Inspection characteristics wrt the operation

hi friends,
my clent uses 10 operations for the production of the finished product. in 4 th 7th and 10 th operation the material passes through Quality insp stages. how can i configure it in routing.?i do not have qm module implemented in my clients company?it is in MTS Scenario for a tool manufacturing company, where quality plays a major role.  please suggest ,

If QM is implimented then proceed as below
Activate type insp type 03 in material master
Create inspection char  i.e. MIC in QS21 and other master data like sampling
Create a routing with 4th, 7th and 11 operation with cotrol key having insp char tick
Assign the MIC created to differnt operation as required by QA dept
create Prod order and release. System will create INSP lot with differnt MIC
Do the inspection and proceed.

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    Hello Jomy,
    Ok so you were asking the same for Production order. You wrote routing operation and my mind stuck there since I read it. I was searching for it. You make good exercised to me. LOL!!!
    Anyways, in the production or process order the unplanned MIC does the same task of job what it used to de in QE51N or any other RR work sheet. And you can assign the Unplanned MIC to Pro. Order itself to the relevant operation. Let it be gray there, you just follow the steps to attach an unplanned MIC to Operation in the Order, and the same will be reflated to RR screen also.
    - Select the operation line item.
    - Now follow the path,,, Operation->Function for phase / for operation->Unplanned Inspection characteristics.
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    Eduardo, thanks for your response!
    After spending a few more hours wrestling with the bus, I came up with a solution! :)
    So, I implemented dynamic routing as described here:
    I used the following XQuery expression to extract operation name from the message: fn:local-name($body/*)
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    hi hima
    there may be one solution that if you maintained separate master recipe for rework and maintained inspection characteristics there.and while creating rework order assign that master recipe. that would help you to result record.
    and one more solution is that you have to maintained inspection characteristics for your rework phase in the master recipe.
    if any query please come back
    Edited by: pravin dhokey on Jan 15, 2009 10:01 AM

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    Hi Ananthram,
    instead of using the standard batch input program, you could also create a new recording that performs exactly the tasks you need. Mark "Batch-input-recording" and click on Overview. From there, you can start recording your transactions.
    I hope this helps and solves your issue.

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    I found the solutions.
    and pass inspection lot no and operation no and check read_char_requirement
    we can find the content in the result table.

  • Inspection RR should be allowed for the operation confirmed qty only

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    I have one requirement , Inspection results recording should be allowed for the operation confirmed qty only
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        2. Inspection Lot created for 100 qty
        3. Production Confirmation done for 1st operation for 50 qty
        4. Next operation is testing or Quality inspection
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        6. Result Recording should be allowed only for 50 Qty
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        8. Usage decision saved for 50 qty, Remaining 50 qty,we have to do separate RR & UD once confirmation done
    Please let me know the settings,
    Thanks & Regards

    Hello Gajendra
    Please find my inputs
    1) PLease activate in OPK4 for the production order type these 3 setting
    a) Operation sequence :  Error when operation sequence is not followed
    b) Overdelivery : Error when overdelivery tolerance is exceeded
    c) Results Rec. (QM) : Error message if no insp. result exists
    by doing this a) you make the sequence of operation mandatory. no body can confirm operation no 30 without confirming 10 & 20
    b) if you have confirmed 50 in the first operation, you cannot confirm more than 50 in second operation
    c) it will not allow you to confirm through C011n if the result recording is not done
    2) Kindly understand for 03 inspection the lot quantity will be of 100 (PO quantity as in your case). so it is impossible to give UD for 50 quantity and then do the UD for the rest of the quantity.
    UD is for the lot and not for the confirmed quantity. And please note for 03 inspection confirmation holds the importance rather than the UD
    So use 03 for intend of its use

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    thanks in advance

    Use the BAPI,
    <b>BAPI_INSPCHAR_GETRESULT</b> to get the deatils.
    also look at this BAPI <b>BAPI_INSPOPER_GETCHAR</b>
    Message was edited by:
            Sudheer Junnuthula

  • Can we create 2 inspection lots at the time of goods receipt.

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         Can we create two inspection lots at the time of goods receipt from vendor.I will assign two inspection types in material master
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    I think I made this recommendation in a previous post concerning this but this is exactly what reference operation sets are created for.
    Create the reference operation set for the characteristics that are used for all the materials.  You create this once.
    When you create the sepcific plan for the individual materials, you include the reference operation as one of the operations, (probably the first one in your case).  You don't have to add characteristics, modify or change it.  All the characeristics and settings come from the reference operation.  If you need to make a change you edit the reference operation and make the change once.   The change is immediately seen in all newly created inspection lots.
    In a second operation of the plan, you add the characteristics specific to the material.
    You can add different workcenters to the operations if you want.  That way you can set up security on the workcenters and control who can record results against which operations.
    Aside from creating lots manually, you can't create two lots at the same time from the same GR.

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    We're creating production orders to perform production rework on assemblies using transaction CO07. 
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    Is there a way to manually force in an inspection for an operation on a CO07 order?

    We cannot do a inspection for a production order unless it has material assigned to it and the material got QM inspection type relevant to that.
    Lenin. A

  • QM Inspection Characteristics table

    I am designing Inspection Report for QM Module, the thing is i am unable to find the tables for the data
    1. Characteristic Specifications
    2. Characteristic Results 
    like Characteristic Related complete data. And also can any one tell me what is the relation between Operation & Charaterisitics in the Inspection Processing?
    Like the table used for that !!
    Waiting for ur reply....

    Following is the list of related tables.
    QALS - Inspection lot record : This is the table where you can get all the inspection lot numbers
    QAMV - Characteristic specifications for inspection processing
    QAMR - Characteristic results during inspection processing
    QASR - Sample results for inspection characteristics
    QASE - Results table for the sample unit
    QASE and QASR give the results for individual samples and partial samples
    To get the operation for the particular characteristic, call function module QEEA_READ_SINGLE_OPERATION
    Pass AUFPL from QALS, VORGLFNR from QAMR and PRUEFLOS from QAMR to the function module as shown below.
    The FM returns the value of operation VORNR in structure e_qapo.
    call function 'QEEA_READ_SINGLE_OPERATION'
              i_aufpl            = <fs_qals>-aufpl
              i_plnkn            = <fs_qamr>-vorglfnr
              i_prueflos       = <fs_qamr>-prueflos
              e_qapo_wa    = e_qapo
              not_found       = 1
              others             = 2
    Hope you'll find this useful.

  • Related to Inspection Characteristics load issue

    Hi All,
    I am trying to load inspection charatceristics - please see my requirement below
    Can we use the standard SAP program for Equipment Task lists to load the Inspection Characteristics associated with the Operations?
    Transaction (IA01)
    The program works fine for Header and Operations (One to Many, PLKO to PLPO) but does not have a separate structure for PLMK (Inspection Characteristics) but has a structure IBIPBDCD to use.
    What we're trying to achieve basically is One Header, Many Operations each having many Inspection Characteristics
    In the current state the program can add one Inspection Characteristic to the First operation, is it possible to add "BDC Commands" to the file in such a way to
    1. "Position on particular" operation (i.e. Position Cursor and select line on screen SAPLCPDI 3400 where PLPOD-VORNR = 'xxxx')?
    2. Go back to the operations screen (i.e. SAPLCPDI 3400) at the end of each Inspection Characteristic entry in order to be able to position on either the same operation to add an Inspection characteristic or to position on a different operation (not necessarily the next one)
    Could you please help me with this issue?

    It is possible, Get help from ABAP.
    Thanks & Rgards

  • Manually Installed Agent is not showing up in the Operations Manager Console Under Pending Management.

    Hi Community,
    I submitted this question because I'm a bit stuck with SCOM 2012 R2, I'll try to explain briefly what is happening right now in my environment,  we have a DEV SCOM Deployment in which all the roles are installed in a single server, this servers is a
    VMware machine running Windows Server 2008R2.
    The Initial installation of the SCOM Operations Manager and all the other components was not performed by me but by a co-worker, unfortunately he doesn't remember much about the initial configuration. So i had to pickup where he left things about a year
    ago, neither of us are SCOM experts, and we have almost no previous experience with previous versions of this application.
    Now the problem that I'm facing is the following, all the DEV Servers are Domain Controllers and one of the indication within the "Guide for System Center Management Pack for Active Directory for Operations Manager 2012" states the following
    Agent-less monitoring
    After my first review I notice that our servers were being monitor by agent-less mode and given the above statement from the Operations Guide the only way that we could ever get those domain controllers monitor by SCOM would be by installing the agent on
    each server, so I read somewhere (Can't remember where) that in order to install the agents in all the servers I should first remove them from the Agent-less node, which I did. Then I tried to use the discovery wizard to get the agent install in all of them
    but it didn't matter how many times I try the servers never show up.
    I read in a Tech Net Article that you had to modify the security settings so SCOM would let me decide if I wanted to approve it or not.
    I performed the suggested steps from the article but still the servers were not showing up, not even if I run the Discovery wizard, so I decided to go and perform the installation manually in a couple of servers I was able to install the agent in one of
    the Domain Controllers, I configured the agent to use a service account that has Domain Admin rights. An hour after I installed the agent I went back to the Operations Console Manager and I check under Pending Action but the Server was not showing up. So i
    went back to the Internet to try to find out if someone else had experience the same problem, and in one website some mentioned that if the servers were not showing up it was probably because they were still register in the SCOM Database, now I have no idea
    of how i can check that or How can i remove them from there to have them available again, but what troubles me the most is that even after i installed the agent manually the server were not being recognize.
    I went to the Event Viewer and I found one particular event that caught my attention, see below :
    Log Name:      Operations Manager
    Source:        Health Service Modules
    Date:          6/12/2014 12:48:19 PM
    Event ID:      11551
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      MyManagementServer
    Computer verification failure for Machine Name: MyManagementServe is 0x800706BA. The RPC server is unavailable.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Health Service Modules" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="49152">11551</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-06-12T16:48:19.000000000Z" />
        <Channel>Operations Manager</Channel>
        <Security />
        <Data>The RPC server is unavailable.</Data>
    Not sure if this is related to the problem that I'm facing right now, but , I make sure that the RPC Services were running and also the related dependencies too. There's no Firewall enable in any of the servers and DNS seems to be working properly.
    Ports 135 / 5723 are open and listening so since I ran out of ideas, I would like to know if some of the experts in this field could perhaps give me some guidelines.
    There's one caveat that I haven't mention yet and that is related to SQL, I checked and my user just has read access to SQL i'm not sure if that could affect this but i think is worth mentioning.
    My main goal is to have all the servers showing up in the Operations Manager Console.
    So thanks all in advance !
    Oscar Loria

    So you can ping and nslookup from your ms to these agents and vice versa right?  I wouldn't do a manual install, I would push the agent from the management server.  You can uninstall the agent manually, or use cleanmom to get rid of them.  Then
    do an install from the console.  When you initiate the install from the console (management server), should it run into any issues it will dump out an error which will give you an idea of where the problem may be.
    From Holmans post on this:
    e MOM Server could not execute WMI Query "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem" on 
    computer “” 
    Operation: Agent Install 
    Install account: DOMAIN\account 
    Error Code: 800706BA 
    Error Description: The RPC server is unavailable.
    The MOM Server could not execute WMI Query "(null)” on 
    computer “” 
    Operation: Agent Install 
    Install account: DOMAIN\account 
    Error Code: 800706BA 
    Error Description: The RPC server is unavailable.
    1.  Ensure agent push account has local admin rights 
    2.  Firewall is blocking NetBIOS access.  If Windows 2008 firewall is enabled, ensure “Remote Administration (RPC)” rule is enabled/allowed.  We need port 135 (RPC) and the DCOM port range opened for console push through a firewall.  
    3.  Inspect WMI service, health, and rebuild repository if necessary 
    4.  Firewall is blocking ICMP  (Live OneCare) 
    5.  DNS incorrect
    Regards, Blake Email: mengotto<at> Blog: If my response was helpful, please mark it as so, if it answered your question, then please also mark it accordingly. Thank you.

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    Use tables MMAPL , MAPL and PLMK as per your requirement.

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