dec;
    end hex_to_decimal;

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    If the data load is one time process, then you can use PL/SQL or datamover to load the data to PeopleSoft application.
    If you want to load the data in real time, then you need to create In-bound and out-bound nodes to perform the transaction.

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    Not exactly. I want to enter input from form and the user can have all options to choose i.e. HIGH, MEDIUM or so on.
    Suppose, you have option to select HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW and you can see all these options together. You select LOW and when you save, it is saves in the table as a value. So when you view the table again, it will show LOW as active and HIGH and MEDIUM are null.

  • Save Data From Grid to Database

    Hello All,
    I want to create a form to save data from a grid to the database just like the SAP Forecast Form .
    My requirements are as follows :-
    I have created a Table  in which there are three fields ItemCode,Date,Qty
    But while entering user will first select the Date ranges (from - To) and based on that date range
    no. of columns will be created as it will be dynamic and then user will enter the corresponding quantity for that item and date
    just like the Sales Forecast (SAP) Form .
    Form will be like :-
    From Date - 10/10/11  ToDate - 13/10/11
    Row Levels Fields :-
    ItemCode    10/10/11  11/10/11  12/10/11  13/10/11
    A0001           100           150          200            300
    While updating system will put the  data in database table as :-
    ItemCode        Date             Quantity
    A0001            10/10/11          100
    A0001             11/10/11          150
    A0001             12/10/11          200
    A0001              13/10/11          300
    This is what i want to do .
    Please suggest how to proceed with this using a Matrix or a grid.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: AmitSharma_061985 on Oct 19, 2011 7:08 AM

       If you are doing it with oops concept then here are the steps for that.
    1) Declare DATA : er_data_changed TYPE REF TO cl_alv_changed_data_protocol,
           data_changed TYPE REF TO cl_alv_changed_data_protocol.
    --For getting the row no of of the row which is edited by user
    DATA : ls_mod_cell TYPE table of lvc_s_modi with header line,
    lv_value TYPE lvc_value .
    in your program
    2) Define a class
    CLASS notification DEFINITION.
        CLASS-METHODS : handle_data_changed FOR EVENT data_changed OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING er_data_changed.
    3) For that class write the implementation
    CLASS notification IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_data_changed.
        PERFORM handle_data_changed USING er_data_changed.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_data_changed
    4) In the  PERFORM handle_data_changed  you code like this
    FORM handle_data_changed  USING er_data_changed type ref TO
    SORT er_data_changed->mt_mod_cells BY row_id .
    LOOP AT er_data_changed->mt_mod_cells
    INTO ls_mod_cell .
    append ls_mod_cell.
    *LS_MOD_CELL will have all the rows which were edited
    and all the updated data corresponding to those rows*
    You can now use the the data which is in LS_MOD_CELL
    to update into your DB Table.
    LOOP at ls_mod_cell.
      READ TABLE itab3 INTO t_output INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
    ENDFORM.                    " handle_data_changed

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    i am able to print in the sql query and is displayomg all the chars. but missing while executing the statement.
    mysql - 3.23, driver is driver
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    select * from table where keyword like '%"+keyword+"%'
    searches only in one field. If I want the search to be performed against all the fields in the table, Is there any solution.
    What I am doing at present is putting all the fields data in a new field and performing like operation on that field.
    but this is very slow.
    thanks and regards

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    I need your expertise to advise me what is the best method to move data from oracle 9i database to new machine running oracle 11r2 RAC database with ASM.
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    Hi William,
    See the note in metalink Migration of Oracle Database Instances Across OS Platforms [ID 733205.1] to saw the Endian Format of your OS. If is the same you can use the RMAN to convert the database to another OS, if not the only option is using export/import (Transportable Tablespaces).
    To upgrade from 9i to 11g, see the note 837570.1 - Complete Checklist for Manual Upgrades to 11gR2.
    To migrate your FS to ASM the only way is using RMAN, so see the note - How to move a datafile from a file system to ASM [ID 390274.1].
    Hope this help you.
    Best Regards,
    Ruben Morais

  • PASSING DATA FROM FORM INTO REPORT (how to on the same page)

    Hello everybody
    yes, i know it is built in a two pages design where the first holds the form and the second the report, but I want it both on the same page so that one can see what he has on the report while adds his own row to the table. Well I could do creating a form and then editing the page and then add another region. Alright. But then i dont know how to relate them together so that the data pass from the form to the report.
    Besides, the Form for filling the data needs to pass them to two separate tables, because one table contains the particulars of the location and the other the comments about each store. Easy to do that on PHP and mysql but here I am lost.
    Second thing that is driving me nuts is that I created a table named location so as to street postcode for a store, and another one for evaluation so that customers or workers add a a row evaluating services etc.
    Well, I am trying to create that form i first talked about that would hold all the fields and I am doing it out of a SQL query that picks the definitions from both tables. My XE is completely empty from any leftovers of other applications etc. I make the equijoin alright
    select l.loc_id,, l.postcode, l.street,, e.eval_id, e.loc_id, e.locum_reg, e.date_booked, e.items, e.addicts, e.number_staff, e.attitude_staff, e.organisation, e.stock_filing,
    from location l, evaluation e
    where l.loc_id = e.loc_id
    and i get this annoying error all the time
    ORA-20001: Unable to create form on equijoin. ORA-20001: Error page=2 item="P2_LOC_ID" id="1324114494879878" ORA-20001: Error page=2 item="P2_LOC_ID" id="1324114494879878" has same name as existing application-level item. ORA-0000: normal, successful completion
    well, if that form is made up of both tables, it will definitively have to have something in common with them! how is the item name suppose to have another name? it is made with the wizzard so supposedly the wizzard should know it but I have tried for two days 14 hours each day.
    any indication as to how solve this would be priceless for me
    thank you

    This should be so:
    A person goes to work to place A
    At the end of the day, he or she goes into the web fills the form and clicks the botton. Then, he or she has added a row to the form. As simple as that. But bear in mind that that form is comprised of data about the address and the comments, which are completely different entities, and not all elements of each entity is to appear in the report. That is why they have to go to two tables on the background and then the report pick from each table what it wants to show publiclly.
    What I am actually trying to do is passing the values from the form into the two separate tables Location and Evaluation. Then I have already placed a select query under the report and I have seen that it updates itself as I manually filled the two tables so this process works fine. What I need is, instead of filling the tables manually as I am doing, fill them through the completion of the textfields of the form. This is so because not all the fields have to be shown on the report, for example, the person reporting will remain anonimous and that is something I am able to do by simply not including him in the select query of the report.
    I am like exploring now the edit page possibilities and indeed I have discovered that the button of the Form that says create is associated with a Insert request on the database. Also i have seen that the way this works is by something like this P3_POSTCODE, &P3_POSTCODE where P3 is the item and &P3 is the value that is in the textfield associated with that item name.
    Edited by: user12155340 on 14-Nov-2009 11:05

  • How to populate data from table into Radio button group in Form 10g

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    The weight column will contain either 5 or 4 or 3.
    I want to design a form (10g) as follows:
    If the criteria contains 5, it will show as HIGH, MEDIUM for 4, LOW for 3.
    Do I need one radio group for each CRITERIA column?
    How can I populate the table and display as above programatically in the form?
    Edited by: srtusar on 26-Mar-2009 04:49
    Edited by: srtusar on 26-Mar-2009 06:48

    Not exactly. I want to enter input from form and the user can have all options to choose i.e. HIGH, MEDIUM or so on.
    Suppose, you have option to select HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW and you can see all these options together. You select LOW and when you save, it is saves in the table as a value. So when you view the table again, it will show LOW as active and HIGH and MEDIUM are null.

  • How to insert data from site into DB?

    Does anyone know how to insert data into a database from a
    I have created a Registration form for users to register to
    my web site. With this I would like the data they have entered to
    be stored in a MySQL database. I have created the a form and used
    the record insertion form wizard.
    When they have registered, I need to be able to check their
    username every time they log in.
    If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated,
    thanks Lou.

    LoobieLouLou wrote:
    > When I inserted a form, I enetered a name and the method
    was POST, but it also needed an action.
    > How do I write in java script that it needs to be
    inserted into the database?
    You can't do it with JavaScript. You need to use a
    server-side language
    like ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, or PHP. Dreamweaver automates
    a lot of
    the process for you, but you need to choose your server model
    It sounds as though you are completely new to this. First ask
    hosting company whether it supports a server-side language,
    and if so,
    which one. Then open Dreamweaver help (F1) and read the
    section titled
    "Preparing to Build Dynamic Sites".
    Working with server-side languages and databases isn't
    difficult, but
    it's not something you can pick up in five minutes or be
    shown how to do
    in a couple of forum posts.
    If you can't make up your mind which server-side language to
    ASP.NET is the most difficult of the four I mentioned. ASP is
    but is no longer actively developed, so will eventually die
    (although it will take many years to do so). ColdFusion and
    PHP are
    relatively easy to learn. I prefer PHP, but all of them do
    basically the
    same thing. However, you must choose one; they cannot be
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • How to Save data from HR_INDVAL BADI


    i have created UDO i have also done registration  i want to bind item master completely to matrix and then in one column i will set check box to check unchecked and then i want to save it to database
    i have one user defined form and 4 matrix and 4 child tables
    for each matrix i have given 1 form and i have to transfer the data from temp form to main form matrix having large data in matrix on temp form to main form matrix
    to load data on matrix i have used for loop that i want to avoid so how i can bind large data to matrix without for loop

  • How to insert records from form to database?

    Hi all, i manage to make a connection from my form in adobe designer 7
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    and navigate, delete or add data from my form to the database, anyone
    has ideas to accomplish this?, i made a button and use this code
    "xfa.sourceSet.dataConnectionName.addNew();" without the "", but in the
    debugger this message appears:
    "TypeError: xfa.sourceSet.dataConnectionName has no properties
    hope someone can help me with this problem, thanks in advance.

    Alex alatorre do you speak spanish? can you help me?
    I have de same problem
    want to add data from my form to the database, i made a button and use this code xfa.sourceSet.prueba.addNew();
    but in the debugger this message appears:
    TypeError: xfa.sourceSet.prueba has no properties
    My data connection is with microsoft access (local mode). When i configure the data connection i make the test and it says test succes, but...
    how do i know if the connection is really made when i open my form in acrobat? I only need to do new data conection in designer and create de button or a need to configure something else?
    When i create the button ... i only need copy in the javascript window...
    or do i need something else?
    I am a newbie with this... and sorry about my english.
    hope someone can help me with this problem, thanks in advance

  • How to save data from a server log to the java dictionary table?

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    Can somebody help how to achieve this? Please help!
    Thanks & regards

    Hi folks, Give some inputs here....
    Thanks & regards

  • How to write data from query into Real time cube?

    Hi All,
    Can anyone explain me step by step how to write data into a real time cube from front end queries.
    Thanks in advance

    You can do this using Integrated Planning
    You need to create a aggregation level on the Real Time infocube and can create Planning function/sequence, Variables if needed.
    Then you can create query on this aggregation level and you can make the keyfigures Input ready in property pane and you can change the data and save it into cube.
    Please find below help link which clearly explains step by step about Integrated Planning like creating input ready queries etc.,

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    We will be much obliged you for your recomendations and advices.

    Hi Igor,
    I'm not aware of any standard out of the box mechanisms for moving Sales data back into SAP ERP. There are some delivered "retractors" for business scenarios like financial planning and consolidations where updated data is sent back to SAP ERP in a closed loop scenario. These retractors have been written in ABAP.
    I would suggest that you search the latest BI content to see if there is anything for sales data retraction. There might also be information in SAP note on how to do this in code.
    To send data from BI, you can also use the 'open hub' feature to extract the BI data to a DB table or file for example. This could then be read by a program to load SAP ERP. The loading would have to be custom development.
    Sorry I can't help you more - I fear you will most definitely have some custom development in this case.

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