Instead of user exits?

Is there any other method to meet the customer requirements instead of User Exits?

BADIs is other method to meet the customer requirements instead of User Exits
i will explain the <b>difference between USER EXIT and BADI.</b>
The major difference between Badi and customer user exit is badi can be built by class and methods means it’s purely relates to OOPS (Object oriented) and with single badi can contain multiple methods, so that one badi can contains screen, field, function exits.
<b>For BADI:</b>
Suppose let say imepl1 has created for badi00 and this badi00 contains 3 methods, in which you activated one method. Now you can also create one more implementation say imepl2 has to be create for badi00 to be use for method 2.
<b>Conclusion: One BADI can implement multiple times but not Customer exit of project.</b>
And coming to <b>customer user exit</b>, I will explain scenarios
There is requirement you need to be use the enhancement or function exit which already activated under one Project name.
As you know one project can contains multiple enhancements and enhancement also contains multiple function exits.
1)       Suppose if you are going to be add one more enhancement in existing project which already implemented by some one. Now you have to go to existing project and go to ‘Enhancement assignment’ and click on change mode, add new enhancement then by default it will display all function exits which it contains. Then as you know to add the code into include under particular function exit and activate include and come back and press activation button under enhancement screen and come back to initial screen ie CMOD screen press ‘active’ button. This is one way to active or implement the existing project by multiple times.
2)       second scenario is suppose if  enhancement contains multiple function exits out of one user exit already activated by some one of written some code. Now you need to be writing or use other function exits under the same enhancement of same project. In this case you can’t  activate the function exit under separate project instead you need to be use the same project, by writing code in particular include by create it. This is one way you can use the same project as well as same enhancement, but creating or activating new function exit.
3)       Third scenario is if you want to add the code to the existing function exit. Suppose if some one else already activated one function exit with code. Now requirement has come to add some more functionality to the same exit under the same enhance, and same project. This is like modifying the existing report or program.
<b>Conclusion: You can’t activate one enhancement under two projects</b>
<b> Reward with points if helpful.</b>

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    Instead of User exit, you can think of using SAP Standard Output type functionality.
    Ask your functional consultant to create a Output type with Medium 6 and do the necessary outbound configuration in the Partner profile WE20 transaciton.
    Madhan D
    Edited by: Madhan Doraikannan on Dec 10, 2008 10:49 AM

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    Hi praveen,
    please check these exits .

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    I say about Characteristic Relationship based on Exit without derivation. Maybe I don't clearly understand you.

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    HI ,
    Use this line of code
      field-symbols: <l_fs> type any.
      data: l_value type char20.
    Get Plant
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          into     LH_674_a590
          where    kappl  = 'V'
          and      kschl  = 'ZSPR'
          and      kunnr  = komk-kunnr
          and      matnr  = komp-matnr
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          and      datab  =< komk-prsdt.
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    Thanks in adcance

    Hi Shanto & Sumit,
    Thanks for the inputs.
    as per my understanding of the log
    java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: method getPricingConditionByConditionTypeName(Lcom/sap/spe/pricing/transactiondata/userexit/IPricingItemUserExit;Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/sap/spe/pricing/transa ctiondata/IPricingCondition; used to be stati
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    this was working earlier before upload.could this be because of the jar packaging.
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    for further investigation.

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    Best Regards,

    for tcode GJ14 user exits avaliables are
    Exit Name           Description
    JVA-IM-1             Joint Venture: Integration Manager Set Intercompany Lines
    JVA_IM_2            User Exit Splitting
    JVA_IM_3            User Exit Check Document

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    satendra pateria

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    Thanks  for input.
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    which BADI u have seen ?
    what abt ur requirement ?

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    Hi All,
    functional consultant useing user exit ,for substitution of profir center.
    can any body plz tell ,which user exit he useing to get profit center value.

    For substitution Tx:GGB1 is used. go to the tx, select FI accounting, line item, Step, double click on substitution, u'll find user exit like U100, double click on it, thats the code used for substitution.
    If its different functionla area, select it instead of FI in GGB1
    Tx: GCX2 shows the Z program (like ZGGBS000) used for substitution.
    Message was edited by: Sridhar K

  • How to know where the user exits or enhancement used in standard sap code?

    I m pretty new to abap.
    How can I know where the user exits or enhancement used in standard sap code?
    As i have to add some functionality to the standard sap code. I m looking to search the enhancement or user exits used in this standard code wher i can add my functionality.
    thanks in advance.
    Moderator message : Search for available information, thread locked.
    Edited by: Vinod Kumar on Oct 19, 2011 2:38 PM

    Hi Henry,
    I don't think this is the easiest way to look at the code around a particular field on the screen. Debugging standard programs also can be very tedious, if not impossbile. So, instead of this question, I would like to find out exactly what you want to do if you know the code.
    If you are in a transaction and you want to know where the code of a particular field is, the fastest way to get to it is by pressing the F1 key on the field and then press the Technical info button on the help screen. In here you will typically see the same kind of information but it is very specific to the field you selected.
    PROGRAM(SCREEN) tells you which program is manipulating the main screen, in which your field is embedded. Remember your field may be included in a sub-screen and that subscreen may be the one included in the main screen.
    PROGRAM(SUB SCREEN) tells you which program is directly responsible for the field on the subscreen it is included in. This is where you should find the code most appropriate for the field, but not necessarily.
    PROGRAM(GUI) controls how your push buttons and the menu options in the screen behave and controlled.

  • Difference b/w Customer exits and User Exits

    Can anybody explain diff b/w user exits and customer exits .
    How to find out and Impement the coding ..
    Thanks Advance

    Hi Rohan,
    Check this matter , this may be helpful to you.
    The enhancement concept allows you to add your own functionality to SAP’s standard business applications without having to modify the original applications. SAP creates customer exits for specific programs, screens, and menus within standard applications. These exits do not contain any functionality. Instead, the customer exits act as hooks. You can hang your own add-on functionality onto these hooks.
    If you want to enhance the functionality of your SAP System, you should take advantage of the exits available in standard applications. There are two main reasons why you should use exits rather than modifying SAP software yourself. Add-ons attached to exits have the advantage that:
    •        They do not affect standard SAP source code
    When you add new functionality to your SAP System using SAP’s exits, you do not alter the source code of standard SAP programs in any way. The code and screens you create are encapsulated as separate objects. These customer objects are linked to standard applications, but exist separately from SAP’s standard software package.
    •        They do not affect software updates
    When you add new functionality to your SAP System using SAP’s exits, your objects (called customer objects) must adhere to strict naming conventions. When it comes time to upgrade a to a new software release, customer objects’ names ensure that they will not be affected by any changes or new additions to the standard software package.
    Customer exits are not available for all programs and screens found in the SAP System. You can only use customer exits if they already exist in the SAP System.
    <b>User exits :</b>
    1. Introduction
    2. How to find user exits
    3. Using Project management of SAP Enhancements 
    1. Introduction:
    User exits (Function module exits) are exits developed by SAP. The exit is implementerd as a call to a functionmodule. The code for the function module is writeen by the developer. You are not writing the code directly in the function module, but in the include that is implemented in the function module.
    The naming standard of function modules for functionmodule exits is: 
    EXIT_<program name><3 digit suffix> 
    The call to a functionmodule exit is implemented as:
    CALL CUSTOMER.-FUNCTION <3 digit suffix>
    The program for transaction VA01 Create salesorder is SAPMV45A
    If you search for CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION i program
    SAPMV45A you will find ( Among other user exits):
        xvbak   = vbak
        xvbuk   = vbuk
        xkomk   = tkomk
        lvf_subrc = lvf_subrc
        xvbfa = xvbfa
        xvbap = xvbap
        xvbup = xvbup.
    The exit calls function module EXIT_SAPMV45A_003
    Hope this is helpful.
    Reward all the helpful answers.

  • User exit in sales order

    Hi All,
    I want to know if there is a way (user exit) that could look at the Sales Order Type , particular Item Pricing Condition  and Ship-to party State and set the materialu2019s tax classification (VBAP/TAXM1) to u201C0u201D (Exempt) ?
    Thanks in Advance!

    Hi GSL,
    I have put the code in the user exit, and I am able to set the tax classification indicator but I have a problem... Before setting the indicator I need to check for the Usage code of the line item (This code I am using instead of checking the Pricing condition) . I am able to read all the values of line item in VBAP structure in the user exit except for the first time this user exit is hit as soon as a line item is entered it is not picking up the Usage code. That field is blank.
    But if add another line item and go into the user exit I can see the previous line item Usage code in XVBPA table.
    Do you have any idea why usage code is missing in VBAP structure in the user exit or is there any other table or structure where I can get the usage code?
    Please let me know if any one have any ideas.
    Thanks in Advance!

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