Introducing OSB to SOA application

Hi All,
We have an existing SOA application which receives XML data feed on the webservice and distributes the data to different databases. I read that with OSB it is possible to enforce SLAs
In our case, if there is no messages for last 5 minutes received on the webservice, send the third party a SLA alert.
We have never configured our environment for OSB and want to introduce OSB to our existing SOA application.
1) Do we install OSB on a seperate domain or on the same domain as SOA?
2) We are running on 54 bit linux, so how to do the development as the OEPE is not bundled for 64 bit.
3) Can anybody suggest a good starting point for this requirement.
No benchmarks have been set but you may see signifacnt performance gain in case of heavy load. Please refer above link to know more.

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    Hi all,
    hope all are fine.
    sorry if this question is already posted.
    I installed wls 10.3.6 and osb & SOA and domain cofiguration also successful.
    in domain cofiguration i selected both osb and soa.
    all (wls,osb,soa ) servers are up but soa_infra was down. I am unable to see soa folder in em.
    where is the problem please provide solution for this...
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Harsh,
    I tried with(developer template) that but again soa_infra was down. i am getting user messaging services.
    admin server logs are
    oracle.mds.lcm.exception.MDSLCMException: MDS-01330: unable to load MDS configuration document
    MDS-01329: unable to load element "persistence-config"
    MDS-01370: MetadataStore configuration for metadata-store-usage "soa-infra-store" is invalid.
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    ORA-06512: at line 1
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    Caused by: oracle.mds.config.MDSConfigurationException: MDS-01330: unable to load MDS configuration document
    MDS-01329: unable to load element "persistence-config"
    MDS-01370: MetadataStore configuration for metadata-store-usage "soa-infra-store" is invalid.
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    ORA-06512: at line 1
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         at oracle.mds.internal.lcm.deploy.DeployManager.deploy(
         ... 27 more
    Caused by: oracle.mds.exception.MDSExceptionList: MDS-01329: unable to load element "persistence-config"
    MDS-01370: MetadataStore configuration for metadata-store-usage "soa-infra-store" is invalid.
    ORA-04063: package body "DEV_MDS.MDS_INTERNAL_SHREDDED" has errors
    ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "DEV_MDS.MDS_INTERNAL_SHREDDED"
    ORA-06512: at line 1
         at oracle.mds.config.PConfig.loadFromBean(
         ... 33 more
    I installed rcu correctly and db is up and i installed following combination
    is there any mismatch combination.
    Edited by: Mohan SOA on Sep 12, 2012 12:39 AM

  • OSB and SOA Suite in the Java Cloud

    Hi All -- the question is rather to a technical support personnel of the Oracle Cloud,
    Is it possible to deploy and run the OSB and SOA Suite applications on the Oracle Java Cloud? To be more precise:
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    What we need are two servers (or two clusters): a SOA Suite application runs on one, while the OSB application runs on the other.
    Thanks for help.

    Hi Chris,
    Oracle's statement of direction that you can find at
    there will be convergence of the 2 products that basically address 2 different use cases (see Statement of Direction).
    In my opinion new tools will be added to Jdeveloper to develop and deploy on Oracle Service Bus (OSB). In present OSB version, OSB tools are not part of Jdeveloper and transformations use XQuery instead of XSLT (as for Oracle ESB).
    Hope this help you a little bit.

  • OSB to SOA Suite communication

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    My question is should the communication between the OSB managed servers be load balanced (and distrubuted) to the SOA Suite managed servers or should each OSB managed server speak locally to the corresponding SOA Suite managed server ?
    My concern is that load balancing to SOA Suite introduces complexity without solving a resiliency problem (assuming a config over 4+ O/S servers), whereas local and direct communication keeps it simple in terms of logfile traceability and optimal performance (i.e. not going out on the netowrk again). I can see that in the event of a SOA Suite managed server going down or failing, you have to have a protective measure to ensure that requests to it's parent OSB managed server are stopped. This would need to be implemented at the OSB load balancer level.
    I'm interested to understand what other people have done in this situation or if I'm missing some insight that would influence wither way.

    user4709830 wrote:
    My concern is that load balancing to SOA Suite introduces complexity without solving a resiliency problem (assuming a config over 4+ O/S servers), whereas local and direct communication keeps it simple in terms of logfile traceability and optimal performance (i.e. not going out on the netowrk again).This looks interesting... Assuming OSB and SOA servers are always in pairs hosted in the same machine, there's a high probability that if one is down, both will be down... Makes sense...
    I can see that in the event of a SOA Suite managed server going down or failing, you have to have a protective measure to ensure that requests to it's parent OSB managed server are stopped. This would need to be implemented at the OSB load balancer level.Well, try to go around in the event of the half break, i.e. OSB up and SOA down, will be complex... I think here is a matter of assess the risk of that happening, the impacts and the effort needed to mitigate the impact versus the advantages you mentioned (logfile traceability and optimal performance)... How good are those advantages and would they really pay the effort/risk?
    Hope this helps...

  • OSB to SOA suite package not forming correctly

    Setup is as follows:
    AIX 5.3 on the box, 10 gigs ram, installation of the latest releases of OSB and SOA suite on top of weblogic. I've built out a couple of simple database queries in BPEL based off wsdls, dropped them on to the SOA suite server, used EM to open a test console and plugged in some search data. Search returns successfully.
    I then open up OSB's console, create a business service to the endpoint on the soa server, and a proxy based off the same wsdl used in the BPEL construction which I then route to the business service. Both service and proxy are made with basic http for the protocol (not sure how to use the sb protocol, and not sure if that will fix the problem). Load the test console on the proxy service, which displays an xml form similar to what is used in the SOA suite. Fill out the same information, but the invoke returns BEA-380000. Following the invocation trace in OSB everything looks good in terms of package content.
    Wondering if it might simply be a problem with how the OSB interprets XML from a wsdl, I piped the XML from the SOA suite into the OSB's xml field, but to no luck, same error. After some more testing and frustration,I put the SOA suite XML straight in to the form field in the OSB test console, and it worked. However, the package itself seems oddly formed, consisting of:
    <soapenv:Envelope      xmlns:soapenv="">
         <soap:Header      xmlns:soap="">
         <soap:Envelope      xmlns:soap="">
    Which I've been told is basically double wrapping the package, which shouldn't work, and more importantly wont be generated when someone uses say SOAPUI to access our service on the OSB.
    Now, on the SOA suite side of things. In EM console, I navigate to my BPEL process and can see the faults caused by the OSB. The same faults are also generated when binding to the OSB's endpoint with SOAPUI, but not when going directly to the SOA suite's endpoint. The error is the following: Mime Header Content-Type: text/xml requires SOAP envelope namespace: Mime Header Content-Type: text/xml requires SOAP envelope namespace:
    And the payload sent shows as empty.
    So to my best uneducated guess, it looks like the OSB wraps the payload in an envelope, and then unwraps it before handing it to the SOA suite, which expects the payload to be wrapped. Sadly, I'm still pretty new to the wsdl/webservice/oracle world, so I'm not even sure if that's an accurate representation. Any insight on what might be happening or how to get OSB to talk with SOA suite correctly would be greatly appreciated. Included below are the XML payloads I've used (minus a bit for confidentiality reasons). Apologies if the formatting doesn't work so nice for it.
    OSB Generated (fails):
    SOAP Header:
    <soap:Header xmlns:soap="">
    <ns2:SyncEmployeeIDRequest xmlns:ns="removed" xmlns:ns1="removed" xmlns:ns2="removed">
    <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
    SOA Generated(works if plugged into OSB form field)
    SOAP Header:
    <soap:Header xmlns:soap="">
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
         <soap:Body xmlns:ns1="removed">
              <ns1:SyncEmployeeIDRequest xmlns:ns2="removed">
                   <ns2:PersonIdentificationAssertion xmlns:ns3="removed">
    Working Request Document in OSB:
    <soapenv:Envelope      xmlns:soapenv="">
         <soap:Header      xmlns:soap="">
         <soap:Envelope      xmlns:soap="">
         <soap:Body      xmlns:ns1="removed">
         <ns1:SyncEmployeeIDRequest      xmlns:ns2="removed">
         <ns2:PersonIdentificationAssertion      xmlns:ns3="removed">
    If I can provide anymore information that will help shed light on this issue please let me know.
    Thank you for your time.

    Problem solved. When I originally created my business service inside of OSB, I created it based off an endpoint provided by the SOA server. Instead, I went and did a mass import from a url, pointed it at the SOA server wsdl, and then built the web service off of that wsdl resource in the OSB. Now it works like a charm.

  • SOA Application Connectivity issue

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    Hi: Im running IIS on a Windows Server 2000, PHP Version 4.4.2 and I have installed on the same server my Oracle 9 DB.
    I have edited php.ini like:
    extension_dir = "C:\PHP4\extensions"
    I have run dependency walker in order to ensure all dependencys are ok.
    I have granted full access to Everybody to the PHP directory
    But im having the following error:
    PHP Warning: Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\PHP4\extensions\php_oci8.dll' - Access is denied. in Unknown on line 0
    Does anybody know where i should start troubleshooting this?
    Thanks, Lautaro Dolberg

  • The best way to deploy and redploy of a multiple SOA application

    Hi all,
    I'm looking for the best way to deploy and redeploy a multiple SOA application.
    1) The multiple SOA application contains many projects. Some projects depend on another projects.
    2) WebLogic is in productive mode.
    I wound like automaticly deploy and redeploy my multiple SOA application.
    Does anyone have any experience of this?
    Many thanks

    We use ant scripts to automatically deploy and redeploy multiple composites.
    The ant scripts gets shipped along with the SOA installation. The ant script that is used for the deployment is:
    You can also use the same for your deployment.

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    Please refer -

  • SOA Application development & Security Standards document template

    I need to create documents on SOA Application development standards and SAO Application Security standards.
    Please share document templates if anyone have them.
    Thank you

    Hmm, interesting comments. Is it really a Standard that you're after? Not wishing to ask if you like salt with your eggs but I assume we know the differences between Standard, Policy, Procedure? You'd be surprised with the number of so called Security experts /Consultants that can't articulate this. I have seen big 4 people who are meant to be delivering Policy but actually documenting a Standard, even Procedures
    So are you looking at delivering a Standard per Application? You should also have a Generic App Security Standard.
    Standard - you're looking to no more than 10-20 pages.
    SAP hooks into several other documents so you should be explicitly referencing O/S and Database Standards.
    Authenticating against SAP - that should be covered in Access Control Policy /Standard.
    Encryption ....? Your encryption doc's and so on. 
    SAP sits on an O/S, so if you're an IBM house then you're looking at AIX. SAP would assume this as a pre-req. Database? You've got Oracle and if again you're an IBM house you follow DB2.
    DB2 inherits numerous priv's from the underlying O/S. So if AIX is poorly configured, then DB2 inherits this. Of course there's a bunch of stuff that you can do from SYS* parameters etc.
    I've just put together a bunch of stuff for an Org. The actual SAP piece is actually not that hard. The Procedure is a little more specific e.g. specific Install Accounts /Passwords that need to be changed, how you secure external interfaces.
    Please let me know if you need anything further.
    Cheers, N

  • Deploying JEE application and SOA Applications on the same SOA Dom

    Are there known issues in deploying SOA Applications and Weblogic/JEE application on the same SOA Domain.
    Couple of the issues that I can think of is if that
    If SOA Domain is unstable it will also impact JEE applications.
    SOA Domain depends on the SOA DB and there is no such db dependency for a weblogic server.
    In the past we have been creating seperate domains for Weblogic and Weblogic Integration domains.
    Anythoughts ?
    Any information on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

    Yes, it is possible to do this using virtual servers.
    In your example, you will have two different virtual servers and two http listeners (localhost/8181 and localhost/8282).
    When you deploy a war file, you can specify which virtual server to use. (--virtualservers option on asadmin deploy command, admin console has a virtual server text box on deployment screen).
    After deployment, the applications will only be available on the http listeners that map to the virtual servers they were deployed to.
    Can you also post the problem that you are running into with 8.1 update 2?
    Hope this helps,

  • OSB vs SOA- which one can take max load in terms of req/resp traffic

    I have few basic questions about load taking capacity of OSB and soa.
    1. Is there any oracle doc stating how much traffic OSB or SOA components(bpel, mediator etc.) can take in terms of request/response per hour with certain infrastructure?
    2. Diff in java callout in bpel and in osb?
    3. Which one is more stable product in high load situation eg. 2 lac req/resp per hour.
    4. Is there a link between number of javacallouts and performance in OSB and in SOA.
    SOA Enthusiast.

    Hi Saurabh,
    Interesting challenge... As I said before it's unlikely you will find stats as you want, this type of study is very particular to a use case, platform and infrastructure... There's no generic magical number...
    I can say that OSB is lightweight and scalable and I would be surprised if it would become a bottleneck if running in a well dimensioned hardware... The bottleneck is typically at the external system... I also believe that if you add SOA Suite in the picture you will be adding overhead rather than enhancing performance, you should add SOA Suite if you need capabilities like audit, traceability, recovery and so on that you won't have with OSB alone... There's an old study on the link bellow but I'd doubt it would apply for your case, but may be helpful anyway...
    Dimensioning hardware is always a challenge... I recommend you to write a typical service and a worst scenario service and use a tool like jmeter to test how much throughput you can get from your infrastructure... Java callouts and complex xml transformation processing are points to be highlighted... Use a clustered OSB topology so you can easily add new nodes if needed...

  • JDeveloper with SOA Application missing

    I have Studio Edition Version JDeveloper and expected to see SOA Application when creating a new application
    but did not. Have I downloaded the wrong Oracle Fusion Middleware?
    On my programs menu it is under Oracle Fusion Middleware, JDeveloper Studio

    You should have to download soa plugin .Go to Help -->Check for Update -->and update SOA plugin

  • OSB vs SOA suite

    What is difference and relationship between OSB and SOA suite?
    I see much much overlap between the two.
    1.DB adapter, mq adapter, file adapter, app adapter,etc, exist in oracle service bus 10.3.1.Also SOA suite 11g has all theses components.
    2.OSB is a WL domain in running time, SOA suite is also a WL domain in running time.
    The difference is OSB does not support BPEL but SOA suite does.
    Seems most of things done by OSB can also been done by SOA suite.
    In what scenario we should use OSB and in what scenario we should use SOA suite instead?
    Can someone give some helps on this?
    Edited by: user11997125 on May 20, 2010 2:28 AM
    Edited by: user11997125 on May 20, 2010 2:29 AM

    OSB is like the name says a 'Service Bus' and the soa suite is a suite of components which can be used to create a service oriented architecture. In this suite there isn't and service bus available for you.
    So both products complement each other.
    It's true most actions can be done in both the products/suites, but you should see them both in 1 total solution. After that decide what you design in the osb and what you design in the soa suite components.
    if you check wikipedia for the definition of a service bus, you will see what the strengths are (or should be), some line virtualization/transformation/routing/etc.
    from my point of view i would say, you create your interface on the service bus, keep the flows in the service bus lightweigh, and route to the 'real' services. These could be modelled in the soa suite components, and in there do the business logic

  • Error deploy SOA application "Deployment Failed: Unable to register service

    Hi All
    I have build a SOA application and tried to build and deploy to my SOA server but stuck with below error msg.
    Step-1: Created the application, with BPEL components etc.
    Step-2: Right click on the application, then Deploy -> To -> My Server..
    Step-3: SOA build msg
    Buildfile: F:\PF\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\bin\ant-sca-compile.xml
    Total time: 5 seconds
    Step-4: Deployment msg
    +[03:09:24 PM] ---- Deployment started. ----+
    +[03:09:24 PM] Target platform is (Weblogic 10.3).+
    +[03:09:24 PM] Running dependency analysis...+
    +[03:09:24 PM] Building...+
    +[03:09:32 PM] Deploying profile...+
    +[03:09:32 PM] Wrote SAR file to F:\SSID\Oracle_WS\Clawback\CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor\deploy\sca_CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor_rev1.0.jar+
    +[03:09:32 PM] Deploying sca_CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor_rev1.0.jar to soa_server1 []+
    +[03:09:32 PM] Processing sar=/F:/SSID/Oracle_WS/Clawback/CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor/deploy/sca_CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor_rev1.0.jar+
    +[03:09:32 PM] Adding sar file - F:\SSID\Oracle_WS\Clawback\CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor\deploy\sca_CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor_rev1.0.jar+
    +[03:09:32 PM] Preparing to send HTTP request for deployment+
    +[03:09:33 PM] Creating HTTP connection to host:, port:8001+
    +[03:09:33 PM] Sending internal deployment descriptor+
    +[03:09:33 PM] Sending archive - sca_CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor_rev1.0.jar+
    +[03:09:53 PM] Received HTTP response from the server, response code=500+
    +[03:09:53 PM] Error deploying archive sca_CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor_rev1.0.jar to soa_server1 []+
    +[03:09:53 PM] HTTP error code returned [500]+
    +[03:09:53 PM] Error message from server:+
    Error during composite deployment: oracle.fabric.common.FabricDeploymentException: oracle.fabric.common.FabricException: Deployment Failed: Unable to register service.: Deployment Failed: Unable to register service..
    +[03:09:53 PM] Check server log for more details.+
    +[03:09:53 PM] #### Deployment incomplete. ####+
    +[03:09:53 PM] Error deploying archive file:/F:/SSID/Oracle_WS/Clawback/CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor/deploy/sca_CustomerSubscriptionStatusMonitor_rev1.0.jar+
    Also I have check the http://localhost:8001/soa-infra/ and it says*
    Welcome to the Oracle SOA Platform on WebLogic
    SOA Version: v11. - built on Tue Jun 09 15:06:41 PDT 2009
    WebLogic Server Wed Jun 10 22:24:41 MDT 2009 1227385 (
    There are no composites deployed to the platform
    Edited by: user11263460 on Dec 13, 2009 2:39 AM

    If this still needed. Take a look in Your WSDL file - any references to schemas etc. Are they accessible on server? For example - XSD file have absolute file system link - change it to project level import (copy xsd file to project) or publish to MDS.

  • How to Create SOA Application.

    hi friends,
    iam using J2EE Development NWDS,anybody knows how to start SOA application.
    thanks in advance..

    It depends on what development technologies you are familiar with. If you are a Java developer, then you can use NWDS. If you know ABAP, then ABAP proxies can be developed.
    You can first create web service and then register in ESR or you can first create service interface ESR using the Enterprise Service Builder and then generate either Java or ABAP proxy.

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