Intermittent password request pop-up

Hi, I seem to be experiencing the problem that was occurring end of last year when very regularly the server does not accept a connection and asks for a password. When the password is submitted the pop-up reappears because it thinks the password is incorrect. A day later it can have disappeared and the next day it is back. Seems more of a problem at busy hours. This happens most frequently with the outgoing server as well as the secondary account. Very frustrating! What is the way to get it fixed? many thanks

same problem here for last 12 montyhs on old wireless macbook so switched over to gmail - problem solved.
But now POP ups demanding and rejecting passwords are starting on new iMac with ethernet cable....
could get no connection with BTYahoo for over an hour having my password rejected...
even turned email access to manual only..... then I wondered whether BT could send me an email - so 
 I registered on Yahoo using the same password (ie it IS correct) and immediately received an email from BT community care forums - so it can work and it would appear all to do with BT workings......
If this happens again I will consider invoicing BT for time wasting as I can't afford to be kept from my emails;
I am amazed BT hasn't been sued for failing to solve this fault which seems to have been a recurring issue despite BT mediators announcing it is cured, and locking off forums.  So what are our options?  Accidentally cancel our direct debits all at once ? Switch to Orange even with its intermittent signal here, or Sky? Cable? May be there's a helpful technophilic lawyer out there?

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    Chances are that you have slightly different 'Artist' labels for those songs.
    This could be as simple as 'The Rolling Stones' vs. 'Rolling Stones' or more difficult to spot due to leading or trailing blanks, such as:
    ' Rolling Stones' or 'Rolling Stones '.
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    Doubtful it's malware ...
    Try relaunching the Finder. Press Command + Option + Esc then select Finder in Force Quit window then click Restart. 
    If that doesn't help, launch the Terminal app located in HD > Applications > Utlities
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    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps...  Sign Out of your Account... Perform a Reset...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
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    Golden Shoes wrote:
    Cross-posting is a violation of the Terms of Use, so if you value your posting privileges, I'd re-think that idea.
    Only if it is blatant; in this case the problem affects BOTH Mac OS 10.4 and MobileMe so 2 posts had to be made.
    I want to confirm a hypothesis: to me it sounds like is checking for new mail every 15 minutes and they don't have the password entered in the Account settings.
    An alternate scenario is that they didn't check the box that asks if they want the password saved in their Keychain.
    Also possible, assuming they have been ignoring that prompt all along.
    But there are two other possibilities: their Keychain entry for that account could be corrupted, or MobileMe could be "forgetting" the password that it previously accepted.
    I thought about the, but I forgot about the mobileme plist. Thank you for the reminder.
    You should confirm with your own eyes if possible that the first two scenarios aren't true; that would make the third scenario the most likely one, which can be fixed.
    Unfortunately, this is a long-distance-via-email assistance.
    Message was edited by: romad

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    Finder -> Go -> Hold down the Option Key (ALT) -> Select Library -> Open the Preferences folder -> Move the file '' to the desktop -> Restart your iMac

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    See if this makes any difference.
    Sign out of your account, restart the iPad
    Settings>Store>Apple ID. Tap your ID and sign out. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
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    Guy Burns

    You need to provide us with some additional info about the SMTP you are using as the Outgoing Server for each account, and what, if any, relationship that SMTP has to both accounts. The use of the SMTP provided by your ISP, for example, if Authenticated either by Password or by SMTP after POP3 methods, can trigger a password prompt that looks the same as that for the Incoming server of an account provided by that ISP.
    More info, please.

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    Until I did some in-app-purchases, the above procedure worked just fine and I wasn't bothered with any password requests. But now, all of my iPads have the following problems - except for iPad No. 1:
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    All devices except for iPad No. 1 will ask for "password for Apple-ID" regularly, e.g. when the device is switched on after the backup. Since the devices are to be used in an educational environment and were selected as the devices of choice for the mere reason that they are very easy to use without any knowledge of computer equipment, this makes the whole thing completely unusable.
    The password requests will stop once I manually downloaded the in-app-purchases.
    In other topics, I read that this "password request problem" can be caused by incompletely downloaded software. People have advised others who had this problem to "synchronize" and "submit purchases" within iTunes. But doing those after "revert to backup" didn't help, as expected.
    It is correct, though, that the problem seems to be related to incompletely downloaded software. Yet I don't know what I could do to transfer the in-app-purchases from iPad No. 1 to the other devices. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just a partial solution to what I described.
    Best regards,

    If your two IDs have duplicate contacts, simply turn contact syncing off in one of them. You can do this on your Mac at system preferences > iCloud or on a mobile device at settings> iCloud.

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