Installing Reader on Mac

I've downloaded Reader, but I can't get it installed and running

Hi, cowley373,
The Adobe Reader application gets installed inside the Adobe folder in your Applications folder.  Would it happen to be there?
Adobe Community Help & Learning team

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    Nothing to do with any of that. Only the install logs can reveal what is going on.
    Troubleshoot with install logs | CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC

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    (Gary_Roger) wrote:
     I was wrong on both counts. With the help of the local Apple store, I found a solution. First, I Moved to Trash all adobe related files/folders from /Users/*myaccount*/Library/Cache and /Users/*myaccount*/Library/Preferences. When I started "Adobe Reader 9", I at least got the license agreement but again it failed with an "internal error". I then moved the /Users/*myaccount*/Library/Application Support/Adobe folder to my desktop. I was then able to start "Adobe Reader 9" successfully.
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    Thanks! This fixed my Adobe Reader on Snow Leopard problem.

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    This is thread from Apple discussions.
    Look for the suggestion from Shootist007 towards the end of the 2nd page.
    It is just may be useful.

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    You can extract pages with Adobe Acrobat, not Adobe Reader.

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    g -
    I was able to fix the problem with some help from Apple. Whenever I last downloaded Reader, I apparently didn’t complete the process by accepting the Reader contract. I was able to go right to that point in the process and complete the installation. The messages that I needed Reader but it was already installed were quite confusing. It would have been nice if the Adobe installation process that I was re-trying this morning had been able to detect a partial installation. The Troubleshooting page almost had me doing some ridiculous things that wouldn’t have helped.

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    Try the installer from

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    Are you launching Pages from an icon in your Dock? Installing the update does not change the Dock icons & it does not remove the older versions. Go to your Applications folder & launch the new Pages from there.

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    If this is a retail copy of Mac OS X (not bundled with your mac), that may be the cause of your problem, especially if it was pre-installed with 10.5.1.
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    What is the purpose of this?
    I have my drive formatted case sensitive on purpose for more security and stability.
    Why on earth would y'all choose to do this?

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    Unfortunately it is not possible to install the program it always displays an error message. how can you loess the problem?
    error message: This application can not be run from a network drive-. copy it to a local folder and strarten it again.

    I have just the regular version, not Professional.
    I mean "les integrated", in the sense that you really run Fusion "in a window". The more "integrated" approach means that Windows applications run as if they were for the Mac, and you do not see the Windows interface at all. I personnaly think tjat is too confusing. There is nothing wrong with it, just a bit more confusing. i like having it clear that Windows is in a seperate Window.
    Op 21 nov. 2013 om 12:57 heeft Krishnam <[email protected]> het volgende geschreven:
    Re: adobe creative cloud set up to install on a mac with parallels windows 8
    created by Krishnam in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion
    Hi MacLesNL,
    Which version of VM Ware should I go for?
    So that I could install Adobe CC on Windows 7? Please advise.
    What do you mean ny "less integrated"? Is this must to run Adobe CC in VMWare on Mac?
    Please advise.
    Thanks, Krishnam
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    Try This...
    Highlight the file you want Quicktime 7 Pro to open -
    Goto File > Get Info or (CMD I)
    In the Get Info window, scroll down to "Open with:"
    Select the player you want to open the music file.
    Click the "Change All..." button if you want to 
    "Use this application to open all documents like this.”

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