Interesting observation on points

I guess there was nothing in the old system to prevent this, and it is certainly not a "pressing" issue (yet),  but I just noticed an interesting behavior in this thread : alter tablespace sa online;
OP posts a question, then supplies his own answer, then marks his own answer as "correct".  Presto!  Self-awarded points.

Mark a post is now the only one solution to mark a thread as solved. And if you mark your own thread as correct, not sure your counter will be increase. At least, I read somewhere here it won't.

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    We have an iview which has the timeout property set to 180 seconds. Recently we observed that we have been getting iview timeout errors for this iview. As most of you are aware the message appears as "The iView has timed out. There is no cached content to display. Click 'Reload' to retrieve updated content. You may need to wait for the cache to retrieve the content from the source. Reload"
    Normally the content in this iView does not take more than 100 milli seconds to be retrieved. But looks like we are having occassional hiccups where the backend calls are failing (or taking too long) and hence the iview timout is occuring. What I observed is that if the iview times out once, then from the next time the timeout message appears straight away without even trying to execute the iveiw. This happens even if you logout and login even with a different user.
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    Any help in this is highly appreciated.

    Hi Sudhir,
    Please try this let me know
    1. When the timeout occurs, can you refresh your browser cahce or delete all the cookies and history of browser. Re-try and see if the iview is re-executed.
    2. Check the backend when you call the iview, how much time is process taking.
    3. Check the parameter icm/keep_alive_timeout, if it is 60. you increare it 90 or 120.
    This would be my starting point.
    Thank You,

  • Interesting observation/ possible bug

    I am still investigating this issue, but here is something discovered using the WCS templates to push out a wlan config to WLC 4402 controllers.
    I created a new wlan template with wpa security, etc and broadcast ssid turned off (unchecked), saved it and then applied it to my controllers.
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    Running WCS ver
    wlc ver

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  • Set observer pivot point

    I want to adjust pivot point at bottom side of the cylinder.
    How can i do this?

    Originally posted by:
    Many many thanks for the reply, but i don't want to rotate
    the cylinder. i want to decrease or increase the height of the
    cylinder. Pivot point should be set at the bottom side of a
    It doesn't matter if you want to rotate the cylinder or to
    modify its height.
    If you cannot alter the pivot (of any 3D model) in your 3D
    modeler, James gave you a good advice.
    In your case, all you have to do is to modify the scale (on
    the desired direction) of the group.
    The cylinder (a child) must obey!

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    Nice workaround. Thanks for sharing it!

  • Interesting observation when doing concurrent updates using JE

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    Can anyone explain why?
    I am using DB Env with transactions and locking ON. Record size is very small.

    In JE, when 2 thread are updating same record on a pageJE is NOT a page based system, so I'm not sure what you mean here.
    Are you getting Lock conflicts on either system?
    What * performance* are you measuring?
    You haven't provided much detail about what you are trying to accomplish.

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    Thought I'd post in case anyone sees any similar issues.

    Wonder if there's a good way to test something like this
    - Thought we'd found it - plug your CanoScan 4200F in.  
    That seems to be the difficult given the plethora of different usb devices.
    I'm baffled by the difference as the JUSB1 & 2 sockets are in effect usb sockets the same as any others, just different plugs. Don't know if their on a seperate chip similar to the 2 sata pairs.
    It's something to bear in mind though for others having quircky usb behaviour.
    A Reds fan in Manchester? I bet that goes down like a ton o' bricks
    Yes live in tyldesley just outside, good area 4 footy, good mix of Bolton, Man C, Utd & the mighty reds fans + Ice Cold Murphy's £1/Pint + Fish & Chips. 

  • Arp poison interesting observation/ possible bug

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    The rogue ip showed up on guest vlan "D", but it was the same ip address as the service interface on one WLC controller. The wlc had a dynamic interface in vlan "D" as well.

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    I assumed just because were friends, but the next internship I had another person like that.
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    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

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    I also have an iMac... thought I would try the same process on it... within about seven minutes I was totally updated to 2.0 and had all my setting restored from my backup yesterday. In hindsight I should have started with my iMac... but iTunes should work the same way on either system.
    This one will have me scratching my head for a while... but so far... 2.0 seems to work fine without any reduced performance.

    First, welcome to the forum!!
    What I did after attempting several times with my XP office laptop... and I really don't know if this made any difference... but before I tried with my Mac I did a reset on my iPhone twice by holding both buttons at the same time until it reset. Then I started the update process on the Mac.
    To be honest... and after reading so many different post last night and this morning... it is really hard to determine why some updates work and other do not.
    Good luck... I know this is frustrating!!!

  • Interesting observations and random thoughts

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    How sad is it that, for the rest of the episode, I was watching to see if the MacBook would experience a sudden random shutdown in the middle of a scene? What an incredible irony that would have been ... (as I sit waiting for my MacBook to come back from its second repair for RSD).

    I guess Matthew Perry like most MacBook owners has one that works fine.
    Macbook, 2.0 duo, black   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   80 gb hd, 2 gb ram, 5g ipod, 2g ipod

  • Very interesting observation regarding speed

    I have a Toshiba PCX2000 cable modem. Using the Express with this cable modem, I was downloading the OS 10.4.4 combo update at around 250-300kbs. I thought it would be faster than that. I then realized that the cable modem ethernet interface is 10base T. I was using a 100base T cable to connect them. So I switched the ethernet cable to 10 base native to the cable modem. Downloaded the file again and this time I was hitting well over 650 to 700kbs... much better.
    I think its time to get a new modem with a faster ethernet interface to take full advantage of the Airport Express Wireless G speeds.

    Did I understand correctly - that a "10BaseT" cable provided you with a faster connection than a "100BaseT" cable? The most likely reason for this happening - the "100BaseT" cable is bad. It could be either miswired or have a poor internal connection - all issues which can still allow it to work, pass a DC conductivity test, but provide poor performance.

  • Interesting Observation about SLOW Numbers File

    This is my first posting on here, so bear with me... I have been using Numbers, and generally love it.
    I created a new template using my MacBook for a class that I am taking. There are NO formulas used in this template. It uses checkboxes for approximately 26 rows and 5 columns, and then a column for bulleted comments. Very simple.
    After using it on several forms, I was really disappointed by how slowly it responded. As I typed, letters appeared momentarily AFTER the keystroke, which ended up causing a lot of typing errors. At first, I thought that my computer had an issue, or that there was something just that slow about Numbers. I had not experienced this slowness issue with Numbers08. I also became aware that I wasn't having this issue when I used my iMac (vs. the MacBook), BUT ALSO that I didn't use this template on the iMac.
    The breakthrough came when I opened up the exact same (slow) file from my MacBook using my iMac. The file equally slow, even though it was much smaller and much less complex than other templates that I created and used on my iMac.
    I then recreated a NEW template from scratch, set up exactly the same way as the slow one. It works fine. Not slow on either computer. I even copied and pasted most of the cell contents from the old (slow) to the new (normal) template.
    I have since found that one other template that I created acted in the same exact way, and was also fixed by creating a replica template from scratch.
    Any reasons why this might have happened? How can I avoid this in the future?

    Just speculating, but ... these are complex files, things can go wrong, not exactly “corrupt” but slightly busted. When you rebuild, you luck out and avoid the bug that bit you on the first try? Perhaps.

  • Interesting observation re dba_triggers

    SQL> select count(*) cnt, TRIGGERING_EVENT
      2  from dba_triggers
      3  where TRIGGERING_EVENT like 'S%'
      4  group by TRIGGERING_EVENT
      5   order by TRIGGERING_EVENT;
             1 SHUTDOWN
             2 STARTUP
    SQL> select owner, trigger_name
      2  from dba_triggers
    no rows selected
      2  from dba_triggers
      3  where TRIGGERING_EVENT like 'S%'
      4  ;
    SQL> edit
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select '-'||TRIGGERING_EVENT||'-'
      2  from dba_triggers
      3* where TRIGGERING_EVENT like 'S%'
      4  /
    -STARTUP -
    -STARTUP -
    SQL>Trailing spaces??? obviously so, but what a surprise!

    it looks like it's some kind of on purpose formatting thing - but what? dbms_metadata?
    No - it is in the view definition - dbms_metadata isn't involved.
    Try this code (11.2)
    select distinct '-' || triggering_event || '-' from dba_triggers
    order by 1
    -ALTER -
    -CREATE -
    -DDL -
    -DROP -
    -ERROR -
    -RENAME -
    -STARTUP -
    -UPDATE-It looks like all of the events that 'might' be concatenated with another event have the extra space at the end.
    Reminds me of code that loops to create a CSV record and puts a comma (',') after every value including the last one where it isn't wanted.
    Of course, I'm still a little steamed that no one (SB - where were you when we needed you?) jumped all over OP with some comment like
    Why so many unresolved questions? 152 (43 unresolved)
    Why do you keep asking questions here when you never get answers?
    You've posted here enough (Posts: 9,849) to know that you need to provide your 4 digit Oracle version. Please read the FAQ.
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    How did you get in the top 10 without knowing that when you post you need to provide your Oracle version? :D

  • Interesting Observation

    More concerning is that the last few patches for Build 10240 never showed up in my home WSUS server but earlier patches did.  I wonder if they were even released for WSUS.


Maybe you are looking for

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