Inserts into Global Temporary Table

I'm working on using a global temporary table in one of my apps. I have a small test run here to isolate the problem. It simply creates the global temporary table, inserts a row, commits and then does a select to see if the insert worked. No data shows in the table when running this. I don't know much about global temp tables, so any help would be appreciated.

So I wonder what else I'm doing wrong that's really obvious. Here's what i'm trying to accomplish and maybe there's a better way of going about it.
I have a trigger that is supposed to do some validation before the insert is allowed to go through. So here's my approach. I have a trigger fired when there's an insert into the AS_Employee_history table. This passes some of the fields from this insert into a proc (the id, a flag and a couple of dates). Within the proc, i create a global temp table, insert these passed values into the temp table. Then I have a cursor to basically copy the rows from the as_employee_history table that have the same id. Then I can do some selects on the temp table to see if it passes the validation.
I have outputs throughout for debugging and it gets to right after the inserts into the temp table, then the rest of the code doesn't appear to be executed. So it looks like it's failing at the execution of select statements on the temp table. Anything else obvious that I"m missing here?
Here's my proc.
v_prev_effective_end date;
v_flag_count number;
v_flag_count_date number;
--variables to store dynamic sql returns
v_sql_flag_count_date varchar2(255);
v_sql_flag_count varchar2(255);
v_sql_prev_eff_end varchar2(255);
cursor c_row is
r_row c_row%ROWTYPE;
Status := 'Started';
v_status := true;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Creating temporary table...');
     DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Validating the data...');
     --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inserting submitted row into temp table');
--Insert the new row being submitted from user into the temp table
''' || NEW_CURRENT_FLAG || ''',
to_date(''' || to_char(NEW_EFFECTIVE_START, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss') || ''', ''mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss''),
to_date(''' || to_char(NEW_EFFECTIVE_END, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss') || ''', ''mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss''))';
--Insert the other rows to we end up with a subset of the employee history table
--with only rows that match the sbi_employee_id of the submitted row
     --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Inserting into temp table...');
open c_row;
fetch c_row into r_row;
exit when c_row%NOTFOUND;
VALUES(' || r_row.SBI_EMPLOYEE_ID || ',
''' || r_row.CURRENT_FLAG || ''',
to_date(''' || to_char(r_row.EFFECTIVE_START, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss') || ''', ''mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss''),
to_date(''' || to_char(r_row.EFFECTIVE_END, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss') || ''', ''mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss''))';
end loop;
close c_row;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('After inserts');
-----Store queries to determine values for validation--------------------------
v_sql_prev_eff_end := 'SELECT to_char(max(effective_end), ''dd-mon-yy'')
where to_char(EFFECTIVE_END, ''dd-mon-yy'') != ''31-dec-99'' AND
--Find the largest effective_end, besides the 9999 value
execute immediate v_sql_prev_eff_end into v_prev_effective_end;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The highest previous end date: ' || v_prev_effective_end);
--...........Validation testing...........
execute immediate 'DROP TABLE AGENT_SILO.AS_TEMP_VALIDATE'; --Drop temp table
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Validation Procedure Complete');
When Others Then
Status := SQLERRM;
Thanks a bunch for helping a noob out.

Similar Messages

  • Insert slow into Global Temporary Table...

    I am working with a stored procedure that does a select into a global temporary table and it is really slow. I have read up on the append hint and know that it is not a solution since GTT's are in the temporary table space which are thus always appended and never have logs.
    Is there something else that I need to know about performance for GTT? I find it hard to believe that Oracle would find it acceptable to take 50 seconds to insert 3300 rows.

    My apologies in advance as my skill level with Oracle is not as high as I would like for this type of analysis and remediation.
    I had thought of it being the select as well but if I run it by itself it takes about 1 second. The interesting part is when I explain plan on it with the Insert, the SQL plan changes.
    Here is the Non-insert explain plan:
    <code class="jive-code jive-java">
    Plan hash value: 3474166068
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
    | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 51 | 8 (38)| 00:00:01 |
    | 1 | HASH GROUP BY | | 1 | 51 | 8 (38)| 00:00:01 |
    | 2 | VIEW | VM_NWVW_1 | 1 | 51 | 7 (29)| 00:00:01 |
    | 3 | HASH UNIQUE | | 1 | 115 | 7 (29)| 00:00:01 |
    | 4 | NESTED LOOPS | | | | | |
    | 5 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 115 | 6 (17)| 00:00:01 |
    | 6 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 82 | 5 (20)| 00:00:01 |
    | 7 | SORT UNIQUE | | 1 | 23 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 9 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IDX_PDSEG$MTR_SEGID | 1 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 10 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | FC_FFMTR_DAILY | 1 | 59 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 11 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | FC_FFMTRDLY_IDX10 | 2461 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 12 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | FC_METER_PK | 1 | | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 13 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | FC_METER | 1 | 33 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    9 - access("SM"."SEGID"=584)
    10 - filter(TO_DATE(TO_CHAR("V"."MEASUREMENT_DAY"),'YYYYMMDD')>=TO_DATE(' 2002-01-01 00:00:00',
    'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND TO_DATE(TO_CHAR("V"."MEASUREMENT_DAY"),'YYYYMMDD')<TO_DATE(' 2003-01-01
    00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND ("V"."ADJUSTED_TOTAL_VOLUME"<>0.0 OR
    11 - access("V"."METER_NUMBER"="SM"."METER_ID")
    12 - access("M"."METER_NUMBER"="V"."METER_NUMBER")
    Here is the Insert explain plan:
    <code class="jive-code jive-java">
    Plan hash value: 4282493455
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time |
    | 0 | INSERT STATEMENT | | 39 | 2886 | | 7810 (1)| 00:01:34 |
    | 2 | HASH GROUP BY | | 39 | 2886 | | 7810 (1)| 00:01:34 |
    |* 3 | HASH JOIN RIGHT SEMI | | 39 | 2886 | | 7809 (1)| 00:01:34 |
    | 4 | VIEW | VW_NSO_1 | 1 | 10 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 5 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 27 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 6 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | PK_PEAKSPEAKDAYSEG | 1 | 4 | | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 7 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | PEAKSPEAKDAYSEG$METERMASTER | 1 | 23 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 8 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IDX_PDSEG$MTR_SEGID | 1 | | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    | 9 | VIEW | PEAKS_RP_PEAKDAYMETER | 3894 | 243K| | 7807 (1)| 00:01:34 |
    | 10 | SORT UNIQUE | | 3894 | 349K| 448K| 7807 (1)| 00:01:34 |
    | 11 | NESTED LOOPS | | | | | | |
    | 12 | NESTED LOOPS | | 3894 | 349K| | 7722 (1)| 00:01:33 |
    | 13 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | FC_METER | 637 | 21021 | | 18 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 14 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | FC_FFMTRDLY_IDX11 | 6 | | | 10 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 15 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| FC_FFMTR_DAILY | 6 | 354 | | 12 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    3 - access("METER_ID"="METER_ID")
    6 - access("GS"."SEGID"=584)
    8 - access("SM"."SEGID"=584)
    14 - access("M"."METER_NUMBER"="V"."METER_NUMBER")
    filter(TO_DATE(TO_CHAR("V"."MEASUREMENT_DAY"),'YYYYMMDD')>=TO_DATE(' 2002-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd
    hh24:mi:ss') AND TO_DATE(TO_CHAR("V"."MEASUREMENT_DAY"),'YYYYMMDD')<TO_DATE(' 2003-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd
    15 - filter("V"."ADJUSTED_TOTAL_VOLUME"<>0.0 OR ROUND("V"."ADJUSTED_TOTAL_ENERGY",3)<>0.0)
    As you can see there is a real spike in the cost and yet the only thing that was done was the addition of the Insert to GTT. From what I can ascertain the solution may be in an alternate SQL or finding some way to push Oracle into running the query as it would have for the first execution (non-insert).
    I tried creating a simple view out of the SELECT statement to see if that would precompile it but in the end it ran exactly the same way.
    The next thing that I am going to try is removing the PEAKS_RP_PEAKDAYMETER view by going more direct.
    I have not done the trace file analysis yet. Should I still do that?

  • How to Insert into a temporary table

    Hi Experts,
    I have created a temp table in sql from vfp using the #prefix. But when I issue an insert command sqlexec returns negative.
    The code which I have used :
    =sqlexec(oConn, "Create table #smenu (code_ varchar(1), name_ varchar(50))")
    Table created successfully under tempdb database of sql
    m_result=sqlexec(oConn, "insert into #smenu values ('100','Police')")
    m_result returns negative.
    Kindly help.

    Try to create a permanent table:
    =sqlexec(oConn, "Create table temp_smenu (code_ varchar(1), name_ varchar(50))")
    m_result=sqlexec(oConn, "insert into temp_smenu values ('100','Police')")
    Temporary table has limited visibility.
    You need to drop table temp_smenu when finished.
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Design & Programming
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Performance issue with Oracle Global Temporary table

    Oracle version : - Production
    We have an application in Java / Oracle. Users request comes in XML and oracle parser parses it and inserts it into Global temporary tables and then Business Stored procedure picks data from these GTT's and do the required processing.
    in the end data required response data is again inserted into response GTT's from which Response XML is generated.
    Question : Is the use of Global temporary tables in Oracle degrades performance as we have large number of GTT's in our application approx. 5-600 such tables.
    Vikas Kumar

    Hi All,
    Here is architecture of my application:
    Java application creates XML from the screen values and then inserts that XML
    into a framework(separate DB schema) table . then Java calls a Stored Procedure from same framework DB and in SP we have following steps.
    1. It fatches XML from the XML type table and inserts XML into screen specific XML TYPE table in the framework DB Schema. This table has a trigger which parses XML and then inserts XML values into GTT which are created in separate product schemas.
    2. it calls Product SP and then in product SP we have business logic. Product SP
    does the execution and then inserts response into Response GTT.
    3. Response XML is created by using XML generation function and response GTT.
    I hope u will understand my architeture this time and now let me know if GTT are good in this scenario or not. also please not that i need data in GTT only during execution and not after that. i dont want to do specific delete which i have to do if i am using normal tables.
    Vikas Kumar

  • Global Temporary table and REDO

    Dear Friends,
    In my production database we are facing problem of excessive redo generation. After initial analysis, we realised that we are using a lot global temporary tables for storing temp data/calculations and they are generating redo.
    I know that GTT doesn’t create redo but as it creates UNDO and undo is protected by redo therefore it creates some redo but lesser than normal table.
    I google and found that if I use direct path insertion (using APPEND hint) into Global temporary table the I can avoid this redo generation as specified in this link (
    I tried this solution in my GTT but its not making any difference with APPEND clause. Please check following results. Could you please guide me if I am doing something wrong or any other way to avoid redo on GTT.
    JM@ORA10G>insert into JM_temp values(1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa');
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    Execution Plan
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
    | 0 | INSERT STATEMENT | | 1 | 100 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    0 recursive calls
    2 db block gets
    1 consistent gets
    0 physical reads
    *280 redo size*
    918 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    967 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    6 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    1 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    1     rows processed
    JM@ORA10G>rollback ;
    Rollback complete.
    JM@ORA10G>insert * into JM_temp values(1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa');
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    Execution Plan
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
    | 0 | INSERT STATEMENT | | 1 | 100 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    0 recursive calls
    2 db block gets
    1 consistent gets
    0 physical reads
    *280 redo size*
    917 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    981 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    6 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    1 sorts (memory)
    0 sorts (disk)
    1     rows processed

    I tried avoiding GTT in my code but I realised that they are so tightly integrated that i cannot remove them. Operations which I am perfroming on my GTT are
    1. Insertion of data
    2. Fetch data from main tables with joins on GTT
    3. Update GTT with calculated values.
    My understanding it Update steps are generating maximum redo.
    Please help me how can i reduce my redo generation in such scenarios.

  • Global Temporary table is Not working For Pdf Reports

    Hi all
    we are using oracle db-10g, developer suite-10g.
    While generating the Report for the satisfying several conditions we are fetching the data into
    Global temporary table
    On commit preserve rows
    from this temp tables excel is generated properly. but pdf is not generating can anybody exaplain why it is not generating and what to do for that
    Thank you

    query and view are not possible
    here i am giving one of the requirement
    my project is belongs to inventory project.
    report should be generated on the different selection criteria like
    1)user can select one or more product codes
    2)for that product code one or more item codes can select
    like this so many different selection are there more than 12 selections from different tables
    For this each different selection product code into gtt_prod_cd and item_cd into gtt_item_cd. after that performed the query and in where clause we are comparing the values with gtt.
    can you please suggest me what to do for PDF Reports

  • Direct Path Loading Issues with Global Temporary Tables - OCI & OCILib

    I am writing some code to import data into a warehouse from a CPU grid which computes risk data. Due to the fact a computing grid is used there will be many clients which can load the data concurrently and at any point in time.
    Currently the import uses Binding in OCCI and chunking with a prepared statement to import the data into a global temporary table in a staging area after which a stored procedure is called within the same session which will process the data and load the data into a star schema.
    The GTT has the advantage that if any clients have issues no dirty data will be left and each client only sees their own instance of the data.
    I have been looking at using direct path loading to increase the performance of the load and have written some OCI code to perform the same task. I have manged to import the data into a regular heap based table using the OCI direct path apis. However when I try and use the same code to import against a Global Temporary Table I get an OCI Error (ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [6979], [16], [1], [1318528], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [])
    I get error when the function OCIDirPathPrepare is executed. The same issue occurs in both OCI and OCILib.
    Is it not possible to use Direct Path Loading against a Global Temporry Table ? Because you can use the /*+ APPEND */ hint and load global temporary tables this way from tools like SQL Devloper / toad which is surely informing the SQL Engine to use Direct Path ?
    Looking at the table USER_OBJECTS I can see that for a Global Temporary Table the DATA_OBJECT_ID is null. Does this mean that it is impossible to us a direct path load into Global Temporary Tables ?
    Any ideas / suggestions would be really appreciated. If this means redesigning the application then I would appreciate suggestions which would allow many client to quick write processes in a parallel fashion. If this means creating a new parition in a Heap Table for each writer and direct path loading into this table then so be it.
    Edited by: 813640 on 19-Nov-2010 11:08

    Replying to my own message in case anyone else is interested.
    I have now managed to successfully load data using direct path into a global temporary table with OCI. There appears to be no reason why this approach will not work.
    I loaded data into the temporary table and then issued a select count(*) on the table from within the session and from a new session. The results were as expected.
    The resaon for the ORA-006000 error was due to the fact that I had enabled table level parallel loading
    OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) context, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_DIRPATH_CTX, *(ub1) 1*, (ub4)0, (ub4) OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_PARALLEL, errhp)
    When loading a Global Temporary Table the OCI_ATTR_DIRPATH_PARALLEL attribute needs to be zero
    This makes sense, since the temp table does not have any partitions so it would not be possible to write in parallel to multiple paritions.
    Edited by: 813640 on 22-Nov-2010 08:42

  • Can you SELECT INTO a temporary table?

    I was wondering if you can do this and what the syntax would be. I tried to SELECT INTO GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE and it didn't work.

    If you are looking to Create a GTT, load data into it and then be able to select from the GTT after createion, you'll need to remember to preserve the rows after a commit e.g.:
    create global temporary table gtemp on commit preserve rows as select * from tab;
    However, your question is a bit on the vague side as to EXACTLY what you are wanting to do.
    As an addendum
    It didn't work is a completely useless statement without telling us how you know it didn't work
    Message was edited by:

  • Global Temporary Table - Nulls Returned.

    I have written a search, which has one text box and scans across many different fields in a table. If you have multiple search terms separated by commas, I look for the results to have BOTH. The same would apply for even more search terms.
    To accomplish this I do the following:
    -- 1.) split the string with function, receive array of search terms.
    -- 2.) LOOP: Open Loop and move to first element of Array.
    -- 3.) find individual term (array element) in table (fields in question use CONTEXT indexing).
    -- 4.) Place list of results (PK) into Global Temporary table.
    -- 5.) Move to next array position.
    -- 6.) Repeat steps 3,4,5 until array is exhausted
    -- 7.) END LOOP:
    -- 8.) select PK list having COUNT(*) = # of terms in array.
    -- 9.) Select data from main table where pk in (list of terms from temp table).
    The procedure works fine in PL/SQL Developer and Toad. The results are reliable and accurate.
    When we try to run this through JDeveloper - we have problems. Either we get a return set of "NULL", or we get odd results that imply that the search has run through only one term of the two.
    We have researched this and setAutoCommit off.
    I am reaching out for suggestions on additional things which might be interfering with the Java connection, before I attempt to place a support call to Oracle.

    Not sure were can help you as this its a complicated use case which can't be rebuild easily by us.
    Still, you should medium your jdev version and how you call the pl /sql function which produces three results in the global Temp table.
    Can you please explain when exactly you get null or funny results?
    I have worked with temp take a while back and had no such issues.

  • Loop Cursor Fetch Insert Rows Into Global Temporay Table

    Hi friends,
    I want to know there where is the problem in my this query
    cursor c1 is select empno
    from scott.emp;
    b number;
    open c1;
         fetch c1 into b;
         exit when c1%notfound;
    insert into scheema.a1
         end loop;
         close c1;
    There is no any error displaying while proceeding this query but the table a1 which is (Global temporary table with ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS option enabled) does not gets any records. Kindly let me know the problem.

    Are you sure that the query returns date? Are you checking the table via the same session?
    SQL> create global temporary table a1 (
      a  number)
      on commit preserve rows
    Table created.
    SQL> declare
       cursor c1 is select empno
          from scott.emp;
       b number;
       open c1;
          fetch c1 into b;
          exit when c1%notfound;
          insert into a1
       end loop;
       close c1;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from a1
    14 rows selected.

  • Weird issue: Partial data inserted when reading from Global temporary table

    I have a complex sql query that fetches 88k records. This query uses a global temporary table which is the replica of one of our permanent tables. When I do Create using this query it inserts only fewer records (66k or lesser). But when I make the query point to the permanent table it inserts all 88k records.
    1. I tried running the select query separately using temp and perm table. Both retrieves 88k records.
    2. From debugging I found that this problem occurred when we were trying to perform a left outer join on an inline view.
    However this problem got resolved when I used the /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ hint.
    From my limited oracle knowledge I assume that it is the problem with the query and how it is processed in the memory.
    Can someone clarify what is happening behind the scenes and if there is a better solution?

    user3437160 wrote:
    I have a complex sql query that fetches 88k records. This query uses a global temporary table which is the replica of one of our permanent tables. When I do Create using this query it inserts only fewer records (66k or lesser). But when I make the query point to the permanent table it inserts all 88k records.
    1. I tried running the select query separately using temp and perm table. Both retrieves 88k records.
    2. From debugging I found that this problem occurred when we were trying to perform a left outer join on an inline view.
    However this problem got resolved when I used the /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ hint.
    From my limited oracle knowledge I assume that it is the problem with the query and how it is processed in the memory.
    Can someone clarify what is happening behind the scenes and if there is a better solution?
    Thanksmight specifics be OS & Oracle version dependent?
    How to ask question
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ

  • Problem with GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE  into SP

    im trying to create a temporary table into a sp but it show me an error , this is the store
         Select * from Customer where NAME = 'LOPEZ';
    END sp_sample

    You can't execute DDL directly in PL/SQL, it's not supported.
    You can, however, use Native Dynamic SQL to do this in the following manner:
       execute immediate 'create table t(x int)';
    end;You will need to use the autonomous_transaction pragma to maintain transactional integrity.
    But you may want to think about WHY you are doing this in a SP. You should probably just create the global temporary table as a permanent database object. It's refreshed on commit anyway -- I think you're missing the point slightly.

  • Creating a Global Temporary Table on non-default TEMP tablespace.

    Hello ,
    I am using Oracle 11g.
    I have a procedure which create global temporary tables for its functionality. As the data which is going in the global temporary table , mean the data which is going in the default TEMP tablesapce is too huge ..... billions of rows..
    So what i want to do is , I want to create the global temporary table in another TEMP2 tablespace ( which is not the default one) so the load of billions of rows of data will be shifted to TEMP2. The default TEMP tablespace will not be affected and it can be used for other transactions.
    Is this possible. Can i shift the global temporary table from TEMP( Default temp tablespace) to TEMP2 ( the non-default temp tablespace) ????
    Please guide me with proper solutions and examples ....
    Thanks in advance ..

    DBA4 wrote:
    Hello ,
    I am using Oracle 11g.
    I have a procedure which create global temporary tables for its functionality. As the data which is going in the global temporary table , mean the data which is going in the default TEMP tablesapce is too huge ..... billions of rows..
    So what i want to do is , I want to create the global temporary table in another TEMP2 tablespace ( which is not the default one) so the load of billions of rows of data will be shifted to TEMP2. The default TEMP tablespace will not be affected and it can be used for other transactions.
    Is this possible. Can i shift the global temporary table from TEMP( Default temp tablespace) to TEMP2 ( the non-default temp tablespace) ????
    Global temporary tables are instantiated in the temporary tablespace of the schema that inserts the data - not into "the default" temporary tablespace.
    Assume Schema1 creates a GTT and grants all on that table to schema2
    Assume schema1 also creates a procedure (authid owner, the default) to insert data into the GTT and grants execute on the procedure to schema2
    If schema2 executes: insert into schema1.gtt, the data will appear in the temporary tablespace of schema2
    If schema2 executes: execute schema1.procedure, the data will appear in the temporary tablespace of schema1
    So if you want to protect the "normal" temporary tablespace, you could just create a special temporary tablespace for the owner of the procedure.
    Jonathan Lewis

  • Transaction with Global Temporary Table

    Transaction starts with few DML statements and in the middle we are calling a JAVA method which creates the dynamic global temporary table and proceeding with few DML statements, if one of the statement fails, in the exception clause we are trying to rollback and transactions after the DDL (create global temp table) are rolled back and transactions before the DDL (create global temp table) are committed.
    We cannot pre-create the global temporary table, since we do not know the number of temp table to be pre-created.
    How we can resolve this issue? The same concept works for SQL server.
    Example of our issue:
    --drop table table1 purge;
    --drop table t_id purge;
    Create table table1 (col1 number, col2 varchar2(20));
    Insert into table1 values (1, 'Test1');
    Create global temporary table t_id (id number);
    Insert into table1 values (2, 'Test2');
    After the rollback you can see only the 'Test1' record.

    > We cannot pre-create the global temporary table, since we do not know the number of temp table to be pre-created.
    I don't see how one procedure could need to create an unknown number of temporary tables. Do they all have different (and unknown) column lists? Couldn't you combine them into a single table with a key to distinguish betweeen the different sets of rows?

  • Global temporary table in PL/SQL called from APEX page

    I have a global temporary table in a PL/SQL procedure that is called from an APEX page.
    The global temp table is populated with data as the procedure runs and then at the end of the procedure I do a create_collection_from_query_b to populate a collection with the data from the temp table. (I do this b/c it is much faster than creating the collection and doing an add_member for each row.)
    The problem is that there are no commits in my procedure but I cannot get the bulk insert to work unless I define the temp table as on commit preserve rows.
    Can anyone shed any light on this issue.

    alamantia wrote:
    My PL/SQL procedure is called from an after submit page process. Does that imply that there is a commit happening after that process is successful?Ultimately, yes.
    If the process calls the PL/SQL procedure and the temp table is in the procedure, wouldn't the commit fire after all the PL/SQL code is complete which would be after the bulk insert from the temp table to my collection?Yes, but at any point in the procedure containing code like
    :APEX_ITEM := ...or
    select ... into :APEX_ITEM from ...or
    my_procedure(p_in => ..., p_out => :APEX_ITEM, ...);or
    apex_util.set_session_state(...);then APEX will commit whilst maintaining session state.
    If you don't have any of these events in the procedure, then test to see if the commit is occurring in <tt>apex_collection.create_collection_from_query_b</tt> prior to creation of the collection.

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