International travel with iPod

I'll be traveling to Germany this month, and of course I need my Nano for that 9 hour flight.
My husband, who grew up in Europe, told me that I had to get a converter with a European plug to charge the iPod. So I did, though I'm worried about using it, cause I don't want to fry the little thing.
But then a friend of mine said that a lot of the newer electronics don't need a converter, because they are sold internationally. I hadn't heard this, and I can't find anything about that in the Nano's manuals or on the site.
Anyone know for sure if I can just use a plug adapter and plug it into the wall directly in Germany or if I should use the converter? I'm happy either way, I just want to know

Hello OnyxWolf,
Well, it certainly wouldn't hurt to have a converter such as the one below. It offers a converter for any type of situation you find yourself in. I'm not entirely certain or not if you need one for sure, but I wouldn't risk not having one. 0I5OQY8

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    In Windows close iTunes.
    Connect the iPod & immediately press & hold Shift + Ctrl to stop it from autosyncing.
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    Apple sells their "World Travel Kit" for $39:
    These work with any Apple AC adapter that uses the interchangeable plugs such as your iPod, PowerBook, iBook, Airport Express, and of course MacBook Pro.
    As others have said, the AC adapter is good for 100-220V, so you don't need a power converter, just the right plug type.
    Alternatively you could buy generic plug adapters that allow you to plug the US style plug in one side and then plug the adapter into the foreign outlet. In my experience these don't work very well with heavy AC adapters like the MBP as the weight of the AC adapter pulls it out of the weak plug adapter. I find the Apple version much better, even if it is a bit more expensive.
    20-inch iMac G5 1.8; MacBook Pro 1.83   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    Here are a few I found on Amazon :- f=sr118?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1213108087&sr=8-18
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    Thanks mate, I will load it into itunes but first I need to get it from itunes to a memory stick or on to the hard drive of the ipod then I will load it into the ipod so I can listen to them. I am using a public computer that does not have itunes loaded onto it. I want to be able to enter my user name and password and get into itunes download the podcasts to a memory stick and then take that to my computer which has my itunes loaded on it. Thanks for your help.

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    You will need to purchase the World Travel Adapter Kit. The AC plugs included in the World Travel Adapter Kit directly support outlets in North America, Japan, China, *United Kingdom*, Continental Europe, Korea, Australia, and Hong Kong.

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    Message was edited by: yoichi.takayama

    I just didn't get the context here. Do you want to display multiple rows within one Outlook calendar event? If yes, I think it's impossible.
    Please reattach the sample which will be very helpful for others to understand your requirement, then possibly provide a solution.
    Bhasker Timilsina (ManTechs Inc)

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    The Apple charger "block" works on the same principal as the thermos bottle (which somehow knows whether you want to put hot or cold liquids in it). 
    In other words, the iPad charger block automatically takes either 240 or 120 volts.  However, you will need a different wall plug.  I think there are about 5 or more models worldwide. Get the correct one, plug you US charger plug into it and then plug the whole package into a UK wall plug.  AFAIK, the same principal works with most if not all of the newer electronic gear (any laptop, any electric shaver, etc, etc).  The only item I've had a problem with in over 50 years of international travel is 110 V emersion heaters.  Plug one of those babies into 240 and they're toast in a second or two.

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    Ok so i know alot of people have question about international travel weather is USA to Canada, Canada to USA or where ever.
    So i just got off the phone with someone from AT&T these are my questions for them. i hope it can help, im confuse myself.
    *1. I travel recently travel to canada a few weeks ago, when i cross the boarder i switch the data roaming ON and it picks up Rogers Wireless, a few days ago i try i again it said NO SERVICE is something wrong with my iPad?*
    NO, consider yourself lucky u didnt get charge for that roaming, your ipad well not work out of the US unless u buy one of our International plans that AT&T has provided. The reason for this is so you wont have any unwanted charge or high charge on your bill.
    *2. If i was to buy a sim card from Canada and pop it in to my US ipad well it work?*
    Honestly that's something you can try at your own risk, it's design for AT&T so by switching sim cards it may affect your ipad such as running slow, virus, crash. You can try it, i dont work for Rogers so i know nothing about them, i work for AT&T so i can only tell you about our plans and i wont lie to you.(I THINK U JUST DID) This ipad is not unlock just like the iphone so it well only work with AT&T.
    *3. If i pop my sim card out and put in an international sim card well it affect my plan at all or in any way?*
    Yes it can, right now your on the unlimited plan if you put in a different sim card and then re-put in ur AT&T one chances are you're going to loose your unlimited plan and have to settle for the newer plan. That's why AT&T has reduce it's international plans so people are more likely to use it. It's a contract we sign with Apple, if u want to use in canada you can always buy an Ipad in canada and use their plan. (***)
    At the end of this conversion i was just more angry with them. All in all she told bottom line is dont do anything stick with AT&T and pay for international plans. So i have to pay over price data plan if i want to use it intertanional? or i have to buy an ipad for each international places i go to?
    Has anyone try or done any of the 3 ive mention and did it affect ur plan or ipad in anyway?

    Ok so here's a little more info
    I called AT&T again today asking them the same question the guy was more helpful then the one yesterday. Even though he kinda told me the same saying that the ipad need to be unlock. , Afterward he transfer me someone from Apple. The lady told me
    1. The ipad is UNLOCK so dont bother trying to get it unlock.
    2. she doesnt see why sticking in another sim card from one of the apple ipad carrier is a problem. U would just have to sign up activated it like u would when u first got it.
    3. Contact phone company (my case Rogers) to see if they carry the mico sim cards.
    4. She doesnt see why it would affect the current plan u have now.
    So at the end of all that she told me, seem like AT&T is just telling you, you cant do this or u shouldnt do that is simple THEY WANT YOU TO USE THEIR PLANS.
    so with that i said i just want to let everyone know. I'm gonna go pick my Micro sim cards from Canada in a bit and sign up for thier plan we'll keep everyone updated if anything change or how it work

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    How do I get itunes to only show what is available on the laptops internal drive?

    Good stuff.  Thanks.  Agree in principle re: "TBolt for displays; USB3 for storage".
    I did get a USB 3 hub.  (Amazon link.  There is a 7-port hub as well.)  Highly recommended (at least for rMBP users).  This works well with how I use Aperture: I have several external drives with mostly Referenced Originals and some Libraries.  Since I rarely use more than one of these at a time, it doesn't matter that the hub throughput is limited to a single USB 3 channel.  The USB 3 hub, for me, functions as a quasi-data-server for Aperture, and takes up only one of the two USB 3 ports on the rMBP.  (Fwiw, with the rMBA I don't think there's much reason for storing Referenced Originals on a fast drive; because of the efficiency of the way Aperture caches, USB 2 may be fast enough.  I haven't measured this yet.)
    I mentioned eSATA only because almost all my external drives came with eSATA ports and cables.  I have never used eSATA.  At this point, I don't plan to.
    I have moved a few drives into USB 3 enclosures (purchased from OWC).  With the USB 3 hub, and the newly-available Apple TBolt-FW800 adapter (which supports daisy-chained FW devices), I am no longer in any practical way limited by the four ports on the rMBP (2x TBolt, 2x USB 3).  Whew. 
    I backup my system drive wirelessly to a Time Capsule every night (by design, the machine doesn't have access to the TC during the day when I'm working), and use SuperDuper to backup all Libraries and Referenced Originals to specific sparse bundles kept on leap-frogging external drives, with one always off-site.  At this point I make no practical distinction between FW800 and USB 3 drives for back-up, as they are all fast enough and the back-ups run unattended.  (But USB 3 seems to be much faster.) 

  • Traveling with Mac Pro problems!!!!!!

    I am going to college soon for photography/graphic design/video editing. As a side note I am still advancing with editing as I only have FCE right now. I need to get a new computer and I am torn between the Macbook Pro 17" and the Mac Pro. I will be going to Savannah from the midwest, meaing I will be flying mostly but i could drive sometimes. Does it pay to get a mac pro for the expandibility and then travel with it? Wouldn't that run the risk of damaging it if it was shipped? What about the display? Then again, if I get the macbook pro, I will be limited on running certain programs eventually right? Does any one know if Final Cut Studio 2 will run on a macbook pro 17 inch? I need something that will last about 4-5 years with college and that I can have a decent chance at traveling with to and from college. Thanks for any help!

    If you are going to college with a MacBook Pro, max the RAM, get hard drive bigger than stock; for your specific needs, I'd say no smaller than 500G. In addition, make sure you get an external drive for backups. You really don't want to be in the middle of a school project, or 2 hours from due date with your backup at home, or worse yet, no backup.
    I know some people like incremental backups or a clone that overwrites the last clone, but I recommend a full backup added to the last full backup. I've heard over and over people relied on a backup that turned out to be corrupt. I have full backups from several years ago of my documents folder (IMHO, system files and preferences are much easier to replace, so I don't backup those as often.) on different external drives and optical media.
    For your current needs, it looks like portability is more important and practical. (I found that having my own portable made class notes, study groups, and computer lab time less frustrating.) Anyone I've met who uses high-end cpu/graphic intensive applications regularly, won't find that a portable computer meets their needs for as long as a desktop system - even a high-end portable. So, you might find yourself needing, not just wanting to upgrade sooner than you initially project.
    Good luck on your decision.
    Oh yeah. I don't want to forget to remind you that laptop theft on college campuses are high. Look into security options. If you have an iPod, they are more desired and easier to conceal than laptops and will disappear.
    Message was edited by: cheshirekat

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