Invalid marks in partno

what is the set of invalid characters in partno in WebTools?

First, this is only a 5.9 problem.  There are no invalid characters in Webtools 6.
Generally, anything that would cause SQL to fail or be misinterpretted in a URL.
tic ('), #, &, ?
I recall that dash and space where causing problems at one point, though I can not remember which version.

Similar Messages

  • Invalid Mark-up Warning - Overlapping or Unclosed Tag

    QUESTION:  When the following code is placed into a PHP document created by Dreamweaver an invalid mark-up warning is received and several of the HTML tags are highlighted with yellow.  According to the warning an overlapping or unclosed tag is present.  Unfortunately, I cannot find an overlapping or unclosed tag. 
    In an effort to determine the presence or absence of extraneous characters, I cut the code, placed it into a text file, and removed all formatting.  I then pasted it back into the document, saved the document, and still the invalid mark-up warning occurred.
    1) What is going on?
    2) Should I just ignore it?
    With the exception of an alignment problem of the headerInclude and Mainpage divisions everything appears fine.
    <body class="oneColElsCtr">
         <div id="container">
              <div id="headerInclude">
                   <?php include("header.php"); ?>   
              <!-- end #headerInclude --></div>
              <div id="mainContent">
                   <h1>The Include( ) Function</h1>   
                   <p>This is the content of my Mainpage.  The header to my Mainpage is created with a server-side include using the PHP include( ) function.</p>
               <!-- end #mainContent --></div>
           <!-- end #container --></div>

    kiusau wrote:
    Yes, that appears to have fixed the problem.
    I am sorry to be so persistent, but the problem has returned.
    This time, however, with new insight:
    Though the mark-up error does not appear when the file is reopened after rebooting Dreamweaver, it does reappear when I open the file to be included.  In short, whatever is causing the mark-up error appears to require two files:  the one that contains the include( ) function, and the one that is included. 
    What I eventually thought to be a fluke appears to be a reoccurring phenomenon.  Alas!
    Any other suggestions?

  • Jpeg Invalid Marker Issue

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    Many thanks,

    I respect and appreciate Gene's response, but in my experience, a message about an invalid marker in a JPEG means your file is irretrievably lost.  Wish you the best luck, of course.
    Files can and do get corrupted in a variety of ways;
    First and foremost, a hard drive going south. 
    Working (opening and/or saving) off a server across a network.
    Program errors.
    Setup inadequacies (not enough RAM or Scratch drive space)
    or if PEBKAC
    The most common causes are the first two.

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    4/18/10 2:16:42 AM[29] _FreeSegGetNext: invalid marker.
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    ANy help please!! everything accepted..

    Go into your preferences and in the 'tracks' section, check the 'fix invalid markers on build' option.

  • Invalid marker: c2lcp:ItemDataExtra

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    When I trying to import a course, as reusable media obj. At the stage of conversion into the SAP AE format will get an error Invalid marker: c2lcp:ItemDataExtra.
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    Please help to resolve the problem.

    Colleagues problem was corrected by removing the tag c2lcp:ItemDataExtra.
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  • Invalid Marker Position on Build

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    I would much appreciate any suggestions...

    Hi Steve
    Welcome to the forum.
    In the DVDSP preferences window, in the Track tab there's a check box that says 'Fix Invalid Markers On Build'. Tick this box and that should solve your problem.

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  • CTD bug in simple video streaming applet.

    I'm trying to write a simple applet to use JMF to allow an end-user to view a video stream that's being served up by VLC. It doesn't have to look immensely pretty (in fact, streamlined is what I want most). I swiped some code from the jicyshout project ( which handles streaming MP3s, and borrowed a framework for an applet from one of Sun's example applets for the JMF.
    Here's my code so far:
    ** begin file **
    import java.lang.String;
    import java.util.Properties;
    /* The SeekableStream and DataSource tweaks are based on the code from
    * jicyshout (, which was written by Chris Adamson.
    * The code was simplified (no need for mp3 metadata here), cleaned up, then
    * extended for our puposes.
    * This is a DataSource using a SeekableStream suitable for
    * streaming video using the default parser supplied by JMF.
    public class SimpleVideoDataSource extends PullDataSource {
    protected MediaLocator myML;
    protected SeekableInputStream[] seekStreams;
    protected URLConnection urlConnection;
    // Constructor (trivial).
    public SimpleVideoDataSource (MediaLocator ml) throws MalformedURLException {
    super ();
    myML = ml;
    URL url = ml.getURL();
    public void connect () throws IOException {
    try {
    URL url = myML.getURL();
    urlConnection = url.openConnection();
    // Make the stream seekable, so that the JMF parser can try to parse it (instead
    // of throwing up).
    InputStream videoStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();
    seekStreams = new SeekableInputStream[1];
    seekStreams[0] = new SeekableInputStream(videoStream);
    } catch (MalformedURLException murle) {
    throw new IOException ("Malformed URL: " + murle.getMessage());
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobe) {
    fatalError("Array Index OOB: " + aioobe);
    // Closes up InputStream.
    public void disconnect () {
    try {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println ("Can't close stream. Ew?");
    // Returns just what it says.
    public String getContentType () {
    return "video.mpeg";
    // Does nothing, since this is a stream pulled from PullSourceStream.
    public void start () {
    // Ditto.
    public void stop () {
    // Returns a one-member array with the SeekableInputStream.
    public PullSourceStream[] getStreams () {
    try {
    // **** This seems to be the problem. ****
    if (seekStreams != null) {
    return seekStreams;
    } else {
    fatalError("sourceStreams was null! Bad kitty!");
    return seekStreams;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    fatalError("Error in getStreams(): " + e);
    return seekStreams;
    // Duration abstract stuff. Since this is a theoretically endless stream...
    public Time getDuration () {
    return DataSource.DURATION_UNBOUNDED;
    // Controls abstract stuff. No controls supported here!
    public Object getControl (String controlName) {
    return null;
    public Object[] getControls () {
    return null;
    void fatalError (String deathKnell) {
    System.err.println(":[ Fatal Error ]: - " + deathKnell);
    throw new Error(deathKnell);
    ** end file **
    ** begin file **
    import java.lang.String;
    import java.util.Properties;
    /* The SeekableStream and DataSource tweaks are based on the code from
    * jicyshout (, which was written by Chris Adamson.
    * The code was simplified (no need for mp3 metadata here), cleaned up, then
    * extended for our puposes.
    /* This is an implementation of a SeekableStream which extends a
    * BufferedInputStream to basically fake JMF into thinking that
    * the stream is seekable, when in fact it's not. Basically, this
    * will keep JMF from puking over something it expects but can't
    * actually get.
    public class SeekableInputStream extends BufferedInputStream implements PullSourceStream, Seekable {
    protected int tellPoint;
    public final static int MAX_MARK = 131072; // Give JMF 128k of data to "play" with.
    protected ContentDescriptor unknownCD;
    // Constructor. Effectively trivial.
    public SeekableInputStream (InputStream in) {
    super (in, MAX_MARK);
    tellPoint = 0;
    mark (MAX_MARK);
    unknownCD = new ContentDescriptor ("unknown");
    // Specified size constructor.
    public SeekableInputStream (InputStream in, int size) {
    super (in, Math.max(size, MAX_MARK));
    tellPoint = 0;
    mark(Math.max(size, MAX_MARK));
    unknownCD = new ContentDescriptor ("unknown");
    // Reads a byte and increments tellPoint.
    public int read () throws IOException {
    int readByte =;
    return readByte;
    // Reads bytes (specified by PullSourceStream).
    public int read (byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
    int bytesRead = (buf, off, len);
    tellPoint += bytesRead;
    return bytesRead;
    public int read (byte[] buf) throws IOException {
    int bytesRead = (buf);
    tellPoint += bytesRead;
    return bytesRead;
    // Returns true if in.available() <= 0 (that is, if there are no bytes to
    // read without blocking or end-of-stream).
    public boolean willReadBlock () {
    try {
    return (in.available() <= 0);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    // Stick a fork in it...
    return true;
    // Resets the tellPoint to 0 (meaningless after you've read one buffer length).
    public void reset () throws IOException {
    tellPoint = 0;
    // Skips bytes as expected.
    public long skip (long n) throws IOException {
    long skipped = super.skip(n);
    tellPoint += skipped;
    return skipped;
    // Trivial.
    public void mark (int readLimit) {
    super.mark (readLimit);
    // Returns the "unknown" ContentDescriptor.
    public ContentDescriptor getContentDescriptor () {
    return unknownCD;
    // Lengths? We don't need no stinkin' lengths!
    public long getContentLength () {
    return SourceStream.LENGTH_UNKNOWN;
    // Theoretically, this is always false.
    public boolean endOfStream () {
    return false;
    // We don't provide any controls, either.
    public Object getControl (String controlName) {
    return null;
    public Object[] getControls () {
    return null;
    // Not really... but...
    public boolean isRandomAccess () {
    return true;
    // This only works for the first bits of the stream, while JMF is attempting
    // to figure out what the stream is. If it tries to seek after that, bad
    // things are going to happen (invalid-mark exception).
    public long seek (long where) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    return tell();
    // Tells where in the stream we are, adjusted for seeks, resets, skips, etc.
    public long tell () {
    return tellPoint;
    void fatalError (String deathKnell) {
    System.err.println(":[ Fatal Error ]: - " + deathKnell);
    throw new Error(deathKnell);
    ** end file **
    ** begin file **
    * This Java Applet will take a streaming video passed to it via the applet
    * command in the embedded object and attempt to play it. No fuss, no muss.
    * Based on the SimplePlayerApplet from Sun, and uses a modified version of
    * jicyshout's ( tweaks to get JMF to play streams.
    * Use it like this:
    * <!-- Sample HTML
    * <APPLET CODE="StreamingViewerApplet.class" WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="240">
    * <PARAM NAME="code" VALUE="StreamingViewerApplet.class">
    * <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.1">
    * <PARAM NAME="streamwidth" VALUE="width (defaults to 320, but will resize as per video size)">
    * <PARAM NAME="streamheight" VALUE="height (defaults to 240, but will resize as per video size)">
    * <PARAM NAME="stream" VALUE="insert://">
    * </APPLET>
    * -->
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.lang.String;
    import java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class StreamingViewerApplet extends Applet implements ControllerListener {
    Player player = null;
    Component visualComponent = null;
    SimpleVideoDataSource dataSource;
    URL url;
    MediaLocator ml;
    Panel panel = null;
    int width = 0;
    static int DEFAULT_VIDEO_WIDTH = 320;
    int height = 0;
    static int DEFAULT_VIDEO_HEIGHT = 240;
    String readParameter = null;
    // Initialize applet, read parameters, create media player.
    public void init () {
    try {
    panel = new Panel();
    // Attempt to read width from applet parameters. If not given, use default.
    if ((readParameter = getParameter("streamwidth")) == null) {
    } else {
    width = Integer.parseInt(readParameter);
    // Ditto for height.
    if ((readParameter = getParameter("streamheight")) == null) {
    } else {
    height = Integer.parseInt(readParameter);
    panel.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
    // Unfortunately, this we can't default.
    if ((readParameter = getParameter("stream")) == null) {
    fatalError("You must provide a stream parameter!");
    try {
    url = new URL(readParameter);
    ml = new MediaLocator(url);
    dataSource = new SimpleVideoDataSource(ml);
    } catch (MalformedURLException murle) {
    fatalError("Malformed URL Exception: " + murle);
    try {
    player = Manager.createPlayer(dataSource);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    fatalError("IO Exception: " + ioe);
    } catch (NoPlayerException npe) {
    fatalError("No Player Exception: " + npe);
    if (player != null) {
    } else {
    fatalError("Failed to init() player!");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    fatalError("Error opening player. Details: " + e);
    // Start stream playback. This function is called the
    // first time that the applet runs, and every time the user
    // re-enters the page.
    public void start () {
    try {
    if (player != null) {
    while (player.getState() != Controller.Realized) {
    // Crashes... here?
    } catch (Exception e) {
    fatalError("Exception thrown: " + e);
    public void stop () {
    if (player != null) {
    } else {
    fatalError("stop() called on a null player!");
    public void destroy () {
    // player.close();
    // This controllerUpdate function is defined to implement a ControllerListener
    // interface. It will be called whenever there is a media event.
    public synchronized void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent event) {
    // If the player is dead, just leave.
    if (player == null)
    // When the player is Realized, get the visual component and add it to the Applet.
    if (event instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent) {
    if (visualComponent == null) {
    if ((visualComponent = player.getVisualComponent()) != null) {
    Dimension videoSize = visualComponent.getPreferredSize();
    width = videoSize.width;
    height = videoSize.height;
    visualComponent.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
    } else if (event instanceof CachingControlEvent) {
    // With streaming, this doesn't really matter much, does it?
    // Without, a progress bar of some sort would be appropriate.
    } else if (event instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
    // We should never see this... but...
    fatalError("EndOfMediaEvent reached for streaming media. ewe ewe tea eff?");
    } else if (event instanceof ControllerErrorEvent) {
    player = null;
    } else if (event instanceof ControllerClosedEvent) {
    void fatalError (String deathKnell) {
    System.err.println(":[ Fatal Error ]: - " + deathKnell);
    throw new Error(deathKnell);
    ** end file **
    Now, I'm still new to the JMF, so this might be obvious to some of you... but it's exploding on me, and crashing to desktop (both in IE and Firefox) with some very fun errors:
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x21217921, pid=3200, tid=3160
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode, sharing)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C 0x21217921
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread (0x058f7280): JavaThread "JMF thread:[ ] ( realizeThread)" [_thread_in_native, id=3160]
    siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, writing address 0x034e6360
    (plenty more here, I can post the rest if necessary)
    The problem seems to be coming from the "return seekStreams" statement in the first file; when I have execution aborted before that (with a fatalError call), it doesn't crash.
    Any tips/hints/suggestions?

    You should write your own Applet, where you can easily get the visual component (getVisualComponent())and show it directly in your Applet (you call it "embedded"). As far as I know, all examples (AVReceive* etc.) use the component which opens a new window.
    Best regards from Germany,

  • label tag: DW8 sometimes generates illegal XHTML 1.0/Transitional code

    Dreamweaver 8 sometimes generates XHTML 1.0/Transitional code
    that violates the DTD when using the <label> tag for adjacent
    radio buttons on a form.
    Consider the following example:
    1) Make a new HTML page using the XHTML 1.0/Transitional
    document type.
    2) Working in Design mode, insert a a new form element.
    3) With accessibility options turned on, insert a radio
    button. When the Input Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog appears,
    give the new button a label of "This is my label" and select the
    "Wrap..." style.
    4) Use the Property Inspector to assign a name and value of
    "choice1" to the new radio button.
    5) Using the arrow keys, position the cursor at the end of
    the new button's label text.
    6) Insert a second radio button there, and give it a label of
    "This is my second label."
    7) Use the Property Inspector to assign a name and value of
    "choice2" to the second radio button.
    Examine the resulting code. The code will be either valid or
    invalid, depending on exactly where the cursor was positioned in
    step 4. If you watch the Code window while you position the cursor
    in step 4, you will see that the cursor positions itself EITHER
    ON which direction you were going when you positioned the cursor at
    the end of the prior button's label. If you were moving the cursor
    from left to right, the cursor will be placed WITHIN the first
    button's closing </label> tag; if you overshot the end of the
    prior label and then backed up, the cursor will be placed BEYOND
    the closing </label> tag. In the former case, each button
    will get a separate <label> tag pair. In the latter case,
    PAIR, as in the following (illegal) example:
    <input name="choice1" type="radio" value="choice1" />
    This is my label
    <input name="choice2" type="radio" value="choice2" />
    This is my second label
    This is INVALID XHTML 1.0/TRANSITIONAL. Specifically, the DTD
    specifies that "Each label must not contain more than ONE field" (
    Here, Dreamweaver generates one label containing two fields. While
    IE6 and Opera 8.0 ignore the error and display it anyway, Firefox
    1.5 follows the DTD in this case and therefore cannot handle more
    than one radio button within a single label tag; the resulting form
    selects the first value no matter what the user clicks on.

    This is happening because in standards mode browsers are ignoring the height="70%" attribute on the table that is the first element of div.t13BodyMargin because (among other things) it's invalid XHTML. This is the kind of thing that happens when the built-in APEX themes &ndash; designed for quirks mode &ndash; are thrown into standards mode by specifying a DOCTYPE.
    You can remove that attribute from the template XHTML and try the following in your CSS:
      html, body {
      height: 100%;
    form#wwvFlowForm {
      position: relative;
      height: 100%;
      min-height: 100%;
    div.t13BodyMargin {
      padding-bottom: 2em;
    div.t13NewBottom {
      position: absolute;
      bottom: 0;
      width: 100%;
    }Note there was Re: Support for non-quirks HTML mode.
    If you're determined on going down the standards route, you should check your pages against a validator and fix any other invalid mark-up in the templates, but achieving 100% compliance is unlikely due to APEX engine-generated code you have no control over.
    However, if you have no real requirement for introducing the DOCTYPE declaration and are not prepared to pursue the additional effort in achieving near-compliance, it's pointless to do so as it will only introduce this kind of issue.

  • Missing index entries

    I have been working on a massive index (about 20,000 entries) on a ID CS6 document, a 700 page biological work of reference where all taxon names should be indexed. Took me several weeks. I produced the InDesign file from a Word file, but entered the index entries in InDesign (there weren't any in the Word file).
    Now I found that many of my entries seem to have gone missing. They do not appear in the generated index. On the page where I entered it, the normal code (a ':' above a '^') is changed in a single ':'. I fear the last code, ':', means something like 'invalid marker', because they also appeared in another (crashed) CS6 document where they represented corrupted MS Word cross references (see "Cross references from a Word file", a still unanswered question on this forum). Normally when you select an index marker, the entry is highlighted in the Index Window. When I select the ':', nothing happens.
    In the beginning of the book, I just marked any singular taxon name, but as it appeared that some taxon names appeared quite often, I started using the 'Add all' button in the index entry window. (I hope I use the right English names, they appear in Dutch for me.) This meant that some taxon names on earlier pages got double markers, but I thought that was no problem because the same markers on the same page only result in one entry in the generated index file. Could this be the bug that's biting me? I haven't found the problem in the later pages of the book.
    A lot of the entries still found their way to the generated index, but of course I find this very worrying. Because I still have to process many author corrrections, I will have to generate the index again.
    So, I have the following urgent questions:
    -     Why does this problem occur, under which circumstances? Will regenerating the index result in more loss of entries?
    -     Can those ':' markers corrupt my file in any way? What are they? (With the "cross reference problem", after some time I was unable to open the file again, which would with this project give me a major problem.)
    -     Can I somehow 'revive' the missing entries automatically? Or is there at least a way to search for the ':' markers? (They are hardly visible.)
    -     How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

    Forum participants are not Adobe employees. We're users like you who volunteer to share what we know.
    Thanks for the added details.
    Usually someone somewhere in the forum's global audience is awake and eager to participate at almost any hour. However, "super storm" Sandy in the USA has caused massive losses of power, transportation, and communication, so responses may be delayed for some time.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices
    Fritschy wrote:
    Thanks for your compliments, although they don't bring me any further.
    The version is 8.0.1, I always update when I'm prompted to do so by the update centre. As far as I know it is an international version.
    Still, I would guess the InDesign developers could tell me something about that ':' marker. I suppose the software didn't invent it itself.

  • Im stuck in a loop !!!!!!!

    hi every one im new to java...i was given a psuedo code to perform a while loop but whe i run it it keep repeting the first part my code as follow..
    public class Mark {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
    BufferedReader in =;
    int minimumCount = 0;
    int mark;
    int currentMaximum =-1;
    int currentMinimum = 101;
    int runningTotal = 0;
    int markCount = 0;
    int maximumCount = 0;
    BufferedReader keyboard;
    keyboard =;
    System.out.print(" Enter exam mark : ");
    while (mark!= -1){
    markCount=markCount+1 ;
    runningTotal = (runningTotal+mark);
    while (mark > currentMaximum){
    currentMaximum= mark;
    System.out.println("invalid mark entered ");
    //System.out.println("runningTotal is "+runningTotal);
    the original pseudo cod is
    Write a Java program to implement the following pseudo code:
         Process mark list
    Initialise current minimum to 101;
    Initialise minimum count to 0;
    Initialise current maximum to �1;
    Initialise maximum count to 0;
    Initialise mark count to 0;
    Initialise running total to 0;
    Read an entered mark;
    WHILE entered mark is not equal to �1
         Increment mark count by 1;
         Add entered mark to running total;
         IF entered mark is greater than current maximum
         Set current maximum to entered mark;
         Set maximum count to 1;
         IF entered mark is equal to current maximum
              Increment maximum count by 1;
         IF entered mark is less than current minimum
         Set current minimum to entered mark;
         Set minimum count to 1;
         IF entered mark is equal to current minimum
         Increment minimum count by 1;
         Read an entered mark;
    Display minimum mark;
    Display maximum mark;
    Display minimum count;
    Display maximum count;
    Display mark average;
    would any one direct me to the right track please
    thank u

    Without having the Text class, I would say that you'd have a problem here:
    while (mark!= -1){
      markCount=markCount+1 ;
      runningTotal = (runningTotal+mark);
    }//whileYou read in mark and then your go through your while loop. You never ask for the next mark. So mark will always be != -1 You need to change that first and second line to something like this:
    while ((mark=Text.readInt(keyboard)) != -1){Hope this helps!

  • Lost WYSIWYG display of template page

    All the pages associated with one of the templates on my site
    aren't displaying in design view in Dreamweaver. It's just a jumble
    of invalid markup. The pages look fine when viewed in a browser.
    And the template itself displays properly in design view.
    There are 2 other templates used on the site and they are
    working fine.
    This is one of the pages that isn't displaying in WYSIWYG
    This is the template:
    I have to launch this site tomorrow. I think this is Gods way
    of telling me to learn HTML.

    Show me the contents of that global.php file, please.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Monica101" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f8vucs$o6c$[email protected]..
    >I only see the "jumble of invalid mark up" when I
    actually view the page in
    > dreamweaver in design view. Since I first posted, I
    tried removing this
    > code
    > that goes in at line 1:
    > <?php require_once ("content/global.php"); ?>
    > <?php
    > ob_start();
    > ?>
    > And now it displays correctly in design view. I've got
    to have this code
    > in
    > there for the page to work. It's strange because this
    just started
    > happening.
    > Is there some other place I can put it and still have
    the page display in
    > design view? Otherwise, I have to remove it, work on the
    design and then
    > paste
    > it back in before I upload. There must be a way to
    include code above the
    > head
    > tag and still have the page display in design view.

  • Password showing in running configuration on 3750's and 3560's

    Hi All,
    Forigve the stupid question here but I was just backing up the running configuration on the switches at work before we have a big powerdown at the weekend and I noticed that the passwords to access the switches are showing in readable text in the running configuration. Under line vty 0.4 and line vt 5.15 there is an entry for the password.
    I have never seen this before in cisco switch running configurations so I was just wondering if it was normal? I'm new to the company so before I go rock the boat I thought I would ask if it is just a normal occurance as I've never seen it before on other 29 series switches that I have worked with.
    If it isn't normal should I just remove it from the configuration files and then write mem to write a new config file minus the passwords? Just seems a bit risky to have passwords showing in plain sight especially if somebody ever saw the configuration file?
    Any advice on the above would be greatly appreciated?

    Thanks when I try entering the command service password-encryption I get invalid marker detected at the third character in the word service is their a condensed form of this command so that I can turn this service on please?
    I am trying to enable the service password-encryption from the elevated access mode on the switch or do I need to be in just the normal mode? I thought that in order to make any configuration changes and be able to write those changes to memory you had to be in the elevated access mode?

  • Copies of InputStream

    Hi All,
    I need to know whether we can copy a stream object. e.g.
    InputStream is = new inputStream();
    Now can I get a copy of this 'is' object. If I do InputStream is_second = is This would rather set the reference but I need a copy
    I don't want to read the whole stream and write it to other stream as it
    would set the first stream empty. I can't use mark and reset as they are not supported in input Stream. I have tried using Bufferent InputStream and used mark and reset functions but have thrown exceptions as 'invalid mark' so I need a way of using the same inputstream

    Seems like there is no easy solution to it..
    Currently the solution is that If I have an FileinputStream (call it MainInputStream) then I need to created another FileInputStream by calling FileInputStream's constructor.
    Creating another InputStream on a File seems not a big deal but consider scenarios when you have a large data structure stored in a file. You read the header and reach a point where data starts, you get the inputstream for that and start reading data, Fine but the next time you require to read it you need to create the MainInputStream, either skip the header if you know the size or read it till you reach the actuall data, create an inputstream on actuall data and then process it. A really good design would be to be able to get multiple inputStream on the same actauall data. One can design a function which can parse the headers and return the inputstream on actuall data but its better to have a functionality which can easily replicate inputStreams.. Another proposed solution can be to copy the inputstreams' data some where so in later usage no header parsing is involved but again either one has to store it in memory or hard disk which can be costly if data is huge say in GBs

Maybe you are looking for

  • Unable to connect 2 Macs over internet

    Hi, Here is a situation that the tech support at my ISP seems to be clueless to help me with. I have an iMac G5 (OX 10.4.4) and my son has an eMac (OS X 10.4.3) He lives two miles away. I am connected to the net via a cable modem he has a DSL modem t

  • Want a constant time axis in waveform chart

    hello, my time axis in waveform chart is changing .how can i keep it constant say 1-100 .the whole point of this is to make waveform chart luk like a CRO.please need help. thanks in advace naveen.rabelli

  • Defining more than one Target transport system

    Is it possible to have more than one Target Transport systems defined for a single source System in SLD at one time?

  • About callable object-send notification

    Hi expertise, when i create a callable object-send notification,when i test it,an exception occurs: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataHandler     at

  • Can't charge my iphone in my car.. ARGH!

    I have bought two USB-car chargers so far to charge my iphone in my car but none of them works!!! First one was looks like this, I bought a belkin iphone accessory pack, and it came with it. When I use this charger, my iphone would say it's charging-