Interactive Reports - Sysdate

Playing with this excellent new feature I came across the next thing:
I have a simple query for my interactive report but I want to add a filter where I compare the date that has to be the same as the sysdate or higher.
This is perfectly possible but I now want to save the report and each time a user opens it I want the actual date (SYSDATE) to be compared in my filter. I can't put it in my where clause because the option to look in the past must still be available.
Does anyone have an idea where I should be looking?
Kind regards,

I would create a filter in your default report settings like "DATE_COLUMN is in the next 5 years." (Substitute an appropriate range instead of "5 years"). This will always compare the dates in that column with SYSTIMESTAMP.
You could create the filter at runtime using the URL (see, or the APEX_UTIL.IR_FILTER procedure. But the first approach seems cleaner for your situation.
- Marco

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    Thanks Andy

    A little trial and error using Andy ATD's suggestions gave me the following query, which I can use to recreate the selected ROWIDs:
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    CONDITION_COLUMN_NAME as col_name, CONDITION_OPERATOR as col_operator,
    LAST_UPDATED_ON as date_mod
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    THEN <--img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#Fndokay1.gif"-->
    ELSE <--img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#wwv_small_help.gif"-->
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    You can use v('IMAGE_PREFIX') in your SQL statement:
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    THEN '&lt;img src="' || v('IMAGE_PREFIX') || 'Fndokay1.gif"&gt;'
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    ' || 'OTH A: ' || to_char(c.oth_attempt_dt, 'MM/DD/YYYY') || ' C:' || to_char(c.oth_contact_dt, 'MM/DD/YYYY') || '">'
    else '<img src="/i/contact_1_red.png" alt="RESP A: ' || to_char(c.resp_attempt_dt, 'MM/DD/YYYY') || ' C:' || to_char(c.resp_contact_dt, 'MM/DD/YYYY') ||'
    ' || 'OTH A: ' || to_char(c.oth_attempt_dt, 'MM/DD/YYYY') || ' C:' || to_char(c.oth_contact_dt, 'MM/DD/YYYY') || '">' end as Contact,
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    '<img src="/i/contact_2_green.png">' r from dual
    Union select '%red%' d,
    '<img src="/i/contact_1_red.png">' r from dual
    union select '%yellow%' d,
    '<img src="/i/contact_2_yellow.png">' r from dual
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    the filter generates where contact = '%red%' This fails
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    Is this possible in 4.0?

    I am assuming Because of the crickets either I am doing my SQL to incorrectly and there is a better way to return get a popup with a changing image into an interactive report
    There is no way to do what I am trying

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    Thanks & regards

    Its nor working for me .
    1) I created an textfiled item- P2_REPORT_SEARCH
    2) added an interadctive report with the source as
    select     "WSR"."ID" as "ID",
    "WSR"."USER_ID" as "USER_ID",
    "WSR"."TO_DATE" as "TO_DATE",
    'delete' from
    "WSR" "WSR"
    "WSR"."FROM_DATE"=to_char(sysdate+ (2-to_char(sysdate,'D')))
    where (
    instr(upper("USER_ID"),upper(nvl(:P2_REPORT_SEARCH,"USER_ID"))) > 0 or
    instr(upper("ACTIVITIES"),upper(nvl(:P2_REPORT_SEARCH,"ACTIVITIES"))) > 0
    instr(upper("PROJECT"),upper(nvl(:P2_REPORT_SEARCH,"PROJECT"))) > 0
    )3) added the folowing query to html header ,
    apex.jQuery('#report_' + pId + '_catch').trigger('apexbeforerefresh', pId);
    var l_URL =
    if (pRefreshMode) {
    if (pRefreshMode === 'current'){
    // do nothing to url here
    } else if (pRefreshMode === 'reset') {
    l_URL += 'reset_R_' + pId;
    } else {
    if (!!pSort) {
    l_URL += pSort+'::RP&fsp_region_id='+pId;
    } else {
    l_URL +=
    l_URL += ':NO::P2_REPORT_SEARCH:' + $('#P2_REPORT_SEARCH').val();
    var lRequest = new apex.ajax.url(l_URL,
    var l_s = pResponse.readyState;
    var l_Id = lRequest.report_id;
    if(l_s == 1){
    }else if(l_s == 2||l_s == 3){
    }else if(l_s == 4){
    var lTemp = $u_js_temp_drop();
    apex.jQuery('#report_'+l_Id+'_catch').attr('id', 'report_'+l_Id+'_catch_old');
    apex.jQuery('#report_' + pId + '_catch').trigger('apexafterrefresh', pId);
    }else{return false;}
    lRequest.report_id = pId;
    4) a dynamic action:
    Name: Instant Search
    Event: Key Release
    Condition: No Condition
    Action: Refresh
    Fire when event result is: True
    Selection type: Region
    Region: WSR(Interactive reoprt region)5) When I enter the query in P2_REPORT_SEARCH , no change happens in the result set of IR
    Edited by: Nice1 on May 16, 2012 1:12 AM

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    I think you can not use database trigger when someone select from table.
    I would create e.g. application process that handle loging and then "download" file.
    This might help you create code

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    Can you post a small example of what you are trying to do on the hosted instance of APEX from Oracle? You are trying to get the following:
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    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX
    You can get more with a kind word and a two-by-four than you can with just a kind word
    Anla-shok Marcus from Babylon 5

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    Can anyone help me out with this issue.

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  • PL/SQL Interactive Report issues - Piped function or Collections

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    Ok I finally understood the collections thing (didn't realise that "function_returning_query" would be replaced with your code) but I'm not sure it can be used in my situation? I want it to be dependent upon a LOV on the page with my predicted code like:DECLARE
    q VARCHAR2(30000);
    from TBL_ENV_LOG';
    IF :P5_DAYS != 1337 THEN
    q := q || ' where TBL_ENV_LOG.INS_DATE >= TO_TIMESTAMP(SYSDATE - :P5_DAYS)';
    END IF;
    q := q || ' order by TBL_ENV_LOG.INS_DATE desc';
    END;So the value of :P5_DAYS would need to go there somehow, can it be passed as a parameter?
    Is there another way to do this? Making lots of hidden fields is annoying :/
    Edit: I used a CASE statement for a column before, could I use that for entire queries?
    Edited by: Dird on Oct 14, 2009 10:45 AM

    q VARCHAR2(30000);
    from TBL_ENV_LOG';
    IF :P5_DAYS != 1337 THEN
    q := q || ' where TBL_ENV_LOG.INS_DATE >= TO_TIMESTAMP(SYSDATE -' || :P5_RAD|| ')';
    END IF;
    q := q || ' order by TBL_ENV_LOG.INS_DATE desc';
    END;Error at line 8: PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'P5_RAD'
    I assume I need to pass parameter values like P5_RAD but how do I relate it to:Select *
    From apex_collections
    Where collection_name = ‘IR_TEST’;
    is it...
    Select *
    From apex_collections(:P5_RAD)
    Where collection_name = ‘IR_TEST’;
    ??Edit: The IR query changes to BLOG_FUNC(:P5_RAD) right?
    Edit 2: Nope that doesn't work :/
    Edited by: Dird on Oct 15, 2009 8:35 AM
    Edited by: Dird on Oct 15, 2009 8:38 AM

  • Interactive report and default-filter

    i have a question regarding interactive reports and default-filter for a date: is it possible to use the current date for the default-filter? apex need 'dd.MM.yyyy' for the filter... already tried to_date(sysdate, 'dd.MM.yyyy')
    thx in advance,

    I've just been trying the "in the last" option and had no problems for any number that I entered. Are you just entering 1 into the box? What error do you get?
    I've loaded the page with Debug switched on, and get:
           null as apxws_row_pk,
           count(*) over () as apxws_row_cnt
    from (
    select  *  from (
    apex_item.checkbox(1, DATE_ID) "CHECK",
    from "#OWNER#"."ATD_DATES"
    )  r
    where ("ATD_DATE" between systimestamp - (1 * :APXWS_EXPR_1) and systimestamp)
    ) r where rownum <= to_number(:APXWS_MAX_ROW_CNT):APXWS_EXPR_1 would contain the value 1 as that is what I've entered for the filter. My report's sql statement is just the innermost nested select statement, the rest has been added by the IR functionality and the filter.

  • Showing current Date (Date Column) in the the filter of Interactive Reports

    I created a filter for the date column in my report (table column name is Process_Date). I have created a filter in the Interactive reports which populates the data from , a particular time perieod. (From_date - To_Date). How can I change the SQL query or the Report settings, so that when the user open a report it should poulate the data for the previous_day or sysdate-1 by default.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    christine275 wrote:
    ... (this is a time worked by date and not always entered on the date worked)--
    "Time" in Numbers is always "Time of Day", and is always part of a Date and Time value. "Amount of Time" is a Duration value, which may be displayed in a similar format to "Time of Day," but is a different type of value.
    If you are entering the number of hours and minutes worked, format the column as Duration, set the units and the format in which you want to have the value appear.
    The Date column will still contain a Date and Time value (Jan 1, 2011 00:00:00 in the cell shown in the example), but the "Time Worked" cells will contain only a Duration value.
    Incidently, the Date in A2 was entered as "jan 1" (without the quotes). Numbers automatically adds the current year and the default time value, then displays the result in the closest format to what you've entered, or in the Date and Time format you have chosen.
    The Duration value in B2 was entered as 3:15 (as displayed). Note that in the entry bar the duration is displayed as 3h 15m, probably to distinguish it from a similarly formatted (Date and) Time value.

  • Buttons in Interactive Reports

    I have created a IR with columns x,y,z where y and z should retrieve the sysdate time. I have created y and z columns with HTML expression
    <input type="submit" value="Start"/> and <input type="submit" value="Stop"/>.
    I try to do the following when the user clicks start(i.e y) column in the report the system date should get updated/inserted in the table same way to the stop (i.e z)column.
    The following trigger can retrieve the system date value
    before insert
    for each row
    :new.start_time := sysdate;
    Whether i need to work some where on column link on column attributes?
    I haven't done this before so just got stucked.
    Any help is appreciated.
    apex - 3.2
    database - oracle 10g express edition
    browser: Firefox

    Found another post on the forum (using google...) and it seems to be a bug. Is this already fixed in APEX 3.2?
    Re: Apex Import/Export - Losing search button template of interactive report

  • Ideas for working around ORA-06502: character string buffer too small on Interactive report

    This is for Apex 4.2.  We are trying to create an interactive report.  The report is for something similar to a time tracking application.  We are trying to concat a comments column while summing the hours.  For example,
    select TASK_NAME, sum(HOURS), to_char(XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(E,E.COMMENTS || ' : ')).EXTRACT('//text()').getstringval()) USER_COMMENTS from ......
    This query works fine if we are looking only at a 1 week window.  The issue we are experiencing is that when we expand the range of the query to include data from 3 months, we hit ORA-06502 in the interactive report.  If we remove this column from the Interactive report, then the report runs fine.
    Does anyone have any ideas on how we might be able to work around this?  I am guessing we are hitting the 32k limit on the report.  Ideally we would just show the last X number of comments and then have a link to view all the comments
    Any help would be appreciated

    ListAGG throws an ORA-01489 for varchar2 > 4000 bytes
    OP has an ORA-06502 --> the IR is running into a 4k/32k limit.
    quick solution: wrap USER_COMMENTS ListAGG in a substr( ...., 1, 4000)
    Longer solution, use a subquery to modify the comments based on ROW_NUMBER() (ie after nth row, change it to NULL)
    -- simulating data
    t as (select task_id, sysdate - lv as date_entered
      ,round(dbms_random.value(1,24)) hours
      , '-*' || lv || '.' || task_id || '*-' as user_comments
    from ( select level as task_id from dual connect by level <=10 ), (select level lv from dual connect by level < 1000)
    -- modify data
    modified_data as (
      select task_id, hours, date_entered
          when row_number() over (partition by task_id order by date_entered desc) < 5
            then user_comments
          else null
         end USER_COMMENTS
        from t)
    select task_id, sum(hours) total_hours,
      listagg( user_comments  ) within group (order by date_entered desc)
      || case when count(*) >= 5 then '! MORE COMMENTS !' else null end
        as user_comments
    from modified_data
    group by task_id;

  • 2 Bugs found in V4 Interactive report Date filter

    I've noticed a couple of bugs when trying to create filter in an interactive report on a date column.
    1) There is no "=" operator available for dates
    2) There is no Year navigator for the date picker. This is essential for Date of Birth columns. I have to click the previous month button 12 times for each year...thats 720 times to get to 1950 !
    Paul P

    you could add new computation "Added This Week" (Format -> Compute), with Computation Expression:
    case when sysdate- B < 7 then 'Y' else 'N' end
    --B is my date column
    Then you can add color highlight, with **Added This Week = Y
    Additional you can even hide computed column (Action -> Select Columns)
    You can check example on
    Username: demo
    Password: demo
    Edited by: Aljaz on 2.3.2012 0:06
    Edited by: Aljaz on 2.3.2012 0:15

  • Apex logs and interactive reports

    Hi everyone! This is my first post, so apologies if I sound like an idiot :). Anyway, my problem is as follows.
    I'm on APEX version 4.0 (about to move to 4.1) and I'm trying to tie the APEX_WORKSPACE_ACTIVITY_LOG to the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR_RPT view. So, here's my query:
    AND L.IR_SAVED_REPORT_ID = R.INTERACTIVE_REPORT_IDI don't get any returned values. The IR_SAVED_REPORT_ID column from APEX_WORKSPACE_ACTIVITY_LOG is, according to its description:
    apex_view_name like '%ACTIVITY%LOG%'
    AND column_name = 'IR_SAVED_REPORT_ID';=> "Identifies the Saved Interactive Report ID foreign key to the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR_RPT view"
    apex_view_name = 'APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR_RPT'
    AND column_name = 'INTERACTIVE_REPORT_ID';=> "ID of the interactive report"
    it seemed like the only ID column from that view that made any sense to join to. The return values from IR_SAVED_REPORT_ID looked like this:
    [snip a few dozen rows]
    and INTERACTIVE_REPORT_ID looked very similar (6.62360604127979E15, 5.94051162387204E15, etc.). Am I missing something here?
    At the end of the day, all I'm trying to do here is make a metadata report on reports. Specifically, I wanted a report that told me which saved reports people were accessing, and how often they were doing it. I thought this was the way to go about it, but it seems I'm mistaken. I would appreciate any help you guys could provide.
    Edited by: 910246 on Jan 25, 2012 9:18 AM
    Edited by: 910246 on Jan 25, 2012 9:19 AM
    Edited by: 910246 on Jan 25, 2012 9:19 AM

    Hi 910246, welcome to the forum.
    Please update your handle to something more personal.
    See if this query against the APEX views helps any:
    SELECT apex_workspace_activity_log.apex_user "User",
           apex_workspace_activity_log.page_name "Page Name",
           apex_workspace_activity_log.page_id "Page ID",
           TO_CHAR (apex_workspace_activity_log.view_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI PM')
              "Date/Time Viewed",
           apex_workspace_activity_log.rows_queried "Rows Queried"
      FROM apex_workspace_activity_log, apex_application_page_ir
    WHERE     (   :p315_user = '%null%'
                OR apex_workspace_activity_log.apex_user LIKE
                      '%' || :p315_user || '%')
           AND TRUNC (view_date) = TRUNC (SYSDATE)
           AND apex_workspace_activity_log.page_id =
                  apex_application_page_ir.page_id:P315_USER is based on a LOV defined by this:
      SELECT username d, username r
        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT apex_user username
                FROM apex_workspace_activity_log
               WHERE TRUNC (view_date) = TRUNC (SYSDATE))
    ORDER BY 1Jeff

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