Integrated Microphone active at all times on T43

One day, after a long time of no use with my laptop, I powered it on and found out, that the microphone, that is above the Esc button is active.. at all times.. If i add a microphone to the mic input, then i have 2 recording microphones, except that one is active at all times.. and sends whatever it hears to the speakers..
Go to Solution.

For my T61, the same is true - the microphone is always active because the stereo-mix function has been disabled.  However, you can disable the sound coming out of your speakers by doube clicking on the sound icon in your system tray and hitting "mute" under the microphone output.  If you don't see it, go check the advanced properties to make sure all the stereo-out options are enabled so  u can mute the appropriate one.
T61_Wide | Model No. 7662 - CTO
Core 2 Duo T7250 | 2GB OCZ DDR2-800
82566MM Gigabit | 4965AGN Centrino Pro

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    Trademann wrote:
    Fox, that does not work, because then you are blocked from sending any form of message to another Apple user. iMessage MUST be activated to text any other iOS device. And then Apple defaults by ALWAYS using iMessage between iOS devices.There is simply no way, within iOS 8, to send SMS only to another Apple user. Apple has made that impossible.
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  • Concerns ALL Time Machine Users. HOW TO MOVE Time Machine backups. Help !

    Concerns ALL Time Machine Users :
    MOVE (or COPY) Time Machine backups from a "x"To Disk to an "y"To greater disk.
    Hello and thank you all for reading me,
    First, excuse me if I make language errors (I'm French).
    Secundo, I don't know if you'll find something interesting for you
    in what I write about Time Machine and my own problems,
    but there's a possibility also that YOU could perhaps help me.
    I'm talking about Time Machine and his **** Backups.backupdb folder,
    containing "*Name of your Mac*" folder,
    this folder containing Time Machine backups, format : YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS
    Time Machine doesn't recognize the backups it made *IF YOU MOVE THEM*.
    I have perhaps a solution in this message.
    You'll see below what kind of problem I (and you could) have.
    Since 12/01/10, an Apple Adviser Level Two (and me)
    are trying to understand how to move backups from TM1To Disk to, let's say, a bigger one.
    My case is TM1,5To.
    *Purpose :* Move 19 backups from Time Machine X disk to Time Machine Y disk.
    Delete TMX disk Time Machine backups after that.
    Make TMY disk the current used Time Machine Disk.
    I don't remember exactly what we did before
    (we even created a "root" account with password (dangerous to do),
    but it didn't solve the problem),
    but we finally copied :
    TM1To > Backups.backupdb > *MacBook Pro* folder (containing 19 backups) into :
    TM1,5To > Backups.backupdb folder.
    The Copy application announced *16 hours !* (without antivirus, to remove absolutely).
    So I said goodbye and thank you to my Apple Adviser. After *8 hours*, Copy failed.
    BUT it had succeeded to copy *4 backups ONLY* (why ?) in TM1,5To.
    I immediately verified and checked each of these with Get Info.
    They had EXACTLY the same size (Byte to Byte) as in TM1To.
    After designing TM1,5To as Time Machine Disk, I ordered it to Backup (now).
    And what did Time Machine do in TM1,5To > Backups.backupdb ?
    It created a *NEW folder*, named *MacBook Pro 2* !
    ➔ *I HAVE NO ACCESS* to TM1,5To > Backups.backupdb > *MacBook Pro* (4 backups copied from TM1To, remember) ;
    ➔ while I still *HAVE ACCESS* to TM1To > Backups.backupdb > *MacBook Pro* (19 backups) ;
    ➔ *AND I HAVE ACCESS* to TM1,5To > Backups.backupdb > *MacBook Pro 2*,
    where Time Machine makes actually his backups.
    *NOTE :* If you *change the name* of your computer,
    Time Machine *changes automatically the name* of the folder who is in Backups.backupdb folder.
    ➔ ① I have *never seen* such protections (Sharing and Permissions).
    You are not allowed to do anything. I've tried to change permissions,
    first : "R+W", after that : "Make (Me) the owner", I can tell you : DON'T DO IT !
    ➔ ② It's impossible to install an OS on a Time Machine disk
    (I thought it would allow better permissions).
    OS Installer detects the existence of a Backups.backupdb folder
    and refuses to install on this disk or partition.
    I have now the bad intent to install minimal OS X
    1) after deleting (how ?) this folder (but not its contents, how to move it ?)
    and 2) declare *after that* the disk as Time Machine disk.
    ➔ ③ Time Machine doesn't backup OTHER Time Machine backups
    (who are in an ancient-not-choosed-for-backups Time Machine disk) NOR backups this disk
    (detects, once again, the existence of a Backups.backupdb folder).
    AND you can't *absolutely not remove backups from the folder the're in*
    (for me, *MacBook Pro* or *MacBook Pro 2*).
    ➔ ④ I didn't have time to do it, but I think there would perhaps be a solution
    in restoring backups in partitions specially created to receive them (having the same name,
    that sort of thing) and then re-backup these partitions (vicious and complicated).
    There is a function on Mac OS X Install DVD : start with it, and then (do not install)
    choose "*restore from Time Machine backup*" from the menu bar (it's called "Utilities", I believe).
    ➔ ⑤ I *absolutely don't understand* what follows :
    — If I add (in my TM1To disk) the bytes of the 19 backups
    in Backups.backupdb > *MacBook Pro* folder, I obtain about *1,8 To*.
    — It's impossible (and not french).
    — When I check the size used with Disk Utility (NOT with Get Info),
    I find a correct (?) size : *about 750 Go*.
    — What are Time Machine backups made of ?
    It can't be aliases (because of their size, and because *aliases suppose originals,
    and where could they be ?*), or am I wrong and becoming crazy ?
    ➔ ⑥ If you refer to the numbers shown at the end of this text (*4 backups*),
    you'll see I could *delete duplicate elements* inside these 4 backups,
    to win space (but *what kind* of space *if I delete aliases* ?).
    Back-In-Time (see below) says he does it.
    BUT is it really the OLDEST items I have to destroy (see ⑤),
    when I don't know with what kind of ARTEFACT I'm acting ?
    What does Time Machine delete to create more backup space ?
    Is it REALLY the OLDEST backups it treats, or duplicates, OR ?
    *What you can do :*
    Find and go to or site (it's a french company
    that creates small Mac applications since fifteen years at least,
    I think I already bought them several programs in 1990) ;
    Their program *Back-In-Time 1.4.4* is free (Trial) and complete to download (with PDF docs too).
    It is *ENTIRELY DEDICATED* to Time Machine and *things you can't do* with.
    Price is about 30 €, I think it's worth.
    The TRIAL version you will obtain can only work on the LAST Time Machine backup,
    but you will see what's featured *AND :*
    You will ACCESS to ANY Time Machine backup you want
    (It has to be the last of a serie of backups, but the serie you want.
    I've bought the application and own an activation key, but you understand I can't give it to you
    (it would not be ethic) and anyway you would be obliged to disconnect AirPort, Ethernet etc.
    •➔ I have bought the application because I thought (it's said in PDF FAQs) I could IN THE END move Time Machine backup files, but it cannot, (I'm afraid).
    •➔ Back-In-Time 1.4.4 can *delete :* duplicate backups, complete backups,
    or duplicate items inside one or several Time Machine backups,
    things that I believe impossible with Time Machine itself
    (I've seen it offers to delete ALL occurences of an item) ;
    •➔ The application can also restore anything you want, where you want
    (but I think Time Machine does it too ?)
    •➔ Believe it or not, but since I've bought it on 15/01,
    I've only worked about 2 hours (no, much more) on it
    and didn't make sufficient progresses (enhancements ?)
    to talk of it with sufficient experience (I'm a bad guy, don't you think ?)
    •➔ Tri-Edre offers on-line support, e-mail support (and so on),
    and I EVEN didn't manage to join them, because I did many other things,
    and also somewhat have been disgusted *not to be able to move* or copy
    *(accessible by Time Machine after that)* backups,
    and I also didn't succeed (*another Time Machine inconvenient*) to DESTROY an ".inProgress"
    Time Machine (package) which doesn't work anymore (several interruptions while active),
    date (and name) 2010-01-27-164345.inProgress, but is used (*with failure results*)
    by Time Machine (it's turned off till I find how to destroy its **** ".inProgress" package.
    •➔ I've asked my Apple Adviser Level 2 to wait for news from me
    before working himself on the problem, and I think I will send him this message
    to prove I haven't forgotten him.
    •➔ I'll send it to Tri-Edre too, in the same move.
    I hope those remarks to be useful for somebody, tell me if it has helped.
    I will also publish this in any Time Machine topics I find here, and in MacRumors site too.
    As you can see, I need help too … Does anybody have an idea ?
    Perhaps if I used a specific Copy software, it could work ?
    You'll see below an example of some time I've spent to study my problem
    (you will think I'm crazy).
    With my kind regards, and good luck if you have other Time Machine problems !
    Olivier Herrbach
    <Edited by Host>
    Le but du jeu est de transférer toutes les sauvegardes Time Machine
    d'un volume/partition que nous appelerons "1 To"
    sur un volume/partition que nous appelerons "1,5 To".
    *Je rappelle que les 4 sauvegardes effectuées par Time Machine sur le 1 To
    n'ont pas été reconnues comme siennes par Time Machine sur le 1,5 To,
    bien que strictement identiques en taille après leur copie.
    J'ai remarqué dans Back-In-Time des fichiers invisibles (tels que "TimeMachine.log"
    ou quelque chose de genre), et je soupçonne fort qu'ils n'ont pas été copiés et que Time Machine,
    ne les trouvant pas dans le 1,5 To, a ignoré à cause de leur absence les 4 sauvegardes décrites ici.*
    *Sauvegardes effectuées par Time Machine sur 1 To :*
    Path : MacBook Pro > Volumes > 1 To > Backups.backupdb > MacBook Pro
    MacBook Pro contient 19 items (dont un alias appelé "Latest") :
    1°) 2010-01-02-045758 Size : 913.207 B for 41.888 items comprenant :
    • Hitachi 1 To Size : 907.664 B for 41.887 items 7 folders
    Différence avec 1°) = - 5.543 B - 1 item (1 folder)
    2°) 2010-01-03-001957 Size : 982.211.325 B for 67.490 items comprenant :
    • Hitachi 1 To Size : 901.516 B for 41.886 items 6 folders
    Différence avec 1°) = - 6.148 B - 1 item - 1 folder
    • Samsung 500 Go Size : 981.302.510 B for 25.602 items 4 folders
    Total • + • = Size : 982.204.026 B for 67.488 items
    Différence avec 2°) = -7.209 B - 2 items (2 folders)
    — *Supprimer • Hitachi 1 To* dans 2010-01-03-001957. Comparer les dossiers.
    3°) 2010-01-04-222709 Size : B for 26.509 items comprenant :
    • Samsung 500 Go Size : 5.187.330.874 B for 19.392 items 8 folders
    Différence avec 2°) = + B - 6.210 items + 4 folders
    • StartUp Disk Size : 53.692.703 B for 7.115 items 4 folders
    Total • + • = Size : B for 26.507 items
    Différence avec 3°) = - 9.242 B - 2 items (2 folders)
    — *Supprimer Samsung 500 Go* dans 2010-01-03-001957. Comparer les dossiers.
    4°) 2010-01-05-125449 Size : 9.428.705.396 B for 204.915 items comprenant :
    • HD 250 Go Size : 9.374.308.265 B for 181.575 items 7 folders
    • Samsung 500 Go Size : 692.898 B for 16.222 items 8 folders
    Différence avec 3°) = - 5.186.637.976 B - 3.170 items
    • StartUp Disk Size : 53.692.703 B for 7.115 items 4 folders
    Total • + • + • = Size : 9.428.693.866 B 204.912 items
    Différence avec 4°) = - 11.530 B - 3 items (3 folders)
    — Supprimer • StartUp Disk dans 2010-01-04-222709. IDENTIQUE.

    Dear James Pond,
    Thank you once again, and, don't be afraid, I will be as short as possible,
    but I need to use your last reply (I've cut all what was already said).
    JP ➔ You can copy an entire set of backups, but you cannot copy part of it successfully. See #18 etc.
    JP ➔ Read this from the first paragraph: "you cannot copy only selected backups,
    or merge two (or more) sets of backups." The structure of the backups simply will not allow it.
    I've read it, and found it regrettable. And I've also read, after that, what were the solutions under Leopard and Snow Leopard, and my conclusion is that it's a *dead end* for me. In short,
    — I can't move (by drag and drop) the 1To's Backups.backupdb folder (containing MacBook Pro, 19 backups, access) to 1,5To, because there exists already the Backups.backupdb folder created by copy on 12/01 with Apple Assistance (containing [MacBook Pro, 4 backups of 19, no access] and [MacBook Pro 2, 15 backups, access]). I don't even know if it could be deleted by the copy (and I don't wanna do that anyway) ;
    — I can't rename (and what for, I already forgot it) any Backups.backupdb folder nor delete it ;
    — I can't copy any Computer'sName folder (entire set containing backups), being in a Backups.backup.db folder, into another Backups.backupdb folder ;
    — I can't copy any (or all of an entire set) YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS backup(s), being in a Computer'sName folder, into another Computer'sName folder (even if it would be empty).
    — Saying NONE in Time Machine Preferences and putting it to OFF is simply no use.
    All is said. What I can try to do is :
    — Delete (not with Finder, but with Back-In-Time) all duplicate things I find in all backups and also entire duplicate backups (I have full access to all with the software) ;
    — Restore each of the reduced-to-minimum backups obtained in specially right-sized partitions wearing the YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS name of each restored backup. Time Machine doesn't backup his backups, but will backup these partitions.
    I'm afraid to be actually completely running out of the target, when I read what I write … It's time to go to bed !
    Reminder (OH) : Where did you find these amazing informations ?
    JP➔ Some of it is detailed here:[]sx_leopard_timemachine.html
    ➤ Thank you ;
    JP➔ and here:
    ➤ Thank you too ;
    JP➔ You have to understand the structure. When TM does the first backup, yes, it copies everything.
    On subsequent backups, it copies what's new or changed, but also makes "hard links" (sort of like aliases) to the copies of the things that didn't change. That's how it can only back up a few things each time, but show you a complete "snapshot" of the way your entire system looked at the time of every backup.
    ➤ I'll do my best to understand.
    JP➔ Time Machine deletes backups under two conditions. See the first part of #12 in the Frequently Asked Questions User Tip, also at the top of this forum.
    Under normal circumstances, you should not have to delete any backups. See the rest of #12.
    ➤ I understood why Time Machine didn't delete oldest backups : they were not weeklies ones.
    Reminder (OH) : How can I destroy the (corrupted ?) not working "2010-01-27-164345.inProgress" in 1,5 To, which causes Time Machine to abort any backup of any size I ask ?
    JP➔ Why do you think it's corrupted? TM is designed to "recover" a partial backup.
    ➤ I'll verify that with the little Tools/Apps I discovered in your FAQ User Tip document and downloaded immediately.
    Why didn't Apple tell me anything ? It's my fault, I'm perhaps not clear and not demanding enough more from them.
    JP➔ You cannot install OSX on a disk containing TM backups. That's because they need to be on separate disks.
    Technically, you could put them on separate partitions of the same disk, but that would not be a good idea.
    ➤ I never told you that (there would be no interest at all). I talked about the same location, to see if it would allow me more permissions, but if all works without doing it, it's really no use.
    JP➔ Sorry, I don't know what that means.
    ➤ I'm sorry, I didn't explain : "but if all works" meant : Copy Backups.backupdb, "without doing it" meant : Install OSX.
    ➤ If I install an OSX BEFORE, Time Machine will REFUSE completely to backup on it, it's understood.
    JP➔ Correct. The partition you're running from will not be an option in TM Preferences > Select Disk. That prevents TM from backing-up it's own backups!
    ➤ Would it be so absurd ? Maybe it could resolve my actual problem ?
    I think you are right, but I don't know why. I trust you.
    Reminder (OH) : "I will not bore you again except if I don't find a specific answer to an unknown-never-seen-incredible malfuction."
    JP➔ Don't worry about that -- thats what this forum is for, especially if you're still having problems.
    ➤ It's seems in fact that there is no possible solution, except what I said above and is certainly crazy/out of subject.
    Just try to be as clear and concise as you can.
    And please don't post the same things repeatedly -- it wastes your time and ours, and can confuse other folks.
    ➤ You're absolutely right and I tried to do so this time, and I'm sorry because I see it's still (far) not enough (short).
    Thank you once more. I wish you a good evening and week-end. Here it's 01:40 AM.
    With my kind regards
    Olivier Herrbach
    [email protected]

  • Recording 4 microphones at the same time to GarageBand?

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    So far, I've been looking at these devices which all seem to have their own caveats:
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    Focusrite 18i8 (a little over the price I wanted to pay)
    Everything else I've looked at is either more expensive or has too few XLR inputs. If anyone out there can lend their expertise and advice to what my options are that would be great.
    Thanks much,

    Well, you can, but it is pretty darn expensive and requires quite a bit of hardware.

  • Integrated Microphone Array not working

    Hi. I recently bought a dv6 laptop. In the beginning there were no problems with it at all, but without any (to me) apparent reason, the integrated microphone simply stopped working. I've tried several suggested solutions already; I've checked my sound setup in the control panel, everything checks out there, and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the IDT HD Audio Driver CODEC through the HP Recovery Manager. My laptop is running Windows 7 x64. I really need a solution to this problem, it is driving me crazy.. I'm hoping someone in here can help me..
    Thanks in advance.

    @oluawoderu, @karen5, @M_Holmstroem
    Please provide us the complete model of your system along with the operating system, so that we can assist you in a better way.
    How to locate model number:
    Also, please let us know the BIOS version on your notebook and installed Microphone driver version.
    I am an HP employee.
    If my suggestion was helpful, you can thank me by clicking on the "Kudos" button!
    If my answer solved your problem, please feel free let the community know by clicking the "Accept as Solution" button!!

  • Integration model activation issue - After Prod to Quality refresh of R/3

    Hi Guys,
    Our R/3 quality system refreshed from production. Hence all the integration models Logical system pointing APO production system. Mistakenly I deactivated all the integration model in R/3 Q system which having APO Production logical system.
    All the IM in R/3 quality system are inactive. When try send material getting error message "relavent location doesn't exist".
    For that try to move the Location getting error message "Location already exist in APO Quality" system.
    Now I want to active the all the Plant, material.etc integration models. Please let me know if any more information and help to overcome the issue.
    Saravanan V

    Make a table level change and set the integration model flag as active in the table CIF_IMOD. This will help you solve the issue .
    Go to transaction SE16 . Give table name as CIF_IMOD. Give the name of you integration model and execute . Now all versions of that integration model will be displayed ( this will happen if you have many inactive versions and do not have the RIMODDEL program to delete inactive IM's) . Choose the latest version and go to change mode  and set the value of "Entry is active"  (technical name ACTIVE) field to  I.
    You can take help from development team if you do not have authorization to SE16

  • New column - all-time rolling sum in Repository

    Hi all
    I need to build a new column in the repository.(ALL TIME ROLLING SUM TO DATE) and # Month Roll over on that.
    I am looking for a way to easily compute rolling sums (etc.) for ranges of dimensional values that are not included in the result set.
    I want to show a table of monthly unit count for 6 months:
    I have the values forall months ,starting from years 2000.
    Month unit Count
    Jan07 100
    Feb07 150
    Mar07 - 100
    Apr07 125
    May07 - 200
    Jun07 210
    In another column I want to show an all-time rolling sum of the transaction activity
    (sum the metric for all rows in the fact table <= the month in the row of the report).
    Month Unit Count Rolling Sum To Date (Balance) 3 month Rollover
    Jan07 100 3400
    Feb07 150 3550
    Mar07 100 3650 10600
    Apr07 125     3775 10975
    May07 200 3975 11400
    Jun07 210 4185 11935
    I tried RSUM for Rolling Sum To Date, but it dosent give rolling sum values above the considered result set time period.
    Immediate help is appreciated, kind of urgent help required.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user11939829 on Sep 16, 2010 10:20 AM

    Hi Deepak,
    When i gave the example i forgot to add that i am showing the pivot chart in the report and showing the RSUM in Line Graph for 3 years..where i have year at the column and i have one dimension at the page section of the prompt.
    So i m just showing the line graph where i have RSUM at the Vertical axis...Month at the horizontal Axis.
    Sorry for the confusion

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    If we copy the zip-file to the local file system, unzip works.
    If the zip-file contains just files, unzip works.
    Under osx 10.8 unzip works. The problem occurs if we use 10.9 or higher.
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    I have found the correct answer!  After hours of research and chat with Verizon, I know it is operating correctly.  Here is why:
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    when i connect my iphone 3Gs to itunes in my computer they say, they have an update for my iphone ios 5 to ios 6.1, this is the message that apear in my itunes, We're sorry, we are unable to continue with your activation at this time.Ask your question. what should i do for now for iphone didnt activate of itunes?

    Ask the person who owns the iPhone.
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    with the black and white icon or a different one?
    If it was jailbroken, contact the developers of the jailbreak.
    Not all jailbreaks can be completely removed.
    Google may provide some direction.

  • Autheticating useing Cisco ACS 4.2 integrated with Active Directory 2003

    How do i check that users are Autheticated useing Cisco ACS 4.2 integrated with Active Directory 2003, any one help me in this thanks

    You can't actually see the user's membership from ACS. All you can do, create group-mapping under external database >> group mapping section. This would give you an option to map external (AD) group with an Internal group.The group memberrship need to be modified under Active Directory.
    Once user is succussfully authenticated and learned as a dynamic user in ACS user setup database, it would be mapped with an ACS internal group based on group mapping we did.
    Let me know if you have any doubts.

  • Is there a way to keep both menu bars opaque at all times?

    Mavericks shows the menu bar in both monitors when you have two. That's great, but the menu bar in the passive desktop turns translucent, which is a bit annoying. Is there a way to keep both menu bars opaque at all times? Setting the menu bar opaque in the desktop settings affects only the active monitor.

    Hey Everyone,
    I recently got one of these fun little squares and I just figured out (what seems to be) a simple way to keep the clock face on. (Though, I certainly agree with the comments about the ultimate impracticality of doing so for a long time, as the the battery in this thing only has so much to give.)  I'm running the latest update on it.
    This seemed too easy to believe when I did it! No need to keep it empty of music! No need to keep it in Fitness running! I think this works because the clock face, stop watch, and timer are all in the same segment of it's little nano operating system.
    If you turn on the stopwatch then switch back to the clock face, it will stay fully illuminated as long as the stopwatch is running. I think the limit on the stopwatch is 24 hours, but my guess is your battery is going to be dead long before that. I'd recommend setting the brightness super low if you're going to do this.
    Anyway, problem solved if you want to keep it lit for however long you like. (of course you have to sacrifice the stopwatch)

  • Stuck on "activating date and time" Apple Support Community "tips" work. Help me.

    I have tried all the "tips" on this forum to no avail. I am stuck with my Apple TV on "activating date and time" without end. I have Restarted it, Restored it, hooked it directly to my known-to-be-working moden with an ethercable, I have pressed (on the remote) the Menu and 'back' buttons simultaneously, I have pressed the Menu and 'down' buttons simultaneously, all for 6+ seconds. There are no "broken" chains or "complete" chains in view. Does anyone 'out there' have any productive, step-by-step intsructions???

    Being unable to set date and time is a problem most likely caused by being unable to connect to the time server over the internet, it is unlikely to be an issue with the Apple TV. You should probably be looking at your router settings etc, have you tried restarting the router.

  • Ipad activation failed : unable to continue with your activation at this time

    Hi 2 all,
    i've just upgraded and restored my ipad to 4.3.2 and now i received always 2 error messages:
    1) Unable to continue with your activation at this time
    2) Restore Needed Iphone cannot make or receive calls. Restore from itunes ...
    Someone can help me ?

    Got the call today to pick up my iPhone.
    The techie that checked it decided to replace my phone with a new one.
    The only answer I have to this problem is that you take your iPhone/iPad to Apple support or wherever you bought it from to assist and maybe have it swopped.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Need to Modify Existing Hierarchy

    Hi Experts, Problem: There are two hierarchies, one from CRM system and another from ECC system. Both the hierarchies show same data. however ECC hierarchy is having one more detail level then CRM hierarchy.CRM hierarchy is having 4(continent, subcon

  • If SCCM 2012 in different box and Sql in different box

    what permission sccm installation account will require in SQL box at the time of installtion of SCCM if both are in different box

  • How to convert a double to integer ?

    Hi, how do convert an output of a pow(2,n) method of Math class to integer. Since this pow(x double, y bouble) gives an output of type double, how do i convert this output to integer if i want the value returned as an integer ? thanks aron

  • Audacity randomly stops recording after a few seconds

    I've been trying to record a few things with audacity, which has generally worked pretty well for me in the past. However, whenever I try to record a second track, it only records for a second or so after I hit the record button, and then randomly st

  • Just received my HH5.. slow speed?

    Maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit here but it's worth asking I signed up to BT Infinity, got my HH5 today but my 'is' date is 15th. I connected my HH5 obviously expecting mindblowing speeds but only getting 10mb/<1mb? I'm guessing this is because I am