Install badge on Joomla site

I've used the "Badger" tool to create a lovely seamless install badge that works on a regular HTML page. However, when I try to embed the code into a module to site on the Home page of my Joomla site then it displays the error message about upgrading the Flash version, even though I know that's not needed.
There's a line that has to be embedded in the <head> section of the page -
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
and I've included that in the index.php that's in the root of the JA_Purity template folder (with the src parameter above fully qualified to the location of the swfobject.js file) but can only assume that it is in the wrong place because I still don't get the results I want.
I'm a total novice to Joomla: please can someone hand-hold me through getting this fixed?!

Thank You for Your reply.  Both You and SnakeEyez have been very helpful.
The code at will do the job of determining the windows version.
Have learned from Access Forums that "Late Binding" will do the job of determing if the User has MSWord installed AND which version., (2003, XP, 2007, 2010) and that the Package & Deploy feature in Access will register a DLL & OCX Service.
What I haven't learned yet; nor have been able to find is:
How to place a "Command Button" on the web-site that will start the entire process.
Know how to place a "Submit" button for an on-line form and know that the script for "Submit" can be changed, BUT a "Submit" button is very limited.
So the only question remaining is:
How do You place a "Command Button" on a web-site that will start the entire process?
IE: Determine the version of Windows then start the download of the "Package & Deploy" application.
Give You an example.  When You find the driver at HP.Com there is a "Download" button that when clicked starts the download.
That's what we need...
a "Download" button.
Where is the option to "Insert" a Command Button in Dreamweaver?  Is there one?  If not where do I start my search for an item that will accomplish the same thing?
Thank You for taking the time to read this post.

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    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for the Reply.
    After quite a bit more testing and some digging around under the hood, I've solved the problem. Below is what I found out, hopefully this will help others out with the same problem:
    When downloading Air and the Air app in one go using the install badge, trying to open an SQL connection was throwing errors on most machines (it was not limited to Macs alone). If i down loaded Air separately, then installed the app with install badge (with air already  installed) it worked on some machines.
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    Are you having trouble with the room loading? Can you explain/show the issue you are having?

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    While the badge does not run offline, you can achieve the
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    Since no one has answer this post, I recommend opening  a support case with CSS as they can work with you to solve this problem.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

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    Unfrotunately, this sounds like a dead TC.
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    BTW, I have created another small (one page) php/mySQL site that works in DW using the same MAMP testing server setup, but it is one I started in DW from the start. 
    Also, is there any current information on how to use DW to create your own Joomla Template?
    Thanks for any guidance. I am using DW CS4, Mac OSX 10.6, Current MAMP config, Joomla 1.5.15.

    Gerry --
    Joomla's template index.php file pulls in information from all over Joomla to display it. That includes modules, components, plugins, and information from the template itself. That's why there's usually 150 files that contribute to a single page.
    Having said that, your method for identifying where to make the change in Dreamweaver may or may not work out -- it's definitely worth a try, but my concern is that DW won't accurately show where the change needs to be made due to the number of files involved. In any case, you will definitely want to read up on the template/layout override process, so you can change the interface without it being overwritten in the next Joomla or extension release. That's described in the Joomla documentation here:
    Note that most documentation is written for Joomla 1.6, but you will find it works fine with Joomla 1.7. Joomla 2.5 will be released in January, so be aware that's coming as well (and another reason to be sure you future-proof your site by overriding files correctly).
    My videos will help show you how to configure DW/Joomla to work together, and it will walk you through the process of doing a template override and a layout override. However, you may find you'll want to hire an engineer to move the layout around, after which you could tweak it with CSS to make it look pretty. The code is pretty complex, and depending on your background and skills, you could find it intimidating.
    Before you ever start this type of work on your site, be very, very sure you have a backup -- it's likely you will needed. A better approach is to make a copy of the site and work on the copy. When you have finished, you can transfer the relevant files you've changed. Remember to back up the files that make up the site as well as the database -- many old DW designers remember to back up files, but all of the site's data is in the database. Akeeba Backup is an excellent, free extension, and it will allow you to make this backup quickly and easily:
    My tutorials (there are 7 now) are located here --

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