Install GPU, or software first?

I got the EVGA GTX 750 (with 1gb) on the box, it states you must update the Bios before installing the card.
In the past I believe I inserted the card in the PCI slot, then install software.
This is a new MSI B85-G41 PC Mate. Before I dismantled my old PC, I downloaded and unzipped the Win7 64 drivers and utilities to a flash drive. I had forgotten if that included a bios update for this board.
So can I just install this on the PCI-E 3.0 16x, boot up, and then install the software off the CD?
I dabble in Photoshop, and video edit home movies using Pinnacle Studio 15 HD, I do not game, or overclock, but still people are telling me to spend the 400.00 on a GTX-770 with 4 GB, kind if expensive, so is the 22"-24" IPS LED HD Monitor, and I was just going to use the I7 4770's Haswell HD4600 graphics, but I thought I'd be better off with the GPU.

Card Installed first ---- Drivers are installed while the Card is already in the system as the installer has to verify that the card is there as the installed will have Hundreds of drivers and it needs to pick the correct one by determining what the GPU is!

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    I use Firefox 95% of the time, and there's no problem with flash content (and I'm still at .55 - downloaded .64 last week but I haven't got round to making the change yet). At the rate they've been changing it recently it may well be out of date already .
    I've been trying it in Safari, too with no problems apart from You Tube, but that's because I'm blocking Google cookies.
    One thought does occur - if your Flash preferences are set to block all Local Storage, it may be that the problem site is trying to use Flash cookies (LSOs). I had this problem recently with the BBC iPlayer streaming content. Little Snitch notified an attempt to connect to a new URL -
    If I disallowed it, no streaming; when I allowed the connection, it still wouldn't stream, so I did a bit of digging and came to the conclusion that it was trying to set a Flash cookie. When I unblocked, lo and behold - streaming resumed as normal.
    I now have LSOs blocked in a more subtle way that lets the site think it's being set (but it ain't) and the streaming still works.
    As for permissions repair - always repair from local; the permissions on the original disc will have been superceded by updates and new installations of Apple software.
    DU needs to be reading the packages on the HD, not the (now out of date) install disc.
    The recurring repair messages are normal and don't mean anything's wrong. As long as the final message is 'repair complete' there's no need to dwell on it. (for Leopard and Snow Leopard - Lion no doubt has it's own set).

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    You probably won't like this suggestion, but I suggest you reinstall Lion.
    First, backup your system. Next, reboot your system, press/hold the COMMAND-R keys to boot into the Recovery HD. Select 'Reinstall Mac OS X'. If you purchased Lion as an upgrade to Snow Leopard, the reinstall process will install Lion 10.7.3. If your system came preinstalled with Lion, you might still get Lion 10.7.2. Both installs are a total install of the OS. None of your apps or data will be impacted. Just the OS.

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    Even if it's some kind of business strategy, it does not amke too much sense. Please listen to some users, if I am the only one having this problem, I stop complaining about it, and stop updating/upgrading it.
    Otherwise, as you ask for our feedback, please consider our feedback, and add direct update/upgrade feature.
    Thank you in advance.

    Minor version updates (e.g. from 11.7.700.169 to 11.7.700.191) will update silently in the background.
    Major version updates (e.g. from 11.7 to 11.8) will have to be downloaded manually.  This is a business strategy; it has to do with the 3rd-party bundled software.  Unfortunately the Adobe staff who frequent this forum have no power to change Adobe policy; and the policy makers do not read this forum.

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    Originally we were getting the error that the phone could not connect. Then, after deleting the account multiple times and re-adding it again, the error message CHANGED to having to log in to Yahoo and authorize.
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    Hope this helps someone else. Please consider giving me points if it does or like the post.

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    First, ask in the forum for the program you are using
    This forum is about the Cloud as a delivery process, not about using individual programs
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll
    Second, do a complete scan with a good anti-virus program to be sure your computer is clean... I use Norton, there are others

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    I've been bitten by the "Missing MSVCR.dll file" problem when downloading the latest iTunes update, 11.4.62 (on a PC w/ Win-7 & Outlook-2007#. 'Have followed Apple's instructions of un-installing all Apple software, and re-installing it (Ugh).  First result Outlook couldn't find my 1,385 item contact file in iCloud, although the outlook distribution lists were there.  Second result, upon installing iCloud again, I have two iCloud contact files shown in outlook - "iCloud" & iCloud, within iCloud".  1,332 & 1,385 contacts respectively. 
    Plus an iCloud installation error message saying iCloud moved 6,835 files to a "deleted items folder" somewhere.  This is NOT fun at 72-yrs old...!!
    So, how do I make sure I haven't lost anythying from Outlook?   Russ-AZ

    Interesting response, Kappy  -  Back to original post: "First result: Outlook couldn't find my 1,385 item contact file in iCloud, although the outlook distribution lists were there (therefore, initially I had lost my contact file from Outlook).  Second result, upon installing iCloud again, I now have two iCloud contact files shown in Outlook - "iCloud" & iCloud, within iCloud".  W/ 1,332 & 1,385 contacts respectively.  
    Plus an iCloud installation error message saying iCloud moved 6,835 files to a "deleted items folder" somewhere.  This is NOT fun at 72-yrs old...!!
    So, how do I make sure I haven't lost anythying from Outlook?   Russ-AZ"
    You can safely assume that I have tried using it!   So, to make things a little clearer:
         1)  I now have two iCloud "contacts files", w/ a different total count. What's the difference?  Why the different toatl count?
         2)  Since re-installing the Apple software (part of the MSVCR" recovery instructions) "couldn't possible affected Outlook", why am I getting an iCloud installation error message saying iCloud moved 6,835 files to a "deleted items folder" somewhere.  What's in those files? And where are they?
    Probably more important questions get down to:
         3)  Why is a basic Apple product upgrade "screwing-up Outlook"?  This iTunes upgrade, failing to install properly forced Outlook 2007 into a 2-min start-up cycle.  Which was fixed with this "Goat-Rpdeo" of re-installing MSVCR80.dll.
         4)  And under the latest release of iOS-7.0.4 on our iPhones, why is Apple now forcing us to use the iCloud to back-up our contacts, calendars & tasks, vs. allowing these files to be backed-up directly on our PC's via the USB cable?
    Thanks again for your interest and comments.  - Russ-AZ

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    I would like to ask if someone out there managed to set up a raid machine with dmraid, and I am asking for a full raid setup, nothing like raid for /home only.

    I see that you have a handle on the dmraid package, recently upgraded I see.
    I have an application for raid that does not involve booting with raid, data system only.
    I desire to generate an archive for pacman using a raid array for purposes of install speed.
    My first attempts used mdadm techniques and provided a software raid of hde and hdg drives which did not produce  an improved hdparm read speed.
    What changes to dmraid procedures will provide a non-bootable raid0 system which will archive pacman packages and provide combined raid read speed at least 50% greater than the normal 40MB/sec.?
    Performance figures for raid0 with dmraid haven't been available in the forums.  Perhaps these are disappointing?
    Basically, how to make a raid0 system  with dmraid but not make it bootable?
    EDIT:  Solved my problem with mdadm and mke2fs, fstab entry and /mnt/md entry.
    Last edited by lilsirecho (2008-03-14 07:50:00)

  • I am using XP-SP3 & Firfox.  When installing Flash Player Software i get a message: "This Publisher has been blocked from running software on this machine". How do i unblock it - HELP.

    I am using XP-SP3 & Firefox.  When installing Flash Player Software i get a message: "This Publisher has been blocked from running software on this machine". How do i unblock it - HELP.

    This is a security setting on your system that is resulting in this behaviour, not Flash Player installer itself, or anything with the installer.  There are many Google search results on this.  The first hit I got, was the following from the Microsoft forums:
    To unblock a software publisher:
    1. In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
    2. Go to the Content tab, Look under the Certificates section.
    3. Click on Publishers button.
    4. Select the Untrusted Publishers tab.
    5. Select the Publisher you wish to unblock and click the Remove button.

  • Creating ASM after installing grid infrastructure software only option

    OS environment is Solaris 10 sparc (64 bit) with suncluster 3.2. Oracle version is ASM configuration also..
    Grid binaries (i.e. GRID_HOME) will be placed in local disk on both the nodes. Oracle Binaries (ORACLE_HOME) also will be placed in local disk on both the nodes..Oracle database only will be placed in shared storage with ASM...
    My doubt is If i select "install grid infrastructure software only" option, can i create separate ASM instance on each node by using "$GRID_HOME/dbs/initSID.ora" file of each node?
    Is it possible to create two ASM instance in the clustered environment since Single instance Oracle ASM is not supported with Oracle 11g release 2 as per "Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Guide"?
    Please tell me the suggestion if anyone knows........
    Thanks & Regards
    Ramesh M

    First of all "software only installation" only places the binaries onto the local disks. This software only binaries later have to be configured either for GI Standalone Server or GI for Cluster environment. It differs in the script to be called, and in the need to use to configure the cluster environment.
    So by configuring standalone server GI later, you will only have a local ASM installation.
    However you will not end up with a initSID.ora file for the ASM instance, since the spfile of the ASM instance will always be placed inside the first ASM diskgroup to be configured. (the same for GI cluster, as for GI SI).
    Now creating clustered ASM and SI ASM => you can only create clustered ASM for nodes which participate in the same cluster. So if you configured both nodes with clustered GI, but did not tell them to be 1 cluster, but 2, then both ASM instances will be separate. Resulting in beeing ASM1 instance on both nodes, and not able to mount the same diskgroup (consistent of the same disks) on both servers at the same time. So in the end having 2 clusteres consisting of one node each, does not really differ much from the ASM point of view, other than having ASM1 as instance name instead of +ASM (in GI SI). The difference is in the cluster stack below ASM, which simply has more processes and requirement for the clustered GI version.
    And last but not least, yes you can have separate ASM instances on 2 separate nodes. If they are not part of the same cluster, the ASM instances are independent.
    They are not really single instances, since they know that they are RAC ASMs, however they do not communicate with other nodes. However you may only have one ASM instance on each host (either physical or virtual host, as you can have an ASM instance in each solaris container).
    Hope that clarifies it.

  • After installed Leopard, can't install any other

    I just installed Leopard 10.5 into my Powerbook G4 17" 1.5Gz, but after that I can't install any other software, I try CS3 upgrade, new Poser7 and apple 10.5.1 upgrade, after I click install....nothing happen..... just the spining color wheel, try few time and wait for an hour... still the same, need help!

    In your utilities folder, in applications there's a program called disk utilities app. Go in there and click on your hard drive and click on disk permissions, first aid should also be highlighted. Post back if you require additional information. Good luck, and don't worry this is fixable.

  • Error 1402 Installing Blackberry Desktop Software on Windows7

    When i try to install blackberry desktop software 6.0.2 on my windows 7 computer i get the following error:
    Error 1402.Could not open key:
    UKNOWN\Components\ a bunch of numbers and letters\ a bunch of number and letters
    Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. 
    I tried to find the key in regedit to change the permissions and I couldn't find it. 
    The first time i tried to install it i don't think I right clicked and ran as administrator. I have tried that since then, but I dont know if this old key is still whats stopping it. 
    I'm not really sure what do next.
    Thanks for the help,
    Go to Solution.

    You can solve this by running regedit and browsing to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components"
    Then look for the first registry key indicated in your error. It would be the first string of numbers before a forward slash(/).
    Then right click the key and select permissions.
    In the dialogue box that opens make sure that "full control" and "read" are selected for your "User" and "Administrators" accounts and apply the changes (If "Administrators" and "SYSTEM" are not in the list then you will need to "Add" them).
    Next click Advanced and enable the checkmark box named "Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object", then press "Apply". You might get an error, thats ok.
    Click on the Owner tab and select "Administrators" in the listbox, enable the checkmark box called "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" and press "Apply".
    You'll need to repeat bullets 4 and 5 once more and you shouldn't get an error the second time.
    Now you need to repeat the process for the second set of numbers which will be located inside the first key when you spin open it's arrow.
    Hope this helps. I had the error popup on 2 different keysets. The third time I installed the software I had no errors.
    Good Luck,

  • Help Installing Unix Based Software

    I have been searching the internet high and low for the past few days, and have found nothing to help me.
    I'm trying to install a certain software that will give me ultimate flexibility over creating audio cds (in particular, the space inbetween tracks). This seems to be my answer ( with it's GUI located here (
    My only problem is, I can't figure out how the heck to install them! The Terminal is a very foreign thing to me, as well as anything Unix. Please help!

    I'm trying to install a certain software that will
    give me ultimate flexibility over creating audio cds
    (in particular, the space inbetween tracks). This
    seems to be my answer
    ( with it's GUI
    located here
    Welcome to the discussions!
    I would encourage you to try a package management tool like fink or darwin ports first if you are not yet comfortable with the unix command line. There are great tutorials around and this place is a great place to get advice from "veteran" unix users - so please ask more if you want help.
    This package (as listed on the original site) is not reported as working on Mac. Usually it is because there is work to be done to figure out device drivers or find parts of the code that need to be changed specifically for one operating system.
    Have a look at - as it appears that someone has taken the code and modified it to be easily installed using fink tools.
    The steps to get fink running are here...
    Good luck and post back if you have any more questions or need help with fink.

  • Installing Multisim & Driver Software

      Briefly.  I am a new student who's been issued my class software.  In my software package I was issued 2 Dvd's.   First dvd NI Circuit Design Suite (Multisim) 12.0.1. &  the 2nd NI ELVISmx 4.4 Driver Software.  I am not sure which dvd out of the package to install first.  If someone could help.   Laslty can someone  also suggest a tutorial showing how install the driver software.  Thank's  in advance Kelly. 

    Hi there,
    Will you be using NI myDAQ or NI ELVIS hardware? If not, then you don't need to install the NI ELVISmx driver software. Simply run the Multisim installer and make sure you disable the NI ELVISmx 4.x feature.
    If you have the the hardware, then run the Multisim installer, enable the NI ELVISmx feature. The installer will let you know when to insert the DVD for the driver software.
    Fernando D.
    National Instruments

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