Installing Classic In Tiger

I have just installed classic in 10.4.7 so I can play a game i recently aquired.
When trying to start up classic via system preferences I get the error messeage
Classic Startup failed to start due to an error [-1].
Anybody know ho to fix this?

I had to do an archive install of OS X. I have previously gotten rid of the classic from my system and may have removed files I shouldnt have

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  • Installing Classic on Tiger

    I'm trying to install the Classic environment v9.1 I downloaded form Apple's site, but i'm getting this error:
    I have never installed this before, so this is all new to me. So how do I go about doing so? Thanks

    Did you get the original install discs along with it? One of them has what you need. From that computer's manual:
    Installing Classic Support and Other Applications
    Use the “Additional Software & Apple Hardware Test” to install Classic support and additional applications that were not included on Mac OS X install disc 1. Install Classic support if you want to use Mac OS 9 applications with your computer.
    Follow these steps to install Classic support or the additional bundled applications:
    1 Back up your essential files, if possible.
    2 Insert the “Additional Software & Apple Hardware Test” disc that came with your computer.
    3 Double-click “Install Extra Software.”
    4 Follow the onscreen instructions.
    5 After selecting the destination disk for installation, continue following the onscreen instructions for a basic installation or click “Customize” to choose the applications you want to install.
    The original OS was Panther, but I suspect you could still use the "Install Extra Software" package even though the computer has now been upgraded to Tiger. If not, you could probably use Pacifist to extract the OS 9 System Folder from it.
    If you don't have the original install discs you might still be able to get a replacement set from Apple.

  • Installing Classic under Tiger.

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    You said you have been running this on an older machine, so you must have had a Classic environment on the old machine.  So you must have had a "System Folder" on that machine in order to run the OS 9 version of HyperCard, right?
    From the emergency backup drive that you must have made of the old machine at some point in the past 7 or 8 years, copy the "System Folder" from that to your new machine, and under System Preferences for Classic select the newly copied System Folder.  If the old machine has "given up the ghost" and won't run anymore, you may be able to remove the old hard drive, if that still works, and copy the System Folder from there using an enclosure or bare-drive cable adapter to an external port FW/USB on the new machine.
    The problem with running on a late model G4 or G5 that can not boot OS 9 itself, is that you can not boot and run any OS 9 installer on that machine.  Some of the computer models in that transition period that shipped with Classic pre-installed also came with /Applications/Utilities/Software Restore OS X application on the original OS DVD that would re-install the OS 9 software from the original media DVDs/CDs (at least that's how my G4 MDD worked).  Retail versions of OS X do not include the Classic environment or this software restore .app.  I don't know if the G5 iMacs shipped with a Classic environment, I'm not familiar with them, do you know how you got it on there in the first place?  Was it pre-installed?

  • Installing OS9 on Tiger 4.4

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    G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Hi, chrisa85 -
    You will not be able to use the OS 9.2.1 Install CD. The installer on all OS 9 Install CDs runs only when the machine is booted to OS 9; since your machine is not OS 9 bootable, that can't be done.
    However, the disks that came with your machine have the ability to install Classic (OS 9.2.2). One or more of the following Apple KBase articles (depending on what version of OSX came with your machine) may help in doing that -
    Article #42929 - Using Restore Discs with Mac OS X 10.2 or later
    Article #151871 - Mac OS X 10.3: Installing Classic
    Article #301408 - Using Restore discs with computers that ship w/ OSX 10.3.7 or later
    Article #86775 - Install Mac OS 9 to Use Classic Applications

  • Installing Classic Mode on Tiger, DVDs, emulators

    I want to install classic mode on a Mac running OS 10.4 (Power PC processor). We have DVDs for three different kinds of Mac of the same generation, but none of them come with the extra tools CD/DVD that is mentioned in Apple's instructions and in other posts as containing OS 9. The install DVDs are the Swiss (German) version. Is the third DVD only in the US version?
    We have 9.0 CDs for two Power Mac G4s, plus one G4 computer that's broken, and one that's alive and well, running 9.2. Is there a way I could lift the system folder from this computer, copy it onto the hard disk on the 10.4 computer, and "bless" it, or is more required than the system fold for classic mode to run under Tiger? I'm wondering whether it's possible to install an emulator like Sheepshaver, since I could start with 9.0 and upgrade that to 9.2, and then transfer the necessary files (system folder plus ...?) to use the built-in classic environment.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    You don't say exactly what computers are involved which places us at a disadvantage in helping you.
    If you have a copy of OS 9.1 or greater on a computer you can simply copy the whole System Folder to a PPC running Tiger and set it up to be Classic.  Put it at the root level next to OSX's "System".  If you actually want to boot to OS9, that's where knowing the details of the computers and operating systems involved is essential.
    Technically, system installations can be machine specific, but I think for OS9, and especially when used as Classic, this isn't as much an issue.  Classic isn't in charge of any hardware anyway.  Some people may post saying, "Oh, it absolutely must be installed correctly," but frankly I have copied OS9.2.2 from computer to computer as I worked my way through models and had it work on any model that supports OS9, and that was for booting.
    If all you have are installer versions of OS9 on optical that is where you may run into trouble and may ultimately end up needing copies of the original discs (which likely are no longer available).  You will have to get the computer to boot to the installer disc in order to get it to actually put a usuable copy of OS9 on the computer.  Again, this is where knowing the exact disc versions and exact computer specifications is important.
    Message was edited by: Limnos

  • Installing classic illustrator and photoshop to Mac os Tiger

    How can I install classic illustrator and photoshop applications to Mac os Tiger
      Mac OS X (10.4)  

    Illustrator 10 and Photoshop 7 were the first OSX version, the next version of each they called CS (for Creative Suite, they were really pushing buy the Suite of 4 or 5 Adobe programs which cost big bucks) and the latest versions are CS2. I've heard of many having problems with CS2 so I haven't upgraded. Both Illustrator CS and Photoshop CS work well in Tiger.
    But!!... on an Intel Mac programs need to be Universal versions, specifically designed to run on Intel Macs, older version can run but will open in to an emulation mode, Rosetta, that runs much slower, you will be running at least 50% slower than on a G5. But it's not like Classic, you won't even know when Rosetta is running.
    And, apparently there are problems converting Illustrator and Photoshop to Universal and it's going to take a while. The rumor is that CS2 will not be updated, you'll have to wait for CS3 and there is no planned release date for that yet.
    On the other hand, I read a recent article that said if you install Windows XP on an Intel Mac (Apple has a free program called Boot Camp that will do this but you need to buy XP), then the XP version of Photoshop will run really fast, faster than most boxes running XP. Oooo, the irony!
    Anyway, there is a program that allows you to run a Classic emulation on the Intel Macs but I can't find my bookmark on it so you'll have to do a web search (or someone can post it).
    I'm assuming you already have the Classic versions. You'd probably be better off getting the Classic emulation and running those until Adobe upgrades to Universal software. Kind of a waste to spend the bucks on brand new versions of Illustrator and Photoshop now when the versions you need are probably a year away.

  • I have a G5 imac with Tiger 10.4.11. Can I install Classic OS9?

    I have a G5 imac with Tiger 10.4.11. Can I install Classic OS9?

    You can't install an OS that is earlier than the one that originally came with your Mac.

  • Problem installing Classic Support on Tiger

    I'm trying to install Classic support on my iBook. The install appears to complete. It says it did anyway.
    When I double click on a classic app I get this error:
    "The Operation could not be completed.
    An unexpected error occurred (error code -1)."
    There also seems to be no preference panel for Classic like there should be.
    I'm thinking that the install actually did not complete but I can't figure out why.
    I saw this in the install.log file when I tried installing it but I don't know if it is relevent:
    "Package Authoring Error: Infinite loop between <choice> attributes and mixed state aborted."
    I tried repairing permissions but it didn't appear to do anything.
    Anyone have any ideas?
    14" iBook G4 (mid 2005)   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    I'm using the "Install Mac OS 9 System Support" symlink on the cd that came with the ibook.

  • HELP - How do you install classic without erasing OS 10.4.8

    Please help....I just replaced my PowerBook G4 with a new MacBook and would like to pass the G4 down to my daughter. Most of the games that she uses are in classic from her old Imac. My G4 came with classic but I had to reinstall OSX a while ago and never put classic back in. I can't get it to boot from any OS CD that I have, please advise.
    Dad trying to do good for his 7yr old daughter

    Hi FKTS,
    The Classic files for your PowerBook G4 are on the original install DVD that came with it.
    A Panther (10.3.x) install set of DVD/CDs most probably?
    Anyway, insert this original install disc, and look for "Classic Support" installer, something like that.
    Double-click, follow the prompts.
    Classic will get installed without changing anything to the existing Tiger installation, just like it would do with the original OS (Panther or Jaguar?).
    If you don't find anything like "Classic Support Something":
    Some original installations came through a first step of installing an additional software installer (example my iMac G4).
    - No problem: In that case, you'll have to double-click the Mac OS X installation icon first, then instead of reinstalling Mac OS X, you'll find your way to a Custom Installation of additional/bundled software.
    Proceed to install Classic.
    Here too, it'll get installed without modifying your OS (whether it is the original one or your newly installed Tiger).
    Have fun!

  • How to uninstall OS 9 without deleting Classic running Tiger?

    OS 9 has become unusable, but it works fine in Classic Mode. I tried doing a reinstall and doing a clean install. I thought it would remove the old OS 9 and reinstall a new version. Instead it created a preveous folder of OS 9 and reinstalled another corupted version of OS 9! How do I uninstall OS 9 without deleting Classic running Tiger? Then I want to do another fresh install of OS 9. How is this done?

    Hi, basicaly tou can't.

  • How to install Classic without original 10.4 discs?

    I just bought a used emac g4 1 ghz as a backup to my emac g4 1.25 ghz. I have 10.3.9 on my 1,25 ghz emac and when I received this used emac I discovered it had 10.4.8 installed...but no classic. I still have a couple classic programs I use, so I was wondering if there is anyway to install classic in the 10.4.8 even though I didn't get the Tiger discs with the computer. I do have the original 10.3 discs for both my 1.25 ghz emac and this 1.0 ghz emac, but is there anyway to install just classic without erasing the 10.4.8???
    Thank you for any help.

    andrews424, Welcome to the discussion area!
    See a brody's user tip "Restoring Mac OS 9 on a bootable Mac".
    It has all the directions.

  • How do I install Classic?

    I just hired an Apple Authorized Reseller to swap out my iMac's hard drive for a 300 GB model. They put in the new startup volume and installed Tiger, which I updated to 10.4.4.
    Problem: I was accustomed to having access to MacOS 9 "Classic" mode before the install. Does the Tiger installation DVD offer a way to install "Classic" onto the hard drive? If so, how?
    Also: will the new Intel-driven Macs allow Tiger to launch "Classic" mode at all?

    Just out of curiousity I opened my Tiger Install disk 1 with Pacifist. I then used its Find function to search for "Classic Startup". There is a Classic on the disk. It was in the Essentials.pkg. The only thing I can think is you don't have an OS 9 System Folder installed. I posted a link in a preceding post to a link referring to this. This is different from the OS X System folder, which says System & has a blue X on its icon. The OS 9 System Folder says "System Folder" with "Folder" capitalized. It has an orange 9 on it.
    If I go to HD/System/Library/CoreServices there is a Classic Startup application there. Perhaps you could check & see if this is the same on yours. If this isn't here, something's wrong with your installation. I would contact the reseller.
    About not saying anything about OS 9 during installation, I believe one of the screens say something about installing "Additional software". Can't remember now. Maybe the person who reinstalled your OS did not use this option.

  • Trying to install classic on Os 10.4. Boot Cd freezes

    Wonder if anyone can help me. I have bought a g4 quicksilver ( upgraded to 1.8ghz sonnet processer}.It runs OS 10.4 fine..I need to install classic to get my Digidesign Pro Tools 001 to work. Classic is not installed on machine.I follow the help files and try to boot from the 0s 9 Cd that I have - it starts fine but then freezes maybe 80% of the way through.
    I bought second hand 10.4 came pre installed and I dont seem to have a dvd of 10.4.
    Im really rather stuck and would appreciate any help. Im a relative novice on Macs.
    many thanks

    You might have to remove the Sonnet processor and put the original Apple CPU in to get it to boot from that OS 9 CD.
    Buy Tiger from Apple. It is important to be able to (re)install your OS if necessary.

  • How To Install Classic?

    How do I install Classic on my iBook G4 (1Ghz)? I already have 10.4.10 installed. I have the Mac OS X Tiger Install DVD, but cannot find Classic to install.
    I booted from the DVD, but there were no options to install Classic. Is Classic not available for Tiger? That would really be a major problem, because I have thousands of files that I need to acces, and cannot get to otherwise .... !!
    Help!! Thanks.

    What type of files are you wanting to access? I ask this because I don't know of many older files types that can't be opened by OS X applications, including Appleworks. Almost every commercial app was moved to OS X long ago and are capable of opening their respective file types.
    You also need to know that new Macs don't support OS 9 Classic at all. So if you ever buy a new Mac you'll need to convert those files anyway.
    Message was edited by: lkrupp

  • Installing Leopard and Tiger on the same computer ...

    How could I install both system, Leopard and Tiger, on my iMac G5 giving me the possibility to startup from one of them at a time ...
    I want this to have this possibility to run occasionally classic (with Tiger) while using mainly Leopard. Is this possible ? What are the drawbacks of this possibility ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your feedback ...
    Smokerz's comment was not clear to me. I thought he meant that having 2 «Applications» folders is «complicating» things. I am french canadian and sometimes english way of speaking is not fully understood. That is why I asked for a confirmation.
    I thought that since all partitions would be available, that with 1 «Applications» folder, apps could be used in both world. If I have 2 versions of MS Word, witch one will open when double clicking on a Word document. I think that what we have to keep in mind is that apps have to be Tiger «and» Leopard compatible. Maybe I misunderstand, but that is what I see as the potential problem.
    If what Smokerz meant is to have 2 independent systems, it is not what I was looking for when beginning this thread. I have been using OS 9 and OS x with the advantage of switching from one environment to the other and loved that possibility. I thought that I could have an environment where all my documents could be available when working either in Tiger or Leopard. If I desired to have OS 9 for my accounting package, I would startup my Imac with Tiger and Classic. Once finished, I would reboot with Leopard.
    I know that there is an emulator called «SheepSaver» to run OS 9 on Intel machine, but have not been to confirm the speed of that solution. Maybe it is also possible to run it on PPC machines ... I will look into this possibility.
    Thanks for helping.

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