Invalid Marker position.

i'm trying to burn my project all done using DVD studio Pro, it consists of 3 menus connected to each other and a couple of slideshows linked to them. But when i pressed Burn and it started the build at the end of building a acertain slideshow an error occured and said, "Invalid Marker position. Distance between markers must be at least .4 seconds"
ANy help please!! everything accepted..

Go into your preferences and in the 'tracks' section, check the 'fix invalid markers on build' option.

Similar Messages

  • Invalid Marker Position on Build

    When I attempt to Build and Format a project in DVD Studio Pro 3, I receive and error message: "Invalid Marker position. Distance between markers must be at least .4 seconds".
    I find no markers on export from FCP that are this close.
    I would much appreciate any suggestions...

    Hi Steve
    Welcome to the forum.
    In the DVDSP preferences window, in the Track tab there's a check box that says 'Fix Invalid Markers On Build'. Tick this box and that should solve your problem.

  • Can't Build project: "Marker position in movie not at GOP boundary"

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    I never experienced that error but try this: go to DVDSP preferences and in the Track settings select the option "Fix invalid markers on build" and try building it again.
    Search is your friend !

  • Unable to burn - Marker position in movie not at GOP boundary?

    I just got this message when I tried to burn my DVD:
    "Slideshow 1,IMG_9687.JPG:Marker position in movie not at GOP boundary"
    What does it mean and how do I fix it?

    False alarm folks. I posted this prematurely. I did a search and Drew13 answered this exact problem in a previous post.
    Thanks search function and thanks Drew.
    "in preferences-->track set Fix Invalid Markers On Build."

  • Invalid Cursor Position Error

    I am using JRun3.1 and developing a web interface to a database. In this particular screen, I am using CachedRowSet (I downloaded this and added it to jrun classpath). I am getting "Invalid cursor position" error.
    I feel there is a problem with the usebean tag.
    This is my code:
    what is wrong with this?
    <%@ page language = "java" import="java.sql.*, java.util.*, javax.sql.*, sun.jdbc.rowset.*" %>
    String indSub = request.getParameter("indSub");
    String areaname = request.getParameter("selarea");
    <jsp:useBean id="crs" class="CachedRowSet" scope="session" >
    crs.setCommand("SELECT siccode, sicdesc from siccode where sictitle = '" + indSub + "'");
    <%@ include file="header2.htm" %>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost:8100/empData/almis.css" type="text/css">
    <table align="center">
    <tr><td class="moduleDesign" align="center">Employers Database</td></tr>
    <font size="+2" face="verdana sans-serif">
    <form action="employerDetail.jsp" method="post">
    <p><center><font color="Blue">Employers in the �<%= indSub %>� Industry
    SIC Code:�<%= crs.getString("siccode") %>
    <br>State: Utah<br>
    Region: �<%=areaname %><br>
    <b>Description:</b>�<%= crs.getString("sicdesc") %>
    <jsp:include page="footer2.htm" />

    Never mind!
    I have to issue a next() command to get to the first line of the resultset!

  • Java.sql.SQLException: Invalid cursor position on saving

    Dear all
    I'm having a problem with saving components on a JSF page. The page is plit in two parts:
    1. Save report details, which are being saved correctly. Here is the code
    public String btnSaveReport_action() {
            // TODO: Process the button click action. Return value is a navigation
            // case name where null will return to the same page.
            System.out.println("Saving the report ... forsi");
            int seqNumber = SequenceNumber.getNextSequenceNo("TB_REPORTS");
            String reportId = "REP_" + ((String)tfReportName.getText()).replace(' ', '_').trim();
            System.out.println("ReportFK in btnSaveReport: " + getSessionBean1().getReportFK());
            //SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
            System.out.println("Start Date: " + calRepStartDate.getSelectedDate());
            //System.out.println("getvalue" + calRepStartDate.getValue());
            try {
                rk = tb_reportsDataProvider.appendRow();
                System.out.println("Setting Values ...");
                tb_reportsDataProvider.setValue("REP_PK", new Integer(seqNumber));
                tb_reportsDataProvider.setValue("REP_ID", reportId);
                tb_reportsDataProvider.setValue("REP_ACTIVE", "Y");
                tb_reportsDataProvider.setValue("REP_SESSION_FK", new Integer(getSessionBean1().getSessionId()));
                tb_reportsDataProvider.setValue("REP_NAME", (String)tfReportName.getText());
                tb_reportsDataProvider.setValue("REP_START_DATE", new java.sql.Date(calRepStartDate.getSelectedDate().getTime()));
                tb_reportsDataProvider.setValue("REP_END_DATE", new java.sql.Date(calRepEndDate.getSelectedDate().getTime()));
                System.out.println("Committing Changes ...");
                System.out.println("Refreshing Row ...");
    //            tb_reportsDataProvider.refresh();
    //            System.out.println("Refreshing Row ...");
    //            tb_reportsDataProvider.setCursorRow(tb_reportsDataProvider.findFirst("REP_PK",new Integer(seqNumber)));
                info("Report Data Saved Successfully!");
            } catch (SQLException sqle) {
                /* error("Cannot update report (SQLException): " +
                        reportId +
                        " : " + sqle.getMessage()); */
                log("Cannot update report (SQLException): " +
                        reportId +
                        " : " + sqle);
                info("Could not save report: " + sqle.getMessage());
            //tfReportName.setValueBinding("sourceData", getApplication().
            //    createValueBinding("#{newReport.tb_reportsDataProvider}"));
            //tfReportName.setValueBinding("text", getApplication().createValueBinding            ("#{newReport.tb_reportsDataProvider.value['REP_NAME']}"));
            // calRepStartDate.setValueBinding("sourceData", getApplication().
            //    createValueBinding("#{newReport.tb_reportsDataProvider}"));
            //calRepStartDate.setValueBinding("selectedDate", getApplication().createValueBinding            ("#{newReport.tb_reportsDataProvider.value['REP_START_DATE']}"));
            //calRepEndDate.setValueBinding("sourceData", getApplication().
            //    createValueBinding("#{newReport.tb_reportsDataProvider}"));
            //calRepEndDate.setValueBinding("selectedDate", getApplication().createValueBinding            ("#{newReport.tb_reportsDataProvider.value['REP_END_DATE']}"));
            info("Report Name: " + tb_reportsDataProvider.getValue("REP_NAME"));
            return null;
        }The problem is that the reportFK is losing its value when I submit the page the second time! I am trying to get the value from the provider or from the rowset, but none work. Here is the code I am trying ...
    public String btnSaveQuery_action() {
            // TODO: Process the button click action. Return value is a navigation
            // case name where null will return to the same page.
            int seqNumber  = 0;
            // Save the query header details to the database  
            try {
                // Start with the query - needed for the link table
                seqNumber = SequenceNumber.getNextSequenceNo("TB_QUERY");
                String queryId = "QRY_" + ((String)tfQueryName.getText()).replace(' ', '_').trim();
                tb_queryDataProvider.setValue("QRY_PK", new BigDecimal(seqNumber));
                tb_queryDataProvider.setValue("QRY_CODE", queryId);
                tb_queryDataProvider.setValue("QRY_NAME", (String)tfQueryName.getText());
                tb_queryDataProvider.setValue("QRY_ACTIVE", "Y");
                tb_queryDataProvider.setValue("QRY_SESS_FK", new BigDecimal(getSessionBean1().getSessionId()));
                System.out.println("Committing Changes ...");
                System.out.println("Refreshing Row ...");
                tb_queryDataProvider.setCursorRow(tb_queryDataProvider.findFirst("QRY_PK",new Integer(seqNumber)));
                info("Query Data Saved Successfully!");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                error("Error while saving query: " + ex.getMessage());
                log("Error while saving query" + ex);
            // Now save the link
            try {
                // Start with the query - needed for the link table
                String sql = "INSERT INTO TB_LINK_REPORT_QUERY ( " +
                   "LRQ_PK, LRQ_REP_FK, LRQ_QRY_FK, " +
                   "LRQ_TYPE, LRQ_START_DATE, LRQ_END_DATE, " +
                   "LRQ_ACTIVE, LRQ_SESS_FK) " +
                   "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                System.out.println("Trying to do the link");
                int linkSeqNumber = SequenceNumber.getNextSequenceNo("TB_LINK_REPORT_QUERY");           
                PreparedStatement pstmt = DBConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
                if (getSessionBean1().getReportFK() == -1 || getSessionBean1().getReportFK() == 0)
                    System.out.println("reportFK = -1 or 0!!! Trying from provider.");
                    System.out.println("Report PK is: " + getSessionBean1().getTb_reportsRowSet().getBigDecimal("REP_PK"));
                System.out.println("Report Foreign Key: " + getSessionBean1().getReportFK());
                System.out.println("Query Foreign Key: " + seqNumber);
                pstmt.setInt(1, linkSeqNumber);
                pstmt.setInt(2, getSessionBean1().getReportFK());
                pstmt.setInt(3, seqNumber);
                pstmt.setString(4, (String)dropDownQueryType.getSelected());
                pstmt.setDate(5, new java.sql.Date(calendarQueryStartDate.getSelectedDate().getTime()));
                pstmt.setDate(6, new java.sql.Date(calendarQueryEnd.getSelectedDate().getTime()));
                pstmt.setString(7, "Y");
                pstmt.setInt(8, getSessionBean1().getSessionId());
                System.out.println("Committing Changes for Link ...");
                System.out.println("Refreshing Row in link ...");
                        1, new Integer(linkSeqNumber));
                        2, new Integer(getSessionBean1().getReportFK()));
                        3, calendarQueryStartDate.getSelectedDate());
                        4, calendarQueryEnd.getSelectedDate());
                info("Link Data Saved Successfully!");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                error("Error while saving query: " + ex.getMessage());
                log("Error while saving link: " + ex);
            return null;
        }The part saving the query with the provider is working correctly. But the part with the link is not working at all (the part with the PreparedStatement). The fact is that the PreparedStatement cannot be executed because I am getting the error at the line
    System.out.println("Report PK is: " + getSessionBean1().getTb_reportsRowSet().getBigDecimal("REP_PK"));Can anyone help please?
    Thanks and Regards

    guys if any of you have an idea just post it. It would be of great help for me. I can't figure out my mistake and its been 2days already and still i am stuck with my problem.
    It displays the table but there is an error "java.sql.SQLException: Invalid cursor position" so i cannot put the counter to the session.

  • Invalid Cursor Position Error on Windows XP using CachedRowSet

    Hello, I don't know if this question lies here, but I thought it would be the well suited place so please pardon me if it isn't. I am trying to access multiple pages from my database on my XP machine but I am getting an "invalid cursor position" error when trying to access the next page. I don't know how this error is coming about because it works well on a Vista machine with no errors. I don't know if it is my drivers or something that brings about the problem. I am using mysql connecter 5.1.10, JRE 1.6.0_02 and windows XP SP2
    Below is a simple code that brings the error.
    package Admin; import javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet; import com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl; public class test { public void table() { try { CachedRowSet crs=new CachedRowSetImpl(); crs.setUrl("jdbc:mysql://host:3306/database");         crs.setUsername("User");         crs.setPassword("password"); crs.setCommand("select * from myTable"); int[] keys = {1}; crs.setKeyColumns(keys); crs.execute(); crs.last(); if(crs.getRow()>500){ //new overLimit(); } crs.setPageSize(3); crs.execute(); while ( { System.out.print("page one----"); System.out.println(crs.getString(1)); } while(crs.nextPage()){ System.out.println("page two---"); while ( { System.out.println("in page two"); System.out.println(crs.getString(1)); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String []args){ new test().table(); } }

    Yes I am running the same code on both machines. The output I get on the XP machine is shown below. I modified the code I posted earlier and replaced the "page two" text with "page (then page number)" and also omitted the "in page two" text for better readability---------PAGE 0---------
    ---------PAGE 1---------
    ----------PAGE 2---------
    ----------PAGE 3---------
    ----------PAGE 4---------
    ZF231105and vista....
    ----------PAGE 0---------
    ----------PAGE 1---------
    ----------PAGE 2---------
    ----------PAGE 3---------

  • Invalid Mark-up Warning - Overlapping or Unclosed Tag

    QUESTION:  When the following code is placed into a PHP document created by Dreamweaver an invalid mark-up warning is received and several of the HTML tags are highlighted with yellow.  According to the warning an overlapping or unclosed tag is present.  Unfortunately, I cannot find an overlapping or unclosed tag. 
    In an effort to determine the presence or absence of extraneous characters, I cut the code, placed it into a text file, and removed all formatting.  I then pasted it back into the document, saved the document, and still the invalid mark-up warning occurred.
    1) What is going on?
    2) Should I just ignore it?
    With the exception of an alignment problem of the headerInclude and Mainpage divisions everything appears fine.
    <body class="oneColElsCtr">
         <div id="container">
              <div id="headerInclude">
                   <?php include("header.php"); ?>   
              <!-- end #headerInclude --></div>
              <div id="mainContent">
                   <h1>The Include( ) Function</h1>   
                   <p>This is the content of my Mainpage.  The header to my Mainpage is created with a server-side include using the PHP include( ) function.</p>
               <!-- end #mainContent --></div>
           <!-- end #container --></div>

    kiusau wrote:
    Yes, that appears to have fixed the problem.
    I am sorry to be so persistent, but the problem has returned.
    This time, however, with new insight:
    Though the mark-up error does not appear when the file is reopened after rebooting Dreamweaver, it does reappear when I open the file to be included.  In short, whatever is causing the mark-up error appears to require two files:  the one that contains the include( ) function, and the one that is included. 
    What I eventually thought to be a fluke appears to be a reoccurring phenomenon.  Alas!
    Any other suggestions?

  • Jpeg Invalid Marker Issue

    After copying all my data from one drive to another, many jpeg files won't open due to an "invalid marker" error. Those same jpegs open fine in Apple's built in Preview and they do all have tiny thumbnails. I am pretty sure the files aren't corrupted since they do open in another program, but I can't get Bridge or Photoshop to recognize/open them. I'm tearing my hair out here - please help!
    Many thanks,

    I respect and appreciate Gene's response, but in my experience, a message about an invalid marker in a JPEG means your file is irretrievably lost.  Wish you the best luck, of course.
    Files can and do get corrupted in a variety of ways;
    First and foremost, a hard drive going south. 
    Working (opening and/or saving) off a server across a network.
    Program errors.
    Setup inadequacies (not enough RAM or Scratch drive space)
    or if PEBKAC
    The most common causes are the first two.

  • _FreeSegGetNext: invalid marker

    My console log is getting this message very frequently:
    4/18/10 2:16:42 AM[29] _FreeSegGetNext: invalid marker.
    4/18/10 2:16:42 AM[29] _FreeSegGetLength: invalid marker.
    Anybody know what would generate that, and how to fix it? I'm not even sure what core services does...

    It's been a few weeks, so I figured I'd try again. Anyone know where this is coming from? My logs are turning into long runs of nothing but these messages...

  • Invalid marker: c2lcp:ItemDataExtra

    We use to download courses in the repository SAP LSO AE 604_14 and Java 1.4.2_19.
    When I trying to import a course, as reusable media obj. At the stage of conversion into the SAP AE format will get an error Invalid marker: c2lcp:ItemDataExtra.
    Also attache imsmanifest.xml.
    Please help to resolve the problem.

    Colleagues problem was corrected by removing the tag c2lcp:ItemDataExtra.
    And generation SCORM package in another environment.

  • Trim marks positioning incorrect for files that have a larger crop box than trim box

    I've seen this question in one other place on the forum, but it doesn't look like it ever got answered. It's been driving me nuts for months, so I'm going to try to do a very simple walkthrough for this problem to find out if this is a glitch in the software, or I'm doing something wrong.
    When telling Acrobat XI Pro to print a PDF with "Trim Marks," the marks are applied to the "CropBox" instead of the "TrimBox." As far as I'm concerned, this is incorrect behavior. Acrobat 9 Pro, on the other hand, applies the Trim Marks to the TrimBox. Since I receive files with bleed and need to print out a sample on the printer on a regular basis, I have found it necessary to leave Acrobat 9 installed just to print these files. I've done a very simple walkthrough on how to generate a very simple mockup file from InDesign and output it to better illustrate the problem.
    I've created a new InDesign document that is 5x7 inches with 1/8" bleed. To make it easier to spot the applicable boxes in the file, I've made a box with a 1/2 point stroke. I made a magenta stroked box that's 5x7 inches to signify the trim, and a cyan stroked box that's 5.25 x 7.25 inches to signify the bleed. I then output it to a high resolution PDF. For the purposes of this example to make sure this can be replicated easily, I'm using the built-in [PDF/X-4:2008] preset to start off with. The only adjustment I'm making to this preset is going to the "Marks and Bleeds" section to check the "Use Document Bleed Settings."
    When opening the resulting PDF in Acrobat XI Pro, you can see that the various "Page Boxes" have been applied properly. "CropBox" is set to 0 to include all of the artwork in the file, "BleedBox" is set to 0 since there's nothing outside of the bleed area in this pdf, and "TrimBox" is set to 0.125 in since we gave this file 1/8" bleed. When going to print the file, you can go to "Advanced" and then "Marks and Bleeds" to enable printing with the "Trim Marks." Once you click ok, you can see in the preview image that the trim marks are lining up to the cyan box instead of the magenta box.
    As an extra step, it's possible to confirm that the trim marks are going to the crop box and not the bleed box or trim box. If you add a slug to your InDesign document and reoutput the pdf (being sure to include the slug area in the "Marks and Bleeds" section), you will find that the Trim Marks are even further outside of the cyan box. If you output your PDF from InDesign with Trim Marks already applied, you can turn on the Trim Marks option when going to print in Acrobat to see that Acrobat's Trim Marks are going outside of the crop box as well instead of overlapping the ones generated by InDesign.
    Is there any fix for this behavior aside from opening the files in Acrobat 9 and printing from there instead?

    yes, in the pure definition of the word in the world of print, Crop DOES equal the exact concept of what YOU see it as.
    in Adobe's little bubble, they decided to call the outer box the "Crop" so that they could differentiate between trim and crop in the page box model.
    These pictures should help, if not, I'm not going to continue to explain something that you don't want to grasp.
    Each picture shows what Acrobat is calling each page box line.  since they felt the need to call one trim and one crop, you have to widen your concept of what Adobe is defining "crop" as.  Not saying its right, but it is what they are doing, and what is causing the whole issue.
    All that aside, if you are not understanding the page box model, then your PDFs are probably not set up this way, so you probably wouldn't even notice the change... So why are you posting on this thread?

  • Marker positions

    I am fairly new to MapViwer / Builder so appologies if this is has been asked before.
    I have uploaded a .gif image as a custom marker into mapbuilder and added this to a theme which correctly displayes when I preview the theme. The issue I have is that the image I am using is the Google Map style marker [|FF4848|000000 ]
    When this marker is rendered, the center point of the image is used as the location. What I am after is the long stem at the base of the image to point to location.
    My image dimensions are: width 21px, height 34 px
    In essence, I want the hight to move up 17 pixels for this marker when rendered.
    Any suggesitons would be very helpful.

    Hi Duncs,
    the center of the marker is always used as a reference do render the marker. At this point we do not have an "anchor" point concept that could be used to make this shift. Therefore your solution for now would be to generate a new marker with the long stem being the center and making the bottom part of the marker transparent.

  • Invalid marks in partno

    what is the set of invalid characters in partno in WebTools?

    First, this is only a 5.9 problem.  There are no invalid characters in Webtools 6.
    Generally, anything that would cause SQL to fail or be misinterpretted in a URL.
    tic ('), #, &, ?
    I recall that dash and space where causing problems at one point, though I can not remember which version.

  • Invalid mark up XHTML 1.0 Strict

    I check my pages on XHTML and CSS validators both in DW and
    other sites. my css is all correct and my xhtml is correct except
    for the flash div. The code is too long to put here, can someone go
    put this url through a xhtml validating page and see what I mean? I
    need to know how to correct the errors.
    swf is on this


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