Internet speed inconsistant

I have had the Airport Extreme base station for several months and it has worked without a hitch until this past week. Recently, the internet speed varies wildly: Web pages load erratically and Youtube and Movie Trailers on Apple TV take forever to buffer. I have tried multiple settings with the same result each time. To test, I used my Comcast Cable internet directly through Ethernet and with my Airport Express. Both work fine so it is definitely an issue with the Airport Extreme. I have also restored the AEBS with the reset button to factory default and created a new network from scratch with the same result as before.

scratch that...
I tried before to do the 'alt click version number' trick to bring up v. 7.1.1, but it would only ever reveal 7.2.1 (I tried this yesterday). Today when i tried it on a fluke, 7.1.1 showed up and i've been able to upgrade (er... downgrade?) to that firmware.
Unfortunately, that didn't work.
But, I figured out what DID WORK:
Cable Modem --wired-->
WRT54G WiFi Router (DHCP server) --wired-->
To get the full network speed, make sure you have "Use Wide Channels" turned on, otherwise you'll only be getting 130Mbit instead of the full 300Mbit speeds (check network utility). Of course, this speed is applicable only to LAN transfers (to your network connected drive, for instance), as your internet speeds will be determined by your ISP...
I've done A MILLION (give or take...) experiments on this router to get both the internet AND the network transfer speeds up to expectation. I'm willing to give some pointers if you have any questions.

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  • Internet speed test app

    Is their a good internet speed test app? I have "Speed Test for iPad". It gives such inconsistent results that I don't trust the results.

    I have Speedtest XHD. seems to work pretty well.
    As for inconsistancies, depending on how you are access the internet - and how you define inconsistant - you should count on it. Any app measuring this is going to be giving you a snapshot in time. and it will vary from test to test sometime by quite a bit.
    Message was edited by: James Ward4
    Message was edited by: James Ward4

  • Internet speeds keep slowing down to a crawl

    I'm having a problem that has only developed in the past week which was during a time when I haven't changed any configurations in that period of time since my son was born a week ago yesterday and I obviously had more important things to do than mess with my network configurations. However, about 2 weeks prior to his birth, in the process of configuring a baby monitoring system with icam source, 3 weeks or so ago, I read that I might be able to improve my internet performance, I ran googles namebench a couple of times and added and re-ordered the DNS servers that had been listed prior to any problems developing based on its' reports. My internet speeds improved as a result of changing those DNS settings and stayed good until the past week. But of course, we now need to use the computer as part of our baby monitoring system and it's not working worth a **** and I'm getting frustrated since I can't put my finger on the problem and I don't really have time to spin around in circles right now. I'm sure it's probably something simple and I can't put my finger on it though. Sleep deprivation is new to me.......
    I've kept running log of notes so this is a little deshoveled but I figured the more information I provide the better the chance someone might help me get this solved quickly.
    In the last week, since my sons birth, my internet speeds would be okay after restarts and resetting everything, 2.5 Mbps or so but after a 10-15 minutes it starts to slow down to .2-.3 Mbps. I went thru all my network settings, restarted everything, repaired permissions, I've changed ethernet cables reset PRAM, firewall is running, stealth mode enabled, allow signed software incoming connections and my various other programs such as netsessionmac4f3c6b, skype, java, itunes, etc.
    All sharing services off and pretty basic login items at startup including growl.
    I had AT&T come out and check my DSL line and everything checked out on their end up to and out of the DSL modem based in their equipment tests.
    The problem seems to start when I connect my imac (a fairly loaded 27" imac I got in Dec.) First off, as soon as the imac is connected to the modem via ethernet, the old ethernet modem flashes and continues to flash, even right after startup. So the tech thought something was running in the background and I can't figure out what. I looked through login items but don't see anything that would be a problem and am afraid to eliminate everything.
    So I created a guest account to eliminate any login items (I think) and in I got 5.69 Mbps right off the bat. But after a minute or two, without changing anything my download speed slows down and I get for example .77 Mbps. The same thing happens with my administrator account on the imac. Fast speeds at startup and more importantly if I change the configuration by switching between ethernet and airport, I get fast speeds right after changing the configuration but after a minute or two I am well below 1.0 Mbps. I've got several network configurations with automatic, airport and ethernet set up in different ways including a clean ethernet connection with the original DNS settings.
    I haven't set up an airport only account but that really isn't the way I want to hook up the computer that sits right next to the modem and runs my network. Restarting the old modem and direct connecting the computer to the modem results in the same thing happening.
    I connected my ethernet from the (old?) modem directly to my ancient powerbook G4 and I got +5.6 Mbps download but it also slowed down to 300 kbps after 5 minutes or so the first time (old modem?)
    Now to explain why I have "old?" listed above. I was then able to get a new DSL modem from AT&T, hook it up just fine, get enormously faster internet service in the 5,000 kbps only to have it slow back down to around 300 kpbs after connected for several minutes.
    directly connected to imac-bypassing router
    3,500 kbps
    after 15 minutes-250 kbps
    connected to imac thru router/time capsule with airport extreme
    2500 kbps
    after 15 minutes=166 kbps
    directly connected to an older powerbook G4 with new modem
    IP address of
    5.65 Mbps on speedtest
    after 15 minutes=5.67 Mbps
    after 30 minutes= 5.59 Mbps
    1 hour-5.66 Mbps
    Very solid, stable readings for what I am used to. This would seem to isolate the problem to the imac.
    directly connected to imac with new modem
    IP address of
    5.8 Mbps on speedtest
    after 30 minutes= .60 Mbps-ping takes 250 ms
    1 hour= .46 Mbps-ping takes 250 ms
    Now a problem that only started last night after I hooked up the new modem and started up my old Time capsule/airport configuration, I got a message that said something to effect of "another device on this network is using computer IP address So I tried manually changing last digit of the IP address on the computer to one number higher and it kept saying the start and end range were incorrect so I shut the airport station down since when it was connected, it would not allow the computer to connect thru the router via ethernet. I did a hard reset on the airport and I got it back up and running just fine but the internet speeds on the imacs' ethernet connections are so slow it's practically worthless. I also checked to see what was connected to my airport on any given occasion, 2 iphones, 2 pads, another imac running upstairs and a newer powerbook running icam source that is supposed to be the baby monitor. Except for the laptop everything can use "802.11n" but the powerbook only connects via 802.11g so I have set the airport to that limiting setting.
    Any suggestions? Is there a way for me to log what is happening so I can report in more detail?

    First thing is to check if the wireless is on a sensible channel: HomeHub doesn't always make sensible choices.  Install inSSIDer on your laptop and see what other devices there are around and if there is any clash.  Also, try moving the HomeHub around a little, even quite small differences can make a big difference to wireless signals.
    You could run an ethernet cable from downstairs to upstairs.  Easy to do, but can be a bit unsightly.  If most of your devices are upstairs, you could use this cable to connect the modem to the HomeHub.  If you have devices both up and down, you may want to keep the HomeHub downstairs and add a switch upstairs.
    HomePlug may be suitable for you.  If you search Amazon for HomePlug you will see a couple of kits for just over £30.  Don't go for an 85Mbps one.  A 200Mbps such as the TP-link or D-Link should be much better than wireless, but not as good as a cable.
    Depending excatly how many devices you want to connect and where, you can pay more and have a builtin wireless at one end:  Or it may be best for you to use the basic devices and add an old wireless router in switch mode.

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  • Time Capsule only runs with 1,1Mbit up/down during data transfer, internet speed is ok, TC is used to extend an existing network

    Hello Everyone,
    I have a new 2TB Time Capsule running with a MacBook Air. I want to use the TC to access data (Aperture library, iTunes library, other Files) and to backup my MacBook Air via Time Machine. I set it up, integrated the TC in my Network (FritzBox) by choosing "extend existing network" and it works. BUT only with 1.1Mbit/second while writing or reading Data to/from it. Internet speed is very good, like it was before. While the 1.1Mbit/second seem to be ok with Aperture and iTunes (streaming music and movies) it is still painfully slow and I'm not realy happy with that
    I've read that:
    The 1.1Mbit problem is pretty common when Time Capsule is integrated and used to extend a network (bridge modus), it also looses all ethernet connectivity then (that woul explain why connecting it by ethernet didn't help during initial setup and data transfer)
    Is there a solution besides ditching the Fritzbox and using the TC to build the network? Because basicly I still need the Fritzbox for its DECT features.
    Thank you for any help in advance and have a nice day,

    You have double hop wireless with this setup..
    You should bridge the TC.. that is router bridge not wireless bridge, and plug the TC into the Frizyboy by ethernet.
    Then you can setup the TC wireless to reinforce the fritzy..
    Same wireless name as SSID.
    Same security settings... really should be WPA2 AES or in TC personal.
    Same password..
    Just different wireless channel.
    Then you can use 5ghz on the TC if you are up close and personal.

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    BT insist that there's nothing wrong with the line, but the fact that the problem affects both my Mac and my iPad suggests that the problem is not with my computer.
    Indeed, I'm now in the local pub, and everything is working just fine.
    I've been through all the usual things - checking location of Homehub (even though it was absolutely fine for 18 months in its current location), changed the ADSL micro-filter, changed the wireless channel, etc, and to no avail.
    What else can anyone suggest?
    Thank you.

    So, the first time I did this speed-test was on my return home, when everything was working fine again.
    Test1 comprises of two tests
    1. Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Download Speed
    15742 Kbps
    0 Kbps21000 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
     Download speedachieved during the test was - 15742 Kbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 4000-21000 Kbps.
     Additional Information:
     Your DSL Connection Rate :16203 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 1159 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
     IP Profile for your line is - 14295 Kbps
    The throughput of Best Efforts (BE) classes achieved during the test is - 16.11:23.37:60.53 (SBE:NBEBE)
    These figures represent the ratio while sententiously passing Sub BE, Normal BE and Priority BE marked traffic.
    The results of this test will vary depending on the way your ISP has decided to use these traffic classes.
    2. Upstream Test:  -provides background information.
    Upload Speed
    959 Kbps
    0 Kbps1159 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
    >Upload speed achieved during the test was - 959 Kbps
     Additional Information:
     Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 1159 Kbps

  • My internet speed suddenly went VERY slow on all browser

    I am running on a Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5, 2 Ghz Intel i7, 4GB Ram DDR3.
    I am experiencing very slow internet speed after some system update some time ago.
    I have tried using wireless and LAN cable but both results the same.
    I've tried resetting routers in both my office and home but it is still as disappointing.
    Kindly advice on what to do? I've forgotten which update is it as it is some time ago already.
    I have installed bootcamp in my macbook and tried the using from windows but there isn't such issue. The internet was smooth and great.

    Try these basic troubleshooting steps.
    1. Quit all app scompletely and restart the iPad. Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Double tap the home button and the task bar will appear with all of your recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner of the app that you want to close. Tap the home button or anywhere above the task bar. Restart the iPad.
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    2. Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    3. Go to Settings>Safari>Clear History, Cookies and Data. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.

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    Please check the speed of your connection on this site.
    Then start up in Recovery mode. In the OS X Utilities screen, select Get Help Online. A clean copy of Safari will launch. No plugins, such as Flash, will be available. Check again. Then restart as usual and post the results.

  • Verizon is Capping Internet Speed/Service for "Unlimited" Customers

    Some recent news has been brought to my attention by Verizon Wireless' customer service department, and I think that given the severity of Verizon Wireless’ continued breach of contract to Internet customers, this matter should be brought to everyone else's attention as well.
    I originally purchased a Verizon Wireless USB Internet Card in 2007. I was offered a plan that entitled me to an “Unlimited Internet Usage Allowance”. I kept the same wireless Internet device for two years and never acquired any issues or concerns. On January 20th, 2010, I went into a Verizon store and was offered a free upgrade to the new MiFi Mobile HotSpot. I was told that I could test the product for 30 days to make sure that it worked to my standards and my Internet needs. It worked perfectly. I used it for multiple computers in my home, as well as work and travel. 
    My problem with the Verizon MiFi began on October 21st, 2010 when my Internet suddenly became extremely slow and unable to access any web pages without minutes of waiting. I continued to call customer service and go into the Verizon stores throughout the month in hopes that someone could find a ‘glitch’ and solve my issue of what soon became No Internet access. I did all this with patience and good faith, as I have continued to pay $60 a month for “High speed 3G” service. Two weeks ago, I took the MiFi device into the store and requested a new device since it became entirely defective. My new device arrived in the mail and I have still spent the last week going through the ring-around circus of Tech support and the only logic they can come up with is, "Either the device is defective or my computer is too old."  This is not the case, as I recently purchased a new laptop.
    What I discovered was that Verizon neglected to inform me for the past two months that I had gone over my "undisclosed usage threshold" (Even though I pay for Unlimited Allowance) and now my internet speed has been capped and I am unable to access the Internet. I spent 4 hours on the phone yesterday and weaved my way into a small department called "AIT" which is supposedly a new sub-contracted company that is suppose to help negotiate my "situation". They of course are closed, and my numerous voice mails will most likely never be returned.
    At this point, I am still paying for something that does not work, and Verizon has taken it upon themselves to decide "how often" I can use the internet. This was not disclosed to me in my contract that I signed in Jan 2010, when I continued my Wireless plan for "unlimited usage allowance."
    I want everyone to be aware of this, before they head out this holiday season and spend hundreds of dollars on a Verizon Wireless Internet Device, and eventually will have to deal with the same nonsense I'm currently going through right now!

    I started with one of the few unlimited plans back in 2008- They kept telling me to "hang on to it- cause it won't be around for long!" So I did and when I upgraded my device- everything worked great for 7 months. I started using it more frequently as a hot spot for more than one computer, we're talking email, web browsing and paying bills- Not Xbox360 for 24 hours a day or fownloading 10 videos a day!? I don't even know how to do that!?!
     And the first month we went over- we got capped! Now it runs at about a quarter of the speed. Which was never disclosed to me. And to think- they market this MiFi 2200 as a hotspot for up to 5 computers??? I can only imagine how quickly people are being capped.

  • Poor internet speed with time capsule or Airport extreme

    I'm trying to find away to increase the throughput of my 1st generation tme capsule. i'm getting a 33% drop in speed over wireless compared to wired conncetions.
    current setup
    Virginmedia XXL broadband  100Mbit down  5Mbit up.
    Modem standard virginmedia modem (not the superhub) connected to Apple time capsule (500Mb) @ 1000Mbit full duplex
    time capsule reset to default and then configured to use 5Ghz band, channel 36 . (no other networks in the area using this band) tested using wifi scanner and istumbler
    tested down/up speed using
    wired connection
    105Mb/sec download   4.9Mb/sec upload
    wireless connection
    73.14Mb/sec download   4.7Mb/sec upload
    i have tried testing with an airport extreme 3rd Gen with the same setup and get the same results.
    Tested using a 2008 Macbook running Lion 10.7.3 and also tested using 2010 Macbook unibody running snow leopard 10.6.8. both laptops connecting to wireless network at 270Mb/sec and are both exhibiting the same drop in speed over wireless. only one laptop connected to the network at a time.
    is thier a limit to the time capsule/airport extreme wireless throughput?

    Further to Bob's comments..
    A Gen1 TC will be using marvel wireless chip and your 2008 and 2010 Macbook will use atheros and/or broadcom cards.. Just open your system profiler and look for info on the airport. We find the mixture of wireless chipsets especially older draft N and later N products can give very varied results.
    The very fact you are linking at 270 and not 300mbps shows some reduction from theoretical max speed.. and really to get over 100mbps with any wireless you need perfect setup.. matched wireless chips etc.
    Do a test uploading and downloading a file to the TC to see if the LAN speed is better than internet speed.
    In reality I think you are doing especially well.. we see loads of people complaining about slow internet here who are getting less than 10% of the speed they get direct when routed through the TC. And on most occasions the limit in speed is not really going to affect what you do, as the real links to the internet are not that fast.

  • Internet speed compromised after upgrade to iOS 8

    Have recently upgraded to iOS 8 and Internet speed has been drastically reduced on my iPad air (128Gb). Is there anyone out there who can assist? I'm on a weak 3G network.

    First try a soft reset.  Hold the home & sleep/wake button down simultaneously., keep holding until you see the Apple logo appear then let go & let the iPad boot normally.
    If that doesn't help, go to Settings->General->Reset->Reset All Settings.  You will not lose any data but will have to login to any wifi networks you previously connected with.  You could also just try resetting Network Settings but I find resetting all settings can clear up a bunch of issues including speed & usability.

  • Airport Extreme (time capsule model) internet speed EXTREMELY slow.

    Hello, first thank you for any help on this as it is a bit frustrating for me.
    I recently noticed my internet speed was running significantly slower on both my MacBook Pro and on my wifes MacBook.
    I had my ISP come and check out the problem. They hooked my MacBook Pro directly to the modem and my speed went from under 1 mb to over 5mb.... he then had me hook up directly to the lan port on the airport extreme and my speed was once again back down to the 1 mb range. He concluded that it must be a problem with the speed once it hits the Airport Extreme.
    He ended up giving me a different modem, its a 2wire wireless. I have since connected my airport extreme to the new modem and am still pulling down the same speed, but now I have connected directly to the new 2wire wireless modem and am getting my 5 mb speed.
    Can anyone give me any help or advice on what I can do with my airport extreme time capsule so that I can get the speed I should be getting from it.
    Thanks again.

    More information. I have a separate router for ISP connect/DHCP. I only use my Airports to create a WDS and bridge onto my home network. I have never allowed 2.4GHz or 5GHz phones in the house, just to limit interference. I live way out in the country so interference from neighbors is negligible to nonexistent. Speed testing done with
    I moved all the hard wired machines from the TC to my switch. Which will impact the speed of my backups, but it helped with internet throughput for those machines.
    Then I split my WiFi into 2 separate nets, each with a connection to my home network switch. I created a b/g network with my ufo Extreme and my Express (NET 1). I left my TC set for n/b/g (NET 2). As long as my MacBook was powered off internet speed were nice and fast. As soon as I turned on my MB the speeds were impacted, not as bad as before.
    I then changed NET 2 to be n-only 5GHz and retested. These was a small but noticeable impact for wireless machines but I have concerns because my ISP is wireless and runs at or near 5GHz.
    I then changed NET 2 to be n-only 2.4Ghz and retested. Again a small impact for wireless machines whenever my MB was connected to NET 2.
    I then had my MB join NET 1 and speeds were nice and fast all around. My solution, shutdown the wireless on my TC and use it as just a network drive while I use my old reliable b/g hardware for WiFi.
    Maybe someday this Draft version of 802.11n will be finalized and have no issues.
    Message was edited by: Gregory Daniel

  • Windows 7 64 Bit Very VERY slow internet speed

    I just bought two new laptops for my wife and I and we've been having terrible trouble with download speeds since taking them out the box. 
    We are using the exact same configuration and IP as before only our last two computers were on XP and Vista but there were no issues whatsoever. I even went and bought a new router just in case that was the problem but it made absolutely no difference, leaving
    me with the conclusion its a problem with the 64 bit version of Windows 7.
    Currently I cannot even watch a Youtube video because after loading the first couple of seconds, it stops loading and then after a couple of minutes there's a quick burst of speed and stops again.
    I can't complete a speed test on my connection on either laptop. Normally this would take only a few seconds but the site ( crashes every time using windows 7.
    Windows 7 64Bit
    Intel i3 2310M @ 2.1Ghz
    4Gb of RAM
    My IP is VirginMedia UK on a 10Mb connection (same problem wired or wireless)
    As you can imagine this is very frustrating since I have just paid out over £1000 to find my browsing experience has virtually at a stand still.
    Any help in this matter would be very much appreciated

    I recently had the same problem after installing Windows 7 64bit.  The internet speed for some reason was really slow.  After looking for a solution I tried to flush the DNS.  It worked.
    Open start menu
    type "cmd" in the search then hit enter key
    when the new screen opens type:
    ipconfig /release
     hit enter and then type
    ipconfig /flushdns
    hit enter and then type
    ipconfig /renew
    hit enter and the problem is solved.

  • Why is my internet speed slower on my 4g iPod touch compared to my 1g iPad (Wifi only), though we use the same router?

    i bought my 4g iPod touch just 3 months ago fromt the US. Internet speed was just fine and working consistently while i was using a d-link router.
    my Wi-Fi network is password protected and since has not affected the speeds on my pc or my iPad (wifi only). However, just 4 weeks ago, i bought a new router, an Aztec one. That has not improved or worsened the speeds on my pc or iPad, but worsens only my iPod touch, even though it says its connected and has a full signal strength.
    Here are the symptoms:-
    1. iMessage is now really slow as after i click send, the loading bar at the top lags.
    2. i can't go on to google or any site or app that involves internet connection e.g. Facebook, Twitter
    3. I can't purchase or get apps from the App store as the searching takes way too long.
    4. Now as i pull down the notifications bar, it shows temperature but no stock; i can't even access the Stocks app
    5. I can see the temperature for the day on the notifications, but i cant see the details for the rest of the week like i was able to
    6. I now cant read any updated emails on Mail as it takes way too long
    I live in a country called Brunei, and speeds are the worst there, yet they shouldn't be this slow especialy when my friends and other devices are working.
    So, what's wrong? Is it my new router?

    Have you tried a simple reset of your iPod to see if that helps?  To do this, press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons together long enough for the Apple logo to appear.
    Otherwise, have you tried any of the troubleshooting mentioned in this Apple support document?
    iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections

  • Problem: slow connection. I have an iMac (2007) running on Mac OS X 10.6.8. I just had my internet speed increased from 1 to 3 Mbps but my connection slowed down considerably. Do I have to change any setting?

    Problem: slow connection. I have an iMac (2007) running on Mac OS X 10.6.8. I just had my internet speed increased from 1 to 3 Mbps but my connection slowed down considerably. Do I have to change any setting on the computer, and how?

    One possibility is that you may need to "Upgrade" your Cable /DSL Modem if you have an older unit.  ISP's that provide your Internet service in recent years have been switching over from DOCSIS 2.1 version Modems to DOCSIS 3.0 version Modems, which handle the new higher data streaming speeds the ISP's are offering.  I would suggest you call your ISP's Technical Support and inquire about this possibility.

Maybe you are looking for