Interesting find

well, as many of have fallen victim to the 1 year warranty fell, i am one of them. but i refuse to go down so quitely or with my wallet out so hastily to purchase a new one. i wish to fix my ipod, or maybe even fix others.
as i have read on this here site, many people have the same problem as i, buy a 4th gen ipod, love it tenderly for a year, then it stops working... why? i do not know, but i believe i have tried everything that does not require 'sending it away'. i have tried;
using all updaters (starting from the first one)
using the updater that came with it
using other updaters that arent apple
trying to unistall the ipod firmware using the ipod
trying to formatt the ipod using the ipod
trying to formatt the ipod using command prompt in dos
trying to install other firmware (rockbox namely)
all to no avail, in command prompt, i received a cyclical redundancy error, i dont know what it means, if someone could tell me, all i know is that it means it doesnt work.
i even tried removing the hard drive manually by disassembelling the ipod. no avail. but i did find this. the version of the ipod was 3.1.1, after removing the harddrive, the version was 3.0.1 . does this mean anything?
if anyone knows, please reply

This is also interesting as Tuesday is the greatest day ever as it has been said that updates occur on Tuesdays
Apple updates can and do occur on almost any day of the week. 'Patch Tuesday' is a Microsoft phenomenon, and not one that I suspect Apple would want to either emulate or be associated with!
...and when the "supposed" updates are coming for iPhone
There is no credible (meaning reliable) information about any update for the iPhone. Anyone who actually knows Apple's plans will be under a non-disclosure agreement and thus not able to divulge such information. Any information on the subject is therefore pure speculation.
As to the notion that somehow the iPhone will blossom due to added features or functions to link into Leopard, it's a nice idea (for us Mac users) but not an entirely probable one, since if nothing else the vast majority of iPhone buyers are going to be using Windows systems. Apple are not likely to engineer a product which is fully integrated, fully featured for Mac users, and crippled for Windows customers. The result would be to hobble the potential sales volume of iPhones.

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    Anyone else ever find a similar problem with files from the MSI website?

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    Funny thing is, I had those 2 files laying here on my system for over 4 months, and it was just the most recent AVG update that caught it.
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    latest Via driversMessage Edited by radeon666 on -23-2005 07:55 AMMessage Edited by radeon666 on -23-2005 07:57 AM

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    Ok, I switched to known good ATA cables, and the problem of hanging at NVATAVUS load still exists under 2.42 and 3.44, but not under 2.03.
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    Quantum Fireball AS 30GB
    What I don't know at this point is if this problem would still occur from a fresh format and install. Currently, I don't even want to try until the new chipset drivers come out, but I think that 2.03 working even after de-installing newer drivers is a good clue that it isn't the drives, or the OS install.
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    So I'm stuck with a crippled system for now.

  • Interesting finding about the whining noise

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    I have also done two interesting tests today:
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    MacBook Pro 2.0 / 1Gb / 120 Gb + PowerBook G4 1.67 HD (I am selling this one)   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Seriously. do you even look at other threads before you post? lol. the whine that occurs the most has been diagnosed as a software problem. there have been many threads with ways to work around this problem. a couple links to threads that have software links or software suggestions in them are:
    a very popular thread is:
    and another site that provides a crude/ yet effective solution is: ook-pro
    i hope i helped
    iBook G4, 1.07 Ghz, 512 MB, 133 Mhz Bus Speed   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   MBP 2.0 GHz 2 GB soon to become MINE

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    There was a bug in earlier builds of jdk1.2.2 in which Symantec's jit compiler failed to work properly with the Pentium 4 processor. I think this was fixed in builds jdk1.2.2_007 and higher.

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    private static File findJDK() throws Exception {
    String s = System.getProperty("java.home");
    File myJRE = new File(s);
    if (new File(myJRE, "bin/javac.exe").isFile()) {
    return myJRE;
    File parent = myJRE.getParentFile();
    if (new File(parent, "bin/javac.exe").isFile()) {
    return parent;
    for (String pathel : System.getenv("PATH").split(File.pathSeparator)) {
    File bindir = new File(pathel);
    if (new File(bindir, "javac.exe").isFile()) {
    return bindir.getParentFile();
    return myJRE;
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    Many greetings

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    I've seen this error a few times.
    THE SOLUTION (believe it or not): Drag the extra drive out of the list.
    : )

  • Multiple finder processes

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    Potentially helpful information:
    - one user on system
    - i am using spaces
    - does not happen when system just starts up
    Thank you!

    Do you have JSP pages? It is most likely javac compiling those pages
    into servlets.
    -- Rob
    Ajay Upadhyaya wrote:
    I'm seeing multiple JAVA processes getting started by WebLogic,
    The Environment is -
    Sun Sparc E250
    JAVA_OPTIONS="-ms256m -mx512m"
    WLS 6.1 sp1
    JDK 1.3.1 (default with WLS)
    The ps command shows this process relationships:
    ps -ef -o user,pid,ppid,vsz,fname,args | grep nmurthy | grep -v ksh |
    grep -v grep
    nmurthy 24626 7225 412952 java
    /home/nmurthy/bea/jdk131/jre/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java -hotspot -
    nmurthy 27171 7225 413360 java
    /home/nmurthy/bea/jdk131/jre/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java -hotspot -
    nmurthy 7222 392 1056 startWeb /bin/sh
    nmurthy 21746 7225 412856 java
    /home/nmurthy/bea/jdk131/jre/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java -hotspot -
    nmurthy 26138 7225 412976 java
    /home/nmurthy/bea/jdk131/jre/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java -hotspot -
    nmurthy 7268 7225 413336 java
    /home/nmurthy/bea/jdk131/jre/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java -hotspot -
    nmurthy 7225 7222 417504 java
    /home/nmurthy/bea/jdk131/jre/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java -hotspot -
    7222 - this is the process (running in nohup)
    7225 - this is the main Java process running WebLogic
    7268 , 26138 , 21746 , 27171 , 24626 are started from 7225
    In which scenarios this is possible to have multiple processes like these
    getting started by the main java process (which runs WLS). This is causing
    heavy load on the system.
    Any pointers ?

  • How to get submitted items' content during a DecisionPoint in a Subscriber ?

    (If this is not the right msdn forum for my question, thx in advance to redirect me to the correct one ;)
    I have to develop "server side event handlers" for TFS (kind of server-side "Check-in Policies" which may not be disabled/skipped by the developers and which do not require distribution/maintenance on thousands of workstations).
    Concretely, I am going to implement Subscribers (inheriting from Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.ISubscriber)
    In some of those Subscribers, I have to decide to accept or reject the "check-in" based on the submitted items' content. 
    Concretely, it will result in something like the code bellow. My current issue is that I am only able to retrieve the server name of the submitted item, not its content. Do you know if there is a shelveset available with the submitted item, streams readable
    server side, a list with the objects in the notification's argument, a "temporary" file in source control ? Or do I have to read the file in the developers' local workspace (I have indeed the workspace name and machine name) ?
    I did debug my code server side (in TFS) but didn't find anything (obvious) in  notificationEventArgs' subtree :/
    class ServerSidePolicy : ISubscriber
        public EventNotificationStatus ProcessEvent(TeamFoundationRequestContext requestContext,
                                            NotificationType notificationType,
                                            object notificationEventArgs,
                                            out int statusCode,
                                            out string statusMessage,
                                            out ExceptionPropertyCollection properties)
            EventNotificationStatus response = EventNotificationStatus.ActionApproved;
            properties = new ExceptionPropertyCollection();
            statusMessage = String.Empty;
            statusCode = 0;
            // If this is a Check-in notification
            if (notificationEventArgs is CheckinNotification)
                // If this is a Decision point
                if (notificationType == NotificationType.DecisionPoint)
                    CheckinNotification args = notificationEventArgs as CheckinNotification;
                    foreach (var submittedItem in args.SubmittedItems)
                        if (!MyValidate(submittedItem))
                            statusMessage = string.Format("{0} is not valid.", submittedItem);
                            response = EventNotificationStatus.ActionDenied;
                            properties.Set("Violated Rule", "Item's content not valid");
                            statusCode = -1;
            return response;
        private bool MyValidate(string item)
    Really, thx a lot of any info! I didn't find anything in the msdn either :(
    PS.: Is there anyone who knows where I could find more information/documenation on the class {Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server.PendingItemDbPagingManager}. This is the type of the SubmittedItems... I sounds like an object to access the
    content of those SubmittedItems... However, I did explore it without any interesting finding.

    Hello Valéry,
    Thanks for your post.
    Based on your description it seems that you would like to use TFS API to get the content of these checked in files programmatically.
    You can use the following code to get all the pending changes in your workspace:
    static void GetItem()
    NetworkCredential cre =
    new NetworkCredential("userName","password","domain");
    TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("http://serverName:8080/tfs/CollectionName"), cre);
    VersionControlServer versionControl =(VersionControlServer)tfs.GetService(typeof(VersionControlServer));
    var workspace = vcs.GetWorkspace("WorkspaceName",
    var changes=workspace.GetPendingChanges();
    foreach (var change
    in changes)
    var item= vcs.GetItem(change.ServerItem);
    Vicky Song [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Bridge freezes while previewing animation

    I'm using a Mac, 16GB RAM, 200+GB free space. Bridge CC 2014
    When I want to preview an animation in Bridge it freezes. I can select any folder, but selecting an animation will freeze Bridge. I can't actually quit Bridge, I have to Force Quit it and, interestingly, Finder doesn't show Bridge as "not responding".
    In my Activity Monitor it shows CompressorJobController, CompressorTranscoder and dynamiclinkmediaserver as "Not Responding".
    I've uninstalled Bridge, (with Adobe Cleaner), deleted the cache, reinstalled, did Disk repair permissions - still not working.

    Thanks for the quick reply Rick.  Yes, 4Gb is not a lot, but when I bought the machine I was not doing any video and it sure seemed like plenty in 2008.  I probably should upgrade...
    I did close down everything else, but the problem still exists.  I can navigate to a thumbnail, but once I click on it and try to preview, the program freezes and I have to force quit.

  • Very slow PDF generation when conditional text is hidden in FM 9.0

    I am working on 96-page chapter of a larger book. A 7-page section of the chapter needs to be hidden until the next release, so I hid it with conditional text. After doing this, the "Save as PDF" printing process goes from taking 6-7 seconds to taking several minutes. If I unhide the conditional text in the same session, printing is very quick again.
    I have no problem generating very PDF files with the PDF printer in other applications (Word, PowerPoint). The issue is specific to FrameMaker and the use of conditional text. What might be causing this?
    I am using FrameMaker 9.0p255 and Distiller 9.0.
    - Chris

    Hi Jeff,
    These were good suggestions to try. Saving the document first has no effect on PDF generation.
    However, I did find that printing to the Adobe PDF printer remains fast when the conditional text is hidden. That's quite an interesting finding! I did also notice that these two methods of PDF generation aren't identical:
    "Save as PDF" opens an Adobe Distiller window, while printing to the Adobe PDF printer opens a different "Creating Adobe PDF" progress box (looks like it's from the printer driver itself).
    "Save as PDF" generates a 1188k PDF file, while printing to the Adobe PDF printer generates a 1049k PDF file.
    "Save as PDF" defaults to placing the PDF in FrameMaker's working directory, while printing to the Adobe PDF printer defaults to saving to the last place to saved a printed PDF file (awkward when working with multiple directories, as I often do).
    When I do a "Save as PDF", FrameMaker does still spool to the PDF printer. It is this spooling that takes a long time. Once spooling is complete, then the Distiller window opens and the PDF is created very quickly.
    I would still like to get "Save as PDF" working since it knows where to place the PDF file. No solution to the runtime yet, but at least there is progress...

  • The wsdll file less of ?xml version="1.0"?

    Today I created webservice with NWDS. I successfully created the webservice and I can see it through http://localhost:50000/wsnavigator.  But when I viewed the wsdl of the service, I found the wsdll file less of <?xml version="1.0"?>. You konw, as an xml file it must has this header to prove it is an xml file. I used NW7.1 and followed the "Creating the HelloWorld Web Service" help document. It is on
    My question is why the WSDL less of <?xml version="1.0"?>. Is it a bug of NW, or I did something wrong when I created the WS?
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Glen,
    Interesting Find.
    There are two very interesting things to note:
    1. The WSDL URL : http://localhost:50000/HelloService/HelloBean?wsdl
    Plz. note the "?" in the url. This kind of approach is mostly used to pass parametres to servlets.
    2. The Following is the HTTP Log of the Service call.
    POST /HelloService/HelloBean HTTP/1.1          // Pst method call confirms finding no 1
    Host: localhost:50000
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    Connection: close
    Content-Length: 368
    SOAPAction: ""
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xs="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><yq1:sayHello xmlns:yq1=''><name>Gaurav Modgil</name></yq1:sayHello></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    It seems that the server is using some Java App/servlet to read the Application Program and produse the result as XML, So maybe the strict adherence to XML was not required in this case.
    Note the Last Line where the version information is also passed along with other parametres.
    The Result output is a generated XML given below.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <ns2:sayHelloResponse xmlns:ns2="">
          <return>Hello, Gaurav Modgil.</return>
    So my Conclusion is "There is no bug in NW7.1 :)....."
    Hope you Agree
    Thanks and regards,
    Edited by: Gaurav Modgil on May 15, 2008 4:52 PM

  • Advanced Software Rendering Solution For Games

    I am actually looking to talk to someone at sun but figured someone in this forum might be interested in what I have done as well.
    A few years back I developed a feature rich 3D api for java that is 100% software based. I realize there are some other similar apis around now, but I think mine has quite a few features that those others still probably do not, including java 3d. I figured someone might be interested in a software solution, or may be interested in incorperating it with java 3D.
    The engine runs in 100% software and is very well written with the idea of hardware support being simple to add. It achieves good frame rates (30-40fps) when run as as an applet or application. I wrote it with the intent of starting an online game company / possibly licencing it but other things have taken priorty since then. I was wondering if anyone is interested, including sun, in doing something with it.
    The engine has built in boned character animation, bsp/pvs quake style map compiling tools, lightmap generation and rendering, constructive solid geometry, pixel perfect texture mapping with chrome mapping and custom rasterization support similar to shader languages. There is a state of the art terrain engine with adaptable lod with no popping that can be adjusted easilly for performance / quality in real time. The terrain engine has its own shading lanuage based on tilable textures. that It combines with an optional detail map based on terrain features such as slope and altitude to create the terrain texture. I wrote my own level and model formats. The model format is self contained so all textures and required data can be distributed in a single file. There are also optimized 3D math libraries. I'm sure there are more features that I forgot to mention..
    I feel the code is very well written and highly optimized. The first time I wrote it I was in highschool, but I rewrote it over my freshman and software year of college with code quality in mind. I've been workign with java for 9 years so its written a lot better than your typical college student. Its very modular so lots of things can be swaped in real-time to compromise between performance and quality. I also have a nice particle effects system in an older version of the engine that I could incorportate.
    The only non java code in the project is the model exporters I wrote for milkshape 3d.
    I'm probably going to take a job soon somewhere where Java isn't used. Therefore, I thought I should try and do something with the project before its too late.
    I can be reached at [email protected].
    Thank you,
    Kris Rasmussen

    This sounds very interesting! I've been working on a lot of 3D stuff in Java myself, mostly using JOGL. Currently, I'm developing a software renderer in Java which will include many of the features you mention. My project focusses on rather obscure lighting techniques and voxel polygons; Never the less, a general-purpose software renderer would be very interesting indeed. Could we get in contact directly? Drop me a mail if you are interested, find my whereabouts at
    Wolfgang Kienreich

  • Not Sharing Everything with Apple TV

    Here is the deal... I have the iPhone and Apple TV. I used Handbrake to rip some DVD's (That I already Own) onto iTunes to play on my iPhone.
    So, iPhone movies are not the best quality so someone told me to rip to Apple TV quality (Yes, it's twice as good), but those can't go on my iPhone. So the story is I have two copies of most of my movies and I don't want to share all of them, just the better quality Apple TV movies.
    Is there anyway to say "Don't share this content in iTunes, but do share this content" in a way that would solve my problem? Thanks.

    Winston Churchill wrote:
    Just uncheck the movies you don't want to sync or stream.
    Interesting may recall that I said it didn't work for me.
    It does work, but not for software 1.1 which still displays a list of everything.
    You have to resync or shut/restart iTunes for the changes to show on 2.02 software.
    This actually suggests that AppleTv gets a list of everything then in 2.02 discards the entries that aren't checked in the main library, rather than itunes sending a list of only checked items.

Maybe you are looking for

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