Installing MS Fonts

On the wiki, there appears to be two ways to install MS Fonts.
Option 1 -- Install the ttf-ms-fonts package
(see Wiki entry
Option 2 - Download and install a tarball
The accuracy of the info for Option 2 is disputed. 
The commands suggested to be used for option 2 are:
# tar zxvf msfonts-1.2.1.tar.gz
# cp -a msfonts-1.2.1/main /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ms
# cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ms
# ttmkfdir >fonts.scale
# mkfontdir
# fc-cache -v
Hmm..  I thought ttmkdir is deprecated and no longer used with the newer versions of X...  (See font FAQ on Wiki where it states:
"The "mkfontdir" and "mkfontscale" utilities should be used on Xfree86 4.3.0 based setups while on older ones (4.2.x) "ttmkfdir" should be considered. I've noticed that "ttmkfdir" and "mkfontdir" do not produce the exact same files"
What is the easiest way to install MS fonts?  Just use ttf-ms-fonts package?
How should I install other TTF fonts from my WIndows partition?  Just copy them over to my Linux font dir and run #mkfontdir and #fc-cache -v?

Here's the install script for the ttf-ms-fonts package, if that helps:
# arg 1: the new package version
post_install() {
echo -n "extracting fonts... "
for font in tmp/ttf-ms-fonts/*.exe
cabextract --lowercase --directory=tmp/ttf-ms-fonts/ $font >/dev/null 2>&1
mkdir -p usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
: >usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/msfonts.txt
for i in `/bin/ls tmp/ttf-ms-fonts/*.ttf`; do
echo `basename $i` >>usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/msfonts.txt
cp $i usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
echo "done."
echo -n "rebuilding font cache... "
cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
cp ../encodings/encodings.dir ./encodings.dir
echo "done."
rm -rf tmp/ttf-ms-fonts
# arg 1: the new package version
# arg 2: the old package version
post_upgrade() {
# remove fonts from their old location
rm -rf usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ttf-ms-fonts
post_install $1
# arg 1: the old package version
pre_remove() {
#rm -f usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/
[ -f usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/msfonts.txt ] || return
for i in `cat usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/msfonts.txt`; do
rm -f usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/$i
rm -f usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/msfonts.txt
# arg 1: the old package version
post_remove() {
echo -n "rebuilding font cache... "
cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
cp ../encodings/encodings.dir ./encodings.dir
echo "done."
$op $*
This approach works fine. Of course, I don't know the *correct* approach though.

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    Assuming that you didn't make that fatal mistake, the method for installing Type 1 fonts, each of which consists of a .pfb and a .pfm file is as follows:
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    Well you have two choices, use windows XP or google for 'fonts linux ugly'
    or there is a search feature on this forum, it works well.
    setting a right DPI will probably make your fonts look the best no matter what packages you install or ~/.fonts file you use.
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    There's a whole lot to read in your post, and frankly I have not read it all.
    Having said that, this troubleshooting guide should help:
    In particular, pay attention to the mobile device support sections near the bottom, assuming you have already done the items above it.

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    Windows Start menu --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Fonts, then File --> Add Font.

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    Read this sap note first: 195442 - Language import and Support Packages
    Refer to below forum & VIdeo on how to install chinese language in SAP system.
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    Language Installation steps (make sure all Support Packages up to date)
    1. /nSMLT
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    Language = China
    Supplementation Language = English (please note this only allow to set ONCE ONLY!!)
    click SAVE disk icon
    highlight THAI then select LANGUAGE -> IMPORT PACKAGE
    Language = China
    Path = (the CD above, must be UNIX path if backend is UNIX server!)
    2. /nRZ10
    Profile = select INSTANCE PROFILE
    -> then click CHANGE
    -> click PARAMETER button at top bar
    set install/codepage/appl_server = 8600 (note: 86=Thai, 00=English)
    3. /nSE38
    execute Program = RSCPINST -> click execute icon
    under Enter Languages -> remove German(DE) & add China (CH) {please note ONLY allow TWO languages max)
    click SIMULATE button at top bar (this will tell you if any errors, example Code Page not match)
    If simulate OK then click ACTIVATE button on top bar.
    FINISH u2013 your language is installed & activated!!!!!!!

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    I have already tried the above, But the font created using input stream is available only to my application* and is not viewable in photoshop.*. I realize this. Like I said, I know of no method that will register/deregister the font with the system. You'll have to create your own method that takes the operating system into account.
    String os = System.getPropery("");
    if(os.equals("Windows Vista")) {
    }else if(os.equals("Windows XP")) {
    }else if(os.equals("Windows NT")) {
    }else if(os.equals("Solaris")) {
    Digital Unix
    HP UX
    Mac OS
    Mac OS X
    Netware 4.11
    Windows 2000
    Windows 95
    Windows 98
    Windows NT
    Windows Vista
    Windows XPYou'll need the standard font directory for each system. I think all the window ones are C:\Windows\Font\ . Each OS probably has its own little quark (like having several font directories or throwing different security exceptions). Undoubtly it's going to require some research and a bit of trial and error. You can probably work some magic with Runtime.exec(...) as well.
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    No, sorry, that is not possible.
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    You should install them on your OS and Photoshop will list them.
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    ii.      Restart the Document Services Font Manager
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    Select the "Applications" button at the bottom of the screen
    Stop and start the   com.adobe/AdobeDocumentServices application

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    Thanks ahead of time!

    Is the font compatible w/Tiger?
    The Font Book is inside the Applications folder.  If it is not there, use Spotlight to search for it.  If Spotlight cannot find it, you can custom install Font Book directly from the system DVD that originally came w/your MBP. Use the custom install option.  It should be inside the Bundled Software folder.  If not, there, it will be inside the Applications folder. 

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    Actually, since I started getting the security warning, I haven't tried it on another machine. You think this information might be only stored on my machine? It's worth trying... Thanks!

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    Been a while since I've posted and thank you in advance for any help offered.
    My issue is pretty straight forward:  all my menus and fonts in Libre Office Writer show up as boxes instead of letters.  I have searched the wiki and forums for a solution but most people who have this problem fix the issue by installing the right language pack. 
    As you can see below that isn't my issue:
    local/libreoffice-common 4.1.4-3 (libreoffice)
    common files for LibreOffice - a productivity suite that is compatible with other major office suites
    local/libreoffice-en-US 4.1.4-3
    English (US) language pack for LibreOffice
    local/libreoffice-writer 4.1.4-3 (libreoffice)
    Word Processor Application for LibreOffice.
    I have no plug-ins installed apart from hunspell, mythes and hyphenation.  I removed these packages but there was no change.
    This machine is a Dell laptop with the Intel video chip and thus I have the correct driver installed and everything else works fine:
    :root: ~ : pacman -Qs intel
    local/intel-dri 10.0.2-1
    Mesa drivers for Intel
    local/xf86-video-intel 2.99.907-2 (xorg-drivers xorg) Intel i810/i830/i915/945G/G965+ video drivers
    I tried nuking my Libre Office directory in my home directory but that yielded no change.  My .gtk-* directories don't contain anything specific to LO. 
    These are the only fonts I've added to this install (thanks boohoomil) and are not customised in any way:
    local/cairo-infinality-ultimate 1.12.16-3 (infinality-bundle)
    Cairo vector graphics library with respect-fontconfig, expose and Ubuntu patches (infinality-bundle)
    local/fontconfig-infinality-ultimate 2.11.0-15 (infinality-bundle)
    A library for configuring and customizing font access (includes generic fontconfig package and ultimate settings by bohoomil).
    local/freetype2-infinality-ultimate 2.5.2-3 (infinality-bundle)
    TrueType font rendering library with Infinality patches and custom settings by bohoomil (infinality-bundle).
    I have gone so far as to try snapwm and Xfce4 but there is no difference in the font rendering in LO.
    I'm stymied about this because I have used this setup previously on this and two other machines.  Any ideas?
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-02-03 04:54:16)

    I thought of that but, as I use the infinality-bundle, which fonts do I need to test this hypothesis?  Or can you suggest one I can install from the official repos?
    [edit]  Just after posting this I remembered that LO, as noted on the wiki somewhere, suggest one install the ttf-dejavu font.  After installing this font everything is now showing correctly. 
    @nomorewindows, Thank you very much!  I feel a bit silly but I learned something from this and for that I grateful to you. 
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-02-03 00:14:13)

  • How to install Kannada font in blackberry 10OS

    Can anyone tell me how to install Kannada font in blackberry 10OS??

    Are you merely looking for a font? Or do you want to interact with the device in that language? I cannot quite tell from your words. Nevertheless, refer:
    Article ID: KB33755 Supported languages on BlackBerry 10
    If you do not see your desired language in that KB nor on the device Settings screen, then it's not available.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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  • I just purchased Wittenberger Fraktur how do install this font into my photoshop cs6 for mac ?

    I just purchased Wittenberger Fraktur how do install this font into my photoshop cs6 for mac ?

    You just install it in the OS.
    Photoshop gets the fonts from the OS.

Maybe you are looking for