Install 10.2 Grid Control on Windows 2003 Server - Always erorr on Agent

I have a Windows 2003 Server in a Domain and have tried to install several times OEM Grid Control 10g (B30800-01), but every time the last step (Agent Configuration Assistant) prints "Failed" on the OUI-Screen. I checked the log on the directory "cfgtoollogs\cfgfw", but for a beginner it is a little bit difficult to find the key for the error. Somoebody has a minute left to look at it, please? (It's only the last part of the file CfmLogger). Everything else worked fine for the Installation.
Thank's a lot.
INFO: plug-in OMS Configuration has successfully been performed
INFO: CfwProgressMonitor:actionProgress:About to perform Action=configuration Status=is running with ActionStep=2 stepIndex=2 microStep=0
INFO: to execute plug-in Agent Configuration Assistant
INFO: plug-in Agent Configuration Assistant is running
INFO: PlugIn Class: oracle.sysman.emcp.agent.AgentPlugIn
INFO: = D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\jlib\srvm.jar;D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\jlib\srvmhas.jar;D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\oui\jlib\srvm.jar;D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\jlib\agentPlug.jar;D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\jlib\emConfigInstall.jar;D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\jlib\emagentSDK.jar
INFO: Error reading file D:\OracleHomes\db10g\sysman\config\
INFO: for D:\OracleHomes\agent10g and hosts=ora1.ramseier.local returned Port to Use=3872
INFO: the agent
INFO: free port detection on host=ora1.ramseier.local
INFO: DiscoverTargets for racMode=false and request doDiscovery=true, chainedInstall=true,omsOnly=false, iasName=EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local, CRShome=, dbName=emrep.ramseier.local, seedInstall=true, connectDescriptor=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=ORA1)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=emrep.ramseier.local)))
INFO: Agent with agentSecure=true for non RAC
INFO: the agent
INFO: the agent...
INFO: Command: cmd /c D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\bin\emctl.bat secure agent
INFO: Operation Completed with Status = 0
INFO: Agent...
INFO: targets discovery and agent configuration
INFO: with params: eRoot=D:\OracleHomes\agent10g,hname=ora1.ramseier.local...
INFO: on non RAC:
INFO: Command: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\perl.exe D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\admin\discover\ D:\OracleHomes\agent10g ora1.ramseier.local
INFO: Operation Completed with Status = 0
<Target TYPE="host" NAME="ora1.ramseier.local" >
INFO: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outhost file to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
INFO: added target file = D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outhost to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g successfully.
INFO: Command: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\perl.exe D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\admin\discover\ D:\OracleHomes\agent10g ora1.ramseier.local
INFO: Operation Completed with Status = 0
<Target TYPE="oracle_database" NAME="emrep.ramseier.local" >
<Property NAME="OracleHome" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\db10g" />
<Property NAME="UserName" VALUE="dbsnmp" ENCRYPTED="FALSE"/>
<Property NAME="MachineName" VALUE="ora1.ramseier.local" />
<Property NAME="Port" VALUE="1521" />
<Property NAME="SID" VALUE="EMREP"/>
<Property NAME="ServiceName" VALUE="emrep.ramseier.local"/>
<Target TYPE="oracle_listener" NAME="LISTENER_ora1.ramseier.local" >
<Property NAME="ListenerOraDir" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\db10g\network\admin" />
<Property NAME="LsnrName" VALUE="LISTENER" />
<Property NAME="Machine" VALUE="ora1.ramseier.local" />
<Property NAME="OracleHome" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\db10g" />
<Property NAME="Port" VALUE="1521" />
INFO: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outdb file to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
INFO: added target file = D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outdb to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g successfully.
INFO: addPwdinDBTarget for seedInstall=true
INFO: Command: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\perl.exe D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\admin\discover\ D:\OracleHomes\agent10g ora1.ramseier.local D:\OracleHomes\oms10g
INFO: Operation Completed with Status = 0
log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category (emSDK.emd.conf).
log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly.
INFO: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outocs file to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
INFO: added target file = D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outocs to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g successfully.
INFO: Command: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\perl.exe D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\admin\discover\ D:\OracleHomes\agent10g ora1.ramseier.local
INFO: Operation Completed with Status = 0
log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category (emSDK.emd.conf).
log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly.
<Target TYPE="oc4j" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_home" DISPLAY_NAME="home" VERSION="1.3">
<Property NAME="HTTPMachine" VALUE="ora1.ramseier.local"/>
<Property NAME="OracleHome" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\oms10g"/>
<Property NAME="version" VALUE="9.0.4"/>
<AssocTargetInstance ASSOCIATION_NAME="ias" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local" ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_ias"/>
<MemberOf TYPE="oracle_ias" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local"/>
<Target TYPE="oracle_apache" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_HTTP Server" DISPLAY_NAME="HTTP_Server" VERSION="2.0">
<Property NAME="version" VALUE="10.1.2"/>
<Property NAME="HTTPPort" VALUE="80"/>
<Property NAME="HTTPMachine" VALUE="ora1.ramseier.local"/>
<Property NAME="OracleHome" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\oms10g"/>
<AssocTargetInstance ASSOCIATION_NAME="ias" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local" ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_ias"/>
<MemberOf TYPE="oracle_ias" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local"/>
<Target TYPE="oracle_webcache" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_Web Cache" DISPLAY_NAME="Web Cache">
<Property NAME="HTTPProtocol" VALUE="http"/>
<Property NAME="HTTPMachine" VALUE="localhost"/>
<Property NAME="HTTPMachineForAdmin" VALUE="ora1.ramseier.local"/>
<Property NAME="HTTPPath" VALUE="/"/>
<Property NAME="HTTPQuery" VALUE=""/>
<Property NAME="OracleHome" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\oms10g"/>
<Property NAME="MonitorPort" VALUE="9402"/>
<Property NAME="AdminPort" VALUE="9400"/>
<Property NAME="logFileName" VALUE="access_log"/>
<Property NAME="logFileDir" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\oms10g\webcache\logs"/>
<Property NAME="version" VALUE=""/>
<Property NAME="IASInternalName" VALUE="WebCache"/>
<Property NAME="authrealm" VALUE="Oracle Web Cache Administrator"/>
<Property NAME="authuser" VALUE="36cceb58627a6c450d87b23feaca4062" ENCRYPTED="TRUE"/>
<Property NAME="authpwd" VALUE="960c169811d6091c" ENCRYPTED="TRUE"/>
<AssocTargetInstance ASSOCIATION_NAME="ias" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local" ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_ias"/>
<MemberOf TYPE="oracle_ias" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local" ASSOCIATION="null"/>
<Target TYPE="oracle_ias" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local" VERSION="1.0">
<Property NAME="OracleHome" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\oms10g"/>
<Property NAME="host" VALUE="ora1.ramseier.local"/>
<Property NAME="StandaloneConsoleURL" VALUE="http://ora1.ramseier.local:18100/emd/console"/>
<Property NAME="StatusURL" VALUE="http://ora1.ramseier.local:7778"/>
<Target TYPE="oc4j" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_OC4J_EM" DISPLAY_NAME="OC4J_EM">
<Property NAME="HTTPMachine" VALUE="ora1.ramseier.local"/>
<Property NAME="OracleHome" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\oms10g"/>
<Property NAME="version" VALUE="10.1.2"/>
<AssocTargetInstance ASSOCIATION_NAME="ias" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local" ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_ias"/>
<MemberOf TYPE="oracle_ias" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local"/>
<Target TYPE="oc4j" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_OC4J_EMPROV" DISPLAY_NAME="OC4J_EMPROV">
<Property NAME="HTTPMachine" VALUE="ora1.ramseier.local"/>
<Property NAME="OracleHome" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\oms10g"/>
<Property NAME="version" VALUE="10.1.2"/>
<AssocTargetInstance ASSOCIATION_NAME="ias" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local" ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_ias"/>
<MemberOf TYPE="oracle_ias" NAME="EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local"/>
INFO: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outias file to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
INFO: added target file = D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outias to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g successfully.
INFO: the Central Agent home to iAS Homes
INFO: the Central Agent home to D:\OracleHomes\oms10g, VERSION=null
INFO: command=D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\jdk\bin\java -cp D:\OracleHomes\oms10g\jlib\emConfigInstall.jar oracle.sysman.emSDK.conf.TargetInstaller addcentralagent D:\OracleHomes\agent10g D:\OracleHomes\oms10g, for emdRoot=D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
INFO: Command: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\jdk\bin\java -cp D:\OracleHomes\oms10g\jlib\emConfigInstall.jar oracle.sysman.emSDK.conf.TargetInstaller addcentralagent D:\OracleHomes\agent10g D:\OracleHomes\oms10g
INFO: Operation Completed with Status = 0
0 [main] DEBUG emSDK.config - Adding target ora1.ramseier.local:18120 of type oracle_emd to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
9243 [main] DEBUG emSDK.config - Adding target ora1.ramseier.local of type host to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
16504 [main] DEBUG emSDK.config - Adding target EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_home of type oc4j to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
73786 [main] DEBUG emSDK.config - Adding target EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_HTTP Server of type oracle_apache to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
183984 [main] DEBUG emSDK.config - Adding target EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_Web Cache of type oracle_webcache to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
296266 [main] DEBUG emSDK.config - Adding target EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local of type oracle_ias to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
419333 [main] DEBUG emSDK.config - Adding target EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_OC4J_EM of type oc4j to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
535770 [main] DEBUG emSDK.config - Adding target EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_OC4J_EMPROV of type oc4j to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
INFO: Command: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\perl.exe D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\admin\discover\ D:\OracleHomes\agent10g ora1.ramseier.local
INFO: Operation Completed with Status = 0
log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category (emSDK.config).
log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no oraInstaller in java.library.path
     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
     at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
     at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.osd.win32.OiipwWin32NativeCalls.loadNativeLib(
     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.osd.win32.OiipwWin32NativeCalls.<clinit>(
     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgEnvironment.getEnv(
     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgPropertyLoader.initUnixPtrFileLoc(
     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgPropertyLoader.<clinit>(
     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicStandardInventorySession.updateProperties(
     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicStandardInventorySession.initSession(
     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicStandardInventorySession.initSession(
     at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicStandardInventorySession.initSession(
     at oracle.sysman.emSDK.conf.InventoryLoader.initInventorySession(
     at oracle.sysman.emSDK.conf.InventoryLoader.getHomeLocations(
     at oracle.sysman.emSDK.conf.InventoryLoader.getAllHomeLocations(
     at oracle.sysman.emSDK.conf.InventoryLoader.main(
Exception in thread "main"
INFO: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outapache file to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
INFO: added target file = D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outapache to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g successfully.
INFO: Command: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\perl.exe D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\admin\discover\ ora1.ramseier.local D:\OracleHomes\oms10g
INFO: Operation Completed with Status = 0
<Target TYPE="oracle_csa_collector" NAME="ora1.ramseier.local_oms_csa_collector" DISPLAY_NAME="ora1.ramseier.local_oms_csa_collector">
<Property NAME="recvFileDir" VALUE="D:\OracleHomes\oms10g\oms_csa\results"/>
INFO: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outcsa file to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g
INFO: added target file = D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\sysman\install\target.outcsa to D:\OracleHomes\agent10g successfully.
INFO: Chronos Configurarion...
INFO: Command: D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\perl.exe D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\bin\
INFO: Operation Completed with Status = 1
'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The Oracleagent10gAgent service is not started.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3521.
The Oracleagent10gAgent service could not be started.
A service specific error occurred: 1.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3547.
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Oracleagent10gAgent service is starting...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Configuring webserver, document root D:\OracleHomes\oms10g/Apache/Apache/htdocs
Javascript and gif files copied in to document root directory.
Configuring webcache D:\OracleHomes\oms10g
Checking if opmn is up ...
D:\OracleHomes\oms10g/opmn/bin/opmnctl status
Processes in Instance: EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
DSA | DSA | N/A | Down
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 3248 | Alive
LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | N/A | Down
OC4J | home | 3312 | Alive
OC4J | OC4J_EM | 3228 | Alive
OC4J | OC4J_EMPROV | 3600 | Alive
WebCache | WebCache | 3316 | Alive
WebCache | WebCacheAdmin | 3252 | Alive
Restarting webcache...
D:\OracleHomes\oms10g/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc process-type=WebCache
opmnctl: stopping opmn managed processes...
D:\OracleHomes\oms10g/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc process-type=WebCache
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
Adding collection for webcache target : EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_Web Cache
EnterpriseManager0.ora1.ramseier.local_Web Cache ::: EnterpriseManager0_ora1_ramseier_local_Web_Cache
Attempting to reload Agent.
D:\OracleHomes\agent10g/bin/emctl reload
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Agent is Not Running
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Agent is Not Running
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 16 20:51:35 2008
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
DEFAULT WEBSITE EM Website CREATION FAILED : ORA-01403: no data foundORA-01403:
no data found
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20999: CREATE DEFAULT WEBSITE FAILED : ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 224
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 16 20:52:07 2008
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
DEFAULT WEBSITE EM Website CREATION FAILED : ORA-01403: no data foundORA-01403:
no data found
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20999: CREATE DEFAULT WEBSITE FAILED : ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 224
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 16 20:52:39 2008
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
DEFAULT WEBSITE EM Website CREATION FAILED : ORA-01403: no data foundORA-01403:
no data found
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20999: CREATE DEFAULT WEBSITE FAILED : ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 224
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 16 20:53:10 2008
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
DEFAULT WEBSITE EM Website CREATION FAILED : ORA-01403: no data foundORA-01403:
no data found
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20999: CREATE DEFAULT WEBSITE FAILED : ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 224
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Website target creation script failed.
INFO: Operation D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\perl.exe D:\OracleHomes\agent10g\bin\ has failed to perform with Status = 1
INFO: PlugIn for {Micro Step state:step:1:configuration in CfmAggregateInstance:\OracleHomes\agent10g:label=0} failed with an unhandled exception:
java.lang.Exception: 6
     at oracle.sysman.emcp.agent.AgentPlugIn.startProcessing(
     at oracle.sysman.emcp.agent.AgentPlugIn.invoke(
     at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.PerformMicroStep.runJavaClass(
     at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.PerformMicroStep.executeMicroStep(
     at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.ActionPerformer.performMicroStep(
     at oracle.sysman.emCfg.core.ActionPerformer$
INFO: plug-in Agent Configuration Assistant has failed its perform method
INFO: OuiConfigVariables:IAction.perform() was called on {Action state:OUICA in CfmAggregateInstance: OuiConfigVariables:\OracleHomes\oms10g:label=0}
INFO: Framework waiting for Action to complete at 20:53:43.068
INFO: CfwProgressMonitor:actionProgress:About to perform Action=OUICA Status=is running with ActionStep=0 stepIndex=0 microStep=0
INFO: OuiConfigVariables:About to execute plug-in OUI_CA
INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA is running
INFO: OuiConfigVariables:Launching CmdExec
INFO: OuiConfigVariables:ExitCode=0
INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA executed as attached=true in separate process with exitcode=0
INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA has successfully been performed
INFO: done waiting for Action from 20:53:43.068
INFO: was called
INFO: 21 aggregate instances saved
Best Regards

sorry, but thats only the beginning of the torture....
i tried to update my gridcontrol installation to the actual version, .... many times with many retries but still havent a step by step resultion :-(
much thanks to vmware or ms hyper-v for snapshotfeatures

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    Hi Experts,
    I am facing following error while installing EM Grid Control, please help me find solution:
    Here are the installation error found in the log file:
    INFO: Opmn Error = CMD /C C:\OracleHomes\oms10g\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall
    INFO: /C C:\OracleHomes\oms10g\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall have completed with exitCode=206
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    opmn id=emgc:6201
    5 of 6 processes started.
    ias-instance id=EnterpriseManager0.emgc
    --> Process (pid=1416)
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    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA is running
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    INFO: OuiConfigVariables:The plug-in OUI_CA has successfully been performed
    INFO: done waiting for Action from 11:45:05.168
    INFO: was called
    INFO: 21 aggregate instances saved
    Any help or direction will be highly appreciated.

    i followed the link and all the instructions things seemed to go well: it still asked for two files i did not have or could not locate: first its asked for generalstub, then it asked for seedstup and then generalstup again. at this point the installation was at 67% and had passed the link succesful stage and was at the setup succeful stage. when i clicked ignore on generalstub, seedstup and then generalstup again it quicly moved to 100% and never took me to the stage for me to run and
    the configuration assistant stage never cameup and it skipped to the page Specify Repository Database Configuration
    where it asked for repository database hostname port, service/sid and SYSMAN password and also manament service security password. whe i input all the infor mation it will give errors. i have tries deleting all oracle 3 or 4 times and all files that oracle has and repeated the process and am always stuck here.
    error reads :
    -error cheching the existence of the SYSMAN user in Management repository
    -exception occured while connecting to database . please check the connection details you specified and retry
    -io exception connection refused: (DESCRIPTION=(TMP=)(VSNUMM=168821760)(ERR=12514)(ERRO_STACK=(ERROR=(CODE=12514)(EMFI=4))))

  • How To Install/Configure OEM Grid Control On Windows

    I've downloaded OEM Grid Control for windows (32-bit) from oracle site.
    This .zip files has 3 more .zip files eg
    File Size 510 MB (535,208,588 bytes) 275 KB (282,502 bytes) 510 MB (535,047,905 bytes)
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    Pls email me at [email protected]
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    You will be needing all three zip files. It will contain all files needed for installation of a repository Database Instance, the Management Server and an Management Agent.

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    3 - Visual C++ 2005 express edition
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    system utilities check : command : cmd.exe/c D:\rapidwiz\bin\checkutil.cmd C:\program files\mkstoolkit C:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\VC
    D:\rapidwiz>echo off
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    What is the application release you are trying to install? Please note that RapidWiz automatically installs JDK 1.4.2 on the Solaris, Linux, and Windows operating systems.
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    system utilities check : command : cmd.exe/c D:\rapidwiz\bin\checkutil.cmd C:\program files\mkstoolkit C:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\VCInstall all pre-req. software (i.e. Visual C++, MSK, Gnumake, ..etc) in directories which contain no space in name (i.e. C:\VC, C:\MKS, ..etc. Do NOT install it under C:\Program Files). Also, when RapidWiz prompt to enter MSK directory, type "C:\MKS\mksnt".

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    I have never used GC to implement DG between two different RAC installations, so if i could just a few questions to the experts.
    1) It seems that the Grid Control GUI of the DG broker cannot created a RAC instance for physical/logical standby. You have to use the third option from the wizzard, the one about the previously created standby database.
    Can i hope that as long as i create the RAC standby i will still be able to work with GC?
    2) Currently, when i try to create a physical standby from my primary RAC instance, i get a Java exception when i try to perform the backup and message like "Index: 3, Size: 3". doesnt really help... Does anybody know what this means?
    3) Once i have the whole solution implemented, will the two clusters require the presence of the Grid Control machine to "talk to each other"? Ie what will happen if i shutdown the Grid Control machine?
    GC: Grid Control
    DG: Data Guard
    RAC: Real Application Clusters

    well i skipped Grid Control all together and went for an all command-line approach and ... it works! Maybe i shall setup GC now to see graphically what i did, but i found more confidence working the traditional way, both for creating the standby backup with RMAN and starting up the initial standby instance, registering it with the clustered ASM and adding more stby instances with srvctl as i needed.
    I found a great ally in all the documents listed in the MAA section of
    and i could only suggest them (at least until 10.2 version of GC comes out)

  • Install Oracle DB 32-bit on Windows 2003 Server EM64T

    I need to know if i can install Oracle 32 bit or 10gR2 32 bit on Windows
    Standard Edition 2003 64 with Intel Xeon -64 bit?

    You must use the 64 bit edition. Only 10gR2 64bit is certified for this platform, 10gR1 was not produced for 64 bits and the 32bit edition is not supported.
    From the Certify Matrix it states "Running 32-bit applications on a 64-bit operating system is generally referred to as "Compatibility-Mode" by many AMD64/EM64T hardware vendors. Irrespective of this terminology, 32-bit Oracle Database server is *not* certified on Windows x64. For the 32-bit Oracle database client, check the certification matrix for more details.".
    ~ Madrid

  • Install of OEM 10g Grid controll on windows break my listener

    I install OEM 10g Grid controll to Windows 2000 server, successfully (a new database to the repository also was created by the installer).
    When I restart our server the service of the Listener did not started (it was set to automatic) and I did not able to start it.
    First I see the "Listener.log" and the trace file.
    The problem was that the listener intended to load adapter protokoll and refer to the "orantcp9.dll"!
    Because before the install I create a database the path of the file point to the "Db_1\bin" and here is "orantcp10.dll" exists.
    The "orantcp9.dll" is exists in "em_1\bin".
    What and how can I fix?
    An additional question : during my secont installation I select to create the repository into an existing database, but the installer refuse it because my DB version was and not
    How can I create DB with version on Windows?
    I am in a deadlock :-)

    Try MetaLink Doc Id 284680.1
    The issue was that the EM Grid Control created an ORACLE_HOME environment variable. All you have to do is delete the variable, move the Database Oracle Home entries in the path to the front, and reboot the server.

  • How to install oracle10g grid control on windows

    i want,
    how to install oracle10g R3 grid control on windows
    in my server ,i have 4 database ..oracle10g R2 running...

  • Installing 9i on windows 2003 server

    i am trying to install oracle 9i on windows 2003 server, but i got an error message, like the following...
    "There are no patches that need to be applied from the patch set Oracle 9iR2 Patch set"
    i can't find a version( for windows 2003 server(32bit) on oracle download section. I think that windows 2003 server doesn't support the Oracle 8i(8.1.7), either.
    can someone help me install Oracle 8i or 9i on windows 2003 server?

    I'm not sure there is a supported version for your O/S but if there is you will find it by going to the downloads page at
    If there isn't I'd recommend going with a currently supported version of the product rather than one whose full support has ended.

  • Problem in installing 10g R2 on Windows 2003 Server

    Dear all,
    We have a great problem when trying to install Oracle Standard Edition 10g to Windows 2003 Server. The procedure begins fine but at some point it stops (around 17% - 20%) without any Error Window.
    The install actions log finishes like that:
    "INFO: Method 'dispose()' Not implemented in class 'OiSuperAdminPasswd'
    INFO: config-context initialized
    INFO: *** Install Page***
    INFO: Only Binary inventory exists for the Home :1
    INFO: FastCopy : File Version is Compatible
    INFO: Install mode is fastcopy mode for component 'oracle.server' with Install type 'SE'.
    INFO: Only Binary inventory exists for the Home :1
    INFO: HomeSetup JRE files in Scratch :584
    INFO: Setting variable 'ROOTSH_LOCATION' to 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\'. Received the value from a code block.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file 'oracle.server_SE_1.xml'.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file 'racfiles.jar'.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file 'oracle.server_SE_dirs.lst'.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file 'oracle.server_SE_filemap.jar'.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file 'oracle.server_SE_exp_1.xml'.
    INFO: Performing fastcopy operations based on the information in the file ''.
    INFO: Number of threads for fast copy :1
    INFO: FastCopy : The component info is ignored :oracle.swd.jre:
    INFO: FastCopy : The component info is ignored :oracle.swd.jre:
    WARNING: Do you really want to exit?
    INFO: User Selected: Yes/OK"
    Can anyone help with that?

    Please post to the Database Installation forum:
    Database Installation
    This is the Oracle Applications (E-Business Suite) Installation and Upgrade forum.

  • Running LabVIEW 7.1 on Windows 2003 Server with Terminal Services

    We are setting up a newtork based solution with LabView. I have looked for documentation on installing LV 7.1 on a Windows 2003 server to run the applications and then have destkops connect to it. Can this be done with a Terminal Services Access solution? Another words, if we were to purchase the LV Volume License Manager, can you install LV 7.1 onto a Windows 2003 server and run the application through TS across a 1GB backbone from the desktop, which makes the server do all the processing?

    On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 07:42:13 -0500, ITIQ wrote:
    > By running a session through Terminal Services you are NOT running
    > anything on the desktop it all runs on the server. So if the software
    > was installed on the server and you had the correct number of licenses
    > that you allow to connect through Terminal Services, would this not be
    > allowed under the EULA?
    Sorry for the delay. I'm surprised Philip didn't get back to us... Phil
    are you there? Based on his comments, I think he misunderstands your
    situation (no offense Phil).
    You and I are both talking about the same thing. You basically want a
    terminal server license. NI will not provide it. They told me (over the
    phone) to get a multi-seat license (MSL). IMO, that's unacceptable. I
    expect a LV license taylored specifically for thin client networks. A
    multi-seat license is for -->installing<-- on multiple machines. It
    conforms to a totally different set of rules. One big one, an MSL assumes
    that you intend to run LV locally to interact with DAQ hardware. Since
    this won't be done with the thin client, you shouldn't have to pay for it.
    > I am not sure if the question is if the license is valid or not, I am
    > first just trying to figure out if you can even install LV on a Windows
    > 2003 server and run it through a Terminal Services Session.
    Since you are talking about a Microsoft operating system, I would say this
    cannot be done without some additional/costly junk installed.
    Here's another option. If the people you're supporting don't have any
    platform dependent things like ActiveX in their LV applications, you
    should consider using a Linux-based terminal server. I know for a fact it
    I've assisted in setting up a network like this before:
    * One Linux terminal server with LabVIEW for Linux (Full Dev)
    * One WinXP box on the network with LabVIEW for Win (Prof Dev)
    * 5 cheap thin clients
    They developed LabVIEW source code on the thin clients and then compiled
    packages on the WinXP box for distribution to their customers. The WinXP
    was only used for compiles so they just hopped on when necessary. The
    eventual plan is for the thin clients to simply open a RemoteDesktop
    (using RDP) terminal session and do the compiles from there. I'm not sure
    how to do that yet... on the Windows side.
    > I see the comments on calling VIs through LV. I am a Network Engineer
    > not a LV Developer, so unfortunately I do not know what a VI is. All I
    > am looking to do is run low end PCs with LV if I have to, but use the
    > server as the workhorse to process all sims etc.
    Phil must have thought you needed a LV application to access the front
    panel controls of another LV application running on a remote machine. The
    VI server is handy in that area but useless in your case.
    Hey, you wanna hear about cheap network infrastructure? We bought our
    thin client boxes for $15 each! Go to if you want more info on
    configuring Linux as a terminal server.
    You, and anyone else, can also email me at gnu_voodoo [at] netzero [dot]
    com for questions/comments.

  • Installing 10g and Grid control together on Windows Server 2003

    Hi all,
    I've been having some trouble installing both the Grid Control and Oracle 10g together on a Windows Server 2003 box.
    Here's the steps I've followed (if im stepping away from the norm, please tell me.. i REALLY need to do this properly without any hacks.. right now im on a test box.. but soon enough I have to do it in a live production environment and I really need a clean install).
    I had a copy of Oracle 9i installed - my databases are pretty small.. 1.5Gb at most and I have been advised to just do an export and import them back in later.. which is fine by me..
    I uninstalled Oracle 9i, making sure to check all the environment variables were clear and the registry settings were gone.
    I ran the grid control setup
    Set Home name = Ora10gGC
    Set home path = C:\Oracle\Ora10gGC
    I selected Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Using a New database
    I set my passwords, and then set the global database name as emrep (the default)
    All the optional configuration assistants ran successfull
    Once this was all done and the install was finished, I restarted the server
    Then I inserted the Oracle 10g cd
    I ran 10g setup
    Click Advanced installation
    Set home name = Ora10g
    Set home path = C:\Oracle\Ora10g
    I selected Enterprise edition
    Selected General purpose database
    I got the following message:
    The ORACLE_HOME environment variable is current set. This will prevent proper use of Multiple Oracle Homes and since it is not required for any Oracle products to function, it will be unset in your environment.
    I set the global database name on my starter database to STARTER, I selected Use Grid Control for Database Management and set my paths and passwords, then I clicked install.
    The install worked up till it tried to create the starter database, then it failed with an ORA-12560 error.
    I checked the environment variables and it seems that ORACLE_HOME wasn't unset after all. I deleted it from my environment variables and restarted the server, but I still get the ORA-12560 error when i try to create a new database.
    I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me how to install these 2 products together properly.. Thanks!

    I suggest you to read Metalink Note:344537.1 "Installing EM 10g Grid Control Fails to Start the TNSListener Due to Environment Settings"
    Additionaly could you post the fragment from alert.log and listener.log files, so more diagnostic information can be provided on this issue.
    ~ Madrid.

  • Grid Control for windows

    Hi Experts,
    We're trying to download and install Oracle grid control for windows 64bit but we can't find any 64bit release!
    Can we safely download and install Enterprise Manager 11g Grid Control Release ( - Windows 32bit from ? or should we be installing a different version??
    Should Grid control be installed on the DB server in the 1st place or should it be installed on another server?
    Current Oracle Software: 64bit.
    Server OS: Windows 2008 Server 64bit.
    Can you kindly let us know.

    We finally got our facts right..
    The Grid Control Enterprise Manager comes only in 32 bits.. However the Grid Control agent that needs to be installed on the DB server comes in 32/64bits and is supported under different OS platforms.
    Metalink (Doc ID 412431.1) shows the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Certification Checker/matrix that we found extremely useful.
    Enterprise Manager Grid Control comes with the basic features and is free to use. Any extra features are considered addons and do need to be properly licensed.

  • How to Install 64-bit "Generic / Text Only" print driver on a 32-bit Windows 2003 Server?

    Hi All,
    In a nutshell, I need to Install the 64-bit Generic / Text Only print driver on a 32-bit Windows 2003 Server’s “Generic / Text Only 32-bit print queue.
    The problem is that there is no Driver-Disk to get the drivers. I’ve been able to isolate 14 files related to the 64 bit drivers from a Windows 7 x64 computer and copy them to a temp folder on the Windows 2003 x32 server. When I try to add the 64 bit driver
    to the Windows 2003 x32 server,  it wants a *.inf file, which I don’t have and can’t find.
    Because Microsoft will no longer support Windows XP, my client is replacing all of their Point-of-Sale Windows XP x32 systems with Windows 7 x64. They use Terminal Services (Remote Desktop) to connect to a Windows 2003 x32 server to use the POS system. The
    POS software redirects LPT1 back to the local Generic / Text Only printer. This works great for XP x32.
    When we use the Terminal Services POS software on the new Windows 7 x64 system, none of the labels print out because it’s redirected in 32-bit back to the local Windows 7 x64 Generic / Text Only 64-bit printer.
    This will be a huge issue for me if I can’t get this to work.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions and help! -Rob

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