InstantiationException when trying to reference an external jar in my web service sample

Dear all,
I'm working with Weblogic 6.1 SP3 (on NT platform) and, starting from weather
weblogic web service sample, I'm trying to build my first web service sample.
I developed a simple EJB (called OrderManager) that exposes the following functionalities
in its remote:
import com.bosslab.abs.beb.sci.ServiceHeaderVO;
public interface OrderManager extends EJBObject {
public OrderManagerServiceResponseVO
ServiceHeaderVO header,
     OrderManagerServiceVO data) throws Throwable;
the ServiceHeaderVO interface is in another package and it is included in an external
This Beb.jar is located under serverclasses in mydomain directory and it is included
in the classpath set in startWeblogic.cmd.
Using wsgen weblogic task & ant I created my WSOrderManager.ear and I deployed
Now no problem testing the EJB (OrderManager) with a simple client (in order to
verify that classpath is correct and also the EJB is running properly).
Also no problem pointing out to this URL "http://localhost:7011/ordermanager/com.bosslab.abs.mediator.OrderManager/com.bosslab.abs.mediator.OrderManager.wsdl"
to see the WSDL of my web service.
But when I run the web service client I got the following error:
Exception in thread "main" ------------- Remote Stack Trace ------------
Server side error:
java.lang.InstantiationException: com.bosslab.abs.beb.sci.ServiceHeaderVO
at weblogic.soap.codec.SimpleSoapEncodingCodec.newInstance(
at weblogic.soap.codec.SimpleSoapEncodingCodec.decode(
at weblogic.soap.codec.SimpleSoapEncodingCodec.decode(
at weblogic.soap.codec.CodecFactory.decode(
at weblogic.soap.codec.SoapMessage.readOperation(
at weblogic.soap.server.servlet.StatelessBeanAdapter.getInputMessage(
at weblogic.soap.server.servlet.StatelessBeanAdapter.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
------------- Local Stack Trace ------------
at weblogic.soap.codec.FaultOperation.getException(
at weblogic.soap.WebServiceProxy.processResult(
at weblogic.soap.WebServiceProxy.invoke(
at weblogic.soap.SoapMethod.invoke(
at weblogic.soap.wsdl.WebServiceInvocationHandler.invoke(
at $Proxy0.submitOrder(Unknown Source)
at StaticWSOrderManagerClient.main(
It seems that there is a problem to instantiate the com.bosslab.abs.beb.sci.ServiceHeaderVO
class included in the Beb.jar, so I thought the problem was related to the classpath
setting, maybe Beb.jar is not set properly in some place ...
To try solving this problem I did these steps:
-> exploded my WSOrderManager.ear
-> created a lib directory and put into it the Beb.jar
so now the ear structure is:
-> modified the application.xml, adding:
-> modified the, adding:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.3.1_03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Class-Path: lib/Beb.jar
-> regenerate the WSOrderManager.ear
jar cvf WSOrderManager.ear lib MediatorOrderManager.jar ...
-> and redeployed the ear
But after stopping/starting my instance, I got yet the same error when I run my
Could you please help me to understand how solving this problem ?
I thank you in advance
Kind regards

The WSDL is generated from my web service. I made heavy revisions to my web service which, in turn, affected the resultant WSDL. The changes I made to my web service were almost exclusively related to object substitution. For example, prior to the change I was referencing object A from my web service; after the change, I was referencing object B. The objects that I'm referring to are XMLBeans, if that matters. I can't really describe it more than that without actually showing you the WSDL.
I would post the WSDL file here to allow you to try to create a types jar out of it, but the WSDL exceeds the 30000 character limit for this field. There is no way for me to attach the WSDL to this post.

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    I generated a WSDL from a web service. When I try to generate a types jar from that WSDL in another project, I get an error:
    com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui.except.TypeGenerationFailedException: Buildfile: C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml
    Trying to override old definition of task wsgen
    [echo] Deleting types directory c:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474
    [echo] Deleting types jar C:\eclipsews\AAATest\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\CaregiverEBillingMasterServiceServiceTypes_xmlbeans_apache.jar
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474
    [echo] Generating types of family xmlbeans_apache from WSDL at file:/C:/eclipsews/AAATest/src/test/CaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService.wsdl, all services. Outputting to c:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474
    [typesGen] Generating complex Java types for schema types in WSDL file:/C:/eclipsews/AAATest/src/test/CaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService.wsdl. Outputting to C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474 ...
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name: t=ArrayOfTreatmentDetailItem@http://org/abc/claims/caregiver/ebilling/services
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name:
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name:
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name: t=ArrayOfDocumentSubmissionHierarchy@http://org/abc/claims/caregiver/ebilling/services
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name: t=ArrayOfMessageCode@http://org/abc/claims/caregiver/ebilling/services
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name: t=ArrayOfFeeCodeType@http://org/abc/claims/caregiver/ebilling/services
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name: t=ArrayOfBatchMessage@http://org/abc/claims/caregiver/ebilling/services
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name:
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name:
    [echo] Compiling source files from c:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474 to c:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474
    [javac] Compiling 298 source files to C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 1. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 51)
    [javac]      public static parse(java.lang.String xmlAsString) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 2. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 54)
    [javac]      public static parse(java.lang.String xmlAsString, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 3. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 58)
    [javac]      public static parse( file) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 4. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 61)
    [javac]      public static parse( file, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 5. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 64)
    [javac]      public static parse( u) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 6. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 67)
    [javac]      public static parse( u, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    === snipped here due to huge file size ===
    [javac] 2680. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\org\xfa\schema\xfaData\x10\ (at line 99)
    [javac]      public static org.xfa.schema.xfaData.x10.SignatureDocument parse( xis, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 2681. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\org\xfa\schema\xfaData\x10\ (at line 103)
    [javac]      public static newValidatingXMLInputStream( xis) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 2682. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\org\xfa\schema\xfaData\x10\ (at line 107)
    [javac]      public static newValidatingXMLInputStream( xis, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 2682 problems (2682 errors)
    C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:73: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:107: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:181: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    Total time: 17 seconds
         at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$
    Caused by: org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:73: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:107: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:181: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
         at org.eclipse.ant.core.AntRunner.handleInvocationTargetException(
         ... 1 more
    I was previously able to generate a types jar just fine from the web service's WSDL. Recently, I made some changes to the web service. Apparently, these changes to the web service now cause the WSDL to be unparseable when trying to generate types jars.
    Any ideas?

    The WSDL is generated from my web service. I made heavy revisions to my web service which, in turn, affected the resultant WSDL. The changes I made to my web service were almost exclusively related to object substitution. For example, prior to the change I was referencing object A from my web service; after the change, I was referencing object B. The objects that I'm referring to are XMLBeans, if that matters. I can't really describe it more than that without actually showing you the WSDL.
    I would post the WSDL file here to allow you to try to create a types jar out of it, but the WSDL exceeds the 30000 character limit for this field. There is no way for me to attach the WSDL to this post.

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    Aperture: When trying to open in external editor I get this warning when going to Photoshop CS6: Could not complete your request because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered. I can export and open via Photoshop or open directly from file-just not through external editor. Gerry

    Hi gerry,
    does this happen for a particular image only, or for all images?
    And does this happen only from your account or also from other user accounts?

  • Got error when trying to generate Java proxy jar file for webservice

    I am having a warning message when trying to generate java proxy jar file on weblogic8.1
    webservice test web app, the message is as follows:
    "Warning Failed to generate client proxy from WSDL definition for this service.
    Prescription Please verify the <types> section of the WSDL."
    in the mean time, on weblogic starting terminal, I saw the following exceptions,
    t\schema\modifypnr\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class FacetUtils
    location: package binding
    t\schema\modifypnr\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class FacetUtils
    location: package binding
    t\schema\modifypnr\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class FacetUtils
    location: package binding
    t\schema\modifypnr\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class FacetUtils"
    Can anybody help me about this issue? I attached WSDL file, also United Airlines
    got an enterprise weblogic license deal with BEA, any help will be highly appreciated.

    Hi Naichen,
    I was able to successfully run both the autotype and clientgen Ant task, on the
    WSDL you provided. The code behind those Ant tasks are pretty much what the WebLogic
    Web Services test page run. Are you using WLS 8.1 SP2? If not, you might want
    to try with that version.
    Mike Wooten
    "Naichen Liu" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I am having a warning message when trying to generate java proxy jar
    file on weblogic8.1
    webservice test web app, the message is as follows:
    "Warning Failed to generate client proxy from WSDL definition for this
    Prescription Please verify the <types> section of the WSDL."
    in the mean time, on weblogic starting terminal, I saw the following
    t\schema\modifypnr\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class FacetUtils
    location: package binding
    t\schema\modifypnr\ cannot resolve
    symbol : class FacetUtils
    location: package binding
    t\schema\modifypnr\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class FacetUtils
    location: package binding
    t\schema\modifypnr\ cannot resolve
    symbol : class FacetUtils"
    Can anybody help me about this issue? I attached WSDL file, also United
    got an enterprise weblogic license deal with BEA, any help will be highly

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    lotta stuff going on.  I'm in the office now and don't expect a client for about 45 minutes.  Want to walk thru this via skype or ichat?  email me directly if you do.  [email protected]
    If not, post back and I'll try and walk thru these things. 
    Also, if you want to email me the project, I'll see if I can open it here. 

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    My questions:
    Where are the JARs located  ?
    Is there sample code that excerices the usage of the BO BI 4.0 web services SDK ?

    Hi Asif,
    Please have a look over below link
    Web Services Sample Code: -
    Web Services Developer Guide:
    Getting Started with Web Service sdk:

  • How to deploy JAR as a Web Service

    I am new to BPEL and interested in building Web Services using BPEL. For this I am using Oracle BPEL Process Manager(JDeveloper).
    I have a standalone Java application (which I run from command prompt) and ant script which generates the JAR file. Can I deploy this JAR as a web service using Oracle BPEL.
    I have seen the examples given by Oracle BPEL and it was mentioned that using WSIF we can create WSDL file for our java class and call this WSDL as a partner link in my BPEL process. But how should I replicate it to my application.
    Can you please direct me in proceeding further.

    This is a forum for BI Beans questions - your question seems to be purely related to ADF and BC4J, not to BI Beans..

  • Error when trying to compile with cos.jar

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    .../cos.jar: cannot execute binary file
    I can compile servlets that do not require this jar file but cannot compile servlets that need it.
    Does anyone know how to resolve this?

    Then your command is wrong. The error message tells you that you're trying to execute the cos.jar instead of specifying it in the classpath.

  • Using External JAR file within Web Dynpro DC

    I have created a Web Dynpro DC and I need to use an external JAR file.
    I want to use this external JAR file within the same Web Dynpro DC and NOT creating another DC to house the external JAR file as I can see from the blog.
    I have included the external JAR file in the "lib" folder of the Web Dynpro DC.
    When I tried to perform a DC build, it keeps complaining error....
    How should I solve this problem...

    Hi Mike,
    Go through the below which might help you.
    Re: Lookup of RFC Destinations
    Re: Import a Java Bean from a different DC
    Web Dynpro References
    Re: j2ee library with webdynpro
    Re: Web Services :HTTP Destination not getting resloved.
    Thanks n Regards,
    Jhansi Miryala

  • Using External JARs in a Web Dynpro Project

    I'm having some difficulties building and deploying a Web Dynpro application that uses the Apache JaxMe libraries.  We're using SP11 of Developer Studio and WebAS and we're using JDI Scenario 2+ for building and deployment.  Thus far here's the procedure I followed:
    1) Created a DC of type "External Library"
    2) Added the necessary jars to the "libraries" folder of the External Library DC project (the jars that I added were jaxme2-rt.jar, jaxme2.jar, jaxmeapi.jar, jaxmejs.jar, jaxmepm.jar, jaxmexs.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xml-apis.jar all of which were pulled from the Apache JaxMe implementation download)
    3) For each of the jars in the libraries folder I right-clicked, selected Develoment Component then clicked "Add to public part" 
    Then after reading this note:
    I created a J2EE Library Component DC following these steps:
    1) Created a new DC of type J2EE Server Component / Library
    2) Added the External Library DC that I had just created as a "Used DC"
    3) Edited the DC so that it is used a Build Time and Run Time
    Finally I went to the Web Dynpro application and included the J2EE Library Component DC as a Used DC at build time and run time. 
    I was able to build all of the project successfully (doing a DC build for each) then I was able to succesfully deploy the applications to my local development WebAs (by doing a DC deploy for both the J2EE Server Component and the Web Dynpro application)  The problem is that at runtime the Web Dynpro application cannot find the external libraries.  For example, I receive the following error when running the application:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/JAXBException
    The "missing" class is included in one of the jars but for some reason these jars are not accessible to Web Dynpro at runtime. 
    Any help you can provide on this problem is very much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    I created the <b>JAR</b> with the following class (structure):
    I have followed the steps that was suggested in the forum:
    1) creating an Extneral library DC
    2) import the JAR "" to the libraries folder of the External Library DC project
    3) Right-click on the JAR imported to the project and add them to the public part.
    This DC is now ready to be used as a build-time reference that will allow CBS to build the "main" Web Dynpro application that will use the external libraries. Next, we have to create a new Web Dynpro DC to hold the class files here are the steps:
    1) Create a new Web Dynpro DC
    2) Create a new public part, selecting the "Can be packaged into other build results" option
    3) Rename the JARs as Zip files and extrct the full content (folders and class files) to your root folder
    4) Import the folders and files to the src/packages folder
    5) Expand the public part node that was created and select the "Entities" node, right-click it and choose Edit
    6) In the Entity Type list select the "Folder" option then in the selected entities tree pick each of the folders that you imported in step 5 (above)
    7) Now do a DC build and a DC deploy of the project
    Then check-in, activate, and release any activities you have associated with creating these two projects. In the DC perspective, refresh the Active DCs and Inactive DCs to ensure that both new DCs appear in the Active list. Now we have to setup the references to these DCs in our main Web Dynpro application. To do this, follow these steps:
    1) Open the Web Dynpro perspective and right click the Used DCs node then choose "Add Used DC.."
    2) Pick the public part of the External Library DC that we created (first) and set it to have a Build Time dependency
    3) Again, right click the Used DCs node and choose "Add Used DC.." then choose the public part of the Web Dynpro DC that we created and give it a Run Time dependecy (weak) and click finish.
    4) Now, due to what I think is a bug. You must right click on the Web Dynpro "used DC" that you just added in the previous step, and set the run time dependency again (it seems to revert to the default values for some reason)
    5) Now do a DC build and a DC deploy on the "main" web dynpro application.
    6) Check-in, activate, and release any activities associated with adding these references and then others on your team may use the classes in the external libraries within the Web Dynpro project.
    However, when I executed, the following exception occurred:
    Error stacktrace:
    java.lang.<b>NoClassDefFoundError</b>: <i>com/sap/tc/webdynpro/tests/utils/TableSorter</i>
    <b>What's missing????</b>
    Robson Lima
    Sao Paulo - Brazil

  • Adding external Jar's to Web Dynpro DC

    Hi All
               I want to add external jar's to a web dynpro development component but when i add the jar and rebuild the project by right clicking on project and then Development Component ===> Build / Refresh from DC settings then automaticaly the added jar's get removed
               Is there any other process to add the jar's in DC like what we do in normal dypro project. or what could be the issue.  I add the jar by properties ===> Java Build Path ==> Add External JAR's
            Please guide me I am totaly confused

    Put the ejb project in the projects required by the WebDynpro project (Java build path) in order to get it to compile succesfully.
    <b>Now you have 2 options:</b>
    1. You can then export your EJB methods as a web service and import these methods as a model in the WebDynpro project.
    <i>After this you can call your web service (ejb methods) from your webdynpro app.</i>
    2. Instatiate your EJB classes from jndi context as ejbs are normally used.
    Context initctx = new InitialContext();
    Object objref = initctx.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/YOUR_EJB");
    <i>Call the methods from the myEJB object.</i>
    <u><b>If this solves your situation, points would be greatly appreciated.</b></u>
    Best regards,
    Homer Vargas
    SAP EP Development Consultant
    SAP Web AS Development Consultant
    SAP Andina y del Caribe

  • Error when trying to create (print) a page from a web-based program

    When trying to print a web page as a pdf document (i.e., via the Distiller in Acrobat 9 Pro) I get the following error message:
    %%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
    48ofgdu not found, using Courier.
    %%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: xshow ]%%
    [68 63 60 81 45 35 55 69 83 36 35 57 60 42 59 52 59 52 39 36 35 55 68
    84 35 55 60 62 27 51 36 35 57 60 42 59 52 59 52 39 45 68 51 39 63 59
    27 35 55 60 62 27 52 36 35 61 59 59 96 45 84 59 96 62 59 42 36 35 76
    60 39 59 51 36 35 70 34 35 35 69 60 27 27 63 62 34 62 59 45 34 61 60
    51 59 35 35 34 68 60 42 39 35 62 59 44 35 68 42 59 60 34 68 39 42 63
    52 39 62 43 0]
    (   -   /"0   
         0  /"   &  0   
                   &  0 
    0 # 
    0 1   /    $                      
    %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
    %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
    I did some research and found a forum thread that recommend a fix via the Font Folders in Distiller ( However, these setting changes did not solve the issue. Attached is a view of my current Font Folder settings.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi jdsglobal,
    For postscript printing error, please refer to the following link: ipt_offending_commands

  • Hi There, I have a problem when trying to print either Email or from a web page.

    Hi There,
    I have a problem when trying to print contents fro either Email's or from web pages, the problem started after i opened Google earth and it down loaded Google Chrome i do not like Google chrome so i removed it from my pc via add and remove programmes since then when i try to print an email i get what looks like the computer settings for writing the email and not the text same for web pages, as anyone come across this problem before i can print any word or spreadsheet documents but problem is with email's and web pages.
    Many Thanks.

    Something changed on your system, possibly when Google Chrome installed. It could  be many things, but what it boils down to, is it needs to go back to the way it was. Either by removing whatever else might still be left from the install, or maybe by reinstalling the printer itself.
    I was a support engineer for HP.
    If the advice resolved the situation, please mark it as a solution. Thank you.

  • Problen when using log4j.jar in my web service application

    Hi, i have a little problem. I have to migrate an existing java application to web services, and this application uses log4j.jar. So i put that jar file in the lib dir in WEB-INF. However, when i try to deploy the application, i get an error saying
    org.apache.commons.LoggingException: No suitable Log constructor [LJava.lang.Class;c492c8 for org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger
    And of course if i remove that jar from the lib dir, the app deploys ok, but it crashes because it can't find the class Logger (located in that jar)
    Any ideas how to solve this?????
    Thank you                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    When is the log4j constructor invoked ? said you moved the java application to the java application they might have initialized the log4j with the log4j properties file some where when they start the application..
    Have a start up servlet which initializes the lof4j.

  • External Business Component vs Web Service

    We are using Siebel 8.1 and we are in need of referencing data in a external data source (DB2) that needs to present in a read only format this information within Siebel. We are trying to find the best path based on using
    1. External Business Component
    2. Obtain the data when needed via a web service
    Option 1 is described in the training materials we have from the training courses we've taken, but web services are the corporate standard, since using a web service would insulate the Siebel application from changes that happen to the external database and would be reusable.
    So far, we have been unable to determine how to call a web service from an applet that displays the data. The closest we've been able to come is to create a task flow to run the web service, and then place the data into a transient business component.
    Does anyone have any recommendations or past experiences related to this they can share for the best path?

    Hi Bob,
    As you said you would be using web service approach. I feel following would be good method to display web service data in Siebel Applets
    1.     Create Virtual Business Component (VBC)
    2.     Create Applet Based on VBC
    3.     Create Customer Business Service which will call web service and display data in applet
    You can use “SIA Billing Extern Service” to minimize script. This Service uses input output in the form of integration object structure. So using it you can directly map web service output to VBC fields.
    Thank you,

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