Install on Windows 7

Tried to install from my disc, Photoshop Elements on my new system and get a message that I need Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher and it automatically closes and will not install.   Of course, I have the latest Internet Explorer already installed so am not sure how to complete this installation or if I can install the old program and all.  Having been the using the program for many years but not sure what version it is.  sn is 1057-4428-3221-7366-5211-8131.  Will I have to purchase an upgrade?

You'll probably need the current version of PSE if your version is very old.

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    Prefetch and Superfetch. In registry located on way
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    Prefetch and Superfetch means that most commonly used files are stored to disk to be more quickly accessed later.
    For Prefetch:
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    Cache Everything (default): 3
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    enable: 1
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    Please Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
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    There are 5 supported flash drives: which one do you have?
    Hardware considerations
    Windows To Go works both on USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 connections, and both on legacy BIOS and UEFI firmware.[11] Not all USB drives can be used in this environment; Microsoft has set up specific testing requirements that the USB drive manufacturer must meet in order to be a supported device. Currently there are five USB Flash memory devices listed as supported by Microsoft for Windows To Go:
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    Kingston DataTraveler Workspace[16]
    SPYRUS Portable Workplace[17][18]
    SPYRUS Secure Portable Workplace (w/ Hardware Encryption)[19][20]
    SuperTalent Express RC8[21]

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    Moderators: please leave this open until it is actually resolved.
    Earlier posts:
    Posts: 4
    From: ITALY
    Registered: Oct 14, 2009
    Windows 7 x64, MacBook Pro, frequent CHKDSK after HDD firmware update
    Posted: Nov 2, 2009 6:45 AM
    Hello, I have been having filesystem problems on my Windows 7 partition since the HDD related firmware update (the latest Performance update) was released and installed onto this mid 2009 MacBook Pro.
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    I recently purchased Windows 7 retail a few days ago and after a bit of trouble-free operation I started having problems again... always shutting the PC down carefully and I was asked to run the CHKDSK utility at boot twice already.
    What to do?
    Message was edited by: Panajev
    MacBook Pro (2009) Mac OS X (10.6.1) Windows 7 x64, Bootcamp 3.0, recent HDD update
    Posts: 6
    Registered: Nov 12, 2009
    Re: Windows 7 x64, MacBook Pro, frequent CHKDSK after HDD firmware update
    Posted: Nov 12, 2009 1:40 AM in response to: Panajev
    Hi there,
    I have a different experience. I installed Windows 7 before the "performance update 1.0" came out. I actually experienced the chkdsk launch problem with Windows 7. I had done repartitioning and clean-install several times but cannot solve the problem. So I tried to install XP and Vista on my MBA (Mid 2009 with SSD) and found that these two OS doesn't introduce such problem.
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    Message was edited by: nicegom
    Macbook Air Windows Vista MBA of Mid 2009 with SSD

    Windows 7 x64 all updates
    Just doublechecking. Does that include the recent chkdsk hotfixes?
    [The Chkdsk.exe program does not start correctly on a Windows 7-based computer|]

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    Hey Hello Dear,
       Please upgrade UR windows 7 Service pack to Service pack 2.
       from my knowledge for SQL SERVER 2012 it requires Windows 7 service pack.
       And before installing SQL server 2012 Plz activate .NET framework for that,
       Put UR windows 7 Format CD then,
       Run Command prompt as Administrator and paste following cmd in that
    DISM.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:c:\net35 /LimitAccess
    it will take 2 min. after that restart your PC and try to install SQL server 2012.
    Note: Before installing SQL SERVER again format UR PC/lapy once.
    After this if it gives error while installation then plz change ur setup and try again.
    This will be helpful.
    Best of Luck

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    I did the test and could install the Windows Search Service without problem.
    Which role did you installed on the terminal server?
    Did you try to install it on another windows server?
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Any thoughts?

    The disk was from my other PC system, however it is an OEM upgrade disc.  Maybe that is the problem but if that is the case why did it work when I installed it through VMware and it worked fine?  The disc can be used as a self full install of windows 7.  I have also it on another PC with no issues.  Trying to convert to Mac finally but this is causing a hiccup.
    The next question then is do I really need to go the boot camp way?  I only need it to run quickbooks (need windows version for reasons) and a couple of other programs but thought it may run better as a boot camp install rather than VM plus I couldn't figure out how to reduce the size of the partition that VM installs, it takes too much space from me for no reason (60Gb).
    Thanks for any input.

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    I have a mini laptop "Toshiba nb200-10z" and it doesnt startup anymore.
    I would like to do a recovery, but it also doesnt work.
    I know there is a shortcut like press the 0 button when the laptop is starting up.
    With this shortcut you can start the recovery to reset the software.
    But when I press the 0 button it gives me an error.
    So I think the recovery drive/partition is lost.
    How can I install new windows on this minilaptop without a CD drive?

    I have found a much easier way to install Windows 7 from a USB Flash drive. Unlike other methods where you have to write complicated commands, this method can be completed even by those who have very little computer background.
    The whole process takes only two steps, run UNetbootin, load the Windows 7 ISO file, and finally restart your computer.
    Before you begin, you will require the following:
    USB Flash Drive (4GB minimum)
    Windows 7 ISO Image file
    Note: If UNetbootin doesnt work, try out the Microsofts official tool called Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool.
    Now insert the USB drive, run UNetbootin, and select Disk Image as ISO. Browse your local drive for Windows 7 ISO that you downloaded and click Open. Now Select Type as USB and choose the drive. Once done, it will look like a bit similar to the screenshot shown below.
    Click OK and it will begin extracting all installation files to the USB drive. The whole process will take some time (10-15 minutes), so have patience.
    Once the installation is complete, reboot your computer. Now while your system is starting up press the appropriate button (usually F1, F2, F12, ESC, Backspace, or Escape) to bring up Bios Boot Menu.
    Change the startup order to boot USB by default, usually you will have to press F6 to move the selected USB device on top. Once done, save changes and restart the system.
    +Message was edited: link has been removed+

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    Which is the operating system version of your windows server? According to the requirements in the link below, it seems that it can be install on Windows server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012.
    In addition, please view the detailed requirements to see if your system is supported.
    Best regards,

  • I have hp 430 laptop,how can i re install the windows 7, if i not have original window on my laptop

    I have hp 430 laptop,how can i re install the windows 7, if i not have original windows on my laptop. i have oem number,
    But i have troubol to finishing installation of window.

    Originally the Notebook will have the Recovery Partition and that would give you an option to create a set of Recovery Disk. If you have not created those Recovery Disks when the Notebook was in working condition we cannot do that right now
    As of now if you need to recover your Notebook with the new Operating System you can check if the Recovery Partition is in a working condition or not, If yes you can easily recover/restore your Notebook
    If Recovery Partition is corrupted
    You need to call HP Technical Support and request for a set of Recovery Disks , So you can recover/restore your Notebook at the earliest
    You need call up Microsoft and purchase an Operating System with the License Key, So you can recover/restore your Notebook at the earliest
    I strongly recommend you to Contact HP Technical Support over the Phone for further assistance without any delay
    Hope this helps, for any further queries reply to the post and feel free to join us again
    **Click the KUDOS star on left to say Thanks**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.
    Thank You,
    K N R K
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP

  • How can i install a windows version 8 on a 3 year old iMac 27 (only windows and nothing else not via bootcamp = result shut be a clean iMac with windows - no

    When i now had recieve a brand new 27" imac, i had a 3 year old model 27" imac which my daugter want to have BUT i should be as a clean Windows thing -
    so how to change the computer to a clean windows 8 computer with no apple programs in and no Maverick or other lovely programs?
    I had seen on the net that a lot of peoble had windows with bootcamp - i am not a computer tecnician and when i try - i end op with a machine with could nothing - no mac programs - no office pack - no adobe programs - so i had to start op again with a new harddisk.
    Some of the problem is that i dont understand the thing which bin told when you go to bootcamp for a user of mac's since the model was the "classic" and we make newspapers on them - so i want and easy way to have and mac computer for my self (the new one) and let my daugter have a beutiful imac with windows on.
    dont begin talking about parrelles i had try that, results it had a windows 7 which cant be updated, apple dont support that and microsoft doesnt  so - help me
    Chevron B50

    If you don't want Boot Camp and you don't want a virtual machine, go buy a Windows computer.
    Both Boot Camped Windows and Windows running in a virtual machine work well. Your issues are because of your lack of knowledge or understanding, not because Boot Camp and virtual machines are poor products. Universities, large and small businesses, home users, etc. use virtual machines to run their operating systems.
    Your statements about Boot Camp and Parallels are not the experience of thousands of users.
    Either find someone who is knowledgeable about running Windows on Apple computers to help you or buy a Windows computer. Believe me, if you find a way to install only Windows on your Apple computer without using Boot Camp or a virtual machine you will have more problems than what you have already experienced.

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