Inserting my logo

I am trying to insert my logo into the corner of a video I made and am having troubles. I have the image in a separate video track and it appears alright. The problem is that I want to image to appear all of the time and it does not work with the transitions between scenes. It seems to cancel the transitions out for some reason. Do anyone have any idea how to fix this?

As DH says. We clal this watermarking, sometimes.
I'd do it this way:
Create a new sequence, call it "with watermark."
Go back to your original and delete the logo track.
Render the original sequence completely.
Export the original as a self-contained movie.
Import the new movie.
Drop it on your new "with watermark" sequence and add your watermark logo to V2.
I suggest you do it this way because you will probably be making changes to the original work and you will want to have the ability to deliver it without the logo. Doing the watermark as a last step enables you stay flexible.
you can also use the sophisticated watermark feature of Compressor to burn in logos. It's cool but a bit difficult to grasp at first. Work with short clips til lyou get the hang of it.

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    Steps to insert a logo,
    1. First save the file as BMP
    2. Open the BMP file in IMaging (Goto -> Programs -> Accessories -> Imaging) and
    make it Zoom as 100% and save as *.TIFF
    3. Open SE38 and execute program RSTXLDMC
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    6. TEXT ID will be ZHEX-MACRO-*.
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    1 ) create a bmp file in local system
    2 )RSTXLDMC FM to upload image in tiff format.
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    Re: Uploading a (Image) Logo in your Sap Script
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    I'm not certain, but I think, if there's not a background color saved as part of the original file, you'll retain the transparency. Give it a try.
    What application are you using to create the original file?

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    We have no idea what the problem is or how you applied the logo from that brief description!

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    Hi Kranthi
    Sorry but this is still not included with the 11g release.
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    To create a logo in SAP printouts just do the following
    1. Save a Logo using Imaging, Paint shop Pro or Corel Draw as Tiff file.
    2. Run program RSTXLDMC and enter the following parameters
    Enter file name C:\COMPLOGO.TIF
    UOM CM
    Line width for text 132
    Text ID ST
    Text language = E
    Number of Tiff gray levels (2,4,9) 2
    3. Then Create a new window 'COMP' with attributes;
    Window COMP description Company Logo
    Left margin 7.00 CH window width 10.00 CH
    Upper margin LN window height 8.00 LN
    Finally in the text element, mention
    Please note that if object name is not indicated as 'ZHEX...’ the logo may not be printed!
    You will not be able to see the logo in a test print. The same will be printed in actual printout.
    Reward points if useful

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    No, you need to place them in a graphical window only

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    I am afraid that printing logos via ALV is not possible, since the output stream
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    This is super easy. If you click and drag the image you want over the top of your clip and select picture in picture you will be able to do this.
    Check out this link if you need the steps on how to do this:
    It's a great resource if you have questions about iMovie.
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my video or link.

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    Set rptDoc = Documents.Add("C:\templates\example.dotx")
    rptDoc.SaveAs fileName:="C:\....................docx", _
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    Sub SetBkMarkPic(xDoc As Document, xBkName As String, xFile As String)
    ' Set bookmark in document. Add file to bookmark
    If xDoc.Bookmarks.Exists(xBkName) Then
    xDoc.Bookmarks(xBkName).Range.Text = ""
    Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture fileName:=xFile
    End If
    End Sub

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    Make another master and apply it to the first page.
    Take care, Mike

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    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("c:\\java\\nm_logo-medium.jpeg");
              JLabel image = new JLabel(icon,JLabel.CENTER);
              image.setBounds(10, 10, 20, 20);
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    p1.add(image);your adding the image 2 times, to 2 different containers, add the image to one of the container & ensure that the container is added to the frame & is visible.
    hope this helps u.

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    Firefox 4 requires at least OS X 10.5 and an Intel Mac.
    For Mac OS X 10.4.11 or Mac OS X 10.5.8 you can look at:
    Firefox 3.6.x can be found here:


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    thankx in advance

    Check the following code:
    * Type declarations.....................
    TYPES pict_line(256) TYPE c.
    * data declarations......................
    DATA :init,
          container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
          editor    TYPE REF TO cl_gui_textedit,
          picture   TYPE REF TO cl_gui_picture,
          pict_tab TYPE TABLE OF pict_line,
          url(255) TYPE c.
    CALL SCREEN 100.
    * Dialog modules......................................
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      IF init is initial.
        init = 'X'.
               container  EXPORTING container_name = 'PICTURE_CONTAINER',
               picture    EXPORTING parent = container.
      IMPORT pict_tab = pict_tab FROM DATABASE abtree(pi) ID 'ENJOY'.
                type    = 'IMAGE'
                subtype = 'GIF'
                data    = pict_tab
                url     = url.
      CALL METHOD picture->load_picture_from_url EXPORTING url = url.
      CALL METHOD picture->set_display_mode
           EXPORTING display_mode = picture->display_mode_fit_center.
    MODULE cancel INPUT.

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