Invalid Statement Error

Can anyone look at my code and see why I am getting the Invaild Statement Error:
Account, msi.segment1 item
ogb.gl_batch_id gl_batch_number
round(sum(nvl(mta.base_transaction_value,0)), 2) Net_activity,
round(sum(decode( nvl(mta.base_transaction_value,0) /
0, 1, nvl( mta.base_transaction_value,0 ) )),
1, nvl(mta.base_transaction_value,0), 0 ) ), 2) sum_debits,
round(sum(decode( nvl(mta.base_transaction_value,0) /
0, 1, nvl( mta.base_transaction_value,0 ) )),
-1, nvl(abs(mta.base_transaction_value),0), 0 ) ), 2)
sum_credits from
mtl_material_transactions mmt,
mtl_system_items msi,
gl_code_combinations gcc,
mtl_transaction_accounts mta
org_gl_batches ogb
mta.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id
mta.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id and mta.organization_id
= msi.organization_id
and mta.reference_account = gcc.code_combination_id
and mta.accounting_line_type <> 15
and mta.gl_batch_id = ogb.gl_batch_id (+) group by GCC.SEGMENT1||'\n'||GCC.SEGMENT2||'\n'||GCC.SEGMENT3||'\n'||GCC.SEGMENT4||'\n'||GCC.SEGMENT5||'\n'||GCC.SEGMENT6 , msi.segment1 having sum(nvl(mta.base_transaction_value,0)) != 0 order by 1 , 2

SELECT      gcc.segment1
         || '-'
         || gcc.segment2
         || '-'
         || gcc.segment3
         || '-'
         || gcc.segment4
         || '-'
         || gcc.segment5
         || '-'
         || gcc.segment6 ACCOUNT,
         msi.segment1 item, ogb.gl_batch_id gl_batch_number,
         ROUND (SUM (NVL (mta.base_transaction_value, 0)), 2) net_activity,
            (SUM (DECODE (  NVL (mta.base_transaction_value, 0)
                          / ABS (DECODE (NVL (mta.base_transaction_value, 0),
                                         0, 1,
                                         NVL (mta.base_transaction_value, 0)
                          1, NVL (mta.base_transaction_value, 0),
            ) sum_debits,
            (SUM (DECODE (  NVL (mta.base_transaction_value, 0)
                          / ABS (DECODE (NVL (mta.base_transaction_value, 0),
                                         0, 1,
                                         NVL (mta.base_transaction_value, 0)
                          -1, NVL (ABS (mta.base_transaction_value), 0),
            ) sum_credits
    FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt,
         mtl_system_items msi,
         gl_code_combinations gcc,
         mtl_transaction_accounts mta,
         org_gl_batches ogb
   WHERE mta.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id
     AND mta.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
     AND mta.organization_id = msi.organization_id
     AND mta.reference_account = gcc.code_combination_id
     AND mta.accounting_line_type = 15
     AND mta.gl_batch_id = ogb.gl_batch_id(+)
GROUP BY    gcc.segment1
         || '\n'
         || gcc.segment2
         || '\n'
         || gcc.segment3
         || '\n'
         || gcc.segment4
         || '\n'
         || gcc.segment5
         || '\n'
         || gcc.segment6,
  HAVING SUM (NVL (mta.base_transaction_value, 0)) != 0
ORDER BY 1, 2;*009*

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    I'm trying to access a property of a nested JavaBean, but I always get an invalid statement error. It's telling me, that there could be a problem with the member access on the complex type.
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    hi Chris,
    We support nested property and object type, however, it is still invalid to use the whole object in the select clause.
    You need change your statement like below:
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  • Case When Statement and ORA:01722 Invalid number error

    Hi folks, I have posted this under another heading as well under E-business suite so apologies if some you have already seen it but I would really appreciate some help on this one. Any suggestions are most welcome.
    We are trying to put together a calculation that returns the number of days absent an individual has had in a given time period. We need to cater for those absences that started before the period and are closed during it, absence that start during the period and end after it, and those that open and close within it.
    The period is always a rolling 6 months from sysdate.
    This is the calc we have come up with so far which works for some people but we get the invalid number error if the absence includes a half day - so 0.5, 1.5,etc.
    This is probably over complicated but we are not techie at all so are learning as we go!
    We are using the HRMS - Administration - Oracle Human Resources (Core) business area in 10G and the Absence Attendance and Person folders.
    SUM(TO_NUMBER(NVL(( CASE WHEN Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date < TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') THEN ( CASE WHEN Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" > SYSDATE THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) END ) END ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( Absence Attendance.Duration Days ) END ) END ) END ) END ) END ),( DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") )),'999999990D00'))

    It could be that this is because you are using SYSDATE which contains the time as a fraction rather than TRUNC(SYSDATE) which just contains the current time. It could be that your working_dates_between raises this error.
    However, your formula is far more complicated than it needs to be.
    Firstly, you want to look at the date window ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6) to TRUNC(SYSDATE). Then you want to look at the portion of the absence that falls in the date window. This is GREATEST(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6)) to LEAST(NVL(Absence Attendance."Actual End Date",TRUNC(SYSDATE)), TRUNC(SYSDATE)). You may need to add 1 to the absence end date because this is the last day of their absence rather than the date they return. It depends how you calculate the days between the start and end
    date of the absence. You can create calculations for the start and end date of the absences within the 6 months time window. Create calculation AbsenceStart as
    GREATEST(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6))
    and AbsenceEnd as
    LEAST(NVL(Absence Attendance."Actual End Date",TRUNC(SYSDATE)), TRUNC(SYSDATE))
    Then you need to only pick up absence that a part of the absence in your 6 month date window. You can use a condition in the workbook or a condition in a case statement to do this. You then need to calculate the difference between these dates and SUM all the values.
    SUM(CASE WHEN AbsenceEnd >= AbsenceStart THEN WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(AbsenceStart, AbsenceEnd) END)
    That's it. Not so complicated after all.
    Rod West

  • Case When Statement and ORA:1722 Invalid number error

    Sorry I posted this in the wrong forum - I have the answer now
    We are trying to put together a calculation that returns the number of days absent an individual has had in a given time period. We need to cater for those absences that started before the period and are closed during it, absence that start during the period and end after it, and those that open and close within it.
    The period is always a rolling 6 months from sysdate.
    This is the calc we have come up with so far which works for some people but we get the invalid number error if the absence includes a half day - so 0.5, 1.5,etc.
    This is probably over complicated but we are not Techie at all so are learning as we go! We are using the HRMS - Administration - Oracle Human Resources (Core) business area in 10G and the Absence Attendance and Person folders.
    SUM(TO_NUMBER(NVL(( CASE WHEN Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date < TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') THEN ( CASE WHEN Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" > SYSDATE THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) END ) END ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( Absence Attendance.Duration Days ) END ) END ) END ) END ) END ),( DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") )),'999999990D00'))
    Edited by: CPearce on Sep 25, 2008 8:03 AM

    It could be that this is because you are using SYSDATE which contains the time as a fraction rather than TRUNC(SYSDATE) which just contains the current time. It could be that your working_dates_between raises this error.
    However, your formula is far more complicated than it needs to be.
    Firstly, you want to look at the date window ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6) to TRUNC(SYSDATE). Then you want to look at the portion of the absence that falls in the date window. This is GREATEST(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6)) to LEAST(NVL(Absence Attendance."Actual End Date",TRUNC(SYSDATE)), TRUNC(SYSDATE)). You may need to add 1 to the absence end date because this is the last day of their absence rather than the date they return. It depends how you calculate the days between the start and end
    date of the absence. You can create calculations for the start and end date of the absences within the 6 months time window. Create calculation AbsenceStart as
    GREATEST(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6))
    and AbsenceEnd as
    LEAST(NVL(Absence Attendance."Actual End Date",TRUNC(SYSDATE)), TRUNC(SYSDATE))
    Then you need to only pick up absence that a part of the absence in your 6 month date window. You can use a condition in the workbook or a condition in a case statement to do this. You then need to calculate the difference between these dates and SUM all the values.
    SUM(CASE WHEN AbsenceEnd >= AbsenceStart THEN WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(AbsenceStart, AbsenceEnd) END)
    That's it. Not so complicated after all.
    Rod West

  • Windows Server 2008: Sysprep Error: Error [0x0f0073] SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:Not running DLLs; either the machine is in an invalid state or we couldn't update the recorded state, dwRet = 32[gle=0x00000020]

    I have a base template (which has never been sysprep'd) from which I create linked clones.  After the linked clone comes up, I run the following command:
    c:\windows\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /reboot /unattend:c:\windows\panther\unattend.xml
    This works fine for the first few linked clones, but after about 3-4 linked clones are running, I start to hit "A fatal error occurred while trying to sysprep the machine."
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Error      [0x0f0073] SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:Not running DLLs; either the machine is in an invalid state or we couldn't update the recorded state, dwRet = 32[gle=0x00000020]
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Error      [0x0f00a8] SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while processing sysprep cleanup providers; hr = 0x80070020[gle=0x00000020]
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
        <settings pass="oobeSystem">
            <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm=""
            <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm=""
                <TimeZone>Pacific Standard Time</TimeZone>
        <settings pass="specialize">
            <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm=""
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2013-03-29 16:40:07
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f004e] SYSPRP Initialized SysPrep log at c:\windows\system32\sysprep\Panther
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f0054] SYSPRP ValidateUser:User has required privileges to sysprep machine
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f0056] SYSPRP ValidateVersion:OS version is okay
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f005e] SYSPRP ScreenSaver:Screen saver was already disabled, no need to disable it for sysprep
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f007e] SYSPRP FCreateTagFile:Tag file c:\windows\system32\sysprep\Sysprep_succeeded.tag does not already exist, no need to delete anything
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'GENERALIZE'
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'OOBE'
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'REBOOT'
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f005f] SYSPRP ParseCommands:Found supported command line option 'UNATTEND'
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f004a] SYSPRP WaitThread:Entering spawned waiting thread
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info                         [sysprep.exe] UnattendFindAnswerFile: Looking at explicitly provided unattend file [c:\windows\panther\unattend.xml]...
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info                         [sysprep.exe] UnattendFindAnswerFile: [c:\windows\panther\unattend.xml] meets criteria
    for an explicitly provided unattend file.
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info                  SYSPRP SysprepSearchForUnattend: Using unattend file at [c:\windows\panther\unattend.xml].
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info                  SYSPRP SysprepSearchForUnattend: [generalize] pass in unattend file [c:\windows\panther\unattend.xml] either doesn't exist or passed
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info                  SYSPRP WinMain:Found unattend file at [c:\windows\panther\unattend.xml]; caching...
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info                  SYSPRP WinMain:Processing unattend file's 'generalize' pass...
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info                  SYSPRP Sysprep is running a generalize pass with the following unattend file: [%windir%\panther\unattend.xml]
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info                  SYSPRP RunUnattendGeneralizePass: Sysprep unattend generalize pass exits; hr = 0x0, hrResult = 0x0, bRebootRequired = 0x0
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Info       [0x0f003f] SYSPRP WinMain:Processing 'cleanup' request.
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Error      [0x0f0073] SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:Not running DLLs; either the machine is in an invalid state or we couldn't update the recorded state, dwRet = 32[gle=0x00000020]
    2013-03-29 16:40:07, Error      [0x0f00a8] SYSPRP WinMain:Hit failure while processing sysprep cleanup providers; hr = 0x80070020[gle=0x00000020]
    2013-03-29 16:48:52, Info       [0x0f004c] SYSPRP WaitThread:Exiting spawned waiting thread
    2013-03-29 16:48:52, Info       [0x0f0059] SYSPRP ScreenSaver:Screen saver was originally disabled, leaving it disabled
    2013-03-29 16:48:52, Info       [0x0f0052] SYSPRP Shutting down SysPrep log
    2013-03-29 16:48:52, Info       [0x0f004d] SYSPRP The time is now 2013-03-29 16:48:52

    This is typical of an OEM license issue.
    To avoid this in the future you should look at site/volume licensing.
    so, first check if you can re-arm by runing the
    slmgr.vbs /dlv and check the re-arm counter, if it set to zero.. you need to do the following : (set the <SkipRearm>1</SkipRearm> like in the example, note: this option will make the product key window to appear in the setup process).
    you can also try running : slmgr.vbs -rearm, to rearm Windows.
    after that, let's come back to the sysprep process.. for syspreping already syspreped machine we have to change few keys in the registry :
    After done with the registry, do the following :
    Start -> Run : msdtc -uninstall (wait few seconds)
    Start -> Run : msdtc -install (wait few seconds)
    Restart the machine
    Check the registry for the right registry keys values
    sysprep with the new XML answerfile.
    Source: Olegm
    If you find my information useful, please rate it. :-)

  • Please help: Case Statement - ORA-01722: invalid number Error

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to use Case statement to recode Cancelled statuses into two groups
    'Reject' if the difference between first date and last date is less than 29 and
    'Accept' if the difference between first date and last date is greater than 30
    Here is my 'test' data:
    Transfer     10/08/2011     10/09/2011
    Mover     10/08/2011     15/09/2011
    Cancel     10/08/2011     16/09/2011
    Cancel     10/08/2011     5/09/2011
    Here is the syntax
    select a.*,
    (CASE WHEN a.STATUS ='Cancel' THEN (round(a.LAST_DATE-a.FIRST_DATE))
    ELSE 0
    (CASE WHEN 'CAN_DAYS' >29 THEN 'Reject'
    WHEN 'CAN_DAYS' <30 THEN 'Accept'
    END) Reject_Accept
    from test a
    The first CASE statement works fine and gives me this
    Transfer     10/08/2011     10/09/2011     0
    Mover     10/08/2011     15/09/2011     0
    Cancel     10/08/2011     16/09/2011     37
    Cancel     10/08/2011     5/09/2011     26
    but the second CASE produces ORA-01722: invalid number Error. It is something to do with the CAN_DAYS data type, Oracle doesn't see it as Numeric i think.
    The result i want to see would be
    STATUS     FIRST_DATE     LAST_DATE     CAN_DAYS Reject_Accept
    Transfer     10/08/2011     10/09/2011     0
    Mover     10/08/2011     15/09/2011     0
    Cancel     10/08/2011     16/09/2011     37 Accept
    Cancel     10/08/2011     5/09/2011     26 Reject
    Could someone please help me to fix the syntax?
    Thank you in advance,

    This seems to give you your desired results...
    with test as
      ( select 'Transfer' as status, to_date('10/08/2011') as first_date, to_date('10/09/2011') as last_date  from dual union all
        select 'Mover'             , to_date('10/08/2011')              , to_date('15/09/2011')               from dual union all
        select 'Cancel'            , to_date('10/08/2011')              , to_date('16/09/2011')               from dual union all
        select 'Cancel'            , to_date('10/08/2011')              , to_date('05/09/2011')               from dual
    select  status
         ,  first_date
         ,  last_date
         ,  CAN_DAYS
         ,  CASE
              WHEN CAN_DAYS =   0 THEN NULL
              WHEN CAN_DAYS <  30 THEN 'Reject'
              WHEN CAN_DAYS >= 30 THEN 'Accept'
            END  Reject_Accept
      from  ( select  status
                   ,  first_date
                   ,  last_date
                   ,  CASE
                        WHEN STATUS ='Cancel' THEN round(LAST_DATE-FIRST_DATE)
                        ELSE 0
                      END  CAN_DAYS
                from  test

  • I am getting "ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement"  error.?

    I did installed oracle 11gR2. and used "DBMS_METADATA_DIFF.COMPARE_ALTER('TABLE','TBL_A','TBL_A','USER1','USER2')"   to see the result like below,  but I am getting "ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement"  error.   Any idea?
    I am using:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> desc user1.tbl_a
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    FIELD_A1                                  NOT NULL NUMBER
    FIELD_A2                                           VARCHAR2(20)
    FIELD_A4                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(5,2)
    FIELD_A5                                           VARCHAR2(10)
    FIELD_A6                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(2)
    SQL> desc user2.tbl_a
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    FIELD_A1                                  NOT NULL NUMBER
    FIELD_A2                                           VARCHAR2(50)
    FIELD_A3                                           DATE
    FIELD_A4                                           NUMBER(5,2)
    FIELD_A5                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
    SQL> select dbms_metadata_diff.compare_alter('TABLE','TBL_A','TBL_A','USER1','USER2') from dual
    expected result:

    Thanks for reply rp,
    I got result using "select dbms_metadata_diff.compare_alter('TABLE','TBL_A','TBL_A','USER1','USER2') from dual"

  • ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement Error while Executing Procedure

    I am trying to execute following procedure through java code, but i am getting ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement error.
    Procedure is :
    (vResult out int)
    vCardId varchar2(16);
    vForacid varchar2(16);
    vApp_Entry_No varchar2(10);
    vSrNo number(6);
    vCardStatus char(1);
    vCardStat char(2);
    vExpiryDate date;
    Cursor cardCur1 is
    select u.card_number,trim(u.ACCOUNT_NUMBER),u.CARD_STATUS,to_char(u.EXPIRY_DATE,'dd-MM-yyyy')
    FROM DailyCardData u
    where default_indicator='1'
    and isprocessed = 'N'
    order by expiry_date;
    vSrNo := 0;
    vResult := 0;
    open cardCur1;
    fetch cardCur1 into vCardId,vForacid,vCardStat,vExpiryDate;
    if cardCur1%NOTFOUND then
    end if;
    if (vCardStat != null) then
    vCardStatus := 'H';
    elsif (vExpiryDate <= sysdate) then
    vCardStatus := 'E';
    vCardStatus := null;
    end if;
    select a.app_entry_no into vApp_Entry_No from Application a,ApplicationLinkedAccounts l
    where l.foracid = vForacid and l.AcSrNo = '1'
    and a.app_entry_no = l.app_entry_no
    and a.cardid is null
    update Application set CardId = vCardId,
    Card_Status = vCardStatus,APPLICATIONPROCESSEDFLAG = 'Y',
    where App_Entry_No = vApp_Entry_No;
    update DailyCardData set isprocessed = 'Y',app_entry_no = vApp_Entry_No
    where card_number = vCardId;
    end Loop;
    close cardCur1;
    vResult := 1;
    Can any body help me in that?
    Thank You,

    First of all I don't see a procedure header.
    Secondly I see you commit inside your procedure. This is a bug.
    Thirdly I see you also commit inside a loop. This is also a bug, and needs to be removed asap.
    The error indicates a statement doesn't parse. As you don't post the error stack, nor a table definition no one can reproduce the problem.
    You need to isolate the statements, one by one, and run them through sql*plus to see what happens.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

  • Invalid state in SQL query for a function that was created with no errors.

    2 IS
    4 BEGIN
    5 IF (in_start1 BETWEEN in_start2 AND in_end2 OR in_end1 BETWEEN in_start2 AND in_end2 OR in_start2 BETWEEN in_start1 AND in_end1) THEN
    6 RETURN 0;
    7 ELSE
    8 RETURN 1;
    9 END IF;
    10 END;
    11 /
    Function created.
    SQL> show errors;
    No errors.
    SQL> SELECT * FROM tbl where overlaps(current_time,current_time+1,current_time-1,current_time+2) = 0;
    SELECT * FROM tbl where overlaps(current_time,current_time+1,current_time-1,current_time+2) = 0
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06575: Package or function OVERLAPS is in an invalid state
    I do not understand why overlaps is returned as in invalid state in the query, when it was created with no errors earlier. Could anyone help me?

    Looking at the logic you are trying to create it looks like you are looking for overlapping time periods.
    Consider two date/time ranges:
    Range 1 : T1 - T2
    Range 2 : T3 - T4
    Do they overlap?
    1) No: T1 < T4 (TRUE)  T2 > T3 (FALSE)
    T1 --- T2
               T3 --- T4
    2) Yes: T1 < T4 (TRUE)  T2 > T3 (TRUE)
    T1 ---------- T2
               T3 --- T4
    3) Yes: T1 < T4 (TRUE)  T2 > T3 (TRUE)
    T1 -------------------- T2
               T3 --- T4
    4) Yes: T1 < T4 (TRUE)  T2 > T3 (TRUE)
                   T1 ----- T2
               T3 --- T4
    5) Yes: T1 < T4 (TRUE)  T2 > T3 (TRUE)
               T1 --- T2
           T3 ------------ T4
    5) No: T1 < T4 (FALSE) T2 > T3 (TRUE)
                    T1 --- T2
           T3 --- T4Answer: Yes they overlap if:
    T1 < T4 AND T2 > T3
    So you can code the logic in your SQL as simply:
    SELECT *
    FROM tbl
    WHERE range1_start < range2_end
    AND    range_1_end > range2_startIf you go around implementing PL/SQL functions for simple logic that can be achieved in SQL alone then you cause context switching between the SQL and PL/SQL engines which degrades performance. Wherever possible stick to just SQL and only use PL/SQL if absolutely necessary.

  • Invalid cursor state error while executing the prepared statement

    hai friends,
    following code showing the invalid cursor state error while executing the second prepared statement.
    pls anyone help me
    String query = "select * from order_particulars where order_no=" + orderno + " order by sno";             psmt1 = conEntry.prepareStatement(query, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);             rs1 = psmt1.executeQuery();             rs1.last();             intRowCount = rs1.getRow();             particularsdata = new Object[intRowCount][6];             rs1.beforeFirst();             if (intRowCount >= 1) {                 for (int i = 0;; i++) {                     particularsdata[0] = i + 1;
    particularsdata[i][1] = rs1.getString(3);
    particularsdata[i][2] = Double.parseDouble(rs1.getString(4));
    query = "SELECT sum(delqty) FROM billdetails,billparticulars WHERE order_no= " + orderno + " and " +
    "billdetails.bill_no = billparticulars.bill_no GROUP BY particulars ORDER BY sno";
    psmt1 = conEntry.prepareStatement(query, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
    rs1 = psmt1.executeQuery(); //error showing while executing this line

    Also .. Why using arrays instead of collections? Shifting the cursor all the way forth and back to get the count is fairly terrible.
    With regard to the problem: either there's a nasty bug in the JDBC driver used, or you actually aren't running the compiled class version of the posted code.

  • Invalid Number Error in Merge Statement

    Hi all.
    I got an invalid number error in the following merge statement, but I don't know why. Maybe you can give me a hint.
    MERGE INTO wam_table
    USING (SELECT * FROM wam_table) b
    ON (b.username = 'user'
    AND b.mod = 'module'
    AND b.trimester = '1')
    UPDATE SET as = '1', ad = '1', co = '1', pr = '1', date = localtimestamp, lus = 'username'
    INSERT VALUES ('user','module','1','1','1','1','1', localtimestamp, 'username');
    The invalid number error appears in the first line, but I don't know why?

    UPDATE SET as = '1', ad = '1', co = '1', pr = '1', date = localtimestamp, lus = 'username'SELECT * FROM sys.v_$reserved_words;
    SQL> create table test1(as varchar2(10));
    create table test1(as varchar2(10))
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
    SQL> create table test1(sno number, date date);
    create table test1(sno number, date date)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
    SQL> create table test1("as" varchar2(10));
    Table created.
    SQL> create table test2(sno number, "date" date);
    Table created.
    SQL> desc test1
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    as                                                 VARCHAR2(10)
    SQL> desc test2
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    SNO                                                NUMBER
    date                                               DATE

  • Simple CQL query error - Invalid statement: select one from inputChannel

    I am new to oracle cep, I wrote a simple query....
    "select * from inputChannel RETAIN 5 EVENTS" but some how it shows the error as .
    Invalid statement: "select one from >>inputChannel RETAIN<< 5 EVENTS"
    Cause: generic syntax error
    Action: The syntax expects '[', as, match_recognize, xmltable, end-of-file, ')', ',', where, group,
    having, order, left, right, partition, on, primary token
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Oracle CEP CQL Reference :
    Also you can check the other documents about Oracle CEP at : .

  • How to find invalid statements(not syntax error) executed using v$ views

    I want find invalid statements(not syntax error statements) that executed, when some of the applications runs in the server,
    for eg: permissions denied, table/view doesn't exit .. etc
    I could not able to find it in v$sql views. is there any other view that gives this information?

    V$ views only contain parsed statements, not incorrect ones.

Maybe you are looking for