INTRASTAT  additional id number on cover sheet

Hello Guys,
I have 4.6C version for my client.( germany)
I have issue related to Intrastat decleration. T code ENPA , whenever i process this t code (RVEXDAID) for generating cover sheet.
we have option to give our own Vat additional number , I give 002 so that it would be printed on cover sheet.but by default it is printing 001. this 001 is set at company code global data.
please guide me how to get my own additional ID number on my cover sheet

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  • Add cover sheet without affecting existing page numbering?

    I guess the lack of response means either that my question is inappropriate in some way or else it's difficult or impossible to answer! Thanks for letting me post it anyway!
    This seems to be a very informative site (just figured out how to access it and read the responses to all the questions), and I know I'll learn a lot from reading it in the future---so thanks on that account also.   ---JCI
    I have a script that inserts a new page (a cover sheet) at the beginning of a document (a chapter from a book) and makes a few other tweaks. It works perfectly _except_ for the following glitches:
    (1) The pages shuffle (I would like the cover sheet to be a recto page and the first page of the document to be a recto page as well; the rest are facing pages ).
    (2) The pages renumber (I would like to the cover sheet to be an invisible page number roman numeral "i" and the first page of the document to be page 1.1.
    (3) If I just renumber the pages manually, I also have to retype all the section names that have been inserted previously into the section marker field (I have about 160 documents to work on, so....)
    Is there any way to have the script avoid these problems? Please note that I inherited this script and know virtually nothing about scripting. Any help you can give—including any thoughts on whether coming up with such a script would even be possible—will be greatly appreciated!! Here is the script (and thanks in advance!):
    var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("Choose a Folder");
    var myFile;
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.NEVER_INTERACT;
    if(myFolder != null){
        myFile = myFolder.getFiles();
        for(i=0; i<myFile.length; i++) {
    // insert page at beginning and apply master page
            var myMasterSpread = app.activeDocument.masterSpreads.item("C-WebP1");
            app.activeDocument.pages[0].appliedMaster = myMasterSpread;
    // find and remove "[advanced release]" from document
              app.findChangeTextOptions.includeMasterPages = true;
              app.findChangeTextOptions.caseSensitive = false;
              app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = "[advance release]" ;
              app.changeTextPreferences.changeTo = " ";
              app.findTextPreferences = null;
              app.changeTextPreferences = null;
    // determine if last page is blank and if so, delete
             var Lpage = app.activeDocument.pages.lastItem();
    // save and close file
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    Message was edited by: J Shee

    Try this,
    var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("Choose a Folder");
    var myFile;
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.NEVER_INTERACT;
    if(myFolder != null){
        myFile = myFolder.getFiles();
        for(i=0; i<myFile.length; i++) {
    // insert page at beginning and apply master page
                var _page = app.activeDocument.pages.add(LocationOptions.AT_BEGINNING);
                var myMasterSpread = app.activeDocument.masterSpreads.item("C-WebP1");
                app.activeDocument.pages[0].appliedMaster = myMasterSpread;
                var section = doc.sections.add(_page);
                section.pageNumberStyle = PageNumberStyle.LOWER_ROMAN;
                var section1 = doc.sections.add(doc.pages.item(1));
                section1.continueNumbering = false;
                section1.pageStart = doc.pages.item(1);
                section1.pageNumberStart = 1;
                section1.sectionPrefix = "1."
                section1.pageNumberStyle = PageNumberStyle.ARABIC
    // find and remove "[advanced release]" from document
              app.findChangeTextOptions.includeMasterPages = true;
              app.findChangeTextOptions.caseSensitive = false;
              app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = "[advance release]" ;
              app.changeTextPreferences.changeTo = " ";
              app.findTextPreferences = null;
              app.changeTextPreferences = null;
    // determine if last page is blank and if so, delete
            var Lpage = app.activeDocument.pages.lastItem();
    // save and close file
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;

  • Fax Cover Sheet from SAP / Rightfax

    My requirement is to generate a cover sheet whenever a PO/SO/any document is faxed. We have Rightfax through SMTP/SAP Connect configured. Rightfax does provide a generic cover sheet option but it can only contain the fax numbers and recipient name. It suggests to use SAP Cover sheet. Have few questions, and here they goes:
    1. How can I enable SAP Coversheet? Even after checking the option for cover page I am not able to get any cover page and may have been disabled. I've also checked SAP note 553113 but wanted to check if there's any other way as well.
    2. After I have enabled cover sheet and lets assume the Standard cover sheet is copied in a ZForm, how can I ensure that always the zform cover sheet will processed? I am not able to find any configuration setting for it. I've research to find that SAP uses SO41 OFFICE-TELEFAX coversheet. This observation can be seen when I goto SO02 -> New Message -> Goto -> Fax , a pop up window appears which asks for Fax details. On Top Right, one can check the cover page option but the Coverpage is always specified as 'STANDARD'.
    3. Researched a lot. SDN & Google but not able to come to a conclusion for any specific solution. Appreciate if anyone has worked on this requirement, please share their ideas. There's no much help available as well (seen as much available links in SDN and Google). Basically, the requirement is just to generate a generic fax cover sheet from SAP.
    Santosh Verma

    Thanks for your time in looking the issue.
    @ Sandra,
    I've already researched on SDN and google and have visited this link as well. It wasn't of much help. But thanks again.
    @ Weidong,
    Actually thought of that solution but wanted to check if there's any generic way. Please let me know further on 'You need change configuration for fax - output type.'. Are you referring to NACE output type configuration?
    Let me add more:
    1. If we set the Parameter 'BCS_NO_FAX_COVER' to 'X' in TMV/SM30 'SXPARAMS', this way, the Fax cover sheet from SAP can be enabled of disabled. This cover sheet uses the Form OFFICE_TELEFAX_M in SE71 (SO43). What worries me, even if I copy the standard to custom, how to make sure that custom form is printed as there is no place where i am able to find any configuration. SAP note 553113 says to edit this form in SE71, that's it.
    2. The other solution is right fax generic cover sheet. Which is generated right now, but with limited info. The Right Fax documentation recommends to use SAP Cover Sheet as the Right Fax cover sheet does not provide much details except Senders Fax No, Recipients Fax Number and Name. This cannot be of much help.
    3. Use a custom form. A custom form which will contain cover sheet data, independent of SAPConnect. This form has to be generated at runtime. This is one of the approaches thought but here's the list of issues with it:
    a. The print program has to be modified as well. Issue when using standard print program. At same time, i think in FP_JOBOPEN one has to specify the cover page as well. Looks good for custom print programs.
    b. Our requirement also looks for mass fax. For eg: lets say, i have to fax, around 10 PO's, there should only be one cover sheet for all the 10 fax documents. This solution may not help here.
    Appreciate your help.

  • How to add cover sheet without affecting page numbering?

    No replies yet, so perhaps I should change the question to "Can one add a new section break at the beginning of a document?"
    Or "How do you apply a section break on a Master Page so that when the Master Page is added at the beginning of a document, it does not change the numbering of the pages that follow?"
    Thanks very much for any help!
    [ORIGINAL QUESTION: Is it possible to add a cover sheet to an InDesign document without affecting the existing page numbering? I have a series of chapters from a book that need to be posted individually and require a cover sheet. Each chapter begins on a recto page and the page numbering is set with a prefix (the chapter number) and page number, e.g., page 1.1. I can manage to add the cover sheet without the other pages shuffling, but the cover page always becomes page 1.1 and the text thus begins on page 1.2 (even though it's a recto page). Is there any way to do this without having to manually reset all the page numbering in the Numbering & Section Options window?
    Thanks for any help you can give---many such documents to work on....  Also, never submitted a question before, so hope I've done this correctly!  ---JCI]
    Message was edited by: J Shee

    There are really two things to consider here. First is that page numbering normally controls which side of the spine a page is on (and switching sides can cause all sorts of problems if you have master text frames). Second is preseving the existing numbering.
    It's no problem to reset the numbering by starting a new section after you add the new page to the front of the file, but if this is a facing pages file you will want to add two pages to start so the rest of the doc doesn't switch sides, then start a new section and reset the start number (sorry, no way I know to do this other than manually). Now you can delete one of the pages in the first section and reset the number on the remaining new page to odd or even as appropriate and add your content.

  • RightFax and PDF result in 'Problem Converting Fax Body or Cover Sheet'

    Hi All:
    We are trying to send out faxes of invoices and reports to our customers.  We have RightFax software and have used it for a long time.  We are converting our reports to PDF and send them to RightFax.  I am getting 'Problem Converting Fax Body or Cover Sheet'.  I can create a PDF from a word document and it will send it, but files output from SSRS errors.  What is different between the two.

    Hi All,
    We use RightFax and to get around the problem of
    Problem Converting Fax Body or Cover Sheet we were told to
    open up the PDF you want to send and click print
    Select the RightFax printer and hit print.
    It will now open up the RightFax window with the PDF attached and you just add in the telephon number and other details
    as you would send your fax.

  • Custom fax cover sheet

    My scenario is this:
    I need to send a custom smartform or sapscript cover sheet in the same output process of faxing smartform PO's, Quotations, Invoces and several other documents.  I don't see anywhere in configuration where something like this can be done.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this?
    Thank you,

    Time for a little give-back from me....
    Having just worked on this same issue and not finding a solution from SDN (which was unusual) I thought I'd better let you know what I have found..
    Transactions SO41,SO42 and SO43 show the default SAP fax cover sheets.
    They are kept in client 000 and you need to use SE71 (SAPScript forms) to copy the required form (and rename to Z...), then you are free to modify it as required (Add a logo etc).
    Make sure you classify the form as a SAP office form, there are instructions for doing this in the SAP library.
    You can test it in SO01 without sending the fax anywhere, create a fax to recipient GB 1234567 or any other fake number, double click on the sender and you will get a popup of the fax details (sender info, receiver info and the cover sheet to use).
    or you can use SO_OBJECT_SEND, make sure the recevicers-recextnam field is populated using the SADRFD structure.
    and here's the subroutine I use to send a list as a fax with a custom cover sheet :
    and below that is a similar subroutine to send emails...
    *&      Form  send_fax
       Send Fax of internal table GT_MAIL_LINES TYPE soli
    FORM send_fax using my_company_name TYPE name1_gp.
      DATA: ls_object_hd TYPE  sood1,
            ls_receivers TYPE  soos1,
            lt_receivers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF soos1,
            l_lines      TYPE  i,
            ls_sadrfd    TYPE sadrfd.
      CLEAR:  ls_object_hd, ls_receivers.
      REFRESH lt_receivers.
      ls_object_hd-objla  = sy-langu.
      ls_object_hd-objnam = 'NOTE'.
      ls_object_hd-objdes = 'Fax subject line in here'.
    Calculate size of table
      DESCRIBE TABLE gt_mail_lines LINES l_lines.
      READ TABLE gt_mail_lines INDEX l_lines INTO gs_mail_lines.
      ls_object_hd-objlen = ( l_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( gs_mail_lines ).
    Set Fax control structure
    Fax number in structure must have no leading zero
    as this is added by SAPOffice from the country code
      ls_sadrfd-rec_fax = gs_address-fax.
      shift    ls_sadrfd-rec_fax left deleting leading '0'.
      condense ls_sadrfd-rec_fax no-gaps.
      ls_sadrfd-rec_street = gs_address-street.
      ls_sadrfd-rec_town   = gs_address-city.
      ls_sadrfd-rec_name1  = gs_address-name.
      ls_sadrfd-rec_state  = gs_address-country.
      ls_sadrfd-form_langu = gs_address-langu.
      ls_sadrfd-fax_form   = 'Z_FAX_COVER'.
      ls_sadrfd-send_comp  = my_company_name.
      ls_sadrfd-send_immi  = 'X'.
      IF ls_sadrfd-form_langu is initial.
        ls_sadrfd-form_langu = sy-langu.
      ls_sadrfd-send_nam = sy-uname.
      ls_sadrfd-send_date = sy-datum.
      ls_sadrfd-send_time = sy-uzeit.
    Convert Receiver information to char field
          I_WORKAREA  = ls_sadrfd
          E_CHARFIELD = ls_receivers-recextnam.
      ls_receivers-recesc = 'F'.
      ls_receivers-mailstatus = 'E'.
      ls_receivers-sndart = 'FAX'.
      ls_receivers-sndpri = '1'.
      APPEND ls_receivers TO lt_receivers.
    Send fax
          object_hd_change = ls_object_hd
          object_type      = 'RAW'
          owner            = sy-uname
          originator       = g_originator
          originator_type  = 'B'
          objcont          = gt_mail_lines
          receivers        = lt_receivers
          OTHERS           = 01.
    The function doesn't commit so we must
    do it if successful.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        WRITE: / 'Fax failed RAISE ERROR '(012).
    ENDFORM. "send_fax
    *&      Form  send_email
       Send Email of internal table GT_MAIL_LINES
    FORM send_email USING      pi_email_address TYPE ad_smtpadr.
      DATA: ls_object_hd        TYPE  sood1,
            ls_receivers        TYPE  soos1,
            lt_receivers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF soos1,
            l_lines      TYPE  i.
      CLEAR:  ls_object_hd, ls_receivers.
      REFRESH lt_receivers.
      ls_object_hd-objla  = sy-langu.
      ls_object_hd-objnam = 'NOTE'.
      ls_object_hd-objdes = 'Email title in here'.
    get size of text table to be sent
      DESCRIBE TABLE gt_mail_lines LINES l_lines.
      READ TABLE gt_mail_lines INDEX l_lines INTO gs_mail_lines.
      ls_object_hd-objlen = ( l_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( gs_mail_lines ).
      ls_receivers-recextnam = pi_email_address.
      ls_receivers-recesc = 'E'.
      ls_receivers-mailstatus = 'E'.
      ls_receivers-sndart = 'INT'.
      ls_receivers-sndpri = '1'.
      APPEND ls_receivers TO lt_receivers.
    NB: G_originator is a SAP user ID with the email address that you want any
    replies to go to - its useful to have this not as sy-uname so any replies can go to
    a central email address like [email protected]
          object_hd_change = ls_object_hd
          object_type      = 'RAW'
          owner            = sy-uname
          originator       = g_originator
          originator_type  = 'B'
          objcont          = gt_mail_lines
          receivers        = lt_receivers
          OTHERS           = 01.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        WRITE: / 'Email failed RAISE ERROR '(010).
    ENDFORM.                    " send_email

  • How to populate the Cover Sheet of a Distributed Form

    I am a newbie to LiveCycle forms and have created my first simple form to manage travel requests within my company.  This is then distributed to employees who fill out their multiple travel requests with associated expected costs and return the form to the administrator.  This is in turn collected by the administrator who either approves or dissaproves some of the items in the form of each employee.  My question is: How can I get to see the total approved costs for all employees in this dataset?  IS there a way of consolidating this into the cover sheet or how wold one do this.  All advice welcomed.
    Thanks in advance.

    Each form that the employees fill out represents a separate request. One request does not know of the existance of other requests. If you want to get a consolidated view of all requests you will need a means of tracking or storing all of the information in a common place. Usually this is done by writing each form instance to a database, then you can get your consolidated view by querying the DB for that information.
    Hope that helps

  • PDF Portfolio Cover Sheets

    How do i disable covers sheets in a pdf portfolio? Each document is covered with a default coversheet with the following:
    "For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or Later."
    How do i get rid of this?

    Create a new PDF cover page which you design.
    Open the PDF Portfolio. Choose View > Portfolio > Cover Sheet, and you can see the current cover sheet. Use the Replace command to replace the cover page with the one you design.
    I don't think you can disable the cover page.
    (Tip courtesy of Anne-Marie Concepcion in her Acrobat X video on

  • Cover sheets not printing

    Forgive me if this has already been covered.
    I have numerous OS X print queues setup, and they are all printing beautifully, however, none of them are printing the assigned cover sheets.
    What's weird is, I noticed when the print server used to communicate with the printer itself via AppleTalk, the cover sheets printed. However, now that the protocol being used between the server and printers is IP printing, the cover sheets seem to have stopped.
    The print queues are currently being advertised using both IPP, and LPR protocols.
    Thanks so much.

    My question was answered in the following thread:

  • How do I add an additional iPhone number to my iMessage on my iPad to receive text messages?

    How do I add an additional iphone number to imessage to receive text messages from the second iphone device?

    You can only add iPhone phone numbers which are actively signed into your apple ID on iMessage.

  • EHS : Creating new report parameter/ symbol for MSDS cover sheet

    I am working on the SAP EHS module.
    I have a requirement in which I need to have the country name (description) on the MSDS cover sheet instaed of the country key which is presently coming in there.
    As per the standard settings, the report parameters available for the country point towards the country key only (char 3) i.e T005-land1 and not T005T-landx(char 15).
    I understand that I need to create a new customer report parameter in the customising which will pick the data for the coversheet country.
    My problem is that I am not sure where exactly do I have to write the code for this report symbol/parameter expansion.
    I am not sure about the trigger for the expansion routine.
    Please guide me if anyone has worked on this kind of an issue.
    I will greatly appreciate your suggestions on this one.
    Thanks and regards,

    Go to
    <a href=""></a>
    Report Definition -> Report Creation: Process -> Document Template Layout Editing -> Editing Specification or Parameter Symbols -> Function Module

  • OS Cover sheet   in output control

    Hi all:
    Here in spool request, there is output control info about spool request <NN> in <xx> system (which is being generated by SAP Script).
    There is OS Cover sheet in Output Attributes tab.  I  would like to change the value by ABAP report / program ,  is there any FM for it or another programing way to send the request for not printing . Plz remember, we are using the SAP Script.
    thanks in advance

    That is a problem. It is same as yours in my system. Better Search for OSS notes. They might have solution for this
    Before that, make sure you have specified a right printer (working)

  • Can You Soft Proof Your Faxes?  Cover Sheet?

    I've come across instructions on FAXing that say I should be able to Soft Proof or Preview my FAXes before sending them, even seeing my cover page. I think the info was good for Panther. I am running 10.4.11 and I can't seem to do that -- but then, my Completed FAXes button is greyed-out, so I don't know if it is me and my machine that is the problem, or if this is functionality that was lost along the way. Can other Tigers Preview/Soft Proof FAXes?

    Looks like I can get a Preview of the file I am faxing, but I don't see a preview of my cover sheet.
    Here is a way to see some information about your completed fax jobs:
    Tiger's faxing support does seem to be somewhat sketchy to say the least!
    Steve M.

  • Cover sheet doesn't send

    I have just tried faxing under Tiger for the first time. I sent a sample fax to my own fax machine, but the cover page didn't come through.
    Here is what I did:
    1) Selected a Word document to fax
    2) File>Print
    3) Fax PDF
    4) Filled in the "to" field
    5) Select the check box for "use cover page"
    6) Filled in "subject"
    7) Filled in "message"
    8) Click on Fax button
    I received only the content pages and not a cover sheet. I went back through the same process again and opened the document in preview this time. No cover sheet showed up in preview and I didn't receive on on my fax machine after hitting the fax button, only the content pages as before.
    Am I missing something here? Is there something that I have to do to set up a cover sheet prior to faxing? I can't seem to find anything in the Mac Help files on this either.
    Thank you
    PowerBook G4 667 Mhz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    And where are you doing all of this? No one here has a crystal ball nor can we see your MBP.

  • Pdf sent won't open beyond cover sheet?  how to allow click thru of all files?

    pdf sent won't open beyond cover sheet?  how to allow click thru of all files?

    That's handy, because I can run gmail and Chrome too.
    Ok, I sent myself a PDF attachment. I'm going to go step by step through what happened
    to me, and you can tell me where your experience becomes different.
    1. The email shows a preview of the top part of page 1 for the attachment.
    2. I hover over the preview and I get two icons, "Download" and "Save to drive".
    3. I click Download.
    4. The attachment downloads and I see it in the status bar.
    5. I click on the document in the status bar. It opens to page 1, but I can use the
    scroll bar to read all of the pages.
    6. I hover in the bottom right of the page, until Chrome's PDF toolbar appears.
    7. I click the save icon.
    8. I save the file to my desktop.
    9. I open the file from my desktop. It also has all pages.

Maybe you are looking for